Thomas and Joan Gosier, married May 28, 2000, have been married nearly 8 years. CONGRATULATIONS!
The Gosier's are the founders of HBCU kidz, Inc. and have recently launched a black parenting site called BlackParentConnect.com. Their site seeks to uplift, celebrate and value children of color.
I found an interesting blog on Rachel's Tavern (Rachel is herself a sociology professor). In this blog, she cites studies from Qian 1997 and Kalmijn 1993 that indicate that white men in marriages with black women, on average, have less education than black men married to black women. Here is what she says (note the part in bold):
"Demographic studies have found that Black women/White men marriages tend to be exceptional when it comes to educational status. Black women are more likely than other groups of women to marry someone with less education when they marry intraracially or interracially (Kalmijn 1993, Qian 1997). What is even more interesting is that Black women in interracial relationships are even more likely to marry a less educated man than Black women in same race relationships. This trend is even more striking given White men’s higher average levels of education and income (Qian 1997, Kalmijn 1993). Rational choice theorists could argue that Black women more than any other group must trade higher levels of education since both their gender and race are perceived as lower than that of White men. This could also mean that only the highest status Black women could have interracial marital opportunities."
I find these studies quite ironic since the Something New Crew constantly claim the need to date and marry white men and other non-black men due to the notion that there are not enough black men at their education level. But how is this solved when you are marrying white men who are at an even lower education level than the black men available to you?
I must say, out of all of the black women that I know of who are married or dating white men, this has never been the case. I'm not saying that it can't happen with others, but this doesn't happen in my circle of friends/associates. I think you're doing yourself a disservice by marrying or dating someone who isn't up to par or "equally yolked" with you, no matter what the race is.
That was very interesting.
I think I believe that. Then again we have to factor in that alot of black women date outside of their race later on in life.
Also the white man they may be with might have been divorced which could limit his income.
Me personally I hardly see "Professional white men" with the average black woman unless she is extremely intelligent and attractive.
The standards are really high. So I believe this post 100 percent.
Thanks for the interesting spin on the stats!
Black women kill me with this education and financial BS. I work on a job where I am the only Black Computer tech. None of us make a lot money, but I am the only man who isn't married. These guys have wives who are attractive and successful. It seems like Black women are the ONLY ones stuck on what a man has as long as he isn't Black.
I separated myself from American women especially Afro American women, because they freaking nuts. Heck I think Afro American women are the main ones in this country who gold dig Black men. I remember going out on dates with Black women. After I took the young lady to dinner (Gladstones or Outback Steakhouse for the FIRST date), and to a movie, the Black lady still wanted cash money. These chick act like prostitutes towards Black men, and they can't figure out why Black men call them hos.
I agree with this article, because I notice how Black women treat non-Black men. Black women are satisfied with a non-Black man even if he takes them Burger King on the first date using coupons, but a damn a Black man take a Black woman to anything less than Outback steakhouse on a first date.
This moron Medevevil2036 said:
separated myself from American women especially Afro American women, because they freaking nuts. Heck I think Afro American women are the main ones in this country who gold dig Black men. I remember going out on dates with Black women. After I took the young lady to dinner (Gladstones or Outback Steakhouse for the FIRST date), and to a movie, the Black lady still wanted cash money. These chick act like prostitutes towards Black men, and they can't figure out why Black men call them hos.
Brought to you by yet another damaged beyond repair jailbait Black man. Get a life. And a job.
The Moron in your blog name is correct! What type of man takes a woman to outback steakhouse on the first date, and what caliber of woman would ask a man for cash on first date, 2nd, 3rd or any date for that matter. Exactly what kind of women are you dating, don't make the mistake of generalizing the ghetto babes you're dating in the same barrel as all Black women. Who makes such an idiotic statement. Maybe if you were capable of dating a woman with class, you wouldn't constantly wind up with cash beggin gold diggers! You date a woman with low class and the reaction you will get will be one of No Class! Maybe you need to check yourself, because the problem isn't Black women, its the ones who You Yourself chooses to date!
It makes one feel good to see so many Black couples together. Really puts a warm feeling in your heart!
All the botox, butt implants, fake boobs and wrinkle removers in the world pale in comparison to the attributes of the Black woman!
Black woman are the Salt of the Earth,there is none better on the face of the earth. They are the creation and foundation of all Black men. They are one of Yah/God's first born and no other can ever fill her place nor replicate the mold!
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