of Black women Inter- racial bloggers
by Menelik Charles...London, England
by Menelik Charles...London, England
The idea that an ideology of white-male supremacy underpins the IR blogging of Sara and her ‘sisters’ is hardly news. However, Black Unity Bloggers (BU bloggers) often assume that IR bloggers actually believe in what they assert i.e. that white men are inherently superior to Black men. But as I’ve said elsewhere, they believe no such thing! Certainly, I can see how BU bloggers can miss this crucial fact; especially given how often they’re put on the defensive by the sheer unbridled racial viciousness of the attacks levelled against them.
The purpose of this post then is to help move BU bloggers away from mere defensive-counter-arguments, and towards subjecting the underlying motives of IR bloggers to a more penetrative analysis. This is necessary not least because it matters not one jot how righteous is the defence of the ‘Black-male image’ since the likes of Sara and Evia will continue to hate ‘n’ bait Black men until reality intervenes to direct these sad and desperate ‘sisters’ towards their predictably tragic ends.
Imagine if Jewish women sprouted anti-Semitic
attacks against Jewish men while promoting
Jewish female, German male unions
attacks against Jewish men while promoting
Jewish female, German male unions
So where might we begin our analysis? Let’s begin by asking ourselves a few questions. To begin with, how possible is it for women of one race to hate ‘n’ bait men of their own race, and then be able to form genuine loving relationships with men of an opposing race? Would it not strike you as odd, for example, if a tiny group of Jewish women launched internet-based anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish men, lauding the virtues of German men, while simultaneously promoting an ideology of Aryan-male supremacy? What could possibly compel Jewish women to call on other Jewish women to seek out intimate relations with German males? An imagined mass rejection by Jewish men in favour of blond-haired German frauleins?
One might wonder why this peculiar group of imaginary (!) Jewish females do not actively promote intimate relationships more generally across the racial and cultural spectrum; say between Jewish women and Black, Latino, Asian or Anglo-Saxon men. And why on earth should such women apparently choose to spew anti-Jewish male rhetoric, and underpin it with Nazi ideology? Because they couldn’t get a date?
If such a group of self-hating Jewish women existed, they would, in fact, have no alternative but to promote intimate relationships with Hitler’s racial heirs over other types of men as this would represents their only hope of sub-consciously:
(1) showing how deeply internalised is their own oppression as Jews, and how
alienated they are from a positive, life-affirming Jewish-group identity;
(2) showing, by dating German men, the extent to which such unions causes them
deep sense of distress despite outward shows of romantic “happiness”;
(3) showing the consequences of the ‘woman scorned syndrome’ (e.g. by forming anti-Semitic alliances with a common foe) if their deep-down desire for a Jewish lover or husband remains unfulfilled.
An additional point here is that ONLY a Jewish woman/German male configuration can provide this intensely enraged and emotionally disturbed group of imagined Jewish females with the necessary anti-Semitic ideology with which to send out intricately-coded distress signals for potential Jewish male ‘saviours’ to decipher. This sub-conscious, clandestine operation is so high risk that the likely response to it is a massive Jewish-male backlash resulting in a further vicious male-baiting by a now increasingly desperate and deranged Jewish-Nazi sisterhood. They may call their campaign one of “empowerment” but, in truth it is a tale of woe since they’re forever complaining about and baiting a group of men they claim they want nothing more to with (easy when you perceive yourself as being rejected by them!).
Back to reality
It’s fair to say that the situation of Jews, though similar to Blacks at various points in history, does not compare to Blacks at this point. No rundown of the current differences is necessary sufficed to say that Jews are white, well-to-do and religiously, morally, financially and militarily supported by every powerful nation-state in the world, including the US. Our reality, by contrast, is so steeped in “dreams differed”, assassinated (Black male) leaders, CIA drug-plots to destabilise Black communities (i.e. Black families), the loss of manufacturing jobs, and all manner of white-male instigated oppressions that would take individual essays merely to introduce the relevant topics, let alone to discuss them at length!So from problems alluded to but not discussed, there has emerged a conflict between Black men and women that is so perverse in its attempts to inflict pain and public humiliation that its akin to being forced to watch paedophilic porn at gunpoint! Indeed, it’s so wicked in its depth of malevolence that it almost transcends the notion of betrayal! Consider for example, how Sara and Evia represent the only racial group on the net (other than white supremacists) which draws so heavily and explicitly on both the ideology of white supremacy and its descriptive language of Black male “racial, intellectual and moral inferiority”! But how do they square this with the assertion of “Black female empowerment”?

Uniting white racist ideology with “black female empowerment”
First, to achieve unification between white-male racist ideology and so-called “Black female empowerment”, every social, political, economic and material factors impacting on the lives of Black people must be completely ignored by the IR bloggers; especially the social context of white-male instigated. Second, the consequences of these wilfully ignored factors are continually pored over and used as evidence of Black men being “damaged-beyond repair”. Black women, of course, are seen as “victims” - not of any of the factors referred to above but exclusively of Black men by Evia, Sara and their supporters.Clearly, IR bloggers take a near orgasmic delight in the Black male predicament (which they never acknowledge) and make constant references to its consequences. They therefore deny the causes but embrace the effects! Black men, they declare, are “damaged beyond repair”. Ok. But “damaged” by what or by whom? We are NEVER told. By contrast, any “damage” evident in Black women - from low self-esteem to single parenthood, is as a direct result of some “low or no value” Black male. Interestingly, not once does Sara or Evia speak of ever loving an African-American male! It’s as if (as Sara writes in the comments section on her “Black love is dead!” post) Black men are merely:
“downright over-sexed and sort of uncivilised – not
suitable to be life mates or even casual partners”.
suitable to be life mates or even casual partners”.
Naturally BU bloggers will react to comments like this with outrage. But stop! We only need to cite the words of slavery’s apologists, modern segregationists or some “maverick” white-male politician, to find exactly the same assertions made in reference to “innocent” Black females! I mean, is having children out of wedlock by one, two or more fathers evidence of sexual chastity, or suitability for life-long partnerships? Are not such Black women “uncivilised” and, from a man’s perspective, suitable only for “casual” sex?
IR bloggers are so consumed by self-hatred that only white racist ideology is sufficient to explain why they are patently unable to acquire a suitable Black “mate” or “even a casual partner” (e.g. because Black men are “uncivilised”). Indeed, they are so embittered that any sensitive Black male would be so unsettled by the aura of contempt which they typically convey (on the street, in the workplace, and at the club) that they’d run a country mile so as to avoid them! Thus, the fact that Black women may out-number Black men in the US, have more college degrees and jobs, is of little consequence here since these IR bloggers are, from the outset, “not suitable as life mates or even casual partners”!
Now here’s a stunning fact
This fact is the real source of their distress, and at some deep-unspoken level they are aware of this. Their blogs, therefore, are a confused manifestation of a primal desire for the very men 
Black men must, therefore, be destroyed if this disturbed group of women cannot possess them. And since white “damsels” - whom Black men have traditionally been warned against associating with by protective Black mothers, and rope-wielding white men, are now free to pursue “tall, dark and handsome men”, they too must be symbolically destroyed (or should that be lynched?). To achieve this symbolic twin-destruction, IR bloggers advocate what amounts to racist alliances (certainly more racist than ‘romantic’) with white men since this is the only means by which to gain the attention of Black men, and more significantly, to sub-consciously seek out a “Black Knight” (yes, a “Black Knight”!) to decode their feminine distress signals and rescue them from their awful plight!
To be continued...
Very interesting indeed.
Interesting indeed.
They talk about "dating the global village" but pay little to no attention to the billions of Asian, East Indian, Latino men, or even non African American Black men that form a majority of the world's men.
I dont who this Harry Potter person is but he is right on many points : I'm tired of seeing white blonde women as the lead in movies, I'm tired of the media trying to make me believe that Uma Thurman or Gwyneth Paltrow are the epitome of beauty... I'm tired of this hite supremacy
interesting post
yeah, if they were just about "not limiting their options" as they claim, then why are they limiting them? If they aren't limiting them, then they should be open to black men and other kinds of non white men, but instead they are limiting themselves to white men and chasing only white men to the exclusion of all other men.
anyway, for those of you who read the post from the anonymous commenter on my blog who dated one of them, I think he gives a pretty clear insight into the mental condition of many of those women, and it isn't pretty. he said he realised she was only interesting in his "whiteness" not in him, just his skin color. I think that pretty much says it all. - UNA
That post is one of the best pieces I have read in a long time.
It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. They keep bashing black men and white women until white jesus comes save them.
It sort of like looking the sky waiting for Haley's comet to come.
Also another thing I think it's interesting that the so called pedestal that white women have that they don't mention who put them there. If it wasn't them then who?...White men. Why? Because he wanted his power to be absolute so he put his woman as the center of beauty. This you will never here come out of their mouth.
who is that manalick charles person????pscholgist or someone????
I personally don't like when they bash ww since I've had many white female friends over the years. I do however think that you guys are making too much of a big deal out of those blogs. Evia and Halima speak the truth. I'd say they are best for reaching black women who are stuck in the loyalty to black men mode. No black woman should be loyal to black men. If she wants to date them, fine. She is under no obligation to be with AA men.
Evia and Halima speak the truth.
Their perverse version of it.
I'd say they are best for reaching black women who are stuck in the loyalty to black men mode.
And who is that? What intelligent Black woman out there doesn't already realize that she can date/sleep/marry whoever she wants? Why does an intelligent BW need Evia or Sara to tell them that? If a woman is not intelligent enough to realize that on her own, what good is she going to be to the man that she eventually hooks up with?
No black woman should be loyal to black men. If she wants to date them, fine. She is under no obligation to be with AA men.
Loyalty is one thing. Sara and Evia have gone past removing loyalty to out and out attempts to dehumanize Black men.
Here she goes again: I have not in anyway argued for Black women to stay loyal to Black men...that is effectively the IR bloggers argument which is why you/they are so angry, hostile and downright undatable!
If you would 1) go about your business quietly and leave the community alone or 2) come out into the open as a public movement and say your piece and take the plaudits or flak like other movements, I'd be more than happy!
But the point is that you just wont leave Black men alone and if you in particular would you would never comment on here!
Please seperate, be happy, babe, and leave Black men alone. Apparently we have made it clear that we "don't want" you, yeah?
Well, take a hint, please!!!
Menelik Charles
London England
The wonder why black women get "Chris Browned"
They are so quick to jump ship on "any man" black or white.
That is why I had to dump my lawyer girlfriend. Now she is struggling because the economy crashed and she can't get a job. She has 150,000 worth of student loans to pay back and she went to a third tier law school.
These sellout black girls can kick rocks. They claim the white man is so great so hasn't a white boy come out and defend you. His friends ridicule him.
It is not an accomplishment to have an unemployed white man like Halle Berry has that uses your money to play golf.
These sellout black women will pay for their disloyalty to black men.
You know, I've read both blogs, Evia's and Harry Potter's and I can't help but sense a deep selfishness on the part of both of them. Really self-centered, what's-in-it-for-me type people. Very bitter, jealous people who nurture and stoke their resentments and have no self-confidence but the images they see in magazines and on TV. Broken people ... I can't believe the 141 comments on the last post ... people that have nothing better to do than trash others. Oh, it's the "pedestal" ... yeah, right, next joke. Trashing white women has reached an orgasmic frenzy on that blog, LOL.
I feel very bad for Evia's husband who is just an object to her, a "white man" instead of a person she loves, and Harry Potter's wife (if "he" is truly a "he" ... I am having my doubts ... too much of a vicious bitch to be a "he" I'm afraid) ... and when I think about it, it doesn't really pan out ... most white men I know could care less about what color a woman is on a magazine cover or starring in the latest movie ... and they could care less about a blog like Harry's. But they are not whiney white liberals that are easily manipulated by guilt or fear ... big difference. Most of those Hollywood punk white men are just into the "latest trend" ... ooo, let me date a black woman. Maybe even marry her. How cool. How hip. How trendy. You can tell a person who is in love with the person, and you tell a person who is in love with the skin.
And most black women I know have an attitude that they are God's gift to men ... more power to them. May every woman feel like that, not in a proud, sickening way but in a way that says ... I am unique, I'm the only one on the planet like me and I have alot to offer a decent man ... I may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I will be the perfect fit for someone, and together we will make a happy life.
I think it's funny that ... the white women I know who are attracted to black men hated their fathers and the white men in their lives because of chauvinism, negligence or cruelty; and the Evia crowd says more or less the same thing about the black men in their lives and are attracted to white men because they believe they are everything the black man is not. Everyone thinks the grass is greener, and maybe it will be for a while because I think interracial couples (mostly black/white) work harder than the average couple at trying to make their relationship a success, seeing that there is opposition to their choice of partner. But eventually people are people; your character is more important than any skin tone. Sadly, "Harry aka Anonymous Black Woman" and Evia, nursing whatever wounds they may have, miss this important fact. "Harry/ABW" definitely suffers in the character department, and is an emotional mess; Evia ... I haven't read alot of her blog, but she definitely has a tone of objectifying white men ... like some white women objectify black men.
They have to trash white women to get a pat on the head from white men. They think their god's gift. Even when a white man says he is not interested in them because of the "black culture" they jump on him like he was hitler.
You would think the white boy committed a crime saying he is not interested in black women for a serious relationship.
If you were a white man you would get more respect if you fucked and dumped black women. At least they wouldn't call you racist because you had sex with them.
It is really bizarre mindset some of these sellout black women have.
One of the sellouts black girls said she has dated "several white men" and yet she still single.
Hardly any black women are stuck in any "loyalty to black men" mode. Many are stuck in "I am only interested in black men" mode. There is a big difference. The SSC doesn't want to acknowledge this because they want to convince people that black women are with black men out of obligation as opposed to being with them out of desire (which is the vast majority of the time).
Hi Rocky,
read your emails lol
Menelik Charles
But the point is that you just wont leave Black men alone and if you in particular would you would never comment on here!--Menalik
Here's what you and your ilk aren't understanding. The separation I believe in has nothing to do with avoiding black men. It simply means that they will not get any special treatment from me. The only time I "leave black men alone" is when it comes to dating/romance as I am generally not attracted to them. If you or anyone else takes that as hate, that's your problem.
We are not attracted to your ashy ass. So don't flatter yourself you nappy head. There is no separation it is you going to the white community and kissing white ass.
The black community disowned you. Now go wear your hockey jersey and ruby red lipstick and chat with the white soccer moms that "look down on you."
What the hell is wrong with these pathetic sellout black women. They want ride the white penis and want attention from black men too.
What the white man has "nothing to talk about". That what happens when you sell your soul for a place to sleep.
." Black men’s true crime in their eyes is that they are the only race of men on the planet deemed collectively more attractive, and sought after, than its females."
Historical record does not support the view above. What history shows is that white men had access (sometimes forced I will admit) to all women while black men were and are killed for even attempting to gain access to others. White women AND MEN are deemed the most desirable. What you all aren't understanding is that white male worship is a lot stronger than white female worship because of the added element of power along with light skin.
Also, your intepretation of the stats seems a bit askew. You look at the numbers of bm/ww couples being higher and you assume it's because black men are more desirable. If one feels that they are of an inferior quality, they will see the stats as you all do. On the other hand, those who place a high value on themselves will see them differently. For example:
I believe that the number of bw/wm couples are lower because black women generally prefer NOT to date outside of black men. Still, most black women I know only want to date black men. Over the years, more and more black women are opening up. As we can see, the numbers of bw/wm pairings are increasing. Since you all have low opinions of black women and probably blacks in general, you assume it's because black women aren't wanted by nonblack men. You don't take into consideration that bw are generally still interested in only dating black men. The self-hate that black men express is one of the reasons why I firmly believe in separating from them. It's not the main reason, but one of them, LOL. Who would want to be connected with a group of men who think that way? Not all black men are like this, but many are.
It is almost like you guys (here) are so insecure when it comes to white men. Not only do they have all the power, but they can take black women too. That was hypothetical but you get the picture.
Black men are deemed more desirable than black women? LOL. If it makes you feel better, you can have the desirability factor. But in this society, I'd much rather be a black woman than a black man. We have it easier when it comes to dealing with the police, jobs, less likely to be victims of racist hate crimes, less racist hostilities all together. Do you know what is coming down the pipe now? Black men are now being seen as a threat when it comes to Islamic terrorism. How do I know? I am politically active and I attend meetings of a well-known anti-terror organization where it was stated over and over again that black men are open to and aligning themselves with muslim radicals. Even in your England, one of the 7/7 bombers was a black man. When they think of black women, they speak of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a woman who speaks out against Islamic terror. See the difference, bw are seen as "safer" and more acceptable. I'm going off on a tangent, but I feel much safer as a black woman in the west than a black man. So go ahead and keep the so-called desirablity, LOL.
do you have a problem with your father, sweety?
I have listened to some of her points. She seems to forget that black people are 12 percent of the population. How the hell can you compare who is desirable when the country is run by white people.
If the media shows white women in TV shows, movies, and modeling. You would assume they are more desirable than black women.
That has recently changed because of BET, rap videos and some black magazines. Now the "big booty light skin girl" seems to be most desirable. Once again, black men making all of you popular than the white mainstream "starting to like that".
The rising of black women dating white men is happening but not to the degree black men date outside of their race. That still leads me to believe that non black men are not taking black women serious when it comes to marriage.
That is the ultimate goal at the end of the day.
As for your terrorism comments,they have been watching black men since the Civil Right Movement. So, what the hell are you rambling about. The FBI has been watching black leaders in particular since the country was founded.
Nat Turner must have been a terrorist when he led the largest slave rebellion.
Black women are not seen as safer. If we are considered terrorists who do you think the government thinks these black men are "living" with. I will answer that for you. BLACK WOMEN, so how the hell are you safe. You produce black children idiot.
Nice try Lormarie. Come better than that.
do you have a problem with your father, sweety?Menalik
My father is deceased. I got along much better with him than I did/do my mother. He taught me very valuable lessons about life. Even at his funeral, the speaker spoke of how I was "daddy's little girl." I look a lot like him too. Yup, lots of fond memories of daddy. My older brother and uncle are great guys as well.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can't use the father, brother, uncle tirade with me. LOL. Next?
Mr. Laurelton,
I've already written you off as a self-hating negro lunatic. We do nothing but laugh at you.
Btw, in my 35 years, a cop has never harassed me. In fact, I've gotten out of tickets I deserved. They smile and offer to help me.
Here's a story. Remember James Byrd, the black man who was killed in Texas? His killers went out and sought a black man to kill after being upset over a black woman showing up at a party the same night (among other things). The racist hate groups specifically target black males rather than black females. You guys are so into stats, show some that reveal black women are killed at the same rate black men are. Face it, men are generally the foes of other men...not the women so much.
Lastly Menalik,
With the way some black men are acting in England, I can see why the BNP are growing in popularity. Isn't knife crime out of control in your country? Aren't most of those crimes committed by black males? What you should do is write a post helping black men to help themselves instead of something so trivial as black women IR bloggers. They aren't the reason why Griffin and Collett are winning minds.
Dear lormarie
I am self hating??????
Your washing the feet of the white man like prayer service at church.
I don't smile at police giving me a ticket.
James Byrd didn't deserve to be killed period. I don't care what the reason is. Are you giving a defense as to why it should have happened?
Listen you sound like an idiot and ass kisser.
I really don't care how you feel about me.
Keep smiling and tap dancing. I bet you smile when white folks say to you "Lormarie why don't you smile more or can I touch your hair."
Get some self respect for yourself.
Good day.
." Black men’s true crime in their eyes is that they are the only race of men on the planet deemed collectively more attractive, and sought after, than its females."
As of 2006
- There are 286,000 BM/WW couples vs. 117,000 BW/WM couples.
- There are 34,000 BM/AW couples vs 6,000 BW/AM couples.
- There are 45,000 BM/Other couples vs 23,000 BW/Other couples
I know this what is really burning lormarie up. Notice how nasty she has become ever since this was posted? No matter how many failings of Black Men she can point out, the fact remains that the moment one decides to get married, he will have an easier time finding a spouse than she will. Her talks about Black mens inability to "compete" with other races of men is just a mirror of her own insecurities.
And yes, I am aware that some Black women prefer Black men only, but most women prefer men from their own race. I don't think that explains the nearly 2 to 1 difference across the board in IR for Black men vs Black women, nor does it completely explain the 70% single rate of Black Women.
And Black Women like lormarie can keep on pretending like they don't hear the "Don Imuses" of the world or the "Dog the Bounty Hunters" of the world. Call it more than a feeling when I say I believe that they are speaking on behalf of many White men, many, many more than lormarie is willing to believe exist.
It is almost like you guys (here) are so insecure when it comes to white men. Not only do they have all the power, but they can take black women too.
No you are just rambling and contradicting yourself. If White men have the power to take Black women and he hasn't it is either because
A) he doesn't have the power or
B) he doesn't want them
You can't have it both ways.
I've already written you off as a self-hating negro lunatic. We do nothing but laugh at you.
For you to write this about anybody is laughable. Instead I pity you more. No matter how many white men you screw, you will always be a Black woman.
Btw, in my 35 years, a cop has never harassed me. In fact, I've gotten out of tickets I deserved. They smile and offer to help me.
Then you are luckier than that 15 year old Black girl who got the crap beat out of her.
Here's a story. Remember James Byrd, the black man who was killed in Texas? His killers went out and sought a black man to kill after being upset over a black woman showing up at a party the same night (among other things). The racist hate groups specifically target black males rather than black females. You guys are so into stats, show some that reveal black women are killed at the same rate black men are. Face it, men are generally the foes of other men...not the women so much.
Killers go after anybody. Just like that woman who got shot in the New Jersey parking lot that you wrote about on your own blog.
Besides you just once again contradicted your own movement. If Black men are so likely to be the victims of violence as you gleefully point out, then most of the attention SHOULD be paid to saving Black men by the Black Organizations that you decry.
Even at his funeral, the speaker spoke of how I was "daddy's little girl." I look a lot like him too.
You look like a man? Maybe that is why you are so bitter and angry.
Yup, lots of fond memories of daddy. My older brother and uncle are great guys as well.
But the rest of the world may view them as potential terrorists.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can't use the father, brother, uncle tirade with me. LOL. Next?
Especially when you don't care about any of them.
@ Her,
girl, you post an awful lot more info on your blog than you care to remember! But I shall deal with you in due course I do so hope that go away and traet white men with the same contempt with which you treat Black men!
And as for the racist BNP, a group responsible for murdering Black boys, I am aware that you are very friendly with one on the internet...you are a delightful Black woman, you truly are!
But I've got ya covered, girl, and I wont take the bait!!!!
Menelik Charles
ps "Harry Potter" IS Sara!
imagine a Black woman celebrating the fact that Black are harassed,
discriminated against and murdred by white men!
And she claims she had a good relationship with her father and other male family but not with her mother?
Something doesn't add up her!
Why doesn't she then "seperate" from the IR bloggers who love Black men to the point of hate and jion up with a real daddy's girl like our young sista Raina?
Why is she on here pushing her aganda of Black male contempt, guys? It just doesn't add up.
It will soon though, I can assure you...she getting more and more provocative for a reason, guys lol
Menelik Charles
And as for the racist BNP, a group responsible for murdering Black boys, I am aware that you are very friendly with one on the internet...you are a delightful Black woman, you truly are!--Charles
Friendly with one? Care to ellaborate?
If Black men are so likely to be the victims of violence as you gleefully point out, then most of the attention SHOULD be paid to saving Black men by the Black Organizations that you decry.--Truth
The fact that more black men are victims of violence is beside the point when I take into consideration that black women are more likely to be victims of black men than men of other races. Hell, black men even kill each other more than they kill anyone else.
Black men need to fix black men, black women need to fix black women. Women should not be taking care of grown ass men as you seem to imply.
You look like a man? --Truth
I sure do look like my father...and proud of it.
"With the way some black men are acting in England, I can see why the BNP are growing in popularity. Isn't knife crime out of control in your country? Aren't most of those crimes committed by black males? What you should do is write a post helping black men to help themselves instead of something so trivial as black women IR bloggers. They aren't the reason why Griffin and Collett are winning minds".
no sweety, Griffin & Collett of the racist BNP are not currently concerned with what a tiny minority of Black male youth are doing in London! Their pet obsessions are white immigration from eastern Europe and British-born Pakistani Muslims!
Surely, since you fraternise with a white British nationalist on the net you should already no this, babe!
As for fixing the problems of Black males, well all I can say is that you have absolutely no idea what my training is, or what I do for a living!
Maybe you should stop empathising with your white racist ally at 21st Century British Nationalist about the plight of white-British boys and let white men sort out their own problems, babe!
You're a very healthy-minded, self-respecting African-American woman, aren't you, LorMarie?
Anyway, so you never got on with your mother, yeah?. Care/dare to elaborate?
Menelik Charles
ps IR bloggers are mostly made up of Black women with clearly apparent racial and mental health issues. These will not be resolved by projecting them on to Black males, let me assure you!
Now there's a clue as to what I do!
Oh yeah, Lee Barnes. I don't agree with many things he says, but he's a lot more civilized than you are.
Lastly, the IR bloggers are a breath of fresh air. You, this blog, and Laurelton Queens are the ones with mental health issues. It's ridiculous for you to even be worrying about IR blogs.
We got mental issues????????
Sellout black women speak on behalf of white men and convince themselves that white men want them!
AND I AM CRAZY??????????????
@ LorMarie
of course, again rather than answer any of my questions like why you won't leave white racist men to sort out their own problems with white boys, you prefer to throw straw men.
You also avoided answering this question babe:
"so you never got on with your mother, yeah?. Care/dare to elaborate?"
It's a civilised and simple enough question, LorMarie.
Menelik Charles
I am so not a black man hater. If anything some black men think we need to be destroyed.
You also avoided answering this question babe:
"so you never got on with your mother, yeah?. Care/dare to elaborate?"
Menelik Charles
ps RockNRoll some Black women feel that Black men need to be destroyed. But I concentrate on the many that don't feel this way, Sista.
I was at class today.
( I take a desktop publishing class)
Anyway, I see this flyer that said meeting for black women. The host is discussing "Why is black women hated".
I thought it was so profound that I read the flyer and then got in my car and left.
The flyer went into the standard indirectly blaming black man and rap music. If young black girls in a community college feel this way.
This can't be good for the future.
are you still there, babe? Got a question for ya, remember?
Menelik Charles
Wow, as a women who has a strong preference for black men but will date attractive (not just in the physical sense) non-black men, I find the level of vitriol against black women on this website to be seriously disturbing.
I mean, here folks (mainly men, I think) are raging against a bunch of black women who idolize white men but in their criticism they demonize black women. We are less attractive than other races of women, we are this, we are that. It is truly ironic, because if you substitute "black men" for "IR bloggers" and "black women" for "black men" it would be almost identical to the postings on IR blogs.
As for the statistics, since I did study statistics, and most of you folks seem not to have a clue how statistics work. The fact that more black men date outside their race than black women does not mean their are more desirable. You would need to do a separate study and isolate attractiveness. There is no evidence (outside of y'alls imagination) that black men being more attractive than black women is the causation for the particular statistics you cite.
Since you study statistics.
The study has nothing to do with attractiveness. I think the statistics cited who has a higher divorce rate.
A black woman said that black women with white men have a higher success rate when it comes to marriage.
Rocky and I disputed that. Black men don't pine over a black woman being more attractive than us. Your women, your supposed to be attractive. Preferably, than other races of women.
Since I am engaged to a black woman, I am not angry at a black woman. Some people never see what they do provoke black men like me.
They always beg for mercy after they go out of their way to bash black men publicly.
I don't apologize for shit.
The fact black men date outside of their race has to mean they are desired by other races of women.
What other conclusion can you come up with?
You tell me another reason and I will agree with you.
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