Continuing the analyses of black female inter-racial bloggers.
by Menelik Charles...London, England

There’s something about “Harry Potter”
That you all need to know
Evia and Sara’s blogs portrays a consistent contempt for white women which they show indirectly by attacking Black men who they assume desire them. However, they stop just short of racist verbal attacks as this might suggest envy on their part (commentators to their blogs are not so careful). So what’s a Black gal to do? Simple: have a friendly “white guy” called “Harry” to do the job for them! Here’s how it works: if a white man “bashes” white women then it won’t really constitute racist attacks but something akin to staggering personal insights! Please read what our alleged “white” friend, “Harry Potter” has to say about white women:
“sure, I don’t like white women…I don’t like fair skin, I don’t like freckles,
I don’t like red hair, I don’t like blond hair. But it seems as it is these
very traits in women that are considered the standard of beauty. I
can’t see a movie without the lead actress being a white blond…”
I don’t like red hair, I don’t like blond hair. But it seems as it is these
very traits in women that are considered the standard of beauty. I
can’t see a movie without the lead actress being a white blond…”
This is nothing but Stormfront-style racism, plain and simple! But let’s continue as “Harry” outlines “his” virtual mission statement:
“why spend my time bashing white women? Every group seems to
have websites, blogs, and forums bashing that group. However,
I have not seen one bashing white women. Why not?”
have websites, blogs, and forums bashing that group. However,
I have not seen one bashing white women. Why not?”
Can we be so sure that “Harry” has “never seen” a group “bashing” white women? Keep in mind that “his” blog is called “White Women Suck!” Well, there exists a similarly named blog “American Women Suck” ( run by a white man in which he bemoans the perceived injustices of feminism and female privilege. Might we assume he is talking about white women? Clearly, somebody is lying here, and ripping off someone else’s idea into the bargain!
Now read the following, if you will:
“for a long time I was completely fed up with the behaviour of women in general,
from the games they play, to their seemingly huge egos, and selfish behaviour.
then I realised it wasn’t women in general but white women in general”.
from the games they play, to their seemingly huge egos, and selfish behaviour.
then I realised it wasn’t women in general but white women in general”.
“Harry” identifies game playing, “huge egos” and selfishness as general ‘feminine’ behaviour. Fair enough: “he’s” had a life-time of personal relationships, and observations in which to confirm “his” worst suspicions regarding the female sex. Suddenly, however, and seemingly out of clear blue sky, “Harry” decides that all of these toxic traits pertain only to one group of women – white women! Something just doesn’t add up here!
I have read all of “Harry’s” blogs, and I’ve paid close attention to the issues “he” focuses on; who “he” offers support to, and especially those “he” takes sly digs at. Thus far, the ‘issues’ “Harry” deals with leads invariably to the racial vilification of white women. Those “he” typically offers moral support to are invariably Black women (especially those in inter-racial relationships with white men). And can you guess which race of men our ‘wizard friend’ takes sly little digs at? There is something about this ‘white boy’ that feels so utterly familiar!
“Harry potter” the boy wizard makes
the white man disappear
the white man disappear

How is it that an ‘investigator’ into the dominance of white women in the mass media, is unable to locate white men’s crystal-clear role in advancing this form of white supremacy? Is “he” blind? Is this why “his” righteous indignation isn’t directed at the real source of this racism against women of colour? If “Harry” is indeed wilfully unwilling to identify white men as the primary ‘enemy’ in the marginalisation of women of colour in the mass media, then are not his racist attacks against white women somewhat unjust? His blog promises “to speak the truth about white women”. But evidently only at the expense of not telling the truth about the role elite white males’ play in maintaining this state of affairs!
Sara is “Harry Potter”
It is not surprising that many BU bloggers are fooled into believing that “Harry Potter” is a white male, especially given “his” support of positions held by IR bloggers. Also, “Harry” is conveniently distanced from Black women insofar as “his” “preferred choice of women” are allegedly Asian. This is interesting because Sara has strongly advised Black women to “pursue” white men with the same vigour with which Asian women allegedly pursue them (surely, Asian babes are the ones being pursued!). Needless to say, when giving alleged examples of white women pursuing Black men with similar gusto, she roundly condemns them as “sluts”!You know, it really appears as though “Harry” and Sara share very similar concerns not least a hatred of white women and for Black men. They also have in common a remarkably similar phraseology and writing style. They are without doubt, the same person! What, however, throws BU bloggers off her trail is that “he” concentrates on racially harassing white women instead of Black men. Sara thus throws around enough red herrings to keep BU bloggers off her scent. But a leopard cannot change its spots, even if we do call it a pigeon! The reality she engineers bears very little resemblance to anything I know as truth! Perhaps she needs to stop confusing matters by pretending to be a racist “white man” when she already does a pretty good interpretation of one by merely being Sara!
To conclude, Sara is a liar and a charlatan whose once hope-filled, and probably, secret teen diaries have been ‘upgraded’ to hate-filled ‘adult’ blogs hidden behind assumed names and death-wish sentiments. Vengeance and hate are her calling cards! It is perhaps a little unfair, therefore, to wish her ill given how deeply unsuccessful she is already in life and love. Certainly, she was once deserving of a father’s love, and possibly even that of a gallant ‘Black Knight’. Unfortunately, however, she doubtless takes after her mother, a bitter, twisted harpy, and like her mother she will pay the price in romantic longing, and life-long loneliness.
Wow. It makes sense.
Great analysis.
Great Post
The contempt for white women these sellout black women bloggers have is amazing.
It doesn't help their cause at all. Your posts are always deep.
rocky, firstly i want to say i do not agree with you on your viewpoints. I don't understand why you were on white men who prefer black women leaving stupid comments for so long. I still remember you harassing bw on there. I did not agree with that. But in terms of Sara, all i will say is she obviously still wants a black man. its evident because that's all she talks about, but in terms of everything else, i don't understand what you problem is. if you supposedly only care about the "something new," black women bashing bm, why were you on classical one's blog day in and day out, he never bashed bm. Do i sense some jealousy here?
You Black men envy and hate White men.There is nothing that White women have done that would make Black women envy her. But hello? Look at what White men have made-the Western world .
Black men could never ever duplicate within this entire Universe or all the other Galaxies known and unknown what the White men done. Keep on envying them.
Most of the White women Black men end up with are those the White men have trashed or don't want
They know that you Black men are there to pick up their garbage. Despite that. White man does not insult his woman. He is happy that someone is taking care of her and looking out for her as long as they don't hurt nor kill the White woman.Ex: OJ Simpson.
Most women especially Non Black ones around the world still believe that a White man is the best thing to have.
A few non Black women would settle for a Black man who is rich or a potential good provider. But believe me, a White man is Numero Uno.
I am married to a White man and once we were in Rome and a Filipino woman who was with a white man came up to me and practically praise me for being with my husband.
Check out Asian women and their white men.
You folks need to stop fooling yourselves believing that most women want a Black man.
Look at what the white man has done.
Yea I am proud of them losing their pensions and wealth in the stock market. Yea the mighty white man has a black president and he is giving away their money to social programs for minorities. Just to add insult to injury the mighty white man is losing his jobs to globalism (third world workers)
Yea we envy them alright. The white man does not insult his women. Yea I guess they don't call them Rosie O'Donnell.
Sorry if I don't see white man with overweight women. At least they don't take time out of their day to call you fat, they just ignore you!
You pussy, that is why black men is dating inter racially at a higher rate every year.
Your going to say "well these women " are this and that.
Shut the fuck up pussy; why don't you stop black men from getting women.
You can't do it that is why.
Go back to Rome pussy. I forgot you can't because your white man is worried about his money tanking in the stock market.
Good luck
Most women especially Non Black ones around the world still believe that a White man is the best thing to have.
A few non Black women would settle for a Black man who is rich or a potential good provider. But believe me, a White man is Numero Uno.--Anon
This is very true. White men are numero uno when it comes to women. In fact, I believe that white male worship is more intense and prevalent than white female worship. Why? The desire for white men is based on looks AND power. For white women, it is only looks and even that is because they are an "extention" of white men.
yeah sorry, LQ but white men still rule the world just because there is a half black president doesn't mean sh*t. Plus, it was largely white people who put him in office.
What the fuck are you talking about??
This country is deep in debt. China has bought most of the United States debt.
Yet, the white man rules everything??????????
Listen go read a fucking book. A matter of fact put on some lingerie and just whore yourself and never speak.
I can't stand stupid sellout black women.
Be with a white man, but just don't speak about shit you have no clue about.
The President is biracial, and most white people voted for him. Again, this shows how "numero uno" the white man is????????????
Good day
i also think black men are more obsessed with white men than black women are to be quite honest.i've known white men to express that bm date ww because they always do whatever white men do. how does that make you feel black men?
Listen go read a fucking book. A matter of fact put on some lingerie and just whore yourself and never speak.
I can't stand stupid sellout black women.
Be with a white man, but just don't speak about shit you have no clue about.
The President is biracial, and most white people voted for him. Again, this shows how "numero uno" the white man is????????????
Good day
why am i even wasting my time with you? actually i prefer black men, although not black men like you, but i do prefer black men. secondly, just because the us is in debt doesn't mean white men overall aren't holding it down moreso than bm, i don't say this to insult bm, its just the truth. Yes, china is coming up, but to compare the two groups white men still have more power/influence than bm. sorry.
Now let me get this right.
The black man dates white women because he does whatever the white man does.
I really don't think black men think about that when they are with a white woman.
Personally, there is nothing I find I want to mimic in white people.
When I look around I see white boys trying to copy black men. Dressing like us, listening to rap music.
God bless
The President is biracial, and most white people voted for him. Again, this shows how "numero uno" the white man is????????????--mlq
Obama would not have won if he hadn't put a "traditional" white anglo-saxon male on the ticket (Biden). Had whites not supported him, he would still be senator.
Lastly, the economy was great under Clinton(a white man).
I won't mention Bush (another white man).
We can bash white men all we like, but they have created free societies that we should be greatful to live in.
Dear Lori
Interesting theory. I think Obama wouldn't won without Michelle Obama. If Obama had a white wife it is no way in hell he would have won the presidency.
Joe Biden never put Obama over the top. It was always his "image" with Michelle that swayed people and his charisma.
I don't bash white men. I just don't worship them. I am not going into a history lesson. Watch the history channel about Barbarians. Then you can go back to kissing white ass.
If you say white man have accomplished many things. Yea raping, stealing, enslaving, and other deeds that allows them continue their white privilege, in that context, yea they were successful.
Listen anonymous I told you the mighty white man is about as influential as a flea on a moose. China dominates them.
A white man that works at Con Edison is no threat to black men.
You nappy head!
God bless
I'm just telling you some of the things white men have expressed. Things like black men want the white man's leftovers. Black men do whatever white men do. Black men treat their women like dogs. I've heard white men say all sorts of things like that about bm.
"A white man that works at Con Edison is no threat to black men.
You nappy head!"
yep, keep proving the white man right. yeah , i do have a nappy head and damn proud of it.
Since you are speaking for white men.
You tell them a black man does not want shit from you.
You could only be successful by being a pussy. Black people had to fight every step of the way to gain what they have.
I have no respect for a white boy born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
I am glad the economy is going downhill. Now you know how it feels when you get screwed in society. I laughed all day when Bernie Madoff took the life savings of those greedy people. Damn shame he got life in prison.
I will not even get into the foreclosure crisis that caused many middle black families and women to lose their homes.
Now their wickedness came back to haunt them. Now they white man is committing suicide for losing "everything".
The meek will inherit the earth.
God Bless
Since you are speaking for white men.
nope, not speaking for them. just telling you what i've heard. just thought you should know.
Well, good you heard that.
What is your point?
"You tell them a black man does not want shit from you.
You could only be successful by being a pussy. Black people had to fight every step of the way to gain what they have."
tell them that yourself. instead of bashing black women,why don't you grow some balls and stand up to "the white man," for once.
Why don't black men stand up to white men?
(scratching my head)
I don't even see white folks in my neighborhood. You can't stand up to cowardly people.
They got 911 on speed dial lol.
You can't be serious?
Listen, have the white man put red lip stick on you and a hockey jersey and have him move you to the suburbs with other white folks he is comfortable around.
God bless
"Listen, have the white man put red lip stick on you and a hockey jersey and have him move you to the suburbs with other white folks he is comfortable around.
God bless"
Sara is married to a black man she writes her Blog to help spread the word to black women that they have options in the dating world.
Yes, I read it can't say I always agree but whatever. As for black men and white women, I could really care less what they do, their not my concern!
Could I asked you a question? Why write this blog you seem to think it's okay to bash black women, and point us is a direction black men that seems to be in a limit supply.
I feel black women for the most part are moving on!
We don't bash black women.
Black women belong to us.
You better know what it is.
Anyway, shoutout to my man in London. Brickston what's happening!
Black women belong to us.--MLQ
That's a huge disappointment to me. I'd rather belong to Johnny Depp. I can always dream...
Mr. laurelton queens is delusional
That's a huge disappointment to me. I'd rather belong to Johnny Depp. I can always dream...
Do you really think Johnny Depp would be interested in you, LOL.
Lastly, the economy was great under Clinton(a white man).
Who ironically felt it necessary to kiss up to blacks when taking pride in being referred to as the "first black president".
Of course this was after he got caught doing something he shouldn't have.
.i've known white men to express that bm date ww because they always do whatever white men do. how does that make you feel black men?
If they believe this then they are stupid. I however don't believe White men believe this, angry Black women do. Angry Black women cannot get it through their thick numbskulls that they are not the only female group with Vaginas on this planet.
For the record
I don't dislike white men. I just put things into context here. If they are supposedly "numero uno" they need to fix the economy and bring back jobs.
Heavy is the crown who wears it. I was watching television the other day. They showed the Bachelor with the white boy and then I turned it to "Gangland" I think it was with LMG TN gang I think it was.
I realized something very disturbing. In my brain I couldn't associate anything good with being black. I felt like I was on a constant assault because I am a black male.
It is like the expectations are so low that it is sad. At the same time, it has worked to my advantage in the workplace. Relative to what I am paid this work is so easy a high school drop out could do it lol.
That is why I am bothered by the fact that black men that are progressive without having to be a black nationalist is overlooked.
I like those guys on Don't get me wrong the black nationalists serve a purpose. I just think they talk more than they do anything.
If we can't get out black children to finish high school or learn a trade. I am not going to sit here and say it is the white man's fault.
It's our fault and the father's fault if he ain't around.
That's just how I feel. Once black women go downhill we all go downhill.
You Black men envy and hate White men.There is nothing that White women have done that would make Black women envy her. But hello? Look at what White men have made-the Western world .
You are projecting your feelings on Black Men. You angry Black Women types are offended by the mere existence of White Women. White Men would not have "made" the western world if it were not for his White Mothers and Wives. Nor would have they "made" it if the Arabs, Hindus, and Chinese did not the keep the knowledge of the ancient, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans alive while European Whites suffered for 1000 years in Midievel Europe. Years dominated by war, death plagues, and witchcraft.
The one thing you small-minded sellout bed-wenches refuse to acknowledge is that human history is much older than the past 500 years. Go read about it.
Though I don't think history means much to a group of people who only care about what they can get for themselves today.
Most of the White women Black men end up with are those the White men have trashed or don't want
If those Black men would rather be with a "trashy" white women than you, what does that say about you?
That was funny.
You Black men envy and hate White men.There is nothing that White women have done that would make Black women envy her. But hello? Look at what White men have made-the Western world .
Black men could never ever duplicate within this entire Universe or all the other Galaxies known and unknown what the White men done. Keep on envying them.
Actually, if you look at any list of the worlds most influential women or any list of female inventors, easily 90-95% of the women will be white.
But I'll play along with your statement. The problem with your statement is that if/when hypothetically, a single group (white men) tend to be the first to do or create something, all other groups are left with few firsts to actually accomplish. Thus there is little or nothing left for white women to accomplish that would make black women envious. The question then becomes which group of women would create everything if there were no men on Earth? One could argue that it would be white women. But since white men exist, they monopolize all creative and inventiveness.
Now understand that I am simply humoring your notion of white male supremacy just to show the inherent flaws in your premise.
Most of the White women Black men end up with are those the White men have trashed or don't want
One can make the same argument about the black women white men end up with. I have actually posted a reference to a study that indicated that the white men black women marry tend to be less educated than the black men black women tend to marry.
They know that you Black men are there to pick up their garbage. Despite that. White man does not insult his woman. He is happy that someone is taking care of her and looking out for her as long as they don't hurt nor kill the White woman.Ex: OJ Simpson.
So are you saying that us black men should similarly be happy when white men pick up our "garbage" and take care of and look out for them?
Again, you guys talk about how the white man protects or doesn't insult his woman, yet you never substantiate this notion. I have, on the other hand, posted examples of white men NOT protecting and actually victimizing his women.
Most women especially Non Black ones around the world still believe that a White man is the best thing to have.
One can equally say that most men, especially Non black ones around the world still believe that a white woman is the best thing to have.
A few non Black women would settle for a Black man who is rich or a potential good provider. But believe me, a White man is Numero Uno.
One can equally say that a few non-black men would settle for a black woman who has physical beauty or is reasonably attractive, but believe me, a white woman is Numero Uno.
I am married to a White man and once we were in Rome and a Filipino woman who was with a white man came up to me and practically praise me for being with my husband.
I assume that you are a black woman and if you and your husband have sons, they will be black and thus will accomplish nothing due to their inferiority to pure white men.
Check out Asian women and their white men.
Yes, they seem to have more success in catching them than you do.
You folks need to stop fooling yourselves believing that most women want a Black man.
One can equally say for you and your cohorts to stop fooling yourselves believing that most men want a black woman.
That Asian woman comment was harsh. They have more luck getting the white man then you do.
We can bash white men all we like, but they have created free societies that we should be greatful to live in.
No one is bashing white men here.
And if not for his white woman, white men couldn't create more white men to continue creating these "free societies that we should be grateful to live in".
That Asian woman comment was harsh. They have more luck getting the white man then you do.
No luck involved, as it is the men doing the pursuing.
If you account for population size, the number of Asian Men/White Women and Black Men/ White Women couples are nearly even, yet the number of Asian Women/White Man couples vastly outnumber the number of Black Women/White Men couples.
Yet the SSC still talks of reciprocity.
Thank you, Rocky.
You said everything that I was trying to say, but better. I am multitasking (i.e. watching Basketball at the same time, LOL)
Everything that the SSC says can be turned against them, but for some reason, they don't realize it.
Do you know how insulting it is to be told that black women belong to black men?
While I can see your point, remember that the rest of the world sees it the way Mr. Queens does. So for better or for worse and whether you like it or not, you will always be considered an extension of Black Men. Which means you will be attributed Black Men failures, real and imagined.
You yourself on mutltiple occasions have attempted to "hurt" Black Men by pointing out our condition relative to White Men as if it is destiny. You have only exposed your ignorance of World History as our "condition" has only existed for 500 years of it. 500 years in which we managed to survive, which other groups have not (have you met any Aztecs or Incans lately?)
This means it would be a good idea for you to stop trying to point out every flaw in Black men, you are only further damaging yourself and other Black Women that you claim to care about. Black Men and the rest of the World knows that Black Men have problems. No amount of self-hatred is going to change that. No one, and especially no other group of males/men is looking to save you.
Not even Johnny Depp, as he is too busy banging supermodels.
Wrong lormarie.
If you hadn't censored out my comments on your blog, you would be free to post anything you like here. But payback is a bitch.
lormarie says she is only here to insult. Typical of the Something Screwed Crew. Pathetic.
At first I didn't like deleting the posts, but the more I think of it, they stomp around expecting people to reciprocate to them when what they really want is people to surrender to them and don't have open evironments on their boards.
I don't mind her expressing her views here and won't delete any more of her posts for now, but It just irks me that someone could be so hypocritical and delete very civil posts on her blog because they are opposing points of view, yet go to other blogs and feel free post what she wants.
You are projecting your feelings on Black Men. You angry Black Women types are offended by the mere existence of White Women. White Men would not have "made" the western world if it were not for his White Mothers and Wives. Nor would have they "made" it if the Arabs, Hindus, and Chinese did not the keep the knowledge of the ancient, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans alive while European Whites suffered for 1000 years in Midievel Europe. Years dominated by war, death plagues, and witchcraft.
and if not for black women, black men like clarence thomas, michael jordan would not be where they are today either. i disagree that ww would be the primary inventors, the first female self made millionaire was a black woman, the richest woman in the world is a black woman, black women on average make more than white women. Black women have literally been the backbone of this country, nursing, feeding and taking care of everyone else. we've made this society. black men too. the inventor of bungee jumping was a black woman, we've done out shit. also rocky, think most bw know that they're not the first choice for partners worldwide, nor are black men the first choice worldwide.
black men and women essentially have built this country. we seldom get our credit where our credit is due. the guy who invented the blood bank was black. the tuskeegee airmen, all these peoplpe are seldom spoken about. both black men and women have contributed tremendously to society and yet white men/women are still viewed as the top of the heap. yes, no matter how much a black man/woman has accomplished they are still viewed as less than a white man/woman, tragic but true.
That Asian woman comment was harsh. They have more luck getting the white man then you do
that comment wasn't harsh. it was just true. asian women are viewed as higher on the totem pole than black women. i know this and this is coming from a bw. doesn't mean they are better, its just society's f*cked up perception that makes them better.
Alot of These Anons don't do their homework. If you knew that the first Civilization was Ghana which was in the 7th century. They were still nomads in Europe. Plus it was in Ghana they had Universities that the Arabic came to.
Also they would know that it was the black Moors from Africa who came to Spain and created it's first Universities. Also do you know how many invention that African-Americans created but never got any credit for because they couldn't get any patents put in their name. So don't give me that shit about what white men have done. They wiped out others in their paths with disease and warfare.
Also Sara is married to a black man is a bunch of Bullshit. If she was she would be called Love and Spice with Sara. She would be talking about all relationships and wouldn't be doing post like Black Love is dead.
@Truth:Watch it now Johnny Depp is my favorite actor. In fact I'm watching him in Sweeney Todd as I write this.
I don't have a problem with Johnny Depp. 21 Jump Street (probably before your time) was one of my favorite shows growing up.
@ Black Unity Bloggers,
some people on here (i.e. Black women and white men disguised as Black women) are trying to drag you into a dog fight...don't take the bait people!
The purpose of my post was to look into the underlying psychological motives of IR bloggers and people like that non-sister who simply refuses to "seperate" from here and leave us alone!
But don't BU bloggers, I've got her me!
Menelik Charles
London England
ps "Harry Potter" IS Sara!
...oops, I meant to say don't worry!
@Truth:Watch it now Johnny Depp is my favorite actor. In fact I'm watching him in Sweeney Todd as I write this.--Raina
Johnny Depp always manages to look hot no matter what he wears. He was even hot in Edward Scissor Hands.
Also I doubt that Sara is married to a black man. She does not appear to be attracted to black men at all. I don't agree with everything she says, but I love the eye candy pics of men that she puts on her blog.
She's doing again folks lol Don't take the bait BU bloggers...lets stick to most of the issues discussed in the post if we can.
Man, I would hate to have the thoughts in some peoples heads lol
Menelik Charles
London England
Also I doubt that Sara is married to a black man. She does not appear to be attracted to black men at all. I don't agree with everything she says, but I love the eye candy pics of men that she puts on her blog.
sara was married to a black man, which indicates she was attracted to black men at some point or another and probably still is actually. why else would she always be talking about them whether it be negative or not?
@Lorimarie: Yes time 3 on Johnny Depp. :) Hell I went to see the Libertine and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory just because he was in it! XD
The difference between you Raina and Lormarie is that while she shares your attraction to Depp, she would not share your attraction to Keith Hamilton Cobb, as is evident by her non-response on that particular post compared to her quick response to your comment on Depp.
You see attractive men. She sees white men. It's a coon thang.
I don't have a problem with Johnny Depp. 21 Jump Street (probably before your time) was one of my favorite shows growing up.
I like Depp as an actor. I have no problem with any black woman finding him appealing. I likewise wouldn't expect any black woman to have a problem with me being attracted to Jennifer Garner.
LorMarie said "We can bash white men all we like, but they have created free societies that we should be greatful to live in".
The "free society" you speak was fought for and created by the your descendents, babe, or have you forgotten already?
African-Americans fought against slavery and they fought for the Union. They also created the Rights Movement which, as we know, created an awful lot more freedom for white women than for those who died in their peaceful pursuit of freedom!
Now why was that, LorMarie? Which race of men fought like hell to stop you being a self-loathing, Black-male baiting & stereotypical evil Black your good mother?
Yeah, white men are number one...and where are Black women amongst women, babe?
Celebrate that!
Menelik Charles
ps "Harry Potter" IS Sara!
I never said in my post that Black men were number one amongst men. Why should I say such a thing when white men determine "whose hot 'n' whose not".
I simply stated that Black men are the only group of men on the Planet who have a higher sex symbol status than their women. This is a fact even Sara in her "Harry Potter" guise alludes to in several of her posts...check them out for yourself!
Menelik Charles
ps oh, how I'd love to discuss issues relating to the post lol
@ Mr Laurelton
bro, you talking to me? I'm from London but not from Brixton lol
But hi all the same!
Jo Biden is an Irish Catholic, I believe. If so, he is not "a traditional Anglo-Saxon" but an Irish Celt.
You Black men envy and hate White men.There is nothing that White women have done that would make Black women envy her. But hello? Look at what White men have made-the Western world .
exactally what have Black Women brought us? besides weaves and stank attitude.
I likewise wouldn't expect any black woman to have a problem with me being attracted to Jennifer Garner.--Rocky
I always spoke out in favor of black men dating marrying white women. If black women don't like it, the problem is theirs. Why should I berate a black man for preferring white women and I don't prefer them (black men). That's hypocrisy.
Black-male baiting & stereotypical evil Black your good mother?--Charles
My evil mother? She's doesn't like the fact that I date out of my race nor would she approve of my views on separating from black men. Is she still evil?
Btw, are you aware that the ape character King Kong was based on black male sexuality?
These sellout black women are getting worse mentally.
What King Kong has to do with this topic?
No wonder white men don't marry them.
The point of this blog post is ... "Harry Potter" is a black woman! And everyone is duped. Either that, or he is one poor excuse for a bitchy-ass man.
But I need to hand it to Menelik ... he is pretty sharp. If "Harry" is truly a man, he keenly senses the big Bitch in him. But it is probably Sara, as he says.
lormarie said...
Why should I berate a black man for preferring white women and I don't prefer them (black men). That's hypocrisy.
For the same reason you reject comments from those whose blogs you insist on commenting on. That's hypocrisy to the most childish level.
What King Kong has to do with this topic?
It's just a lame attempt at throwing an insult at black men. Lormarie is an emo queen who likes to get attention by throwing tantrums. We've all met her kind before. She's the type of woman who dates white men because she knows she can bully them around and knows that the brothas don't play that.
ps oh, how I'd love to discuss issues relating to the post lol
It's hard to discuss anything with straw men constantly being thrown at you.
What King Kong has to do with this topic?
It's just a lame attempt at throwing an insult at black men.--Rocky
Wrong. The idiot with the accent mentioned my mother so I intentionally threw in the King King comment.
Lastly, white men are a lot more assertive with women than black men are. Note, I did not say aggressive, I said assertive. So your delusions about weak white men are just that. White men have historically never been weak. Why do you assume they are when dealing with black women?
Well, I intentionally struck a nerve here so I'll leave you all alone for now...LOL
goodbye bois.
What King Kong has to do with this topic?
Once again, lormarie in an attempt to hurt Black men only exposes her ignorance. Before King Kong, there was a film call "Ingagi".
Look it up and see what it says about Black Women sexuality. The success of "Ingagi" led the same company to invest in "King Kong".
Wrong. The idiot with the accent mentioned my mother so I intentionally threw in the King King comment.
And the reason for you making the comment changes the fact that it was a lame attempt at insult how? You seem quite confused.
Lastly, white men are a lot more assertive with women than black men are. Note, I did not say aggressive, I said assertive.
And if you truly understood the difference, you would have explained the difference when you made this assertion in the past.
So your delusions about weak white men are just that. White men have historically never been weak. Why do you assume they are when dealing with black women?
Never said white men were weak. I said that the ones who date black women tend to allow them to bully them around. It's sort of a masochist type thing you know? But keep on cooning.
Well, I intentionally struck a nerve here so I'll leave you all alone for now...LOL
Ha! You're definitely striking our funny bones, but that's it.
goodbye bois.
Later Ingagi, LOL.
Look it up and see what it says about Black Women sexuality. The success of "Ingagi" led the same company to invest in "King Kong".
She really puts her foot in her mouth doesn't she.
The girl still making crazy comments.
Anyway, got a meeting with Conference call at 10 P.M. I am sort of curious to see what the topics will be.
Anything involving nappy headed black women is always worth talking about.
Good day
"My evil mother? She's doesn't like the fact that I date out of my race nor would she approve of my views on separating from black men. Is she still evil?"
you tell me, dear, since she is allegedly opposed to everything you stand for...much like Mr Laurelton Queens who you describe as the "enemy" lol
LorMarie said: "The idiot with the accent mentioned my mother so I intentionally threw in the King King comment".
Wow, babe, "King Kong" is what white boys use to call me (as well as "ape") at my boarding school! Nice bit of bait there, babe. But i must decline the provocation. Sorry!
Yours Truly
Mighty Joe Young
London Zoo
Truth B Told.,
I had to come back and ask, are you the same one who made that foolish comment over on Evia's blog (domestic violence). If so, you can't be serious. Btw, you are really reaching with that whole "Ingagi" claim. I looked it up and saw no comparison of black women to what black men are viewed as. In fact, it appeared to be no more exploitive than the exploitation of white women (yes, white women had huge obstacles back then). The only difference between black female exploitation and white females is the added factor of race which makes the effects of exploitation a lot worse for black women. So in a sense, white women, black women, and Asian women (and Native American women) were all exploited and oppressed in some way shape or form. Sexual exploitation = subordination. The humiliating thing is, black men have been in the position of women as far as power goes. The black man generally could not and still cannot fight white or even Asian he attempts to compete with black women. How pathetic. Imagine what's going to happen when black misogynists are ideolgocally beaten by black women? They'll probably go for black children next. Hopefully, sensible black men will also separate from the negroes.
But thanks for giving me something to write about on my own black women empowerment blog.
Hmmm. So you cannot see them expressing on film the old notion that black women in Africa had sex with Gorillas?
The black man generally could not and still cannot fight white or even Asian he attempts to compete with black women. How pathetic.
Is that what you saw in your father?
Hopefully, sensible black men will also separate from the negroes.
They are. That is why you are still single.
Truth B Told.,
I had to come back and ask, are you the same one who made that foolish comment over on Evia's blog (domestic violence).
I have never posted on Evia's blog. I don't even think that Evia allows anyone to post, as she can't handle anyone disagreeing with her.
If so, you can't be serious. Btw, you are really reaching with that whole "Ingagi" claim. I looked it up and saw no comparison of black women to what black men are viewed as.
Then you need to do better research.
Sexual exploitation = subordination. The humiliating thing is, black men have been in the position of women as far as power goes.
Black men like your daddy? Besides, there are many White men who have been anally raped by Black men who would severely disagree with you. Victims are victims, I don't see why you continue to equate victimizing someone with power. Anyone can victimize anyone else under the appropriate conditions and the truth is, the mentally weakest need to victimize others in order to reaffirm their "strength".
The black man generally could not and still cannot fight white or even Asian men...
And I will eventually do a post on this, but Black Men and White Men and Asian Men are not in competition with each other as there are plenty of women to go around.
Women are the ones who are competing and that 70% rate is speaking volumes about Women such as yourself and your ability to compete with other women where it matters.
... so he attempts to compete with black women. How pathetic.
Remember, you came here, no one invited you here and you can leave at any time. You came specifically to cause trouble, so you are the one provoking things. Are you that desperate for attention?
Imagine what's going to happen when black misogynists are ideolgocally beaten by black women? They'll probably go for black children next. Hopefully, sensible black men will also separate from the negroes.
Sensible black men have already seperated from negroes such as yourself. Which is why you have to suck up to White men. Wake us up when one worth a damn puts a ring on your finger. If it makes you feel better, you could always make one up, like someone else we know.
rocky, firstly i want to say i do not agree with you on your viewpoints.
I don't expect you to.
I don't understand why you were on white men who prefer black women leaving stupid comments for so long.
I left intelligent comments. You must be confused.
I still remember you harassing bw on there. I did not agree with that.
You are still confused. I engaged them in civil debate.
Hi guys,
here's a question I asked her for the second time elsewhere which she has yet to answer:
"Anyway, so you never got on with your mother, yeah?. Care/dare to elaborate?"
I also asked why she felt it necessary to empathise with a white racist British man bemoaning the alleged neglect of white-British boys in comparison to Black boys.
She virtually denied any such contact until I mentioned the gentleman in questions blog in which she very frequently comments!
Funny how she doesn't appear to feel emotionally or ideologically "seperate" from white MALE concerns, folks...even those as far afield as England lol
But there's an awful lot more our Nazi-friendly mammy is holding back, I can tell you!
Anyway, if you're reading this LorMarie the question was:
"So you never got on with your mother, yeah?. Care/dare to elaborate?"
Menlik Charles
"This is very true. White men are numero uno when it comes to women. In fact, I believe that white male worship is more intense and prevalent than white female worship."
this is a good point and proves that the White Women Suck blog is full of shit since it claims that white womean worship is wrong and needs to be stopped.
Who is a white man - as the author claims to be - to try to destroy white woman worship when he doesn't want white man worship to cease as well? Isn't that selfish and arrogant?- something they accuse white women of being.
The men, including the ones who I am certain actually are white men, who are on that blog seem to resent white women dating outside of the white race (they go on and on about all the supposed whorish white women who sleep with black men ignoring the fact that is a minority of white women who date or marry outside of their race) yet they want all women to desire white men above all men. They want to be able to date / marry non white women and they want white women to give a shit and feel bad about it. Then they complain about the women who do express distate.
It seems to me some people are not happy unless they can surround themselves with negative drama.
Undoubtedly some white women do resent white men in IRs and give nasty looks to them and the women they are with, but no more so than black women who feel bad when black men date white women, or Indian girls who get angry when indian men date white women, etc.
And not all of any of those kinds of women react badly when they see women of other races with their men; I think the people who see the negative reactions ALL the time and ONLY see them are projecting their own mindset on to other people. Meaning those women / men are the ones who harbor hostilities of their own. I am not saying that they are always imagining it, but if that is ALL they see, then they are.
I don't care who dates whom, when I see a happy couple of any kind, it makes me happy. But I think that people who do date outside of their race should carefully consider their motives for doing so and make sure there aren't any ulterior ones like "getting even" with the opposite sex of their own race.
Also I don't think black women belong to black men any more than black men belong to black women or white women belong to white men etc. We are all individuals and have the right to be with whomever we happen to love and makes us happy, regardless of color. But if we are with someone out of love, then there is no need to obsess about other people and who they love, is there?
Anyway, if you're reading this LorMarie the question was:
"So you never got on with your mother, yeah?. Care/dare to elaborate?"
Menlik Charles
Excellent Post.
are you there, babe? Got a question for ya...remember?
Menelik Charles
harry is pitting women against each other. he is trying to convince women that they are in competition for men when the truth is men are in competition for us! we do not need to prove how worthy we are of a good man. the whole who can cook, clean, F***, mother, and maintain youth the best is just a way to make us fight amongst ourselves. i guess it feeds his(and men who think like him) ego. last time i checked, a woman is more than what she can do in the kitchen/bedroom. real men find a woman who is a companion and they love her even if she bleaches their favorite jeans or burns dinner now and again. im a pretty decent cook now, but in the early years we ate alot of pizza and we were thankful to be sharing it with each other. eventually i will age and so will he, and good willing, we will do it together.
maybe the potter club has not found love, not real love anyways. its not about what the other can do for you, its about the person they are. when you find that person they will have faults, and so will you, but they are worth getting past just to spend another day together.
truly worth reading by all
wow...just wow....i can't believe a man actually called a woman a pussy. and people defended that? lol i am seriouly at a loss for words...i've NEVER in my life heard a man directly call a woman a pussy. and this blog is sooo twisted....i'm so glad i've never been around men like you in my life-and god knows, i don't plan on ever being...i'm also glad i don't see the world the way you do...eesh...saying anything to someone as racist and hateful as you is pretty much pointless. have a good life.
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