Are Ir black women victims
of unrequited love ?
Much of the pro-white male postings of IR Black women read like strangulated woes of unrequited love for Black men. Thus their ‘desire’ for white-male attention is not what it first appears. Please consider the following quotes from Traci, a New Yorker, who posted diary entries on her visit to Chicago over at CW’s blog “Black Women Deserve Better”. It read:Continuing the analyses of black female inter-racial bloggers.
by Menelik Charles...London, England
“I know that many Black women prefer Black men, but you MUST realise
that if a good non-Blackman wants to talk to you, talk to him, and date
him. Black men are not thinking about us Black women. They
are dating out and enjoying it. So why shouldn’t we?”
that if a good non-Blackman wants to talk to you, talk to him, and date
him. Black men are not thinking about us Black women. They
are dating out and enjoying it. So why shouldn’t we?”
Can we assume here that Traci is also one of the “many Black women who prefer Black men”? Anyway, unlike other self-appointed relationship counsellors, she’s actually following her own advice:
“change the attitude and you will see the results” that’s what I said in my last post to you. It’s so cold here in Chicago so the potential for meeting people is low. I decided to join a gym. Much to my surprise, the gym is like 98% white. A ton of white men! I decided to get a personal trainer, a man. Yes, he’s white, very nice looking as well!”
Ok, so the men are white but what is the point or objective of potentially meeting “tons of white men”? Traci continues:
“there are Black men personal trainers…and I’ve noticed I’ll talk to my
trainer and catch them staring at me. Why? I have no idea. I picked a
man, I didn’t specifically say a white man…so why the looks?”
trainer and catch them staring at me. Why? I have no idea. I picked a
man, I didn’t specifically say a white man…so why the looks?”
Why should Traci care a damn why Black men are “staring” at her? And besides, the only way one can confirm someone is staring at you is by staring back at them! But what might have started out as a glance may end up as a stare. So how can we be sure those Black men were actually staring at Tracy, and not at first merely glancing in her direction? Perhaps Tracy can answer this question:
“ChiTown is not as diverse as NYC but when I walk around
I do a lot of people watching. I look at what people
are looking, at and whose looking at whom”.
I do a lot of people watching. I look at what people
are looking, at and whose looking at whom”.
“Why the looks”, Tracy? Clearly, weight loss was not her primary objective at the gym. She set out to “catch” someone’s attention in much the same way the FBI set out to entrap America’s ‘most wanted’. But whose attention was this “people watching” sauce pot seeking to arouse? Again, Tracy can provide an answer:
“I’ve noticed white, Asian and Hispanic men check out Black women.
CW I don’t Know why some of us don’t think that we aren’t attractive”.
CW I don’t Know why some of us don’t think that we aren’t attractive”.
Perhaps Tracy doesn’t believe herself “attractive”. But here’s my point: She appears unwittingly to be instructing Black women (“who prefer Black men”) to seek out the social company of, for example, white men in order to attract the interest of “envious” Black men! If this was, indeed, the case then perhaps what she really meant by “change the attitude and see the results” was more like: change the tactics and see the results! Well, she certainly got a “result” at the gym, didn’t she?
Tracy’s white-male blues
Our Tracy’s alleged quest for a “White Knight” doesn’t stop at merely being a sidewalk ‘peeping Tom’. With fellow “Black female empowerment” seekers in tow she decides to hit the club. She writes:I went to a Blues club with a few friends. Of course, we were the only Black women in the place. Ok, so you may wonder why we decided to go to a Blues club when we knew we would be in a minority. Well, it’s about trying to get ourselves exposed to new things, and going to where they are. And by doing that, I am slowly conquering a few fears of mine…I feared that white men would look at us like we had the plague. In fact, white men are looking at us in an “I’d like to get to know you” sort of way”.
I am grateful Tracy avoided elaborating further on how she’d acquired her “fear” of socialising with white men, and so mercifully sparing us the wicked lie that Black men have sought to control Black women’s sexual ‘freedom’ by warning them off fraternising with white men. It’s simply a case of “Black women preferring Black men”, and that’s the long ‘n’ the short of it! At no time in 100s of years of African-American history have Black men had the power to prevent white men doing exactly as they pleased with Black women and young girls. This is not a theory legitimately open to IR bloggers revisionism: it is simply an historical fact!
‘Race memory’ and culture
More specifically to Tracy, it is not so much her feelings of unattractiveness to white men (in relation to white women?) that is the issue here. What was activated in Tracy’s mind was ‘race memory’ containing learned responses to events pertaining to a significant and/or frequent occurrence. It works like this: if you ask an Italian-American his name, or to speak in Italian, you are immediately ‘transported’ to Italy. Ask him about his peoples folklores and fears, and you are taken back centuries. In short, everything about the Italian cultural-experience is recorded in the ‘collective unconscious’ and passed down to future generations in America. So, an Italian-American will act like an Italian, despite never having visited Italy!Culture or syndrome?
Tracy, like all slavery-descended Africans, is not the product of cultural experiences. Psycho-social experiences, yes: but not cultural. My reasoning is centred around the definition of the term syndrome. This has been defined as: “Any combination of signs and symptoms that are
indicative of a particular disease or disorder;
or a symptom, or set of symptoms, indicating
the existence of a condition or problem”
indicative of a particular disease or disorder;
or a symptom, or set of symptoms, indicating
the existence of a condition or problem”
Can an enslaved people stripped of their heritage; used as sexual playthings, and breeding animals; bought and sold like animals; and who were then forced to ‘adopt’ the names, language, and religion of their enemies, truly be said to possess a culture? Do you know of a culture which is not only alien to those who ‘practice’ it but which was specifically created so as to engender an eternal sense of crisis within them? No such ‘culture’ could possibly exist if its sole objectives are to degrade, demoralize, and ultimately, to destroy those who ‘practice’ it! So, slavery was a psychological “condition”, a spiritual “disease”, a social “disorder”. It was a “problem”. It was not a culture! Oh, and ‘the Blues’ (a musical idiom born of Black misery not culture) is a colloquialism for the term ‘depression’ - which in turn is defined as a syndrome!
I ‘remember’ when you raped me
What is contained in the African-American female ‘collective unconscious’ are repressed ‘memories’ associated with centuries of sexual slavery. Tracy’s ‘race memory’, therefore, was activated by being around white men. But like many Black women, she fought against these troubling feelings by offering white men gestures of submission e.g. by excessive smiling, ‘laughing’ hysterically at their ‘jokes’, and/or permitting themselves to be sexually groped in public by white partners. Tracy, therefore, was certainly “open”…but to a past she has no literal memory of, and which continues to haunt her beyond the events in question. Indeed, a more thorough reading of her tour of the ‘Windy City’ would indicate she’d been a tad more “open” than she’s willing to let on lest it became common knowledge that she’s basically an “open” invitation to ‘Black pussy’ for contemporary white boys.You go girl!
You can’t Rape a willingly “open” pussy
However, problems emerge when white men regularly “fuck” the likes of Tracy, and then pass up on the possibility of a committed relationship with them. Their ‘race memory’ is then triggered leaving them feeling strangely dirty and used: like a rape victim. But rather than hit out at the symbolic ‘rapist’, they lash out instead at white men’s traditional ‘whipping boy’: Black men. The very group IR bloggers claim have “left them” or “do not want” them! Clearly, not many men do. But if all this is not a sub-conscious cry for help in a sea of racial self-loathing, and sexual humiliation, then I don’t know what is!Tracy diary entries about “opening” her “options” reads like the stuff of schoolgirl fantasy: she led the life, it would appear, of a minor socialite touring ChiTown; meeting care-free Caucasians (without a hint of colour prejudice or fetish) and generally sticking her nose in other people’s business! But before we move on from Tracy’s travels, let’s make one last visit to the club:
“Oh something I forgot to mention. At the Blues club we were sitting next to a white male/Black female couple. When the band began to play a really slow Blues song, a Brunette-white woman came out of nowhere and started dancing really seductively. Of course, all the men stopped, stared, and salivated. When her boyfriend came out to dance with her, a man looked at him and shouted “man, you know you’re gonna have good sex tonight!” The boyfriend agreed, and of course she giggled. But what I found interesting was that the white man we were sitting next to, turned around to our table and said loudly “see that’s why I don’t date white women… they’re sluts!” Turns out “boyfriend” had a wedding ring on and she didn’t, so you put two and two together”.
“Settling” for a white man
Though the validity of Tracy’s diary entries are questionable, the concerns are consistent with IR supporters e.g. her desire to arouse the attention of Black men, while ‘busy’ in the company of white men. This alludes to a little girl desperate for an absent father’s affections. As with all convoluted stories of love ‘n’ longing, there does appear a lurking issue of childhood abandonment in Tracy’s life. And as for her nasty little stab at white women, well, the words feminine envy springs to mind! Surely, in quieter moments, Tracy is aware that she has burnt her ‘bridges’ with Black men, and so will probably have to “settle” for a white man. But it really wasn’t supposed to end like this: indeed, “Black women deserve better”!The romantic & racial sour grapes
of the “legend” that is Evia Moore
The malevolent, racist-fantasy posting of IR bloggers knows no bounds, and no more is this the case than with its pioneer, Evia Moore. Below is a ruthlessly accurate summary of her muddled, and obsessive attempts to manufacture misrepresentations around her constant assertion that Black men “put Black women last” behind white, light, bi-racial and Latino women. Below she blows:of the “legend” that is Evia Moore
• I will declare the existence of a Black conspiracy to keep Black women and white men apart (even though no such plot has ever existed) so as to transform myself into ‘forbidden fruit’ for white men - because you put me last.
• I will ignore the fact that white men institutionalised the rape of Black women and girls for centuries while simultaneously instructing white women to keep her “options” limited to white men - because you put me last.
• I will ignore documented evidence that Black mothers and grandmothers conspired to keep Black males away from white females lest white men take umbrage and torture, jail or lynch them – because you put me last.
• I will declare that your casual or committed relationships with white, light, bi-racial or Latino females are expressions of your self-hatred and hatred of all dark-skinned Black women - because you put me last.
• I will suggest that only Black women and white men can have legitimate intimate or casual relationships with each other - because you put me last.
• I will organise armies of angry, emotionally disturbed Black women against you, and seek a separate identity from yours - because you put me last.
• I will instruct single-Black women with children from multiple Black fathers to seek out quality white men as lovers, husbands and step-fathers – because you put me last.
• I will form sentimental and ideological alliances with white-power groups who hate Black men above all men - because you put me last.
• I will distort every aspect of your reality and feed these misrepresentations right back at ya - because you put me last.
• I will not permit you the right to insert truth into anything I say about you without dismissing you as a troll - because you put me last.
• I will claim the mantle of American’s “most oppressed” but not of white America but of Black men in America - because you put me last.
• I am a strong, beautiful and successful Black woman and you are a damaged-beyond repair, low or no value, Black man - because you put me last.
“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!” Like Aesop’s fable of the fox that could not reach the grapes and consoled himself that they were sour anyway, Evia must forever abuse Black men since she has a phobic dread of a romantic reunion with one lest he abandons her for a white woman!
Sara’s advice to Black women
on how to get a Black man
This is the 2nd time Sara has made an appearance in this post. The first was in her “Harry Potter” alias. This time she’s fronting “Sara’s blog, Interracial love…” bemoaning the fact that Black men’s “stock” in the dating arena is greater than that of Black women. Below is some advice she offers Black women desperate for Black male attention in her post “looking for the Real Men”:on how to get a Black man
“Please wake up! Don’t ever look for a man who is not looking for you. If you really
want to raise your status in Black men eyes, start dating white men like they are going
out of style. If you want Black men to think you are desirable, and gorgeous, date a white man. If you want a Black man to change his attitude towards you, date a white
man. Black men want everything a white man has”.
want to raise your status in Black men eyes, start dating white men like they are going
out of style. If you want Black men to think you are desirable, and gorgeous, date a white man. If you want a Black man to change his attitude towards you, date a white
man. Black men want everything a white man has”.
And this “everything” Black men want includes white women, right? Well, it appears Sara wants at least one thing she perceive white women as possessing: Black men! But maybe I’ve spoken too soon. Let’s continue:
“the truth is that no man wants what they think no other man
wants. Especially Black men because they are a very envious
class of men. Now I’m not advocating that you use white men”.
wants. Especially Black men because they are a very envious
class of men. Now I’m not advocating that you use white men”.
Sara gives the sort of advice a woman might give to a friend attempting to get back with an ex-boyfriend, and then makes the bizarre claim that it doesn’t involve using unsuspecting white men as bait? Oh, really! But again, maybe I’ve spoken too soon. Read what amounts to Sara’s disclaimer:
“I believe once Black women start dating out, be courted, wined and dined
like you deserve, you will not be able to go back to being treated like a
sexual toilet. The ratio of Black women/white men will explode…”
like you deserve, you will not be able to go back to being treated like a
sexual toilet. The ratio of Black women/white men will explode…”
The ratio in comparison to what? Black men/white woman relationships? Must everything IR bloggers do revolve around what Black men are allegedly doing? Anyway, by dating white men, according to Sara, Black women will feel “protected and spoiled” and:
“not to mention for the first time ever, many of
you will have real fathers for your children!”
you will have real fathers for your children!”
White men rescuing Black women and children from the clutches of “envious” Black men? What next, a remake of Birth of a Nation with the damsel in distress played by Angela Bassett? Yes, I’m well aware of Sara’s nasty little digs at Black men in the quotes above but I won’t be taking the bait! You see, “opening options” for Sara really means resigning herself to her fate. But she’ll not go quietly into the night! She’ll lie and deny; kick and scream! She’ll pretend to ‘ache’ for white men as she imagines Black men ‘ache’ for white women. She’ll fill her blog with pictures of near-naked white men, and yet pack her post with talk of Black men. She’ll ‘rob’ Black men of their masculine ‘assets’ and award them to white men as compensation for their ‘masculine deficits’. Yes, Sara will do absolutely anything to get herself a white boy…my God, she has certainly earned one!
But will this stop the hating ‘n’ baiting of Black men? Never! You see, the extraordinary piece of advice she offers Black women – in which white men are used as fishing bait, is worthless for one simple reason: it didn’t work for her!
The Politics of Sour Grapes:
In their own convoluted way, IR bloggers are actually Black separatists e.g. they believe (and they indicate as much!) that Black men should only date, associate with, or marry Black women. Why? Because they simply “prefer Black men”. Moreover, Black men dating or marrying out, no matter how small the number, is felt by these women as a betrayal for several reasons outlined below:(1) it goes against hundreds of years of African-American matriarchal tradition i.e. the explicitly stated command to Black males from an early age, not to fraternise with white females of any age;
(2) it introduces unwelcome competition from white, light, bi-racial or Latino women who some Black women perceive as inherently more attractive than themselves, and who therefore pose a threat;
(3) it confirms these Black women’s worst fear that they are, indeed, less attractive than non-Black or part-Black women, and leaves them feeling a sense of racial, romantic and sexual rejection.
Why white men?
Taking into account the story thus far, it begins to make increasing sense why IR bloggers almost-exclusively promote relationships with white men over Latino or Asian men. Some of the reasons are as follows:(1) only relationships with white men can provide a supporting, and wide-ranging, racist ideology with which to attack the Black men who “reject” them;
(2) only a white racist ideology can explain the present condition of Black America as ‘evidence’ of Black male genetic inferiority in comparison to white men;
(3) only relationships with white men have the potential to alert intuitive Black men to the existential desperation of ‘ugly‘Black women and ‘rescue’ them.
Ultimately, IR bloggers are sub-consciously attempting to re-enact an unresolved traumatic period in African-American women’s history. They cannot achieve this without alluding to the power relations existing at that time. This clandestine task cannot be achieved via intimate relationships with Asian or Latino males. Therefore, only by ‘sleeping with the enemy’, and effectively forming racist unions, can they bring this matter to light, and to a potential resolution.
Unfortunately, they are unwilling to find common ground with BU bloggers such as Rocky, Una Persona or to any Black man attached to Black women because those Black women have something they haven’t! Therefore, they will never concede ‘defeat’ because to do so would hand ‘victory’ to Black men. So, like many ‘angry’ Black women, they will have the ‘last word’ - no matter what the cost!
For IR bloggers then, the politics of sour grapes goes something like this: Black men must always be wrong because they are ‘Mr Right’; white men must never be wrong because they can never be (quite) ‘Mr Right’. You see, for a number of reasons, there’s as much a perceived masculine ‘deficit’ in most white men as there is a perceived feminine ‘deficit in a significant number of Black women. Perhaps for this reason alone, they probably deserve one another!
This is sensational! sara & evia must be squirming reading this psychological expose!
Man this is some deep stuff! I want to say I dont agree but....Im not sure I dont.
MsRony said:
"Man this is some deep stuff! I want to say I dont agree but....Im not sure I dont".
Menelik says:
hi Ms, I'm not at all sure what you mean by your comments. Can you expoand on them please?
Menelik Charles
Hey everyone I posted about this on my own blog I still wanted people to see this:
Oh woe is me... nonblack women can have all the men they want but black women are stuck with black men...why do we get the short end of the stick, LOL.
why have you spent all of your time writing this rant when there are things far worse that affect your own black men? Here's what I see. Black men do not have the ammunition or confidence to fight white male supremacy. So they lash out to battle against black women. I guess that helps them to feel like men, fighting someone they feel is weaker. Honestly, it really does look ridiculous to worry about a few IR bloggers when you've got much bigger enemies to fight. Oh wait I forgot, you can't fight them.
Btw, how are things over in England? Is it true that young black men are at a higher risk for suicide over there? Is it true that crime among them is out of control? If so, don't you think that your time would be better spent helping your own black men rather than worrying about IR bloggers? Should you not be worried about the rampant racism against black men than IR bloggers? After all, I think that sisters over in England should be focusing on what's happening with sisters (racism, crime, etc.) than with what's happening with black men. Therefore, somebody's got to be looking out for black men right? Oh no, you are more worried about Evia and Sara. Is this typical of most black men, worrying about everyone else instead of their own problems? It sure seems like it.
Better watch out for the BNP! They'd much rather see white immigration than black.
I forgot, you're more afraid of IR blogs, LOL
This is sensational! sara & evia must be squirming reading this psychological expose!--ANON
Psychological expose? LOL. That's what this blog is. An expose of insecure men.
Oh Charles, I forgot. I got into a debate with a BNP member who claimed that there were no prominent black doctors who contributed greatly to medicine in the UK. That was the only point I could not respond to since I don't know much about Black Britain. Can you name some?
You avoid answering this question babe which I've now put to you four times:
"so you never got on with your mother, yeah?. Care/dare to elaborate?"
Menelik Charles
I never said that I didn't get along with my mother. I said I got along better with my father than my mother. He was an easy going guy who sometimes let me get away with things and my mother was a lot more strict (took no shit). We don't know each other so our families are none of each other's business if you think about it. That's like me asking you if you're mother explained why you had the mailman's eyes instead of your father's. So let's leave personal details out of it (that's my blogging policy). If you persist, let me warn you that you will only come out looking like more of an idiot than you already do.
How is it going in England? Why do black men generally avoid battles with white men instead attempting to pick on those they feel are weaker? I know why, but I'd love to hear your explanation.
Lastly Charles,
Can you write a psychological analysis of me next? So that I can pass it to friends and families to show them yet another person who I've angered (yes, I do this a lot).
And then one on yourself?
Black men do not have the ammunition or confidence to fight white male supremacy. So they lash out to battle against black women.
Nobody is lashing out against black women, people here are fighting White Male supremacy by exposing the motives of the Black women who support it.
And don't you have more important things to worry about than what Black Male Bloggers are blogging aobut?
Or does it drive you insane with insecurity that no matter what nasty things you say about Black men, there is imbalance of trade when it comes to other groups marrying Black men and women.
The vicious irony for you is, you point out all of the bad things about Black men, some of which is true, yet their is still an imbalance of mates that works against you.
What would the numbers look like if/when Black men get their acts together?
Why do black men generally avoid battles with white men instead attempting to pick on those they feel are weaker?
White men in general are not the problem. The system of White supremacy is. Us Black men bloggers have made the distinction. You have openly bragged about fucking White men and don't.
Your self-hatred is showing.
If I were you, lormarie, I would worry more about competing with White Women and Asian Women and Latina women instead of worrying about Black men and their "competition".
How is it going in England? Why do black men generally avoid battles with white men instead attempting to pick on those they feel are weaker? I know why, but I'd love to hear your explanation.
Black men in england are too busy chasing white women. Take a look at the stats on that sometime.
OMG, I just got this in my email. Menalik, you are truly a psychotic dumb ass. For you to go to another blog and post this says a lot about your state of mind:
Hi Glen,
LorMarie has some serious mental health issues, believe me! Check out her anti-Black male rants on Black men Confronting Lies and Disortions in which she promotes the white racist Stormfront and the racist British National Party.
btw I am a Black Briton.
Black men in england are too busy chasing white women. Take a look at the stats on that sometime.--Menalik
Like poor Anthony Walker? What about Stephen Lawrence? Lastly, I believe that you and every other black man should chase white women if you choose. I have not dated, wanted, nor pursued a black man since 1993 and have no intention of doing so. I'm exclusively light skinned latin (most attractive men on the planet) and sometimes caucasian.
btw, you ought to read Sara and Evia's blogs before you make another insane rant. They both highlight Asian and hispanic men contrary to what your post claims. Lastly, Evia has disagreed with me on choosing lighter men over darker ones. So your post here is nothing more than insecurity on your part.
Hey Lormarie. Have you addressed Halima Anderson similarly on her need to concentrate of black women in Britian, especially since:
'Black and ethnic-minority women in Britain are "powerless, poor and passed-over" according to a report which found that they were excluded at every level of society. In a damning analysis, the research found women from ethnic minorities were "almost entirely absent from the rank of decision-makers in the UK" and face "massive inequalities in education, health, employment and pay, levels of political engagement and treatment by the criminal justice system".'
'In 2002, BME [black and ethnic minority] women made up less than 8 per cent of the total female population but 29 per cent of the female prison population.'
I find this interesting being that more than 20% of black women in Britain live with or are married to white men. Why aren't their "saviors" saving them?
"I have not dated, wanted, nor pursued a black man since 1993 and have no intention of doing so."
And in that 16 year period, you still haven't managed to get married.
Can you write a psychological analysis of me next? So that I can pass it to friends and families to show them yet another person who I've angered (yes, I do this a lot).
It's funny that Menelik makes no mention of you in this post and his attention on you now is strictly due to your current angry rant. So why are you going off when Menelik makes no mention of you in this analysis? Clearly the "unrequited love" theory hit close to home right and angered you. That same unrequited love that keeps you a single woman in her mid 30s.
Black men do not have the ammunition or confidence to fight white male supremacy.
You love to reach don't you? Are you not familiar with the phrase "keeping white people on the hook"? It's something black men have done successfully and many conservative whites complain about it. It is the case of white people walking on eggshells in order to avoid being attacked by blacks for being racist.
Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Dyson, Smiley, etc. represent a common tendency for black men to battle "white male supremacy". That is not the problem. The problem is with the lack of addressing the pathologies within our community (pathologies present in both black men and black women). To say that there is some fear in black men with regard to confronting white men is simply delusional and disregards the commonly expressed opinion that blacks keep white men "on the hook". Who do you think that the rants of radical "angry black men" target? When race riots break out, who do the rioting black men target? Why do you see so many black men being confrontational with white police officers even when it results in violence toward them? Please get real.
Here is more on black British women in the prison population:
The 2005 table shows that while black men made up 15% of Britain's male prison population, black women made up 21% of the female prison population in Britain.
Below the table we have this 2002 quote from "Black Women's Experiences of the Criminal Justice System":
"Black female prisoners make 26.4% of female prisoners while black males account for 24% of male prisoners."
Here is a great example of inconsistency. Notice the parts in bold and the author of these quotes:
"There will never be a post of mine putting black men down because they haven't influenced my dating choices. In other words, I don't date nonblack men because I feel black men are not "dateable" or marriageable. I date out because I like nonblack men. There's no need to come up with a post full of obviously biased generalizations. If we take your post as truth, we should also take the blogs filled with white racist rants against blacks (black men in particular) as truth." - LorMarie
"Whether you realize it or not, your post was an attempt to justify your preference for nonblack women. The question is, why do you feel the need to justify this? I guess the reason might be that black men do get a lot of heat for dating and marrying out. I can't speak for other black women here, but the problem for me is not that you want to date out (I would be a hypocrite for doing such), but your angst against black women. So if you want to date nonblack women when you are ready...by all means do it. What you should NOT do is put black women down in the process. Putting your own race down shows the possibility of self-hate or that you are not truly comfortable with your dating choices". - LorMarie
(Laughing at Lormarie)
That MANY black women are prison in Britain.
Well, Well, sellout black women spitting out statistics but hiding their hands when they throw rocks at black men. Statistics on black women are atrocious.
Once again, that is why white men PICK YOU LAST!
By the way Charles hit it right on the nail. Despite sellout black women and their blogs. Black men continue to be able to "pull" more non black women every year and keep a surplus of black women.
Here you go "L" for Lormarie the LOSER!
Get married like Evia and Sara, maybe their followers would listen to you.
Even Evia and Sara look down on you. At the end of the day, if you do not have a ring from a white man. Then your sellout movement is not worth talking about!
LorMarie said:
"We don't know each other so our families are none of each other's business.... So let's leave personal details out of it (that's my blogging policy)".
She then asks:
"Can you write a psychological analysis of me next? So that I can pass it to friends and families to show them yet another person who I've angered".
Menelik says,
LorMarie, please read what you wrote again and tell me where the contradictions are! You know, we are fast approaching the point whereby BU bloggers will simply ignore you. But not before putting you very firmly in your place.
This day will "soon come" as we of Trinidadian origin say!
Menelik wrote:
"Hi Glen,
LorMarie has some serious mental health issues, believe me! Check out her anti-Black male rants on Black men Confronting Lies and Disortions in which she promotes the white racist Stormfront and the racist British National Party.
btw I am a Black Briton".
Yeah, LorMarie, I defended a white man who you saw fit to attack because he defended Black fathers against the casually asserted lie that we don't care for our women and children. Then is simply not the case, as you well know!
Do you have a problem with Black fathers, LorMarie? Are you quite sure you have told the absolute truth about your relationship with him? I mean, your memory appears a little weak at times.
Remember forgetting about about your friendly chats with the white British-racist? Remember offering him tea and sympathy when he bemoaned the plight of white-British boys...only when I pointed it out to you lol
So again, I ask: are you quite sure you have no issue with your father and that you have never gone against your blogging policy of speaking of him or other personal matters?
Think very carefully now!
Menelik Charles
ps thanks for answering my quesion about ya mammy at the fourth time of asking. You didn't have a problem with it, did you?
LorMarie said:
"I have not dated, wanted, nor pursued a black man since 1993 and have no intention of doing so."
Rocky said:
"And in that 16 year period, you still haven't managed to get married".
Menelik wrote:
"problems emerge when white men regularly “fuck” the likes of Tracy, and then pass up on the possibility of a committed relationship with them. Their ‘race memory’ is then triggered leaving them feeling strangely dirty and used: like a rape victim. But rather than hit out at the symbolic ‘rapist’, they lash out instead at white men’s traditional ‘whipping boy’: Black men".
And no issues with daddy dearest, eh?
Menelik Charles
Wow, you guys are pathetic. First, I did put black men down in response to you all putting black women down. You insult my group I'll insult yours. You all claim to be targeting IR bloggers but your focus is on black women in general.
You guys are making too much of a big deal of my posting here. I am a proud internet taunter. I stay at various blogs and taunt those who are idiots. Got to admit, this is the first black blog in which I've done this.
Lastly, it's no wonder that women of all races are more likely to divorce black men than any other race. LOL (look up the stats you enjoy so much).
Thanks for the laughs ya "have nots."
"Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Dyson, Smiley, etc. represent a common tendency for black men to battle "white male supremacy". That is not the problem. The problem is with the lack of addressing the pathologies within our community (pathologies present in both black men and black women). To say that there is some fear in black men with regard to confronting white men is simply delusional and disregards the commonly expressed opinion that blacks keep white men "on the hook". Who do you think that the rants of radical "angry black men" target? When race riots break out, who do the rioting black men target? Why do you see so many black men being confrontational with white police officers even when it results in violence toward them? Please get real."
Omg, the losers you mention! Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson ... bitches with bullhorns. This is not "battling white supremacy" it's a big bitch teasing someone and manipulating falsely acquired guilt. Angry black men and race riots, losers without brains that destroy their own communities ... black men want unearned respect just because they threaten brainless violence and (liberal) white men want unearned friendship just because they instituted affirmation action and voted for a black prez. White people are catching onto this bullshit more and more ... confrontational with police officers ... because they're high as kites (Rodney King), not because they actually have balls ... Loser. Maybe that's what these IR bloggers are seeing. The truth about your sorry asses. You're not men, you're whining angry violent bitches, and they can see it. Deal with that truth.
okay wow. **cough** I think I better a leave the adults to their devices. ***Runs like she saw the devil***
Omg, the losers you mention! Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jackson ... bitches with bullhorns. This is not "battling white supremacy" it's a big bitch teasing someone and manipulating falsely acquired guilt. Angry black men and race riots, losers without brains that destroy their own communities ... black men want unearned respect just because they threaten brainless violence and (liberal) white men want unearned friendship just because they instituted affirmation action and voted for a black prez. White people are catching onto this bullshit more and more ... confrontational with police officers ... because they're high as kites (Rodney King), not because they actually have balls ... Loser. Maybe that's what these IR bloggers are seeing. The truth about your sorry asses. You're not men, you're whining angry violent bitches, and they can see it. Deal with that truth.
It's unfortunate that you are too stupid to understand a basic premise. Any action or actions deemed, right or wrong, as confronting white supremacy continues to be practiced by black men. Neither you nor she can specify one thing that could even remotely be defined as directly confronting white men or white supremacy that black men don't actively participate in. One can argue that white supremacy cannot be "confronted" and that many of the "attempts" were unconstructive or plain out destructive, but attempts at "confronting" it are readily made and saying otherwise is simply a case of idiots like you making things up because you have no facts to argue. Please name these "confronting white supremacy" actions that black men don't practice? I won't hold my breath waiting on your weak imbecilic attempt to justify the false notion that black men are afraid to confront white men.
Let me address this whole thing.
First off Al Sharpton is the reason black people do not go into a white neighborhood and burn it down. After what I saw at Katrina, and the documentaries don't give me that bullshit about black men not fighting white supremacy.
If I am correct, they called the national guard in to keep those black folks without resources from murdering white people for their possessions. In some cases, the white people fled. In Louisiana the sheriff damn near blocked a bridge with black women and children. Where was the mighty white man to let you cross the bridge then?
Actually, I use to admire Malcom X more than Martin Luther King JR. Now, I admire Martin Luther King more for showing restraint in the face of violence back then. It is real easy to just lash out but it never gets you anywhere.
For the record, we are not whining. Black men are not the ones without dates and girlfriends. From my understanding there is several black women bloggers worshiping the white man yet very few white men return the favor.
It is like being on a boat all by yourself and nobody hears your pleas for help.
Since the economy is tanking, desperation is setting in for sellout black women.
Me whine, shit I am doing good. I have a fiancee and a job.
I just believe in destroying and rebuilding. I will keep my foot on sellout black women and their movement until they learn to stop depending on the white man for everything. Also, the more you bash us the more I want to crush you more!
Good day
Lastly, it's no wonder that women of all races are more likely to divorce black men than any other race. LOL (look up the stats you enjoy so much).
The stats don't say that.
I can just as equally say that men of all races are more likely to divorce black women than any other race.
Rocky said this
"The stats don't say that.
I can just as equally say that men of all races are more likely to divorce black women than any other race."
Jesus. Why do they do it to themselves?
LQ, let me run the stats down that they are distorting.
The stats say that black men/white women marriages as well as Asian men/white women marriages tend to divorce at a higher rate than the average of all marriages. It also states that Hispanic men and women who marry non-Hispanics are less likely to divorce than the average. That could easily mean that when black men marry Hispanic women, they tend to divorce LESS than average.
On the other hand, the stats indicate that white men/non-white women marriages tend to divorce equally or less than average. Of course, with what we know of the numbers, this basically says that white men are less likely to divorce ASIAN women than on average since they are the predominant "non-white" women that white men marry.
The noticeably absent stat from the research involves the specific divorce rate between white men and black women. I'm curious as to why that is left out. Could it be that such a divorce rate is high?
Dear Rocky
Also, the stats say that white men are LESS likely to date outside of their race compared to other races of men. Also, black women are the last to date outside of their race.
The bottom line is all races of men divorce black women at a higher rate. The black divorce rate is high too within the race. That has actually come down due to the recession. Black men and women are marrying more. A slight increase in marriages recently.
Black women marrying white men is low statistically. Stormfront the racist website said white men divorce black women at a high rate. They had the stats, I really don't argue with numbers. The stats seemed pretty accurate to me.
Mr Right’. You see, for a number of reasons, there’s as much a perceived masculine ‘deficit’ in most white men as there is a perceived feminine ‘deficit in a significant number of Black women. Perhaps for this reason alone, they probably deserve one another!
You say that there is this PERCEIVED deficit of masculinity in white men and a PERCEIVED lack of feminity in black women...No this is what YOU actually believe.. Black men are "perceived" as being economically powerless. If white men have so many "DEFICITS" they have run circles around black men when it comes to power. Now lets give white men their props. If black men are so MASCULINE why are they so "ECONOMICALLY" powerless??? Why is it that these "UNMASCULINE" men have stolen all of the riches in Africa from you? Africa is one of the richest continents in the world and "WHITE" men have benefitted and continue to benefit from the natural resources. Makes me feel ashamed sometimes that even Asian men can build Asia up and they are even in a position to bail America out. What do black men have a few basketball players, football players and entertaintainers! Our men dont measure up! Black men are "percieved" as being less cunning and less intelligent than white men. Why is it that Latin men and Asian men are becoming economically powerful and the only thing that black men can do is bounce balls? Barack is considered an anomaly!!! Half of these stupid ass atheletes cannot even keep their money!! Now I dont have a problem with black men marrying white women. People love who they love but all that you do is make white men wealthy when a rich black athelete marries their daughter so they still win!!! Like that athelete that just drowned...His wife and her family just got really rich from a dead nigger. She will probably marry a white guy and live off of his money. I actually saw a wedding special last summer where a black athelete was married to a white woman. He died and she married a white man. Black men are obsessed about their penis size compared to white men. If you took the time to stop worrying or bragging about how "MASCULINE" you are you could probably gain a "SMIDGET" of the "ECONOMIC" power that ALL of the other races of men have gained. Yeah we have a black president but that will not give black men ECONOMIC power. You are the most powerless, poorest group of men. Other groups of men dont even respect you in business. That is why you feel so much better about sleeping with your white women. I have no problem with you guys dating white women. I also dont think that black women should focus on black men while inter dating but I had to respond to the above comments. White women KNOW that black men will NEVER rule the world...They know that black men will NEVER have what white and other men have economically. White women know this!!! Yes they may like your penises but they know that you will never have ECONOMIC power!!!
With regard to black women lacking feminity...Not so fast. You see these ghetto, loud, unfeminine, overweight black women on TV. But what about the rest of us? I am slim and with curves and I am working on my six pack for the summer. My crowd of girlfriends are all in good shape! You talk about the ugly black girls but there are a lot of black women who are polished and classy whether you want to admit it or not. And often these are the black girls that white guys will date and marry. I will admit that just 5 years ago, I would not have heard black women even talking about white guys. I have a girlfriend who recently married one. Another who is marrying one in a few months and another who is trying to get her man to marry her. Although, I dont think that he will marry her. Although she is someone that most black men would consider beautiful her family is pretty much the bottom of the bin. And I doubt any white guy is going to want to marry into her family. A lot of uppity black guys wouldnt. My other two girlfriends are really pretty(who married the white guys) but they come from intact decent black families. The third girl although very attractive comes from high yellow trash. Attractive high yellow trash but high yellow trash nevertheless.
So when you say that black women feel unattractive compared to other women...not all of us...What about fine black women...Dont try to use blanket statements about all of us...
So just a few points...Whether you think that white or asian or latino women are more beautiful than black women...beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whether you want to admit it, there are some white men who think that black women are beautiful and some who marry black women.
Now even with white women being on TV as the beauty standard there will still be some people that think that black women are beautiful...But black men being the most economically poor group of men is a fact!!!
Since the economy is tanking, desperation is setting in for sellout black women.
Actually economically black men are suffering the most from the economy tanking.
Let me address this garbage.
From my understand the economy just tanked. Yea the mighty white man you worship is not reduced to working for less money. The whole country is in debt so where does "White" domination come from.
I just came back from Williamsport PA. I saw the poorest white people I have ever seen in my life. Driving through I80, I didn't see this so called white "power".
The real people with power are the Arabs and Asians and they all want to do business in Africa. Obviously, if nobody gave a shit about Africa they wouldn't be over there trying to steal resources. I won't call it stealing. They foster division among African so they can steal their resources.
I don't understand this outdated idea of the white man being powerful. It is almost like these sellout black girls don't read a newspaper.
AIG is getting bailed out. Most of the might billionaires have lost TREMENDOUS amount of money. Companies are reluctant to hire. I work for Time Warner Cable. My company is a GIANT. I have talked too Ted Turner. I am not in awe of anybody. I have seen the 'best" white men lose it all. Some of them I saw commit suicide recently.
You sellout black women sound stupid kissing white ass. College educated black men continue to do good. While you sit there waiting for a white man to give you some type of attention.
I don't dispute white men wanting to have sexual relations with black women. Now am I to believe they want a serious relationship with them. I doubt that seriously.
Apparently. nobody cares about the economically disadvantaged white man. He gets no black pussy. Why I never hear I want a economically disadvantaged white man. Instead they perpetrate this myth of white collar white man chasing them down.
Stop fucking lying to people you fraud!
Kira, aka Anonymous 6:02 pm, has trouble with the word PERCEIVED. When the man says "perceived", he means perceived. People like you putting words in the mouths of others is why intelligent discussion is impossible with you.
But black men being the most economically poor group of men is a fact!!
You do realize that black women are poorer than black men and are the most economically poor group of women right? That is also a FACT. So please end you hypocrisy.
The real people with power are the Arabs and Asians and they all want to do business in Africa. Obviously, if nobody gave a shit about Africa they wouldn't be over there trying to steal resources. I won't call it stealing. They foster division among African so they can steal their resources.
I don't understand this outdated idea of the white man being powerful. It is almost like these sellout black girls don't read a newspaper.
Considering the vast natural resources in Africa...Black men should be some of the wealthiest in the world.
You are still the most powerless men in the world...get over it!
AIG is getting bailed out. Most of the might billionaires have lost TREMENDOUS amount of money. Companies are reluctant to hire. I work for Time Warner Cable. My company is a GIANT. I have talked too Ted Turner. I am not in awe of anybody. I have seen the 'best" white men lose it all. Some of them I saw commit suicide recently.
It is not your company...you are just a Jamaican pion sporting a cheap suit working in a cubicle everyday. And just know this there will be white men who will become even wealthier during this economic downturn...Believe that!!!
The 70% black female single rate will go down before black men have REAL economic power!!!
Once again, that is why white men PICK YOU LAST!
By the way Charles hit it right on the nail. Despite sellout black women and their blogs. Black men continue to be able to "pull" more non black women every year and keep a surplus of black women."
most black women don't even want a white man. aint nobody picking us last, most of us don't even want them. come back to reality. i've had plenty non-black men pursue me, mostly latino, but i'm interested in black men (for cultural reasons) so please spare me the no one wants black woman crap. its just stupid. also i don't know about these divorce stats, but i know overall i don't even see that many black/white couples, whether that be black males/white females or white males/black females, so i don't know what the fuss is about. white people and black people overall really don't like eachother, so why would they date/marry eachother???
this is dedicated to all these idiots doing these stupid blogs bashing black men/black women. why not do something productive for the bc, seriously. Who the fuck cares what some black women/black men are writing on a blog. who really cares if a minute group of blacks are worshipping white people? most of us aren't. get over it and do something useful for black people, why don't you? It's obvious that the majority of black men actually want a black woman and the majority of black woman obviously wants a black man or we wouldn't be reproducing and we'd cease to exist, so please come back to reality and do something productive.
Rocky makes me sooooo hot. I love me some black men. I just want a black man to hold me and pet me like I'm his puppy and caress my soft brown skin with those strong, hard hands and wrap me in those strong arms and I want to hear that beautiful, husky voice whisper that I'm his baby again and again and then have lots of sex and babies... *sighs*
But black men being the most economically poor group of men is a fact!!!
Actually it is not a fact. First problem is that Native Americans are poorer. Second problem is that the vast majority of wealth is controlled by a few. I think the top 1% owns half of the wealth and the top 5% own about 95% of the wealth. Your "typical" White man owns slightly more than your "typical" Black man. Every White man is not Bill Gates or Warren Buffett. One middle-aged White man delivered my pizza earlier tonight.
Rocky...will you marry me???
Black men are obsessed about their penis size compared to white men.
We could flip that to say Black women are obsessed about their hair texture compared to white women.
If you took the time to stop worrying or bragging about how "MASCULINE" you are you could probably gain a "SMIDGET" of the "ECONOMIC" power that ALL of the other races of men have gained.
We could flip that to say "if you took the time to stop worrying about how to straighten your hair you could probably gain a smidgen (not smidget) of matrimonial respect."
I have no problem with you guys dating white women.
Yes you do. But that is your problem.
I also dont think that black women should focus on black men while inter dating but I had to respond to the above comments.
You had to comment? Why do Black women focus on Black men when they are inter-dating? The answer that this essay provides riled you up enough to post what you posted.
White women KNOW that black men will NEVER rule the world...They know that black men will NEVER have what white and other men have economically. White women know this!!! Yes they may like your penises but they know that you will never have ECONOMIC power!!!
They also know that most White men will not have this either as wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. Maybe that is why they are more successful at getting marriage partners then many Black women, they don't expect every guy they meet to be the President or a multi-millionaire business tycoon.
And another note, I am doing finacially well for myself even in these hard times, but money isn't everything. You sound like you are for sale with your rants about "that group has economic power" and "Black men don't".
So when you say that black women feel unattractive compared to other women...not all of us...What about fine black women...Dont try to use blanket statements about all of us...
Why not? You just used a blanket statement about the power and economic wealth of every Black man and every White man.
Whether you think that white or asian or latino women are more beautiful than black women...beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
And the stats reveal what the world thinks.
I have never denied that Black men need to redefine what counts as "masculine". I think that Black women need to do the same with "feminine".
The 70% black female single rate will go down before black men have REAL economic power!!!
Not if you continue to attempt to disgrace the only group of males on this planet that has ever cared about you. No one else is looking to "rescue" you. Why would a sane man want to be with a woman who would openly question her own brother's, father's, grandfather's manhood? Nobody wants to lay down with a traitor.
this is dedicated to all these idiots doing these stupid blogs bashing black men/black women. why not do something productive for the bc, seriously. Who the fuck cares what some black women/black men are writing on a blog. who really cares if a minute group of blacks are worshipping white people? most of us aren't. get over it and do something useful for black people, why don't you?
I think this may be the best advice in this thread. I may actually follow it, as all these discussions seem to go in the same circle.
"Neither you nor she can specify one thing that could even remotely be defined as directly confronting white men or white supremacy that black men don't actively participate in."
I never said black men do not confront white supremacy. Some ways are immature and puerile and don't serve the cause. Some ways engender more respect and are more intelligent than others.
Black men are 6% of this country. Better thank your Jesus that he gave white men just half a conscience; other minority peoples (even if they aren't annoying) in other hellholes aren't so lucky.
@mrlaurelton queens,
Katrina! A black mayor and white woman governor. Piss-poor "leaders" that should have saw this coming long time ago. No wonder Bush said screw it, I'll send help when I can. LOL. And the white people run like hell because ain't nothing more dangerous than a black man without his TV and cable ...
Not if you continue to attempt to disgrace the only group of males on this planet that has ever cared about you. No one else is looking to "rescue" you. Why would a sane man want to be with a woman who would openly question her own brother's, father's, grandfather's manhood? Nobody wants to lay down with a traitor.
honey, same thing goes for black men.
The same doesn't go for black men.
That Katrina comment was funny. LOL
As for not confronting white supremacy. We may not do it the corporate way. But this society goes out of it's way to lock black men up because they are afraid of us. Also, keep us out of top management at fortune 500 companies. Check the article for the rise of workplace discrimination lawsuits. They claim it is the recession. That sounds like bullshit to me. Even Professional black women are being let go over trivial reasons.
It has been like that since the days of slavery. After the Nat Turner rebellion where hundreds of slaves massacred many whites in like four states. White people have always had that element of fear when it comes to black men.
Do you think I am scared of a white man who works in a local diner in small town? Do you think I am scared of a redneck who drives a truck? I guarantee they are scared of black men like me.
Let's not talk about who is scared of who. Yet you want to be with the white man. You will never associate a white man with being fearless like black men. Instead when you are out with your white man you go out of your way to "defend him". Like we are going to harm him.
We are only 6 percent of the population but instill so much fear into the white communities it is sad.
Even some police are afraid of us. Depending on the area you go like Cali and New York. Down south is a different story.
The 70 percent single rate will remain the same until true black female leadership comes along.
You can't win a war against aggressive men. What the fuck you gain out of it. The white man thinks your still interested in us and that runs him off. Then you burn bridges with us.
Whoever is in charge of black female movement should be fired!
honey, same thing goes for black men.
Except Black men are not the ones with the 70% rate of singledom.
now you are claiming to be a mere "taunter" since it has become all-to-clear that you are, in fact a woman with serious mental health issues since it has emerged that:
1) you have a problem with your father which you are not disclosing here but which you have disclosed elsewhere;
2) you are as arrogant and domineering as your mother whoo you've claimed has much in common politically with Mr Laurelton Queens;
3) you played the 'race card' when a white man had the temerity to challenge the dreadful myth that Black men intentionally abandon their children.
Yes, LorMorie, it really does appear that the closer we get to exposing the underlying reasons why you are a seriously-sick woman the more you want to claim that you are merely "having a laugh" as we say in England...just joking!
Funny how you never, ever "taunt" those Black-hating members of the BNP or Stormfront. You get along just fine with them, babes...really funny that!
LorMarie said:
"You guys are making too much of a big deal of my posting here. I am a proud internet taunter".
I'll take the above words as gesture of submission, shall I?
Anyone one with mental health issues has my sympathy but once it becomes combined with evil then the gloves are off.
The gloves are off, LorMarie!
Menelik Charles
Except Black men are not the ones with the 70% rate of singledom.
no, only about 60%. black men are the least married group of men. honey, lol...
Wow lookie here!
Menelik I was gonna question the whole subconscious slavery thing but never mind Im hiding with Raina and let yall grown folks be.
@mrlaureton queens
yeah, most black men be goin' off all the time like a bunch of hysterical bitches. who wouldn't want to avoid that shit. but white men have brains. they are real men. most white men i date don't fear black men. they could kick their ass inside out if the black man would fight fair, without his homies, knives and guns. but they never do.
there are some black men who are real men. but they are few and far in between. would i prefer them? not really ... it doesn't matter any more to me.
You can't win a war against aggressive men. What the fuck you gain out of it.
@ Mr. Laurelton Queens,
If black men are so agressive, why are you overall the most economically powerless group of men? You say that the average white guy is working class or middle class. You talk about a white man being your delivery guy the other night but guess what? The man who owns the corporation that built your home or apartment building, your car, your computer, your clothes, your furniture, the sidewalk that you walk on, the restaurants that you eat in...just about EVERYTHING that you utilize or purchase (even the pizza you ate the other night)...is owned by a white man or asian or arab. Oh and you say that black women are the most economically depressed. The MEN are supposed to have the economic power. That is how men are judged. Women dont want power...they want to be with men with power..Power means a hell of a lot more to men than it does to women..
The only money that black men have is athelete money or entertainment money and guess who gives you that money? white men. They are the ones who really make the money in sports. And we know how half of those fools lose it can we say Michael Strahan, Michael Vick, Colby Bryant? Need I name more? Oh and by the way the owner of the Texas Rangers is married to a black woman. A dark black woman. They have been married for about 25 years. Look it up! He is a good friend of George Bush.
Even asian men are buying up american debt. Africa, the continent that black men come from, is the poorest continent in the galaxy. That is your country! Yeah it is black women's continent also. But BLACK MEN are supposed to be running it and regulating over there NOT white men or asian men. Other men laugh at you!!! You dummys are too stupid to even become wealthy off of your own MOTHER continent. You brag about your penises and have started acting all cocky because you are dating their women but you just cant seem to get it together otherwise. Your SELF ESTEEM and CONFIDENCE comes from dating white and other women because you have NO OTHER POWER!!! That is pretty sorry!!!
And with regard to black women. You and I both KNOW that despite the statistics there ARE some black women who live good lives with black and white and other men. You hate to admit it but it is true. My girlfriends that are with white men are size 8's and 10's, small waists, no exaggerated features, beautiful teeth light and dark, college educated and ladylike. There are lots of beautiful black women out there whether you will admit it or not. We BOTH know a lot wont give you the time of day. You sound like a corporate PION who happens to be very ghetto.
As I said before, I think that Seal and Heidi make a nice couple and have always said it. Not all black women care. But black men care a lot. Despite the problems between white women and black women, they did not torture us the way that white men did you. Black men care when we date out...Otherwise, this blog would not exist. You would blog to defend yourself against haters but you would not be dedicated to calling black women "sellouts" if they dated white guys. The black woman problem will get better for a lot of women but as a group of men you will still be economically powerless!
Dear Kira
I think you read your history book backwards. It was a "selected" few men who were able to create an idea and then have men follow through on it to gain wealth. Even, how the United States was founded was due to white trash leaving the British Empire to venture to the New World. They were wish on account of their skin too right?
The founding fathers put in the Constitution that only "white males that owned land could vote". UH, not many white men owned land. Again, where is the wealth after all he has white skin.
When Lincoln freed the slaves and black were able to legally compete for jobs. The mighty white man dressed in his white hood and terrorized black women and children. All because of "a negro" had the audacity to take his job. Again, where was the wealth so he wouldn't resort to this, HE HAS WHITE SKIN!
I am sorry if I sound like preacher. It is almost like sellout black women never took a history class. Do they watch the history channel. ( I figure there to busy putting in their weaves and wearing tight clothes to be picked last by white men yet again).
This whole idea just because your skin is white that your an intelligent person and your family comes inventors and wealth is bullshit.
There is a difference between having power and being powerless. Africa is not powerless. Africa suffers from infighting that is orchestrated by other countries to get their resources. When Africans on a raft can hijack the white man's ships and extort them,that is POWER! I heard they didn't even put up a fight against these raggedy Africans. I heard they are sitting on 50 million dollars of extortion money from scared white men. Yea the mighty white man "showing those Africans.
Just because you drop bombs and have hi tech weapons does not make you powerful. Conquering mind and ideas is power. Everything that was built in the country was based on catering to white privilege, has slowly crumbled over the years.
The mighty white man whines about affirmative action. The black population is 12 percent but the mighty white man whines about affirmative action. I mean half of black children don't even finish high school but the mighty white man whines about a couple blacks making it into the halls of Colleges. How sick are these white people and the black women that support them with their black vagina?
Currently, there are some Africans who are becoming wealthy. Judging from the way globalism goes. Capitalism is based on exploring new markets and finding new products. The only other place to go is Africa the continent.
China currently does more business with Africa than the United States does and the UK COMBINED. If Africa was so powerless they wouldn't need to sit down with China leaders to discuss financial opportunities.
You are sadly mistaken as to the power of white men. The best thing they can do is start another war when "things are not going their way". But when the "third world" catch up military to the mighty white man I guess your going to still ride his penny loafers.
You mention me as a corporate peon. The corporate peon is actually you that spends so much money on hair, naila, and clothes that is not even made in your community. On top of that, they exploit you on television and will not even let you model on their runways. Yet, they want you to buy their products. Black men took hiphop and managed to incorporate black women in it. Opened up a lane for you when the mighty white man said you was ugly. Black men kick down those doors. They still won't show your ashy faces if it wasn't for Tyler Perry and Oprah
Call me whatever you want. I managed to save my money and stopped supporting people that don't support me.
Then you mention your girlfriends are size 8 and 10, more like 14 and 16 Tameka stop making up shit. Next thing your going to say you went to Ivy League Harvard and your on the board of directors with your white man.
You keep mentioning black men being powerless. You make it seem like your white men are Bill Gates. I didn't know all your friends are with Bill Gates.
This generation of black people have come a long way. There was no rich black people before 1950's (legally rich black people). We have gone from a majority of black people being in poverty before the civil rights movement. To athletes, musicians, corporate heads like Oprah, Bet Founder Bob Johnson. Some even call it a black "overclass".
You go back to kissing white ass. In the future, there will be MORE black people getting rich. While you count on kissing white ass.
You have no confidence period. You have to wonder if a white man is using you for sex. You have to wonder if his family will "like you". You point out 1 or 2 black woman with rich white men. Naomi "Shambles" is a mistress to a rich white men.
You women are pathetic. They still pick your ass last.
Black men can be powerless and still manage to get white women and other races of women DESPITE that negativity.
I actually think that is hilarious.
I usually don't go this deep but I had to today. I was in the mood.
Good day.
Mr. Laurelton Queens,
I am dying laughing...you refuse to believe that me and my girlfriends are size 8-10. Like being a size 8 or 10 is a novelty??? Really funny...And you are just so sure that all black women are not getting men...that might make you feel better but that is not true.
The only thing that you can hang onto is that you can get white trash. That is the only kind of white women that you can get. You can believe that I am a size 8-10 or a size 14. But I bet you that in real life I am considered pretty attractive and a good catch. I have no problem attracting men. In fact I am dating a black man although I dont plan on giving up any sex. I will only let him take me out and that is where it ends. He is a good guy. I am just not attracted but we can be good friends. I am attracted to black men but I will date anyone who PROVES to be a good man!!!
I understand the history of the country oh too well. I also understand that the reason that China does more business with Africa is because China turns a blind eye on the treatment of the Africans by its leaders. America and Europe impose certain sanctions on African Countries because of the treatment of the people. Kind of like divesting from South Africa. They refuse to do business in specific countries while China is going in and just "cleaning out" the country's natural resources China could give a rat's ass for the Africans. There was a HUGE article in the Economist or a similar publication just about a year ago about it. Also, Chinese dont feel that the African men are on their level. They dont respect them. It does not matter what you say.
And I know that the earliest Europeans were prostitutes and lowlifes...I know my history but the fact of the matter is that on our OWN continent white men hold most of the wealth. Namely the Dutch in South Africa with Diamonds. You are so confused and disillusioned...bragging because some pirates stole money from white men...LOL!!! You are such a dreamer!!!
Look I am not going to argue with you about whether or not I can get more white men than you can get white women because I dont feel that that lifts my status as you feel that it lifts yours. I hope that that pacifies you while all of the other men are becoming more and more powerful.
We can go around and around in circles about how only a small group of white men have power. My point is that the power thing the REAL ECONOMIC POWER thing --black men will not even be at the table. Will black men and black women and some Latin men and women become RICH in the future? Yes, I hope to be one of them. But the real WEALTH is access to the means of production, owning and controlling natural resources, etc. Anyone can become RICH if they can rap or sing or run a football. WEALTH is something that is over black men's heads...I am going to end this because I dont think that you understand what I am even talking about. What I am talking about is deeper than some black people becoming RICH.
I guess if you can marry a white mans woman I guess that makes up for your not being on their level ECONOMICALLY! LOL!!!
I am ending this because you just dont get it!!
Oh and by the way...Our commander and chief is among the men who believes that black women are beautiful....
black men are the least married group of men. honey, lol...
But they are not the ones going on talk shows complaining about it.
You say that the average white guy is working class or middle class. You talk about a white man being your delivery guy the other night but guess what? The man who owns the corporation that built your home or apartment building, your car, your computer, your clothes, your furniture, the sidewalk that you walk on, the restaurants that you eat in...just about EVERYTHING that you utilize or purchase (even the pizza you ate the other night)...is owned by a white man or asian or arab.
Wow, like most of SSC that brags about their "superior educations" you are ignorant of economics. The pizza place that bought me the pizza didn't do it out of the goodness of their hearts, they did it because I paid them to. I could have chosen not to pay them. Just like everything that I own or chosen to buy or not buy. If people like me didn't choose to purchase, what would ownership be worth?
Like I said and you conviently ignored, the vast majority of everything is owned by the few. If you want to canonize a white man who drives a bus or changes the fries at McDonalds just because his skin color is the same as the person that owns the bus company or McDonalds, then be my guess. You are saying nothing that any garden variety white supremacist has not already said.
Despite the problems between white women and black women, they did not torture us the way that white men did you.
Ignorant of economics and ignorant of history. Not that it is relevant to this discussion, but there are tales of abuse from white women on black. And if you don't call busting your ass doing someone's housework while they sit on their ass and drink lemonade a form of abuse, then I don't know what is.
Black men care when we date out...Otherwise, this blog would not exist.
So I will say it again: most Black men don't care about who you date. In fact I am willing to bet that more Black men wish that more of you date out in hopes that you will leave them alone. Of course for all of their weakness and powerlessness, you can't leave Black men alone. Why?
Just like the main article said, bait and switch. You cater to a white supremacists platform to get Black men's attention, and then purposely confuse that attention with affection.
Talk about pathetic, no other group of Women on this planet feel the need to resort to such tricks. They just bat their pretty eyes and twirl their hair and they have men flocking to them. On the other hand women like you need to rely on guilt trips and shaming techniques in order to make men feel bad for not wanting you. If a Black man doesn't want you it is "colorism" if a non-Black man doesn't want you it is "racism" or it is a "media conspiracy".
Much easier to blame others then it is to face the truth: many of you are not as desirable to men as you think you are.
Instead of worrying about Black men's ability to compete, I would worry more about Black women. You are not even in the same galaxy with White women and Asian women when it comes to getting White men. Hell, many times, you can't even secure the most successful of men of your own race.
Other women in the world are laughing at you while you dye your hair blonde or purchase hair from China or get colored contacts in order to be a phony replica of what is actually desired by many men.
You talk about Black men's self-esteem, but you seem to be the one counting every "rich nigger" that doesn't choose a Black women and bitch and moan with your same old guilt and shame tactics.
The only two times Black women had Black mens' attention is when A) they were alone on Africa and B) under the threat of death if they messed around with another women. Every other time you compete with other women you have not fared so well.
A woman has three primary functions: 1) to attract the highest quality man and 2) to procreate with that man 3) to raise the offspring to become adults to repeat the process.
It is a woman's job to attract a man, it is not a man's job to muster attraction to a woman.
Oh and as a "group of men" we may remain "powerless" but thank God that life isn't lived in groups and all an individual Black man has to do is get him enough money so that he can have plenty of choices of women who he can date and mate with and not be stuck with a useless piece of narcisstic, self-entitled, garbage such as yourself.
Say what you will about men such as Kobe, Tiger, etc, at least they are not going to die alone nor will their genes die off or suffer from lack of want. Can you say the same about you and your potential offspring?
You keep repeating the same old stuff as if you keep saying it that it will become more effective. Unless if you (or anyone) brings something new to the table (which I highly doubt), I am done with this conversation.
Dear Kira
You make some interesting points. By the way, I still don't believe your a size 8 or even 10. Now back to the subject at hand.
I am glad "you feel" you are a good catch in real life. It is so nice you feel so "highly" about yourself. There is a difference between wealth and being rich.
You are right about the owning the means or production. Owning land is a big part of that too. You also left out only a "few white men" having access to this.
I remember I was watching "There will be Blood" about the Oil Barron and how Oil Men became rich in the United States. Actually, it was about his dysfunctional relationship with his adopted son.
Back to my point, as good as he was at discovering which areas of land would give him oil. He eventually sold out to some "richer" guys his oil prospects. The deal was so prosperous he never had to work a day in his life again. This was around 1920 or so.
Just because the Dutch exploited the division with African to enrich themselves still does not make them powerful. They can be thrown off that land like Mugabe did to the white farmers.
I assure you the Dutch pay massive amount of money to protect their interests. Power is when you can get something for nothing. The African leaders "let them" do business in Africa.
As for China, you are right in some instances. China doesn't have think African Men are on their level. But they pay them though. They pay them GOOD money to protect their interests. Any country coming into Africa had to pay someone for protection of property and workers, unless they hire African workers.
Some of the wealthiest Africans are from Nigeria. They are not wealthy because of just being smart. They know how to use the threat of force to get their point across. Now that is WEALTH. Controlling your land and making people pay for privilege of using it.
The news media just shows starving Africans and civil wars. Why would they want to show wealthy Africans making lucrative deals abroad.
What REAL ECONOMIC POWER are rambling about. The nation is in a recession. The people with the real power are very few but are VERY WEALTHY.
Then you said something stupid. If anyone can rap, sing, and play sports then why don't you become the next Serena Williams since your an alleged size 10.
Why are you not paying tennis and taking the chump change millions they passing around.
What white women have to do with economic power. Are you mad that white women are in wealthy circles more than you are. Last time I checked Tameka wasn't at Buckingham Palace. Last time I check, I didn't seen any black girls at Dubia in board meetings.
Your commander and chief was with Michelle "before his career took off".
How come your not married to a rich man since you know where the wealth is at?
Good day.
They refuse to do business in specific countries while China is going in and just "cleaning out" the country's natural resources
China is taking advantage of the Africans because they are doing it on the cheap while America and Europe wont do business in those countries. Meanwhile, the African natives are not getting rich but the Chinese are making a killing.
The African leaders "let them" do business in Africa.
You are dillusional
Your commander and chief was with Michelle "before his career took off".
God...You really HATE black women... I would imagine that you have more black women in your family than white considering your hatred for black women.
I know that you might hate this fact but you and I both KNOW that he LOVES her. I know that that bothers you but he does. He could have left her long ago. Just like Denzel. If he did not enjoy being with Pauletta he could have left her and given her a nice settlement and married someone else. I know that it bothers you that anyone could love a black woman but some men actually sincerely do. I know that that is hard for you to accept.
Some of the wealthiest Africans are from Nigeria. They are not wealthy because of just being smart. They know how to use the threat of force to get their point across. Now that is WEALTH. Controlling your land and making people pay for privilege of using it.
You are right that some of the wealthiest Africans are from Nigeria. I have dated some (IBO) Nigerians. These guys were brilliant!!! They also have very good values. Their parents literally pulled themselves from poverty and became wealthy. Like Barack Obama's dad (from Kenya), one of my former Nigerian boyfriend's dad was one of the first Nigerians educated at a major US medical school. One thing that I did learn though is that a lot of Nigerians are not rich. They live in poverty. A lot of them are criminals and scammers. The ones that come over here are the cream of the crop. I used to believe that Nigeria is rich. Although it is rich in resources (oil) the majority of the people are poor and the politicians are criminials.
You also left out only a "few white men" having access to this.
Whether there are a few or a lot of white men who have access to this..The overwhelming MARJORITY are white.
If you dont know what I mean about REAL ECONOMIC power then I wont even try to explain it to you.
Dear Kira
Let me repeat what I said.
"Your commander and chief was with Michelle "before his career took off"."
You rambled something about me hating black women. Are you sniffing cocaine. It was a general statement. I am engaged to a black woman. I got lucky she wasn't crazy like you.
By the way, nobody mentioned Denzel.
You mention how brilliant Nigerians are.
Why is your ashy ass single then?
Where is your 'wealthy husband at"???
(Looking under your bed).
Stupid slut, next time stop sleeping around.
God Bless
If black men are so agressive, why are you overall the most economically powerless group of men?
Maybe it has something to with how their mothers raised them.
And aggressiveness does not equate to success absent of other factors. The point is that LorMarie's assertion that black men are scared to confront white men is absolute fantasy based on simple observation.
Oh and by the way...Our commander and chief is among the men who believes that black women are beautiful....
Yes, our first black president and an inspiration to us all. Ironically, it took a white woman to raise him. Case in point.
Why don't you tell us why black men worldwide have been dominated, as you say, by white men. Since you bring this up about all cultures of black men around the world, you imply that it is due to genetic intellectual inferiority (something that LorMarie's white racist buddies support); a genetic inferiority that black women would have to also possess since they contribute to passing it down. In other words, in a theoretical world absent of all men, white women would dominate right?
But they are not the ones going on talk shows complaining about it.
last i checked, talk shows were entertainment. I hope you don't take that to be reality as many of those women on talk shoes are actors and are type casted to be on those shows. that in no way is indicative of reality...
Say what you will about men such as Kobe, Tiger, etc, at least they are not going to die alone nor will their genes die off or suffer from lack of want. Can you say the same about you and your potential offspring?
Mr. Truth B Told...sounds like I really struck a nerve with you... I wont die alone..I have a man that I am going out with...a black man in fact and he is chasing me not the other way around. I am a nice brown girl. I have a small waist, a nice face, a nice smile and body . I have no problems turning heads with black or white guys. Now I dont know what anyone tells you about themselves on these blogs but I dont have any problems with attracting men. The one thing that you men on these blogs seem to grip on to is that you think that most black women wont get married. Any woman can get married if she REALLY wants to believe me. It might not come in the package that she wants but she can get married.
And I am more attractive than a lot of white women that I am around. In fact in my city there are a lot of fat white women. I remember recently I was out and this grungy looking black guy was with his fat white girl. Now here I come up nice and petite and would not look in his direction. I felt someone staring at me and it was like heat on my neck. I turned around and both of them were looking at me. He probably looked at me and said now that is the type of black bitch that wont give me the time of day.
Wow it is really sad that you had to resort to calling me a piece of garbage. And yes I am actually desirable. I dont have a problem with black men dating other women but from YOUR comments it sounds like you think that they are superior to your mom and sisters. That is fine with me but I will say to you that I feel that I am lucky. See I grew up knowing that I am pretty. I am affirmed consistenly. I feel bad for women who dont really have the confidence that I have around men like you. I can take your comments because I know that with my particular look I am going to always attract men until the wrinkles come (which sisters rarely get) or the weight starts piling on. But I feel sorry for black women who dont have confidence around men like you because you are truly toxic and HATE black women.
rocky, will your marry me?
Now it's we hate black women.
They losing the argument so they so we hate you.
I don't care if your ass is Tyra Banks. Why do you keep comparing yourself to white women. White women don't worry about you.
This imaginary stares of supposedly black men with their white girlfriends is a joke. You paranoid for some reason.
My girlfriend is the whole package so I don't give a shit what you look like.
I get more black women now that I am engaged.
Loser go find you a wealthy man since you know where they are all at!
"You are right that some of the wealthiest Africans are from Nigeria. I have dated some (IBO) Nigerians. "
IBO?? Are you sure its not igbo?
Yes, our first black president and an inspiration to us all. Ironically, it took a white woman to raise him. Case in point.
I think that I might agree with you on that point. I think that there might be some lack in the way that some black women raise their boys. I definitely agree with that. There is definitely some resentment of black men towards their mothers. I cant quite place it though. I have been trying to figure out the correlation. Although, I was raised in a two parent household, I have one brother who is very successful and another brother who is not. They were both raised in the same home but turned out differenly. The one thing that I know is that Baracks mother was a white hippie that taught him that blacks were the chosen people. But there are other black men raised by black women who are wildy successful. For example, Ben Carson who is the top Neurosurgeon in the world. If you looked at his story on Lifetime he grew up with enormous support from his black mother. In fact he always thought of his black mother when times got rough. But this is good... now we are learning how some of you hate your mothers!
You make some interesting points. By the way, I still don't believe your a size 8 or even 10. Now back to the subject at hand.
why is that hard to believe, alot of women are 8/10 size clothing, your fiancee isn't around that size??
Kira. Please explain. This is Forbes list of the top 100 most powerful women in the world. Notice the absence of black women. I have only found 2. Condi Rice and Oprah (and Condi would not make that list currently). It is interesting that the all powerful Oprah is at number 36. Why is this?
This is what happens when you throw stones in a glass house.
last i checked, talk shows were entertainment. I hope you don't take that to be reality as many of those women on talk shoes are actors and are type casted to be on those shows. that in no way is indicative of reality...
Ok. The last I checked, black men were not going all across the worldwide web complaining about it.
Understand that black male singleness is widely attributed to choice unlike black female singleness.
i've always wondered about misplaced hatred some people have for their mothers, even though if it wasn't for mom the child could quite possibly be out on the street starving, as dad is usually not in the picture at all.
Ok. The last I checked, black men were not going all across the worldwide web complaining about it.
then why the existence of this blog and mr.laurelton queens. You're obsessed with black women who date interracially it seems.
there's no excuse on earth for a father/mother to even abandon his/her children. thats just wrong.
oh and rocky, don't tell me your just addressing the misconceptions about black men presented on these interracial blogs. You're not, which is why you harassed black women constantly on classical one's blog, which had nothing to do with black men. why aren't you addressing the heaps of misconceptions about black women? are you so selfish you only care about your image/ reputation, you ignore the plight of women in your racial grouping??
I don't care if your ass is Tyra Banks. Why do you keep comparing yourself to white women. White women don't worry about you.
Oh no no no...Attractive women pay attention to attractive women of all races...White women pay attention to attractive and well- to-do black women. Dont even try it..I always thought that black women are catty and jealous..They can be also. No my brother they pay attention to nice looking black women. They might not pay attention to fat, ghetto women but they pay attention to pretty, educated black women and are threatened by them. Lets not get it twisted. They might not pay any attention to women who look like MrsRony but they pay attention to attractive black women.
Also last i checked, all you have to do is log onto youtube to see the bitching and moaning black men who go on and on about black women like little bitches constantly day in and day out. Hell, that's worse than a talk show.
"I have a man that I am going out with...a black man"
You mean one of those Economic morons that are too pathetic to compete with other men?
then why the existence of this blog and mr.laurelton queens. You're obsessed with black women who date interracially it seems.
Where on this blog are men complaining because they are single? You are just reaching for things. And if we are "obsessed" with anything, it is black women who bash black men. The IR thing is just a lame tool used for this purpose.
This is Forbes list of the top 100 most powerful women in the world.
where's your list of the top 100 most powerful men and please tell me how many black men are on it?
Also, unlike some women who have a head start, both Oprah and Condi built up what they have essentially on their own.
It is interesting that the all powerful Oprah is at number 36. Why is this?
It's not really black men's fault that european/non-african men have raped and pilaged poor little africa and that we've been niggerized on a worldwide scale. At one point in time, I believe we were at the top of our game. We had our timbuktu, Mali empires. We had Egypt/Nubia (yes egyptians were black at one point and Nubia occupied Egypt also) there is nothing inferior about us. We just go the short end of the stick when europeans decided to use their gun to exploit our people on a worldwide level.
You mean one of those Economic morons that are too pathetic to compete with other men?
Yep! That wont keep me from black men...Just like black women need to lose weight and take care of themselves a little better although there are a lot who do...
You're not, which is why you harassed black women constantly on classical one's blog, which had nothing to do with black men.
That's BS. The only time I posted on that blog was when he or one of his posters made a statement negatively misrepresenting black men. So that blog did have something to do with black men. It was full of black women possessing "unrequited love".
i believe a good number of Carthagians were black and they were considered a great threat to romans.
That's BS. The only time I posted on that blog was when he or one of his posters made a statement negatively misrepresenting black men. So that blog did have something to do with black men. It was full of black women possessing "unrequited love".
i don't ever remember classical one making any negative posts about black men. I remember him making a post about the dark butts comment and the Neyo light skinned being better comment and your ass was posting on those, but that wasn't about black men ,that was about a particular idiot who happened to be black. you're probably the reason he had to close his blog down.
Kira. They say that "Behind every great man there's a great woman."
Need I say more?
Also last i checked, all you have to do is log onto youtube to see the bitching and moaning black men who go on and on about black women like little bitches constantly day in and day out. Hell, that's worse than a talk show.
Stop being shallow anon. I either responded to something he posted or something his followers posted. Those two posts became bastions of negative generalizations made about black men and I responded to some of them. As typical, the 'women' on there went into pure irrational mode similarly to how you are doing now.
They're complaining about black women like little bitches that's worse. Its even worse if they were that happy in their relationships, leave black women the f*ck alone then. Go and address those idiots.
As typical, the 'women' on there went into pure irrational mode similarly to how you are doing now.
not irrational, just opinionated
They're complaining about black women like little bitches that's worse. Its even worse if they were that happy in their relationships, leave black women the f*ck alone then. Go and address those idiots.
Right. I'll go address them when you address Harry Potter for complaining like a little bitch about white women.
Oh, it's ok for him right?
Did you say Mrs Rony
(Slamming my drink down)
How dare you lol. She is nice big boned black woman.
This is what I am talking about lol.
These women are funny as hell!
(SMH) Mrs Rony
You know what I am leaving.
It just ain't right.
They might not pay any attention to women who look like MrsRony but they pay attention to attractive black women.
Then they probably pay little attention to you. A person on the internet going on about how attractive they are does so because in reality, they are ugly as hell. MrsRony looks fine and probably looks FAR better than you every did.
Right. I'll go address them when you address Harry Potter for complaining like a little bitch about white women.
Oh, it's ok for him right?
no, its not. Harry potter is a punk, i told him that, but he's too much of a punk to publish my comments. Also, even though his blog is stupid, i must admit overall the blogs dissing black women by black men are far worse, far more degrading and far more numerous, even though i dislike harry potter's blog it could be alot worse, i'll say that much.
We are not leaving black women alone.
We are going to spank you for your damn movies like "Lakeview Terrace", "Something New" about a landscaper white boy that doesn't even get his nails dirty.
Not to mention the CNN garbage. Ebony and Essence have promoted this propaganda about white men saving them from "whatever" they are supposed to be saved from.
I am going to take it out on you, Evia, Sara and Khadijia who wants to put black children born out of wedlock in concentration camps.
You have to stand in the mirror backwards after whoring yourself with a white man.
where's your list of the top 100 most powerful men and please tell me how many black men are on it?
Unlike you, I'm no hypocrite. I don't go around declaring black men to be better than black women. I counter the notion that folks like you put out that black women are better than black men. I cite negatives about black women for no more reason than to show your hypocrisy. I don't take some sick joy in crying about how much better white women are than black women. Kira takes pleasure in doing this to black men. I guess that includes her father and both brothers.
Both lists for males and females lack black faces.
How dare you lol. She is nice big boned black woman.
Oh please...if she agrees with you she is a nice big boned woman...If she disagrees with you she is an ugly black woman...
Give me a break!
We are going to spank you for your damn movies like "Lakeview Terrace", "Something New" about a landscaper white boy that doesn't even get his nails dirty.
the majority of black women had nothing to do with the production of those movies. I personally don't even know any black women who paid to see those movies. I watched them for free when they came out on dvd or when they are showing on cable. get over that stuff.
You straight bashed Mrs Rony
Unlike you, is married to a white man.
What do you have to show for your whoring?
I guess nothing.
No wealthy white man.
Some person chasing you allegedly because your attractive.
Your a loser.
Have a nice day
Also, even though his blog is stupid, i must admit overall the blogs dissing black women by black men are far worse, far more degrading and far more numerous, even though i dislike harry potter's blog it could be alot worse, i'll say that much.
You have like one blog that disses black women. The blogs in this circle dis a particular group of black women who like to dis black men.
You have FAR, FAR more blogs that dis black men than dis black women.
Unlike you, I'm no hypocrite. I don't go around declaring black men to be better than black women. I counter the notion that folks like you put out that black women are better than black men. I cite negatives about black women for no more reason than to show your hypocrisy. I don't take some sick joy in crying about how much better white women are than black women. Kira takes pleasure in doing this to black men. I guess that includes her father and both brothers.
I don't claim either group to be inherently better than the other. Do I think black women are better off in this society than black men, for the most part yes, but i don't fault that to black men. I think both black men and women need to work together and build up their wealth/power in the black community and pass it down from generation to generation. that's how you get a community to grow and prosper. supporting black buisnesses is a good place to start.
You have like one blog that disses black women. The blogs in this circle dis a particular group of black women who like to dis black men.
You have FAR, FAR more blogs that dis black men than dis black women.
i beg to differ. you have a plethora of youtube vlogs dissing black women, hell you have books dissing black women. (don't blame it on rio)
Oh please...if she agrees with you she is a nice big boned woman...If she disagrees with you she is an ugly black woman...
She has disagreed with us on several points. She just does so respectfully. And she is married to a white man.
I don't take some sick joy in crying about how much better white women are than black women. Kira takes pleasure in doing this to black men. I guess that includes her father and both brothers.
I do not and dont you dare say that I think that white men are better than black men because you dont know me at all!!! I was raised and protected by a black father all of my life. My corporate mentors as well as in college were black men. I have a high salary because of professional black male contacts. I have my home because of a black man. So dont you dare tell me that I think that white men are better than black men...You asshole!!!
(Mimicking Kira voice)
Why can't you worship the white man like me.
OH god the economy will get better it won't stop me from worshiping the white men. I swear the white man will turn things around.
Oh god I am so cold and scared without the white man.
I was with Nigerians they used me for sex and left me. Oh god they were rich. In the next 10 years when Africa has more millionaires I plan to ride their dick too.
I just jump on any dick that I think has power.
White man turn the country around or I will be on Nigerian dick so quick your head will spin.
Wow Kira, that was just mean. I'm sorry you felt the dig at me was necessary. If you give yourself the chance and present yourself well you'd be amazed at what men of all races pay attention to.
MLQ..boo I was big boned 20 yrs ago. Now Im "thick"!! LMAO!
But Kira does have a point in principle. On the street Im a "big boned sista"...until I have my polar bear beside me then things tend to deteriorate. Sad and true though I must say it is women who seem to be the most hateful.
"i've always wondered about misplaced hatred some people have for their mothers, even though if it wasn't for mom the child could quite possibly be out on the street starving, as dad is usually not in the picture at all".
Menelik says:
I was wondering in what guise LorMarie would make her reappearence!
I think my next post should be on forensic hand-writting analysis. This way I can prove to you guys that Sara is "Harry Potter" and also that she has made more than several appearences on this present subject as "Kira"!
"Man this is some deep stuff! I want to say I dont agree but....Im not sure I dont".
Sister, just say what you gotta say. You have more than earned the right!
Menelik Charles
Sara is "Harry Potter"...please keep this simple fact in mind, folks!
@ Rocky,
Bro, you're working over-time on these Black male obsessives. Don't go burning yourself out!
I don't believe a word you say about your relationships with Black men because I know who you are!!!
I mean, as if having a great relationship with Black men gives you the right to talk racist rubbish about us. It doesn't..SARA!
Menelik Charles
ps if anyone is interested in a course in forensic hand-writing then do please let me know.
@Menelik, Rocky and Larelton...seriously...
How come you talk about Evia, Sara, CW and Tracy...but...they ain't talking about YOU? Hmmmm? From what I understand, you can't even leave comments on their blogs...THEY AIN'T GOT YOU STUPID ASSES UP! LOL! Too funny...and yet, you devote all this time for them...dumb sorry ass losers...
You have a point
The sellout "black girl crew" ignores us.
I assure you they know who we are. The choose not to respond. Well, they respond indirectly.
You have to understand something we have come a long way in the blog game. It has only been about a year and half for me.
The blog game is dominated by black women.
I am happy with our progress.
If they have to blog about us and defend their positions. Trust me they are thinking about us.
"Trust me they are thinking about us."
They are? Oh so they THINK about you but not write about you. And you know this because...you're God...?
...dumb sorry ass losers...
12:06 PM
Menelik says
Hello, LorMarie. Can't keep away, can you, babe?
Menelik Charles
I ‘remember’ when you raped me
What is contained in the African-American female ‘collective unconscious’ are repressed ‘memories’ associated with centuries of sexual slavery.Tracy’s ‘race memory’, therefore, was activated by being around white men. But like many Black women, she fought against these troubling feelings by offering white men gestures of submission e.g. by excessive smiling, ‘laughing’ hysterically at their ‘jokes’, and/or permitting themselves to be sexually groped in public by white partners. Tracy, therefore, was certainly “open”…but to a past she has no literal memory of, and which continues to haunt her beyond the events in question.
Ok really? Repressed memories? You need another pair of arms to reach this far. I realize the story of Traci itself is just.. well silly but do you really believe that the sellouts or any woman going outside her race is reacting to a AA female ‘collective unconscious’ of repressed ‘memories’ associated with centuries of sexual slavery???? Its just absurd. It clings to us being victims and in my opinion that ship has sailed. If you do believe this then what does the AA male collective unconscious repressed memories consist of and wouldn't that be fueling part of the rage that lashes out at BW?? These white men are doing what many of you cant/wont do...taking your women and raising your children. That's gotta sting..maybe on a level you don't even recognize...maybe that is what is holding so many black males back from controlling their destinies...these repressed memories. Hmmm..something to ponder.
That did not come out how I meant it to and I am not going to even attempt to explain it.
But I do apologize sincerely!
rocky do you like black women??
No problemo Kira. We dont know each other enough to get personal so I kinda figured something was off. You were on a roll there, I know stuff happens. :-)
rocky do you like black women??
I'm married to one.
These white men are doing what many of you cant/wont do...taking your women and raising your children.
I don't see hardly any white men raising black children. I don't see many white men taking black women. Repressed memories may be there like yous say, but these things you mention don't seem to actually be happening to any significant extent.
I don't see hardly any white men raising black children. I don't see many white men taking black women. Repressed memories may be there like yous say, but these things you mention don't seem to actually be happening to any significant extent.
See you guys want it to seem like black women are so down and out...There are a lot of black women who have good lives!!! I have 3 girlfriends who are with white men who are single mothers. One is a divorced mother and she married her guy. She is pretty, between light brown and light skin. She has a Master's Degree and works for a major corporation. Another is marrying her man in a few months. She is dark skin, really cute, nice shape slim girl, pretty teeth. She has a bachelors and is a professional. And the other...well I dont think that he will marry her..but it has nothing to do with the fact that she is black...I dont think that he will marry into her family because they are so ghetto. He is a good guy and those ghetto negros would break his spirit. Even a lot of black guys would not marry into that family. I wouldnt marry into that family of bangies. She is very light and looks almost white. She has a pretty face, dimples, beautiful smile. The third girl is from a very, very ghetto family. All three girls are very nice looking...I wanted to break it down for you guys because you are the type of black guys that judge beauty that way. The one guy that I think that will not be marrying my girlfriend takes better care of her son than her baby's father ever did. THERE ARE WHITE GUYS WHO DO TAKE CARE OF BLACK WOMEN'S CHILDREN. Granted these women are attractive but whatever. And to tell you the truth just 5 years ago, I knew no black women who even discussed white men. Let alone women who actually married white men. All of my girlfriends KNOW someone who is dating or married to a white guy. You guys will begin to see it. It is actually happening! We are not trying to compete to see who can get the most so please dont reply by saying we get more because that is silly. But ask around...more black women are dating and mating with white guys. I know that you guys hate to think that anyone actually loves black women, but there are men who do.
And also to Truth B Told...I dont not care how you feel about the long, straight hair of white women or their lucious white skin. You and I BOTH know that there are a lot of BEAUTIFUL black women. Light, brown and dark we have a lot of LOOKERS in our race. Go on any college campus...Hell go to a club...Hang out in any metropolitan city...There are a LOT of BEAUTIFUL BLACK WOMEN out there and a lot of the black women dating white guys are not hardly ugly. That is another thing that you guys want to believe. Oh by the way I just found out that a lawyer and an accountant that I know are married to black women. I have NEVER seen this before in my life! If I had even heard a black woman just 5 years ago say that she was attracted to a white guy other than Brad Pitt, I would have thought that she was crazy. To be honest with you I dont know women who are attracted to white men like black men are attracted to white women...they are just open to them and gave them a chance. My three girlfriends were primarily attracted to black men and were not looking for white men. It is happening whether you want to believe it or not!!
You and I BOTH know that there are a lot of BEAUTIFUL black women. Light, brown and dark we have a lot of LOOKERS in our race.
Have I ever suggested otherwise? I have had the pleasure of meeting some and even being involved with a few.
I think every race/color of women has it's beauties, it's plains, and it's uglies.
I find myself getting tired of the whining from the plain and ugly women of color (mostly Black)everytime a man does not find them attractive. From blaming "colorism" to blaming the mainstream media, as if they can "prove" that is the source then men will have to be with them.
I know that I am not God's gift, but I do well for myself with the women who do want to be with me. I wish others would do the same and stop crying about those who don't want them.
I find myself getting tired of the whining from the plain and ugly women of color (mostly Black)everytime a man does not find them attractive. From blaming "colorism" to blaming the mainstream media, as if they can "prove" that is the source then men will have to be with them.
Regardless of how many white or other women you guys marry. Regardless of what women are shown as the beauty standard in the media. There will always be a large segment og black women who are still going to KNOW that they look good...that they are fine. They are not always complaining that the media makes them think they are ugly..they are complaining because they dont see enough BEAUTIFUL black women in the media. The world is not lacking them.
They are not always complaining that the media makes them think they are ugly..they are complaining because they dont see enough BEAUTIFUL black women in the media. The world is not lacking them.
Beautiful women and beautiful Black women don't complain, they just radiate beauty.
It is the not-so-beautiful people who need to see images in the media to boost their own poor self-esteem.
The issue is not if black women are beautiful.
The issue why white men pick your ass last. You can convince yourselves that white men want you. The fact of the matter if white men did want you, you would be on television, magazines, and modeling agencies.
It is black men who put you in the mainstream. Then white people jumped on the bandwagon.
I don't know why your putting up pictures of black women. Black men know there is attractive black women. You should be putting them pictures up at the white sites.
The only thing black women endorse now is tampons and other stuff for stomach ailments. Yet, they running around "claiming" a couple white men that work in the payroll department is marrying them.
Stop trying to hype up white men in the payroll department or the ones that pick up trash.
You all disgust me man.
By the way, they know who I am. I don't hide my identity.
I don't see hardly any white men raising black children. I don't see many white men taking black women. Repressed memories may be there like yous say, but these things you mention don't seem to actually be happening to any significant extent.
When and IR racial couple reproduces their kids are considered black by most of the world. In alot of cases she may already have a child. In my case we do foster care (blk kids only) and are currently raising 2 little girls of a low life no value negro. It is my white man who tucks them in and greases their scalp and teaches them right from wrong and what a man of worth looks like. Matter of fact very few black couple doing foster care and it is whites taking care of them for better or worse but thats another topic. Irregardless of the number of BW/WM couples there are (more than you think). They are there (and on the rise) and alls Im sayin is by using your own theory about repressed slave memories that you need to apply your theory to yourself and evaluate where your true feeling about the so called sellouts are coming from.
Now it is also interesting to note that when you move all these repressed memories to BM the the tone gets dismissive. Ahh maybe but it aint no big deal. But when you apply it to BW it explains everything. Freud move over thats it. No, turn that mirror around baby.
I usually dont get into this pissing contest because just because you dont see it doesnt mean it aint happening. Within my circle in Ohio there are 3 of us BW married to WM (19, 9 and 6 yrs now) and 2 who are engaged to a WM (Just to keep it real none of us are beauty queens and all but one of us are living large) Now it could just be birds of a feather flocking but I dont think so. Only 3 out of my say 20 circle refuse to date WM.
Beautiful women and beautiful Black women don't complain, they just radiate beauty.
It is the not-so-beautiful people who need to see images in the media to boost their own poor self-esteem.
Oomph! I like that. You can come up with some statements luv!
The issue why white men pick your ass last. You can convince yourselves that white men want you. The fact of the matter if white men did want you, you would be on television, magazines, and modeling agencies.
You see asian and latin people even less in the media. Latin even said that would rather be invisible than portrayed negatively. If a white man marries a black woman he did not choose her last. Damn you are running up your blood pressure using up your energy trying to make black women think that nobody wants them. It is not true and you and I both KNOW this.
You have some real problems with facing the fact that white men of quality marry black women..garbage men, payroll clerks...puleez..I am going to stop responding to you because I thought your problem was black women being with a white guy and dissing black men. No you problem is black women BEING with white men PERIOD. It eats you up. Hell as long as I got a man, I dont care about who is dating who and who is not. People have someone and are looking all around themselves to analyze everybody elses relationship...
Laurelton you have problems with bw/wm relationships..I go to NYC often during the summer. I am currently dating a black man but open to others..I hope that if I run into you with a white man, I hope you dont loose your cool and disrespect me. You need to tell yourself false things to make yourself feel better. If you were mature you would at least accept the truth about people occupations...Dont like a white lawyer marrying a black woman...poor baby...Oh in fact on the Oprah's Martin Luther King special last year there was a white male lawyer married to a black female doctor. They met undergrad at an Ivy League Institution..Oh I guess maybe he is really a janitor and she is really a maid and they are passing themselves off as a doctor and lawyer. And look at the owner of the Texas Rangers and his black wife who is a friend of George Bush. Been married to his wife for 25 years. I guess he choose her last too. Oh and the guy Norton millionaire who created Norton Antivirus with his two black wives. I guess he choose thos two women last also. I wont respond to your immaturity again...
Only 3 out of my say 20 circle refuse to date WM.
Most of my girlfriends used to also. My three girlfriends who are with white men were not even thinking about white men when they started dating them. And to this day they dont say anything negative about black men. In fact they constantly say that there still are a lot of good black men that they just happened to fall in love with white men. They do not bash black men because they are with white men. Like the other way around!
Kira/Sara said:
"See you guys want it to seem like black women are so down and out...There are a lot of black women who have good lives!!! I have 3 girlfriends who are with white men who are single mothers".
listen, we care not one iota who you or your friends hook up with we just want you to move obn and leave us alone!
Precious few Black man on here has taken issue with Black women dating IR. You guys are like sorry-arsed negroes who are forever playing the 'race card': you just keep portraying yourselves as victims.
Even when others are defending themselves against people like you victimising them you claim they are victimising you. Talk about a persecution complex, Sara!
Isn't harassing white women and Black men on your blogs enough for you, babe? Can you not simply move on, get ya self a white boy to take care of you and the kids (that should be easy!) and stop harassing Black men, white, Bi-racial and Latino women?
Question: Are IR Black Women Victims of Unrequited Love?
Yeah, I think so. But Don't expect these IR sisters to claim to be victims of this perculiar phenomenon!
Menelik Charles
Ps MsRony, I shall come with an explanation soon!
When and IR racial couple reproduces their kids are considered black by most of the world.
If you are including the biracial children of white men as "white men raising black children", then you must realize that far more white women than white men are raising black kids.
In alot of cases she may already have a child.
Very seldon. There are relatively few white male/black female marriages and a minuscule number of white men serving as stepfathers to black kids.
In my case we do foster care (blk kids only) and are currently raising 2 little girls of a low life no value negro. It is my white man who tucks them in and greases their scalp and teaches them right from wrong and what a man of worth looks like.
I have never understood the injection of alleged personal experiences into the conversations. It's as if we are, first of all, supposed to automatically believe you and then we are to believe that your alleged personal experiences somehow prove white men to be so much more "men of worth" than black men.
Matter of fact very few black couple doing foster care and it is whites taking care of them for better or worse but thats another topic.
I think that you are inaccurate on this point.
They are there (and on the rise) and alls Im sayin is by using your own theory about repressed slave memories that you need to apply your theory to yourself and evaluate where your true feeling about the so called sellouts are coming from.
Not my theory. I didn't write the article. And I don't understand why you don't accept that we are specifically discussing IR bloggers who bash black men. If you don't bash black men to justify your IR relationship, then you have nothing to be defensive about. I don't think that it takes repressed memories to have disdain for women who constantly bash black men and proclaim white men to be superior (as you have done in your post).
Now it is also interesting to note that when you move all these repressed memories to BM the the tone gets dismissive.
Nobody dismissed anything. I recall a woman stating that black men are often not in their children's lives due to the repressed memories of being sold off from their families during slave days. Do you dismiss this?
Within my circle in Ohio there are 3 of us BW married to WM (19, 9 and 6 yrs now) and 2 who are engaged to a WM (Just to keep it real none of us are beauty queens and all but one of us are living large) Now it could just be birds of a feather flocking but I dont think so. Only 3 out of my say 20 circle refuse to date WM.
And again, why should I believe this? I don't know you. You know that there is a common phenomenon of internet fabrication. It's where people make false personal claims to justify their positions. Injecting personal claims is not a good debate strategy. How much does it mean to you when I say that in my circle here in Texas, I rarely see black/white couples and I practically never see white men/black women couples?
I would have to disagree with Mrs Rony.
More women are having out of wedlock children. More black women are becoming single mothers due to NOW the white man leaving them.
Nobody talks about the white man leaving black women to raise children alone. You know why that will be mentioned because his ass is white.
You said
"I usually dont get into this pissing contest because just because you dont see it doesnt mean it aint happening. Within my circle in Ohio there are 3 of us BW married to WM (19, 9 and 6 yrs now) and 2 who are engaged to a WM (Just to keep it real none of us are beauty queens and all but one of us are living large) Now it could just be birds of a feather flocking but I dont think so. Only 3 out of my say 20 circle refuse to date WM."
I do not dispute what you say. I have been to Ohio. Now, is interracial dating between black women and white men on the rise absolutely. My thing is those marriages really do not last that long. There are exceptions.
Rarely your going to see statistics on white men leaving or divorcing black women. I literally have to dig deep to find them. I guess society is sort of indifferent to these couples.
People often say well it is the black man upset black women are with white men.
Actually it is white people upset with white men with black women. Across all racial boundaries.
I was watch a documentary. I was amazed how Latin, Asian and White women "put down" black women.
Like Rocky said I rarely see white men with black women. I mean every so often I might see it. A majority of people stay in their race.
"I was watch a documentary. I was amazed how Latin, Asian and White women "put down" black women. "
I don't know why that amazed you black women are seen as the bottom of the totem pole in many cultures, not saying black women are, but society's screwed up mentality sends the message that bw are.
Why do you act like white people are so unhappy to see black women and white men together? White people are unhappy seeing white and black people together PERIOD. And you have the nerve to say that we have to worry about the family. You nappy headed ashy cheap suit wearing ass has to worry about whether they like you too. You just love white people sooooo much. Go out tonight and go to the market and walk out after dark behind some white women. They are scared to death of you. They will clutch their purses. LOL. And you dont get all white women all of the time. There are white women who dont even go there with black men. I heard one white girl saying that a black guy approached her like she should want him and she told him that she does not date black guys and he called her a racist...real sad.but you cant tell me that white women dont clutch their purses. And white men look down on black men with very good reason. Drop out rates, MURDER rates. White people dont love your nappy head as much as you think they do Mr. Laurelton Queens like I said you are nothing but a peon. And whether white or asian or latin women look down on us there are black women who live good lives some better than white, latin or asian women. It is very individual. White men dont even respect black men in business. I have sat in the room and even gotten angry seeing that black males had to prove themselves because their word is not even considered as valuable in the corporate world. I have sat in meetings where I have seen white guys dismiss black guys comments. I have seen white guys when I was in college move black guys stuff out of the room when he was in class because they did not want to live with him. You sit on line and make all of these comments but when you go to work I bet you that the white men dont respect you and the women grab their purses around you (except the ones who know you). There are INDIVIDUAL black women who live good lives regardless of what anyone feels about them. I live in a city with a lot of blue collar working class fat white women. They dont look down on a black woman like me they envy. They think that I have it too good. Not all white women have got it good most are working class (your girlfriends). Most white guys are middle or working but it is all men except black men who have REAL ECONOMIC power.
That wont be changing anytime soon. The black female single rate will go down before black men EVER gain the economic power that other groups of men have. It is a shame you can run a ball and have to sit in a cubicle all day in a cheap suit LOL with a chubby low class puerto rican girlfriends. And we know that they are not considered the best choices. The men are ALMOST but not quite as economically powerless as black men. LOL
Dear Kira
What boardroom you sat in. Stop making up stores like you do about your jean size. You are still not a size 8 or 10.
I never mention going where white people are. I am in my middle class black neighborhood. You are the one riding the white man's penny loafers.
You probably mistaken the black girl with an old pasty black man as his girlfriend. That is really a prostitute. I have seen a few them at work. This peon doesn't pay for black pussy.
I can't say that for my white colleagues LOL. As for white men, I have never dated one. It is always the desperate black women at work asking all races of men are you married, you got a girlfriend.
It is just plain pathetic at this point. Some of them sound like you. Go in a rant about black men causing white men to use them for sex. I especially like when a sellout black girl says to a white coworker of mine "why you didn't call me". I laugh in her face. I am not really liked around the office.
Now your making excuses for them. They live INDIVIDUAL lives and do not care what anybody thinks about them. Right just like that black girl crying on my blog during the Tyra Banks show.
What economic power are you rambling about. It is like talking to a special needs patient. What economic power in RECESSION. You show me because I want to seem them. Point out of how many white men with REAL ECONOMIC POWER are with black women.
It won't get past 1 hand.
White women are with rich black men , white men, Asian men, Arab men. Where the hell you at in the mix.
Left behind again and you are talking about black men. Your economy power is shaking your ass in a video. Oprah is the only black woman that wealthy.
Name another black woman that is wealthy?
The single rate will go down. Why was it UP IN THE FIRST PLACE.
You loser, stop forecasting the future it makes you look like an idiot. STDS will go down among black women too right?
Black women having children out of wedlock will go down soon right?
The white man is like this black girl crazy.
Even the white man knows that is not going to happen.
Menelik wrote:
"I ‘remember’ when you raped me".
...Tracy’s ‘race memory’… was activated by being around white men. Like many Black women, she fought against these troubling feelings by offering white men gestures of submission e.g. by excessive smiling, ‘laughing’ hysterically at their ‘jokes’, and/or permitting themselves to be sexually groped in public by white partners. Tracy, therefore, was certainly “open”…but to a past she has no literal memory of…”
MrsRony asks:
“Repressed memories? You need another pair of arms to reach this far. I realize the story of Traci itself is just... well, silly but do you really believe that… sell-outs …are reacting to African-American females ‘collective unconscious’ of repressed ‘memories’ associated with centuries of sexual slavery???? It’s just absurd”.
Menelik replies:
Wow, MrsRony, you appear to have changed your tone somewhat! You also seem to be adding words to my analysis e.g. “sell-outs”, which entirely alters the context and tone of my commentary. Perhaps you should’ve taken the analysis directly above the “I remember when…” segment into account:
Culture or Syndrome?
Tracy, like all slavery-descended Africans, is not the product of cultural experiences. Psycho-social experiences, yes: but not cultural. My reasoning is centred on the definition of the term syndrome. This has been defined as:
“Any combination of signs and symptoms that are indicative of a particular disease or disorder; or a symptom or set of symptoms, indicating the existence of a condition or problem”
So, slavery was a psychological “condition”, a spiritual “disease”, a social “disorder”. It was a “problem”. It was not a culture!
This may explain why slave-descended Africans are unable to function like other (genuine) ethnic groups i.e. for self-preservation. Therefore so-called ‘Black’ culture (as transmitted by the slave-descended family) might more accurately be described as a Slave-Perpetuating Syndrome, incorporating the “signs and symptoms” indicating the “existence of a condition or problem”. Is any of this making sense?
MrsRony asks:
“If you believe this then what does the African-American male collective unconscious repressed memories consist of…?”
Menelik replies:
How common are two-parent families in the post-slavery African-American community, MrsRony? How deeply-rooted is the institution of marriage? How willing are Black men to commit to a single union? How sexually promiscuous are Black men allegedly compared to men of other races? What terrible ‘memories’ lurk deep within the African-American male collective unconscious, and what disturbing ‘memories’ are stirred once they are activated?
Did African-American men determine the structure of the Black family during slavery? Could they marry whom they desired? Did they control Black women’s sexuality and exploit their fertility? Indeed, did they control their own sexuality and fertility? Were Black men ‘masters’ of their homes, and of their destinies? How relevant were two-parent families during slavery, MrsRony? Indeed, how relevant were Black fathers as protectors of their women and children? Who exactly owned Black women and children during this period, MrsRony?
More questions:
Do you really need “to reach this far” to answer the above questions? Cannot the repressed traumas within the Black-male collective unconscious be easily identified if one simply observes their collective behaviour in a variety of critical-life situations? Is my analysis really so “absurd”, MrsRony?
MrsRony said:
“White men are doing what many of you cant/wont do...taking your women and raising your children. That's gotta sting...maybe on a level you don't even recognize...”
Menelik replies:
I’d so like for Black families to reclaim their children from white plantations…oops, I mean institutions, and give them the love they so richly deserve. Clearly these children are victim of some syndrome or another. So, yeah, it does “sting” and on a level we both now appear to “recognise”. I guess I’ve finally found those extra pair of “arms”, MrsRony…thanks.
However, I’m somewhat disappointed with your wording and tone. It all appears provocative (“taking your women and children…” That’s one ‘memory’ activated right there!), and mocking (“that’s gotta sting!”).
MrsRony said:
“…we foster…Black kids, and are currently raising 2 little girls of a low life no value Negro. It is my white man who tucks them in and greases their scalp and teaches them right from wrong and what a man of worth looks like”.
Menelik asks
I guess this “low life Negro” was male, right? Why else mention that your husband is white? Has anyone here come close to attacking you for marrying out? Why then the incendiary comments like “what a man of worth looks like”? What does” a man of worth look like”, MrsRony? And will he get the job, pay rise etc before me? I sense not the sentiments of Martin Luther King in your remarks, MrsRony!
I don’t, however, accept that you’ve gone into “pure irrational mode” since there’s an explanation for everything. For example, what I’ve realised is that some Black women in “happy” relationships with white men appear to have unfinished ‘emotional business’ with Black men and thus appear to have reluctantly “settled” for a “nice” white men. This cannot be easy for what are essentially ‘race woman’!
MrsRony said:
”Irregardless of the number of Black woman/white male couples there are…all I’m saying is by using your own theory about repressed slave memories that you need to apply your theory to yourself and evaluate where you’re true feeling about the so called sell-outs are coming from”.
Menelik replies:
Curiously, you now appear to have found use for a theory you earlier dismissed as “absurd”. But only if used exclusively “against” me! Moreover, your continued use of the term “sell-outs” in relation to my posts suggests that I’ve expressed hostility towards Black women in relationships with white men. I have not. And nor have I used terms like “sell-out”. You appear to be making an unnecessary ‘opponent’ of me, MrsRony. Why so, when previously you wrote:
“man this is some deep stuff! I want to say I don’t agree but....I’m not sure I don’t”.
I do not have “true feelings” regarding Black women in relationships with white men. I do, however, have an opinion. My opinion is that white men are a “last resort” for Black women and vice versa. The fact that these relationships are on the increase is ‘proof’ that some folks have no place else to go. The racial, romantic and sexual anxiety this induces in slave-descended Black women like Tracy is evident for all to see. It is for this very reason that:
Black men must always be wrong because they're Mr Right’; white men must never be wrong because they can never be (quite) ‘Mr Right’.
Since this is the logic utilised by some Black women then I guess I have no redeeming characteristics to speak of. I’m wrong by virtue of being Black and male…and maybe even more so if I happen to have struck a nerve with my postings. I calmly await the backlash!
Menelik Charles
You show me because I want to seem them. Point out of how many white men with REAL ECONOMIC POWER are with black women.
The Owner of the Texas Rangers
Robert Dinero - His wife was a stewardess (DOES REALLY WELL)
The founder and inventor of Norton Antivirus- Peter Norton (REAL,REAL ECONOMIC POWER)
Yeah I guess you will say that their wives are prostitutes or some crazy stuff like that...just cant admit it..i understand :)
The biggest haters of dark skinned Black women are dark skinned niggers whose mothers are dark skinned.
I wont be surprised that Menelik, Rocky,Truth B Told, Mr.Laurelton Queens and all the other niggers who post here are all dark skinned niggers whose mothers are all dark skinned.
What a fucking shame!Shame on all you Niggers!
Ernesto, a light skinned Black man, who loves me a dark skinned sister.
Now we are the biggest haters of black women.
This pussy Ernesto. A black man with an Hispanic name. Yea I told you pussy we don't got to blog about it. I will put my hands on you off this thing.
As for Economic Power by Kira.
Now name how many white women are with white men with economic power.
Hmm about 99 percent.
You dumb monkey.
Oh yea your imaginary man is a bitch.
Where the fucking niggers who always harrassing dark skinned women on this fucking blog? I am here to talk up for them.
Nigger Truth B Told. Nigger Laurelton Queens.Nigger Menelik. Nigger Rocky.Where you all at?
You don't like dark skinned Black women . I do. This light skinned Puerto Rican is here to defend them from you fucking low down niggers.Where you fucking losers at?
Menelik replies:
Wow, MrsRony, you appear to have changed your tone somewhat! You also seem to be adding words to my analysis e.g. “sell-outs”, which entirely alters the context and tone of my commentary. Perhaps you should’ve taken the analysis directly above the “I remember when…” segment into account:
Whoa, maybe my tone is not coming across right. 1st of all I said sellouts AND or any woman going outside her race. I added that in order to make the distinction I believe you have between women in IR and women in IR who bash BM. sellout=bad/ BW in IR=rather you not but ok. Was I wrong?
Menelik replies:
How common are two-parent families in the post-slavery African-American community, MrsRony? How deeply-rooted is the institution of marriage? How willing are Black men to commit to a single union?
In the middle and upper class of blacks?..About the same as whites. In lower classes. Not so much.
How sexually promiscuous are Black men allegedly compared to men of other races?
No more than any other men. Men are men...or dogs.
What terrible ‘memories’ lurk deep within the African-American male collective unconscious, and what disturbing ‘memories’ are stirred once they are activated?
Ummm...I dont know?? I am questioning your use of the AA collective unconscious to excuse or qualify IR behavior. I dont think I buy it. I mean are we using culture to be victims?
Did African-American men determine the structure of the Black family during slavery? Could they marry whom they desired? Did they control Black women’s sexuality and exploit their fertility? Indeed, did they control their own sexuality and fertility? Were Black men ‘masters’ of their homes, and of their destinies? How relevant were two-parent families during slavery, MrsRony? Indeed, how relevant were Black fathers as protectors of their women and children? Who exactly owned Black women and children during this period, MrsRony?
yes yes yes...the white man was evil and fucked our people up beyond reason 400 yrs ok. what the hell does this have to do with the tea in China today?? I am not fucking the collective unconcious. This conversation might be too intellectual for me.
However, I’m somewhat disappointed with your wording and tone. It all appears provocative (“taking your women and children…” That’s one ‘memory’ activated right there!), and mocking (“that’s gotta sting!”).
It was meant to be provactive because I dont believe it to be true!
MrsRony said:
“…we foster…Black kids, and are currently raising 2 little girls of a low life no value Negro. It is my white man who tucks them in and greases their scalp and teaches them right from wrong and what a man of worth looks like”.
Menelik asks
I guess this “low life Negro” was male, right? Why else mention that your husband is white? Has anyone here come close to attacking you for marrying out? Why then the incendiary comments like “what a man of worth looks like”? What does” a man of worth look like”, MrsRony? And will he get the job, pay rise etc before me? I sense not the sentiments of Martin Luther King in your remarks, MrsRony!
No one has attacked me here. I dont think Ive given the impression that they have. My point is man of worth has no color and is not defined by his occupation or his bank account. Those are excuses. There is never any excuse for not taking care of your kids. Ever. I dont care what color you are or what the white man did 400 yrs ago or yesterday. Using "collective unconcious" keeps us victims..and WE ARE NOT.
I don’t, however, accept that you’ve gone into “pure irrational mode” since there’s an explanation for everything. For example, what I’ve realised is that some Black women in “happy” relationships with white men appear to have unfinished ‘emotional business’ with Black men and thus appear to have reluctantly “settled” for a “nice” white men. This cannot be easy for what are essentially ‘race woman’!
Well...I dont think I have any unfinished business with black men...well my daddy sure does piss me the hell off and my brother is on my last nerve so maybe youre right. Have I settled???? I like to say I'm biding my time until Terrence Howard is ready to settle down so you may be onto something.
I do not have “true feelings” regarding Black women in relationships with white men. I do, however, have an opinion. My opinion is that white men are a “last resort” for Black women and vice versa. The fact that these relationships are on the increase is ‘proof’ that some folks have no place else to go. The racial, romantic and sexual anxiety this induces in slave-descended Black women like Tracy is evident for all to see. It is for this very reason that:
Black men must always be wrong because they're Mr Right’; white men must never be wrong because they can never be (quite) ‘Mr Right’.
Since this is the logic utilised by some Black women then I guess I have no redeeming characteristics to speak of. I’m wrong by virtue of being Black and male…and maybe even more so if I happen to have struck a nerve with my postings. I calmly await the backlash!
Menelik Charles
I agree with alot of the stuff you said about Evia and Tracie and that crap. What I dont agree with this repressed memories stuff.
I'll let you in on a secret. All men are wrong. Women are always right. Your life will be alot easier once you can handle that.
Just because there are two sides doesnt mean one of them is right.
Ernesto is a clear example of a woman pretending to be a man and trying to post some nonsense.
Anyway, I am light skinned and I have always been physically attracted to dark women.
rocky, will you marry me?
ME:Matter of fact very few black couple doing foster care and it is whites taking care of them for better or worse but thats another topic.
I think that you are inaccurate on this point.
Well....Sadly, Im not. Call your local children's services center and see.
Rocky:Not my theory. I didn't write the article. And I don't understand why you don't accept that we are specifically discussing IR bloggers who bash black men. If you don't bash black men to justify your IR relationship, then you have nothing to be defensive about. I don't think that it takes repressed memories to have disdain for women who constantly bash black men and proclaim white men to be superior (as you have done in your post).
Youre right, I didnt realize it was you and not Menelik when I responded. I dont bash black men and I dont think white men are superior. You are all dogs.... when allowed to be:-)
Rocky:Nobody dismissed anything. I recall a woman stating that black men are often not in their children's lives due to the repressed memories of being sold off from their families during slave days. Do you dismiss this?
YES I do!!! Stop being a victim and own your shit. (I dont mean you literally) My daddy was a drunk so Im a drunk too. My mom was abused so its okay for men to hit me. I was molested so I gotta molest too. Im not going to take care of my kids cuz the white man took my kids 400 years ago. NO. NO. NO. HELL NO! No excuse. You are sorry and making a conscious decision to be a punk ass victim.(again not really) If you are out there slinging your sperm around and not educating your kids, not providing for your kids...you are not a man. (same goes for a woman)
Look, I dont disagree that the past shapes us to a SMALL degree but it does not define us in the present and to use it as an excuse for our current weaknesses cheapens the sacrifices that were made.
MrsRony wrote:
"yes yes yes...the white man was evil and fucked our people up beyond reason 400 yrs ok?"
Menelik says:
as any psychoanalyst will tell you, the 'place' "beyond reason" in the human mind is known as the 'COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS'!
Menelik wrote:
However, I’m somewhat disappointed with your wording and tone. It all appears provocative (“taking your women and children…” That’s one ‘memory’ activated right there!), and mocking (“that’s gotta sting!”).
MrsRony replied:
It was meant to be provocative because I dont believe it to be true!
Menelik asks:
why the need to provoke people without a genuine point being attached to it?
MrsRony wrote:
"It is my white man who...teaches them right from wrong and what a man of worth looks like”.
Menelik asks:
were these words also "meant to be provocative", and do you believe them to be true?
MrsRony wrote:
“…we foster…Black kids, and are currently raising 2 little girls of a low life no value Negro.
She also wrote:
"My point is man of worth has no color".
Menelik asks:
That was clearly not your point! But do please tell us what "value" you place on the mother of your two foster kids?
MrsRony wrote:
"I dont care what color you are or what the white man did 400 yrs ago or yesterday. Using "collective unconcious" keeps us victims..and WE ARE NOT".
Menelik says:
you "don't care"? You do appear rather insensitive, MrsRony. I strongly advise you not get into
a conversation with a Native-American or a Jewish Holocaust survivor...or even an incest VICTIM for that matter!
MrsRony wrote:
"I agree with a lot of the stuff you said about Evia and Tracie and that crap. What I dont agree with this repressed memories stuff".
Menelik says:
then you won't get me trying to convince you. You are what we call in psychology a 'Behaviourist' whereas I'm on the Freudian side. Both sides will never agree, which is cool by me!
Menelik Charles
ps I still get the impression that you haven't responded to the bulk of my original response though lol
What it makes you feel good to believe that a Puerto Rican man like me cannot find dark skinned wom Or you cannot argue like a man with another man?
All you can do is spit out shit against women.Be a man.
I live with my wife in Washington Heights, Manhattan. Where you live?
What, it makes you feel good to believe that a Puerto Rican man like me cannot find a dark skinned woman attractive?
Or you cannot argue like a man with another man?
All you can do is spit out shit against women.Be a man.
I live in Washington Heights, Manhattan. Where you live?
Let me tell you something.
I live in Jamaica Queens New York.
What the fuck are you talking about light skin women and dark skin women. Nobody mentions their skin color. Only your doing it pussy.
I will go the nearest bodega you own and whip your ass.
Then fuck your dark skin girlfriend. I dare you do something about it pussy.
you can pull as many stunts as you like...I know who you are!
Menelik asks: But do please tell us what "value" you place on the mother of your two foster kids?
She is a sorry excuse for a woman taking up good air and does not deserve her kids. But I can be harsh sometimes.
Menelik says:you "don't care"? You do appear rather insensitive, MrsRony. I strongly advise you not get into a conversation with a Native-American or a Jewish Holocaust survivor...or even an incest VICTIM for that matter!
Dont play that game and twist my words. You know exactly what I mean. Tough love baby. What was done in the past is inexcusable and horrific no people should of suffered. BUT to use what you have suffered as an excuse to then go do what was done to you or excuse your pillaging another country or not take care of your kids is just as disgusting as what was done to you originally..if not more so because you know 1st hand the affects. If you want to enable people continuing being victims and them victimizing others so be it. I have no sympathy for it.
Menelik wrote:
However, I’m somewhat disappointed with your wording and tone. It all appears provocative (“taking your women and children…” That’s one ‘memory’ activated right there!), and mocking (“that’s gotta sting!”).MrsRony replied:It was meant to be provocative because I dont believe it to be true!
Menelik asks:why the need to provoke people without a genuine point being attached to it?
I had a point....I apparently just didnt make it good enough!
MrsRony wrote:"It is my white man who...teaches them right from wrong and what a man of worth looks like”.
Menelik asks:were these words also "meant to be provocative", and do you believe them to be true?
No, it is simply the truth. He is mine. He is white. He is a man of worth. It is his actions not his color that make him so.
Menelik says:then you won't get me trying to convince you. You are what we call in psychology a 'Behaviourist' whereas I'm on the Freudian side. Both sides will never agree, which is cool by me!
I thought you were leaning more towards Jung than Freud but I dont understand alot of it and I'm all over the map so you never know. We may have our moments!
ps I still get the impression that you haven't responded to the bulk of my original response though lol
I haven't! Baby, your post are huge!!!![insert dirty joke] I love to write but I am no debater. Im tryin to hang with you though. Give me time!
rocky, why won't you answer my proposal??
"YES I do!!! Stop being a victim and own your shit. (I dont mean you literally) My daddy was a drunk so Im a drunk too. My mom was abused so its okay for men to hit me. I was molested so I gotta molest too. Im not going to take care of my kids cuz the white man took my kids 400 years ago. NO. NO. NO. HELL NO! No excuse. You are sorry and making a conscious decision to be a punk ass victim.(again not really) If you are out there slinging your sperm around and not educating your kids, not providing for your kids...you are not a man. (same goes for a woman)"
Mrs. Rony, you are the most refreshing voice on this board. In another 400 years we will still be whining about these "subconscious memories" ... some of us, anyway.
There are people who move on and live and people who wallow in their victimhood and excuses, and get off on their victim status. I am sick of them. Everybody has a damn excuse and it's the intellectual idiots that pump this crap out to control the sheeple to become "righteously angry" at the bidding of politicians and their ilk. It's like after 30 years of age or so, STOP BLAMING YOUR PARENTS for all your problems and for your being a loser. You're an adult now; own it and work on a better life. You know better now. You know who's worth associating with and who is not.
Mrs. Rony, you are the most refreshing voice on this board. In another 400 years we will still be whining about these "subconscious memories" ... some of us, anyway.
I agree a little with Menelik and more with Mrs Rony. I do believe in "subconcious memories", but I also believe that we are powerful enough to overcome them if we want to. Or we should be.
@MrsRony, Truth B Told & Anon,
I shall respond to you all in the most emphatic fashion within the next 24hrs. Believe me, it will be worth the wait!
Menelik Charles
London England
Menelik asks:
But do please tell us what "value" you place on the mother of your two foster kids?
MrsRony replied:
“She is a sorry excuse for a woman taking up good air and does not deserve her kids. But I can be harsh sometimes”.
Menelik asks:
The mother I take it is Black, right? If so, she was not subject to racist innuendo! Indeed, she was not even mentioned. Only the “no value Negro” was and then brutally dismissed as a man of “low value” compared to “my white man…of worth”. What goes on, MrsRony?
What racist historical scenario is being re-enacted here when a “sorry excuse for a” mother is rendered ‘innocent’ by omission, while a “low life Negro” father is confirmed as both ‘guilty’ and ‘inferior’ in comparison to a “white man…of worth”?
What ‘strange fruit’ can be found hanging from the tree in your back garden, MrsRony?
MrsRony wrote:
“He is mine. He is white. He is a man of worth. It is his actions not his color that make him so”.
Menelik says:
Then do please re-read what you wrote and tell me whether or not you are judging your husband by the ‘content of his character’ or, God forbid, by the colour of his skin. In fact, I’d like everyone to re-read what you wrote and give me their opinions.
Menelik wrote:
I’m somewhat disappointed with your wording and tone. It all appears provocative (“taking your women and children…” That’s one traumatic ‘memory’ activated right there!), and mocking (“that’s gotta sting!”).
MrsRony replied:
“It was meant to be provocative because I don’t believe it to be true!”
Menelik asks:
I hope you don’t, MrsRony but the idea of white men “taking” our women and children (to be sold or raped) and the image of Black men being ‘lynched’ for sins others commit in equal measure ( e.g. “a sorry excuse for a woman”) is deeply offensive to conscious Black men and women! Are you not aware of this?
Menelik says:
you "don't care"? You do appear rather insensitive, MrsRony. I strongly advise you not get into a conversation with a Native-American or a Jewish Holocaust survivor...or even an incest VICTIM for that matter!
MrsRony replied:
“Don’t… twist my words. You know exactly what I mean. Tough love baby….To use what you have suffered as an excuse to…do what was done to you… is just as disgusting as what was done to you…. If you want to enable people continuing being victims and them victimizing others, so be it. I have no sympathy for it”.
Menelik replies:
MrsRony, I have no need to “twist” your words. I have simply shed light on their wider implications. You “can be harsh sometimes”, remember? A purveyor of “tough love”, remember? I am in the ‘business’ of finding explanations for human behaviour not “excuses”. No way do I, advocate that abused people abuse others. I am being trained to treat such people. Stop “twisting” my words, MrsRony!
That said, I certainly know of a race of people hiding behind a complex, inter-related network of private and public institutions e.g. businesses and schools, who not only benefit immeasurably from America’s ignoble origins but who are also suitably positioned to discriminate against, demonise and oppress countless unsuspecting African-Americans in the 21st century.
Equally I am depressingly aware of an increasing number of women for whom “tough love” and “harsh” words translates into an ahistorical, apolitical, and amoral ‘assessment’ of all of the problems which afflict our race! Such women appear to identify with the unceasing racist objectives of their ‘invisible’ oppressors. And all because they couldn’t get to mate, marry, and keep the men who now (unknowingly) have a strangle-hold on their embittered hearts.
“Hell hath no fury…”
MrsRony said:
“What was done in the past is inexcusable, and horrific: no people should have suffered”. The past shapes us to a SMALL degree but it does not define us in the present…"
Menelik replies:
Allow me to demonstrate how untrue this statement is. For example, at the core of all cultures are distinct and exclusive languages. We speak not with our own tongues but with those of England, France, Holland, Spain, and Portugal We therefore, have no privacy in public spaces like those who sell us liquor, while mocking our women folk in Arabic! We can exclude no one with which we speak. And what of our names, MrsRony? Do they represent our African Motherland or those who claimed ownership over us?
“The past…does not define us in the present”? Are you still confidant in the legitimacy of this assertion, MrsRony? Indeed, can you be certain that in treating the ongoing impact of slavery on the minds of African-Americans in such a cavalier fashion that you are not, in fact, excusing its more personal horrors closer to home?
MrsRony said on March 12th 10:46am
over at ‘Something Screwed’
“My 78 year-old grand-mother still calls various grand and great-grand-children “ugly” based how dark they are. My aunts and uncles resort to those name callings when arguing. My own mother…would dismiss any man I liked if he was too "black". I have to think of the children, you know.
…It is black women who perpetuate this color war. We are the ones who shape our youth. Mothers determine how long we …stay outside in the summer (lest we become “too dark”). Mothers …complain when brushing nappy heads and straightening… hair so it can be "pretty" and easier to deal with.
Little things that have been with us for so long that we don't even recognize its happening. We have learned what is beautiful and acceptable before we hit puberty…from momma. I don't know a black family this has not been the case”.
Menelik says:
Clearly, empathy, not “harsh” words; explanations, not excuses, are in order here. I spoke, thus, of a Slave-Perpetuating Syndrome, suggesting the “existence of a problem”. The problem being a white-racist inspired slavery which has left African-Americans with “little things that have been with us for so long that we don't even recognize its happening” (Your words MrsRony not mine).
MrsRony said:
I don’t care what color you are, or what the white man did 400 yrs ago or yesterday. Using the “collective unconscious" keeps us victims...and WE ARE NOT".
Menelik replies:
First, there was much you learned from “momma” before you even “hit puberty” including, and especially, colour prejudice. Second, your mother cares a great deal what colour your husband is (not to mention the colour of her potential grand-children). Third, why should you care about the racial indignities our ancestors endured when you experienced similar indignities at the hands of your own mother? Fourth, you were, thus made a contemporary victim of slavery’s racist script by in your own mother. Fifth, NOT using the analytical ‘tool’ of the collective unconscious actually keeps us “victims” since without it, we can be left at the mercy of a past we have no literal memory, or understanding, of.
MrsRony said:
I am questioning your use of the African-American “collective unconscious” to excuse or qualify inter-racial behavior. I don’t think I buy it. I mean are we using culture to be victims?
Menelik replies:
First, my argument was that African-Americans do not, in fact, have a culture (central to which are African languages and names). This cultural void has been filled by a Slave-Perpetuating Syndrome…an anti-African ideology which was imparted to you via the women of your family. Second, the problems slavery activated (e.g. colorism) were never rectified, merely abandoned. Hence, we remain “victims” as any conscious observer can testify.
As regards Black women in inter-racial relationships with white men, well, I’ve noticed how frequently they seek to displace and project their own degraded feminine ‘niggerness’ onto Black men while representing white men as men of “worth”. You employed this very tactic, MrsRony, when describing the father of your foster children while omitting to mention the mother. Why so?
Clearly, the ‘Asset-stripping’ of Black men is a favourite ploy to compensate white men aesthetically, romantically and sexually for perceivably not “measuring up” to Black men despite all of their socially-constructed advantageous.
Good day!
Menelik Charles
London England
Ps you make no mention of your father, MrsRony. Why so?
Rocky and I are getting married. *kisses*
Equally I am depressingly aware of an increasing number of women for whom “tough love” and “harsh” words translates into an ahistorical, apolitical, and amoral ‘assessment’ of all of the problems which afflict our race! Such women appear to identify with the unceasing racist objectives of their ‘invisible’ oppressors. And all because they couldn’t get to mate, marry, and keep the men who now (unknowingly) have a strangle-hold on their embittered hearts.
I think this in a nutshell sums up the Something Screwed movement.
Oh Damn Menelik. A free analysis?
Lord save me from intellectual men! You'd have a time talking to my Boo.
Let me get rid of this bug and find a dictionary.
I eagerly await your response...if there is one!
Menelik Charles
The Owner of the Texas Rangers
Tom Hicks is the owner of the Rangers right? His wife sure looks white to me:
What happened to the black woman the Texas owner was with?
Kicked out and left with her panties down.
They sure know how to "vet" men.
are you there, sweety?
Menelik Charles
whew sweetie...this week aint been pretty so cut me some slack.
Menelik asks:The mother I take it is Black, right? If so, she was not subject to racist innuendo! Indeed, she was not even mentioned. Only the “no value Negro” was and then brutally dismissed as a man of “low value” compared to “my white man…of worth”. What goes on, MrsRony?
I didnt mention her because we were talking about men first of all. 2nd, in all her infinite stupidity she is at least attempting to take care of her kids which is more than anyone can say about the sperm donor. But if you want me to compare her to a woman of worth then by all means.
What racist historical scenario is being re-enacted here when a “sorry excuse for a” mother is rendered ‘innocent’ by omission, while a “low life Negro” father is confirmed as both ‘guilty’ and ‘inferior’ in comparison to a “white man…of worth”?
Again...we were not on that side of the street.
What ‘strange fruit’ can be found hanging from the tree in your back garden, MrsRony? Ooo baby nothing would shock me at this point.
I hope you don’t, MrsRony but the idea of white men “taking” our women and children (to be sold or raped) and the image of Black men being ‘lynched’ for sins others commit in equal measure ( e.g. “a sorry excuse for a woman”) is deeply offensive to conscious Black men and women! Are you not aware of this?
Oh I am aware and my advice is to get over it. As long as you give stupid stuff/words/people the power to keep you offended and outraged you are stuck.
Menelik replies:
Equally I am depressingly aware of an increasing number of women for whom “tough love” and “harsh” words translates into an ahistorical, apolitical, and amoral ‘assessment’ of all of the problems which afflict our race! Such women appear to identify with the unceasing racist objectives of their ‘invisible’ oppressors. And all because they couldn’t get to mate, marry, and keep the men who now (unknowingly) have a strangle-hold on their embittered hearts.“Hell hath no fury…”
And what of our names, MrsRony? Do they represent our African Motherland or those who claimed ownership over us? ..........
hmm... Ok. I feel like you are trying to goad response with the bulk of this but Im not sure what it is. Im not going to copy all you said because honest Boo...I dont understand half of you just said and have no clue how to even respond to it, which may have been the point but either way let me say this. If black people want to hold on to slavery so be it. I refuse to stay in the box. I am free to be anything I want to be. I am free to love who I want and if you want to say its because Im ignorant or in denial or what have you...so be it. As a black person there will always be a price. Whatever it is I refuse to let that price hold me back.
I have never been to Africa and dont know anyone there. Have no desire to go. Too hot and too many bugs although it would be neat to see that many black people. I could of been a queen of some mountain. My name might of been Qui. I dont care. I mean that quite literally. Irregardless of what I was or coulda been or what my "culture" may have been. I can deal only with the past 38 years here in America (and let go of most of them). I live in the here and now. It is what it is. Deal. The collective white man is an evil bastard. Always has been and always will be. But just as ALL black men aren't walking around with no job barely speaking English with 7 baby momma's the "white man" is not every white man. All I can do is fight in this day and age to be as free as possible and live my life and help those who I can when I can. Getting caught in "flashbacks" are in my opinion excuses. This they did this to me so I should be measured by a different ruler is BS to me. I refuse to be oppressed by my own people or from others.
People have got a death grip on all this indignation and offense. I dont care what white people are doing. I dont care what they did. I cant change it. I cant control it. WE have to start moving FORWARD. The pity party is over. Pull your pants up, put your big girl panties on and lets go.
And thats all me and Forest got to say about that.
Now my daddy is old school, craZY, down in the hollar KY country mixed with Uncle Ruckus. He worked the family farm, then the coal mines, then came up north to the auto factory and has owned his own business since about 1975. He cuts his own hair and "keeps enough money in his back pocket to do whatever the hell he wants to". He doesnt believe in a black community. He's quite cold and calculated about it. He is all about family and money...maybe not in that order. He refused to let us take any black history classes and called my school and cussed out the principle the first year they closed school for MLK day. He went to a for black only school. He doesnt let race affect his bottom line. He says "Honkeys cant do shit to me". When he couldnt get contracts because of his race, he hired a white broker to get the business. When the banks wouldnt give him loans for equipment he saved up the money and paid cash. We went to a lake fishing once and a white guy had this great speedboat. When daddy asked the man to let him ride he refused. So daddy within the month went and bought his own better boat and went back and cussed the man out when he approached daddy about it. He is really a will to power type of man. He sets his eye on something and thats it. He is a freight train. No weakness ever. Now that I think about it he really is a walking contradiction. When growing up he chased a 4th grade white boy home for walking me home....AND cussed out his dad. (my daddys got a mouth) BUT he moved us in an all white neighborhood and swore it was going to hell when more black people started moving in. Hated every white guy I dated but tried to force me to marry the father of my son. He didnt bat an eye when I told him I was getting married. His only concern was how much money PB made and to warn US if my son (not me) was done wrong he would wash his hands in OUR blood. Now sit down and eat and after we were married he tried to get PB into the family biz. This is a man who told me I had an hourglass figure, it was just on military time and yelled at me when I cut my hair off and went natural that my husband would be sure to leave me cuz no man wants his woman walking around with that "cantcha/dontcha hair". So you tell me Mr. London....whatcha think?..all kinda fruits and berries in there huh? LOL
This has been interesting. I'll choose my comments more carefully next time now that I know you're gonna pull out all this psychological mumbo jumbo!
Emotional racist garbage, no different from stormfront. You should be shut down!
I shall respond to you in a day or so.
Menelik Charles
I like you and I like your Dad. You got your own mind, and so did he. Your Dad is the embodiment of the American spirit. We're a screwed up country sometimes, but we go forward, and self-correct, because we are free to have our own thoughts and express them.
please read..."evia" is actually a nigerian man who runs several websites according to this blogger who says she was cyber stalked by him for 8 years.
Menelik said:
The mother… was not even mentioned. Only the “no value Negro” was and then brutally dismissed as a man of “low value” What goes on, MrsRony?
MrsRony replied:
”I didn’t mention her (the mother) because we were talking about men first of all”.
Menelik replied:
We were NOT “talking about men first of all”! You’re being “economical with the truth”, MrsRony! For the record, below is the single quote from my post over at Rocky’s blog which has formed the basis of all our correspondence thus far:
I ‘Remember’ When You Raped Me
What is contained in the African-American female ‘collective unconscious’ are repressed ‘memories’ associated with centuries of sexual slavery. Tracy’s ‘race memory’, therefore, was activated by being around white men. But like many Black women, she fought against these troubling feelings by offering white men gestures of submission e.g. by excessive smiling, ‘laughing’ hysterically at their ‘jokes’, and/or permitting themselves to be sexually groped in public by white partners. Tracy, therefore, was certainly “open”…but to a past she has no literal memory of, and which continues to haunt her beyond the events in question.
Menelik says:
What racist historical scenario is being re-enacted here when a “sorry excuse for a” mother is rendered ‘innocent’ by omission, while a “low life Negro” father is confirmed as… ‘guilty’?
MrsRony replied:
“Again…we were not on that side of the street”
Menelik says:
And I’m reluctant to call you a liar! But I will commend you on a fine job denying that African-Americans unknowingly re-live the collective racial traumas’ of their ancestors - be it related to race, colour, hair texture or… inter-racial relationships.
Unfortunately, your dismissive response to this notion does not tally with your personal experiences of sustained racial abuse and colour prejudice within your own family. You make no mention of this in your present response. Was this deliberate?
Here’s what you said:
“My 78 year-old grand-mother still calls various grand and great-grand-children “ugly” based how dark they are. My aunts and uncles resort to those name callings when arguing. My own mother…would dismiss any man I liked if he was too "black". I have to think of the children, you know.
…It is black women who perpetuate this color war. We are the ones who shape our youth. Mothers determine how long we …stay outside in the summer, lest we become “too dark”.
Mothers …complain when brushing nappy heads and straightening… hair so it can be "pretty" and easier to deal with.
….We have learned what is beautiful and acceptable before we hit puberty…from momma. I don't know a black family this has not been the case”.
You also said:
“Repressed memories? You need another pair of arms to reach this far. I realize the story of Traci itself is just… well silly but do you really believe that…any woman going outside her race is reacting to an African-American female ‘collective unconscious’ of repressed ‘memories’?”.
Menelik says:
Yes I do, and your humiliating lessons in self-hatred (what would you call it, MrsRony?) growing up at home also proves the existence of related racial traumas. Your mother did not learn to despise your African identity from kinfolk in West Africa but from her more recent racially-traumatised slave ancestors from the American South. Fact!
MrsRony said:
“If black people want to hold on to slavery, so be it. I refuse to stay in the box. I am free to be anything I want to be. I am free to love who I want and if you want to say it’s because I’m ignorant or in denial or what have you...so be it”.
Menelik replies:
First, it was your family which ‘held’ on to slavery in the form of colorism, contempt for ‘nappy’ hair, and African physiognomy. Second, you are not “free” to be who you want to be; or to love who you choose. For example, you cannot be or look like Serena Williams (a total babe!), and neither can you love or possess Brad Pitt. Third, I have no desire to linger on slavery’s pathological plantation. I wish only to be free of its present-day psycho-social consequences. And if we’re being honest, the same cannot be said for your family, MrsRony.
MrsRony said:
My daddy is old school, crazy, down in the hollar KY country mixed with Uncle Ruckus… He doesn’t believe in a black community. He's quite cold and calculated about it. He is all about family and money... He refused to let us take any black history classes and called my school and cussed out the principle the 1st year they closed school for Martin Luther King Day.
Menelik asks:
So your father “doesn’t believe in a black community” and dismisses the significance of African-American history and holidays (did he vote McCain?). This is an active example of trying to repress racial memory, and a contemporary appreciation of the Civil Rights struggle. What’s wrong with this picture, MrsRony? Perhaps Michael Eric Dyson (OPENMIKE, Basic Books, 2003) can tell us:
“Our Jewish brothers and sisters won’t be caught saying, “The Holocaust is part of the past; we’ve got to forget it”. No, they say, “Never again! We will never forget!” They link memory to survival”
Menelik says:
Yes, other peoples “link memory to survival” i.e. to the future…not to some “pity party”! For example, tens of millions of Russians were slaughtered by Hitler’s army during the 2WW, an event which led directly to the birth of the Soviet Union; the most powerful military machine in Europe. And what of Israel, the homeland to which millions of Jews fled after their Holocaust? Do I need to tell you what this nation’s standing in the world is today?
People who remember their past; who know their ancestral enemies; who know themselves culturally; who do not despise their own children’s racial features, hair texture and skin colour, are taught “from puberty” what is “beautiful and acceptable”…themselves.
MrsRony said:
“I refuse to be oppressed by my own people or from others.”
Menelik says:
Are you serious? Some people would consider you were racially oppressed by your own parents! And your own recollections appear to support this notion. Here are some examples of what the term oppression means: (1) browbeaten (2) demoralised (3) conquered (4) broken (5) under enemy control. And can there be any doubt as to who these representatives of our racial “enemy” are, and where they might reside today?
MrsRony says:
“…It is black women who perpetuate this color war…I don't know a black family this has not been the case”.
Menelik asks:
Tell me, is there any truth to the rumour that apples do not fall very far from their trees?
MrsRony said:
“…My father is a freight train. No weakness ever. Now that I think about it he really is a walking contradiction. When growing up he chased a 4th grade white boy home for walking me home....BUT he moved us in an all-white neighbourhood and swore it was going to hell when more black people started moving in”.
Menelik says:
First, your father “chased” away a young man because he was a young man NOT because he was white. Second, he acknowledged the existence of a white community into which he sought to racially assimilate but denied the existence of a Black community from which he successfully separated. I respect your loyalty, MrsRony, but your father’s weaknesses are dreadfully apparent for all to see!
MrsRony said:
“This is a man who…yelled at me when I cut my hair off and went natural, and said my husband would…leave me cuz no man wants his woman walking around with that "cantcha/dontcha hair".
So you tell me Mr. London....whatcha think...all kinda fruits and berries in there huh?”
Menelik replies:
Unfortunately, there were no “fruits” to replenish your hunger for self-awareness or thirst for self-respect in your family ‘garden’, MrsRony. You ask not for pity. I offer none. But I can identify the place where slavery’s legacy survives and thrives. This pains me deeply.
The collective unconscious? It exists. The ‘memories’ of past oppression seeps from your family’s psychic wounds. But all I wish for is that African-Americans reclaim their African identities and move on with the business of family unity, taking economic control of their communities, being the best academically, and ultimately doing our ancestors proud.
They watch over us, you know, and they’re willing us to finally win the war to conclude battles they so tragically lost. The election of Barack Obama as President is but another welcome sign that this war is soon to be won!
Menelik Charles
Here’s what you said:
“My 78 year-old grand-mother still calls various grand and great-grand-children “ugly” based how dark they are. My aunts and uncles resort to those name callings when arguing. My own mother…would dismiss any man I liked if he was too "black". I have to think of the children, you know.
…It is black women who perpetuate this color war. We are the ones who shape our youth. Mothers determine how long we …stay outside in the summer, lest we become “too dark”.
Mothers …complain when brushing nappy heads and straightening… hair so it can be "pretty" and easier to deal with.
….We have learned what is beautiful and acceptable before we hit puberty…from momma. I don't know a black family this has not been the case”.You also said:
“Repressed memories? You need another pair of arms to reach this far. I realize the story of Traci itself is just… well silly but do you really believe that…any woman going outside her race is reacting to an African-American female ‘collective unconscious’ of repressed ‘memories’?”.
Menelik says:
Yes I do, and your humiliating lessons in self-hatred (what would you call it, MrsRony?) growing up at home also proves the existence of related racial traumas. Your mother did not learn to despise your African identity from kinfolk in West Africa but from her more recent racially-traumatised slave ancestors from the American South. Fact!Humiliating lessons in self-hatred..I can go along with that. I am just glad they are lessons I didnt learn though Im kind of sad you think marrying a white man means I did. We will have to agree to disagree then and I maintain no slavery ghost overtook me when dating and marrying white men. My love knows no color.MrsRony said:
“If black people want to hold on to slavery, so be it. I refuse to stay in the box. I am free to be anything I want to be. I am free to love who I want and if you want to say it’s because I’m ignorant or in denial or what have you...so be it”.
Menelik replies:
First, it was your family which ‘held’ on to slavery in the form of colorism, contempt for ‘nappy’ hair, and African physiognomy. Second, you are not “free” to be who you want to be; or to love who you choose. For example, you cannot be or look like Serena Williams (a total babe!), and neither can you love or possess Brad Pitt. Third, I have no desire to linger on slavery’s pathological plantation. I wish only to be free of its present-day psycho-social consequences. And if we’re being honest, the same cannot be said for your family, MrsRony.Okay I can go with my family holding onto slavery. You are making a good case for this collective conscious stuff but Im not sure what the point is here. Im not free to be or look like Serena or have Brad Pitt?? I wasn't aware those were options. My mother would not of been happy if I were Serena, babe or not(She is too dark) but I would of settled for her a twin for damn sure....if I had a choice. I have been married almost 9 years....and you best believe I have chosen to love my husband most of that time. Seeing as Blair Underwood and Terrence Howard are higher on my to do list than Brad Pitt where is the fairness? If there is a metaphor in your comment please explain. As for my family I would say youre right. I cannot defend them nor do I want to.MrsRony said:
My daddy is old school, crazy, down in the hollar KY country mixed with Uncle Ruckus… He doesn’t believe in a black community. He's quite cold and calculated about it. He is all about family and money... He refused to let us take any black history classes and called my school and cussed out the principle the 1st year they closed school for Martin Luther King Day.
Menelik asks:
So your father “doesn’t believe in a black community” and dismisses the significance of African-American history and holidays (did he vote McCain?). This is an active example of trying to repress racial memory, and a contemporary appreciation of the Civil Rights struggle. What’s wrong with this picture, MrsRony? Perhaps Michael Eric Dyson (OPENMIKE, Basic Books, 2003) can tell us:“Our Jewish brothers and sisters won’t be caught saying, “The Holocaust is part of the past; we’ve got to forget it”. No, they say, “Never again! We will never forget!” They link memory to survival”
Menelik says:
Yes, other peoples “link memory to survival” i.e. to the future…not to some “pity party”! For example, tens of millions of Russians were slaughtered by Hitler’s army during the 2WW, an event which led directly to the birth of the Soviet Union; the most powerful military machine in Europe. And what of Israel, the homeland to which millions of Jews fled after their Holocaust? Do I need to tell you what this nation’s standing in the world is today?I dont disagree with you in the slightest here. But you must admit there is a line...a fine one maybe but a line between remembering the past for survival and using it as a crutch to excuse behavior. The latter is simply wrong IMO. Israel is a prime example but again we will probably be on opposite ends of that argument and we will have to be okay with that.People who remember their past; who know their ancestral enemies; who know themselves culturally; who do not despise their own children’s racial features, hair texture and skin colour, are taught “from puberty” what is “beautiful and acceptable”…themselves.And some of us know it instinctively. Or do you not believe that? There was never a time I thought my parents were right...or "society".MrsRony said:“I refuse to be oppressed by my own people or from others.”
Menelik says:
Are you serious? Some people would consider you were racially oppressed by your own parents! And your own recollections appear to support this notion. Here are some examples of what the term oppression means: (1) browbeaten (2) demoralised (3) conquered (4) broken (5) under enemy control. And can there be any doubt as to who these representatives of our racial “enemy” are, and where they might reside today?Oh I totally think my parents TRIED to oppress me, I was all of those things and more....except broken. I am saying they did NOT win and neither will you or anyone else. I didnt buy that nonsense as a child or as an adult. Believe me I have been popped in the mouth many of time for saying they were wrong and not following the herd. I only wish more people could cut there own pathsMrsRony says:“…It is black women who perpetuate this color war…I don't know a black family this has not been the case”.
Menelik asks:
Tell me, is there any truth to the rumour that apples do not fall very far from their trees?Yes I believe there is truth to that rumor but given my status as the blacksheep/sellout/uppity one in the family; in this instance as far as this goes I also know I broke the chain. It may have gone around me but me and mine are outside that box. MrsRony said:
“…My father is a freight train. No weakness ever. Now that I think about it he really is a walking contradiction. When growing up he chased a 4th grade white boy home for walking me home....BUT he moved us in an all-white neighbourhood and swore it was going to hell when more black people started moving in”.
Menelik says:
First, your father “chased” away a young man because he was a young man NOT because he was white. Second, he acknowledged the existence of a white community into which he sought to racially assimilate but denied the existence of a Black community from which he successfully separated. I respect your loyalty, MrsRony, but your father’s weaknesses are dreadfully apparent for all to see!Oh no...he was very loud and clear he was mad the boy was white and I was interested. I suspect more of the latter as a father but the race thing was HUGE. It was weird to me because there had never been a discussion prior to that and I couldn't of "known any better". In my eyes my daddy was not racist until I was in the 4th grade....I didnt understand it and it was too late. Id already formed my opinions. He was right about alot of stuff.....but not that. Ive made peace with the contradictions of my daddy.
Loyalty has nothing to do with it. I love my daddy. He's crazy as a bessie bug but I love him. I put it out there. I didnt say he was right. He is who he is. Lord knows my daddy could make some therapist rich as hell with all his issues. The thing is that HE never tried to assimilate. I think we, as kids were meant to, but he never did. He is not shuck and jive friendly man. He wasnt nice to white people/neighbors(or black). He didnt let us play inside white folks houses or with their kids (or anyones)..lest we pick up their nasty habits. He didnt like white people in general!! I dont think he likes anyone. LOL Now that he is older and my mommy is dead he is trying to recant some of his ways and get into heaven. He thinks my husband is a good man...if not a little lazy since he doesnt work 24/7 but thats a generation thing.Menelik replies:
Unfortunately, there were no “fruits” to replenish your hunger for self-awareness or thirst for self-respect in your family ‘garden’, MrsRony. You ask not for pity. I offer none. But I can identify the place where slavery’s legacy survives and thrives. This pains me deeply.
The collective unconscious? It exists. The ‘memories’ of past oppression seeps from your family’s psychic wounds. But all I wish for is that African-Americans reclaim their African identities and move on with the business of family unity, taking economic control of their communities, being the best academically, and ultimately doing our ancestors proud.We wish for the same thing then...reclaiming african identities is just lower on the list for me and I maintain that interracial dating or marriage does not exclude one from that cause.
I am enjoying the discussion between MrsRony and Menelik. I agree with one on something and the other on other things.
Isn't wonderful when two intelligent adults with differing opinions are allowed to freely speak their minds. Quite frankly, not enough of it goes on among Blacks at large whether online or off.
This is why Evia, Sara and their followers will get nowhere. There are not enough people in the world who are willing to subjugate their wills to them completely and without question. Maybe a few cuckolds that they can find, but other than that they will be the victims of reality.
Dangit I thought i was gettin jiggy with with it using all the italics and bold fonts and screwed up all the breaks....oh well.
Though we have exhausted this poor thread its been very interesting.
I would love to have honest discussions with them because I really do want to understand where they are coming from but most of them are way past that. When I first found them I was like "whohoo black women like me!" until I got down in the nitty gritty and realized maybe not so much. You can't help and hate at the same time. I dont know what part of the country they are in but Im sure as hell gonna keep my ass in Ohio where its safe. Their black men are scary as hell.
So many extremes. I guess middle of the road doesn't sell.
Dangit I thought i was gettin jiggy with with it using all the italics and bold fonts and screwed up all the breaks....oh well. I think it is a blogger problem, it has been happening to me too, and I notice others doing the same.
I wonder if it will happen to this?
Menelik said:
…and your humiliating lessons in self-hatred (what would you call it, MrsRony?) growing up at home also proves the existence of related racial traumas. Your mother did not learn to despise your African identity from kinfolk in West Africa but from her more recent racially-traumatised slave ancestors from the American South. Fact!
MrsRony replied:
“Humiliating lessons in self-hatred”? I can go along with that. I am just glad they are lessons I didn’t learn though I’m kind of sad you think marrying a white man means I did. We will have to agree to disagree then and I maintain no slavery ghost overtook me when dating and marrying white men. My love knows no color”.
Menelik replies:
And I’m kinda sad you’d accuse me of making any negative reference to your marriage at any point during our ‘discussion’. Indeed, if you can identify a single sentence or paragraph in which I linked dating a white man to Black self-hatred then I urge you to let me know!
Menelik said:
First, it was your family which ‘held’ on to slavery in the form of colorism, contempt for ‘nappy’ hair, and African physiognomy.
MrsRony replied:
“Okay I can go with my family holding onto slavery. You are making a good case for this collective conscious stuff but I’m not sure what the point is here”.
Menelik replies:
The point is: 1) To make the case for the collective unconscious 2) to prove the existence of repressed memories directly linked to our racial oppression during slavery 3) to show how the Black family’s racial denigration of its members proves the existence of a Slave-Perpetuating Syndrome…an anti-African ideology (inherited from our white oppressors) which was imparted to you via the women of your family.
I hope this little lot makes my argument crystal clear. Do let me know if it doesn’t, please.
MrsRony said:
“I am free to be anything I want to be. I am free to love who I want and if you want to say it’s because I’m ignorant or in denial…so be it”.
Menelik replied:
You are not “free” to be who you want to be; or to love who you choose. For example, you cannot be or look like Serena Williams (a total babe!)…
MrsRony replied:
“My mother would not have been happy if I were Serena, babe or not (She is too dark). I have been married almost 9 years...and you best believe I have chosen to love my husband most of that time”.
Menelik replies:
Considering the incessant and rampant anti-Black racism throughout your family (which doubtless had an impact on how you perceived and valued yourself) I’d imagine that your ‘choice’ of husband had little or nothing to do with free will!
MrsRony said:
“….we have learned what is beautiful and acceptable before we hit puberty…from momma. I don't know a black family this has not been the case”.
Menelik asks:
How long do I have to keep repeating what you wrote, MrsRony, before you finally realise that ANY questionable link between Black-white intimate relationships, and Black self-loathing, is being made by YOU!
MrsRony said:
“My own mother…would dismiss any man I liked if he was too "black". I have to think of the children, you know”.
Menelik asks:
How are readers supposed to interpret the above words, MrsRony, and especially in view of what you’ve written thus far?
MrsRony said:
“My daddy is old school, crazy…mixed with Uncle Ruckus… He doesn’t believe in a black community. He's quite cold and calculated about it... He refused to let us take any black history classes and called my school and cussed out the principle the 1st year they closed school for Martin Luther King Day.”
Menelik said:
…your humiliating lessons in self-hatred (what would you call it, MrsRony?) growing up at home also proves the existence of related racial traumas. Your mother did not learn to despise your African identity from kinfolk in West Africa but from her more recent racially-traumatised slave ancestors from the American South. Fact!
MrsRony replied:
“Humiliating lessons in self-hatred? I can go along with that. I am just glad they are lessons I didn’t learn...”
Menelik asks:
Are you serious, MrsRony? How was it humanely possible for you to evade both the vicious racial indoctrination of your obsessively anti-Black parents (your primary socialisers), and the even more insidious racism of white American society (your secondary socialisers)?
MrsRony said
"I don’t care…what the white man did 400 yrs ago or yesterday”.
Menelik says:
And neither did your father, MrsRony, which is why he pulled you out of Black History classes, and verbally abused your school’s principle for closing the school on Martin Luther King’s birthday!
MrsRony said:
Oh no...He was very loud and clear: he was mad the boy was white, and I was interested. I suspect more of the latter as a father but the race thing was HUGE. In my eyes my daddy was not racist until I was in the 4th grade...
Menelik replies:
First, it was clear that race took second place to the boy’s whiteness. This is what you’ve implied above (please re-read what you wrote!). Second, your father was, indeed, racist…against you, remember?
MrsRony said:
“Lord knows my daddy could make some therapist rich…with all his issues. The thing is that HE never tried to assimilate. I think we, as kids were meant to, but he never did”.
Menelik replies:
Because he couldn’t assimilate i.e. racially fade away. But he did move the family to an all-white neighbourhood in the hope that you would. MLK was an integrationist i.e. an inter-racial, multiculturalist which is possibly why your father had no time for him.
MrsRony said:
“He is not ‘shuck ‘n’ jive’ friendly man. He wasn’t nice to white or black people... He didn’t let us play inside white folk’s houses or with their kids (or anyone’s)…lest we pick up their nasty habits. He didn’t like white people in general!! I don’t think he likes anyone”.
Menelik replies:
Now if you’d began the above comments with “I don’t think he likes anyone” and ended with “including himself” that would have rang more true than saying “he didn’t like white people”!
Menelik asks:
Tell me, is there any truth to the rumour that apples do not fall very far from their trees?
MrsRony replied:
Yes I believe there is truth to that rumour but given my status as the black sheep/sell-out/uppity one in the family; in this instance as far as this goes, I also know I broke the chain.
Menelik asks:
You “broke the chain”? Are you sure? Consider the following: 1) your father was the “Black sheep” of the white neighbourhood 2) he may also have been considered a “sell-out” by the Black community 3) he was doubtless considered “uppity” by white people. All of what I’ve listed here is based on what you have written about your father. So apples do not…
Menelik said:
…all I wish for is that African-Americans reclaim their African identities and move on with the business of family unity, taking economic control of their communities, being the best academically, and ultimately doing our ancestors proud.
MrsRony replied:
“We wish for the same thing then...reclaiming African identities is just lower on the list for me and I maintain that interracial dating or marriage does not exclude one from that cause”.
Menelik asks:
We wish for the same thing? I am pretty certain that African-Americans will never again regain economic control over the goods and services within their communities, have strong families or achieve academically on par with other minorities until (and this is but a start) a single African language is made compulsory in all infant schools. Moreover, parole for long-term Black prisoners should be dependent on them learning this (as yet to be decided on) African language for a minimum of 3 years.
Slavery will begin to end where it counts (in the mind) when millions of African-Americans are able to communicate, do business with, and speak privately to each other in an exclusive African language. It will also signal the death of that slave dialect, ‘Ebonics’, and the rebirth of a genuine Black culture and community contributing en mass to America’s greatness. Believe me, when I say: Yes African-Americans can!
MrsRony said:
“I have never been to Africa and don’t know anyone there. Have no desire to go. Too hot and too many bugs although it would be neat to see that many black people. I could have been a queen of some mountain. My name might have been Qui. I don’t care. I mean that quite literally”.
Menelik replies:
You really are your father’s child, aren’t you? Look, I am not some Dashiki-wearing fantasist! Yes, I’ve been to Africa but I was not talking about visiting African! My point is that there are millions of Americans of Italian, Greek, Polish and Asian descent who’ve never visited their homelands and yet still speak their respective languages fluently.
I say again: no African-American renewal will ever take place until they sort out a single African language with which to speak, and to pass on to their children. African-Americans are no longer a people of the plantations: they have a President and a 1st Lady. They’re also have a Motherland, Africa, and it’s time they reclaimed their ‘mother’s tongue’!
Truth B. Told said:
“I am enjoying the discussion between MrsRony and Menelik. I agree with one on some things, and the other on other things”.
Menelik says:
Truth be told, Truth B. Told, you do sometimes sit on the fence on some issues discussed here…you’ll get yourself splinters, bro lol
Menelik Charles
Until blogger fixes the problem, I give up on italics.
menelik said: Slavery will begin to end where it counts (in the mind) when millions of African-Americans are able to communicate, do business with, and speak privately to each other in an exclusive African language. It will also signal the death of that slave dialect, ‘Ebonics’, and the rebirth of a genuine Black culture and community contributing en mass to America’s greatness. Believe me, when I say: Yes African-Americans can!
I say: Sad to say, but probably true to say, there will never be any privacy. For as a quick as Africans and African Americans learn that new language you propose, I am willing to bet you can count on some Blacks running to Whites to serve as translators. For the right amount of money, of course. Armstrong Williams is always looking for his next payday.
menelik said: Truth be told, Truth B. Told, you do sometimes sit on the fence on some issues discussed here…you’ll get yourself splinters, bro lol
I say: LOL, though I am not sure what I am on the fence about.
Hi Bro.
Truth B Told said:
“I am enjoying the discussion between MrsRony and Menelik. I agree with one on some things, and the other on other things”.
Menelik says:
Bro, the above is an example of sitting on the fence lol
Menelik Charles
Whew sweetie you do love your words! LOL
Menelik replies:
Considering the incessant and rampant anti-Black racism throughout your family (which doubtless had an impact on how you perceived and valued yourself) I’d imagine that your ‘choice’ of husband had little or nothing to do with free will!
WoW Really?? Okay so what you are really saying is that the abused child cannot help but grow up and abuse others? Since my family is suffering from rampant anti black racism that there is no way I could possible of made of my own mind about people and myself? That it is not a reasonable expectation that I ever see their problems for what they were and cant help but be a victim of it? That all of the black men I had relationships were what... lapses in judgment? or my honest black personalty asserting itself?MrsRony said:
“….we have learned what is beautiful and acceptable before we hit puberty…from momma. I don't know a black family this has not been the case”.
Menelik asks:
How long do I have to keep repeating what you wrote, MrsRony, before you finally realise that ANY questionable link between Black-white intimate relationships, and Black self-loathing, is being made by YOU!
How, other than the fact that I actually married a white man? Or is that it? My family is self loathing and the fact that I married a white man is a direct result of that?? Im not saying it cant be true...ie sara and co and some BM who date WW. I am saying I dont believe that to be true of me and most people who date outside of their race. MrsRony said:
“My own mother…would dismiss any man I liked if he was too "black". I have to think of the children, you know”.
Menelik asks:
How are readers supposed to interpret the above words, MrsRony, and especially in view of what you’ve written thus far?
They are to interpret that my mommy had some serious fucked up issues and was abit touched.MrsRony replied:
“Humiliating lessons in self-hatred? I can go along with that. I am just glad they are lessons I didn’t learn...”
Menelik asks:
Are you serious, MrsRony? How was it humanely possible for you to evade both the vicious racial indoctrination of your obsessively anti-Black parents (your primary socialisers), and the even more insidious racism of white American society (your secondary socialisers)?
....Ummmm because I'm grown and have a brain and the ability to reason? I am really shocked you find this impossible given your profession. I don't have a degree but I have been to college. I've never left this country but I've been around and experienced many things and people. Them girls that escape those Mormon breeding camps..even though that is the only way of life they know..some have enough sense to know that shit aint right. Some of them try to escape..some of them go along with the program. I go along with nobody's program. I am capable of thinking for myself and making decisions outside the parameters of what my parents set. My mother also told me only sinning perverted people masturbated and had premarital sex. I sure as hell didnt believe that shit either! Why is that so impossible for you to believe? Do you believe everything your parents tried to instill in you? Do you believe that "conscious" black people will only want to mate and procreate with their own race? That may work with fish but it I'm afraid it doesn't fly with humans.
The collective unconscious...ok you win. But it is just that..Unconscious..its a moot point in the here and now...MrsRony said:
“He is not ‘shuck ‘n’ jive’ friendly man. He wasn’t nice to white or black people... He didn’t let us play inside white folk’s houses or with their kids (or anyone’s)…lest we pick up their nasty habits. He didn’t like white people in general!! I don’t think he likes anyone”.
Menelik replies:
Now if you’d began the above comments with “I don’t think he likes anyone” and ended with “including himself” that would have rang more true than saying “he didn’t like white people”!
You might have a point there Mr. London. My husband has said that very same thing.Menelik said:
…all I wish for is that African-Americans reclaim their African identities and move on with the business of family unity, taking economic control of their communities, being the best academically, and ultimately doing our ancestors proud.MrsRony replied:
“We wish for the same thing then...reclaiming African identities is just lower on the list for me and I maintain that interracial dating or marriage does not exclude one from that cause”.
Menelik asks:
We wish for the same thing? I am pretty certain that African-Americans will never again regain economic control over the goods and services within their communities, have strong families or achieve academically on par with other minorities until (and this is but a start) a single African language is made compulsory in all infant schools. Moreover, parole for long-term Black prisoners should be dependent on them learning this (as yet to be decided on) African language for a minimum of 3 years.
Slavery will begin to end where it counts (in the mind) when millions of African-Americans are able to communicate, do business with, and speak privately to each other in an exclusive African language. It will also signal the death of that slave dialect, ‘Ebonics’, and the rebirth of a genuine Black culture and community contributing en mass to America’s greatness. Believe me, when I say: Yes African-Americans can!
Menelik replies:
You really are your father’s child, aren’t you? Look, I am not some Dashiki-wearing fantasist! Yes, I’ve been to Africa but I was not talking about visiting African! My point is that there are millions of Americans of Italian, Greek, Polish and Asian descent who’ve never visited their homelands and yet still speak their respective languages fluently.
I say again: no African-American renewal will ever take place until they sort out a single African language with which to speak, and to pass on to their children. African-Americans are no longer a people of the plantations: they have a President and a 1st Lady. They’re also have a Motherland, Africa, and it’s time they reclaimed their ‘mother’s tongue’!
ok Baby wow...allrighty then... please tell me you have a Plan B!
I dont even have a response to that but hope that while you are working on that that Black people can take start responsibility for themselves again, stop being victims of each other and "the man" and find love where ever they can.
Agreeing with some people on some things and agreeing with others on other things is not fence sitting, it is having an open and critical mind.
The thought of having someone agreeing with you all the time is downright eviaesque.
"WoW Really?? Okay so what you are really saying is that the abused child cannot help but grow up and abuse others?"
"....Ummmm because I'm grown and have a brain and the ability to reason? I am really shocked you find this impossible given your profession. I don't have a degree but I have been to college. I've never left this country but I've been around and experienced many things and people. Them girls that escape those Mormon breeding camps..even though that is the only way of life they know..some have enough sense to know that shit aint right. Some of them try to escape..some of them go along with the program. I go along with nobody's program. I am capable of thinking for myself and making decisions outside the parameters of what my parents set. My mother also told me only sinning perverted people masturbated and had premarital sex. I sure as hell didnt believe that shit either! Why is that so impossible for you to believe? Do you believe everything your parents tried to instill in you? Do you believe that "conscious" black people will only want to mate and procreate with their own race? That may work with fish but it I'm afraid it doesn't fly with humans."
Mrs Rony, you are a fount of common sense and the inconquerable HUMAN spirit. Don't let anyone, ever, put you, as an individual, into a box. You know what you need and can figure it out. Even if the shoe fits, we don't necessarily have to wear it, we can change it. That's what life is all about. There are many different shoes to chose. But you knew that anyway.
"They’re also have a Motherland, Africa, and it’s time they reclaimed their ‘mother’s tongue’!"
And which one of the thousands of different African tongues would that be?
Menelik said:
Considering the incessant and rampant anti-Black racism throughout your family (which doubtless had an impact on how you perceived and valued yourself) I’d imagine that your ‘choice’ of husband had little or nothing to do with free will!
MrsRony replied:
“Wow, Really? Okay, so what you are really saying is that an abused child cannot help but grow up and abuse others? And since my family is suffering from “rampant anti-Black racism”, there is no way I could possibly have made up my own mind about people and myself?”
Menelik replies:
First, I am referring to YOU, MrsRony (and what you have written) not some “abused child” with whom I’ve had no interaction. Second, since you’ve previously opposed the existence of the collective unconscious, and the influence of repressed ‘memories’ on present human behaviour. It follows, thus, that you’d equally oppose the idea that your most significant life-choices are not always determined by free will.
MrsRony said:
(1) “My daddy is…crazy…He refused to let us take any black history classes and cussed out the principle the 1st year they closed school for Martin Luther King Day.
(2) It is black women who perpetuate this color war. And we are the ones who …complain when…straightening…nappy hair so it can be "pretty”.
(3) My mommy…was a bit touched… she…would dismiss any man I liked if he was too "black". I have to think of the children…”
(4) My family is self loathing. My 78 year-old grand-mother still calls various grand and great-grand-children “ugly” based how dark they are.
(5) I don't know a black family where this (all the above) has not been the case”.
Menelik says:
The racial denigration and denial you endured as a child at the hands your family was specifically related to (1) race (2) colour (3) physiognomy (4) hair texture (5) the Civil Rights struggle (6) African-American History (7) a positive African racial identity. This self-hating phenomenon is what I’ve termed a Slave-Perpetuating Syndrome.
Moreover, given that African-Americans are descendents of traumatised slaves, one would not, normally, expect to “know a Black family” that was not cursed by rampant anti-Africanism, colour prejudice and a desire (conscious or otherwise) to ‘improve’ the race by “thinking of the children” when ‘choosing’ a partner with whom to have them.
MrsRony says:
(1) “Humiliating lessons in self-hatred? I can go along with that. I am just glad they are lessons I didn’t learn.
(2) I’m...sad you think marrying a white man means I did. No slavery ghost overtook me when dating and marrying white men. My love knows no color.
(3) I go along with nobody's program. I am capable of thinking for myself and making decisions outside the parameters set by my parents.
(4) I am grown. I have a brain, and the ability to reason. I am really shocked you find this impossible”.
Menelik said:
I’m sad that you insist on accusing me of making negative references to your
marriage. You’ll not find a single sentence or paragraph in which I’ve linked dating white men to Black women’s self-hatred. What I did do, using the case of Tracy as an example, was to link sex and socialising with white men to repressed traumatic ‘memories’ retained within the African-American women’s collective unconscious.
But rather than explore these issues honestly, Black women (from the types of anti-Black families you’ve described above) use a variety of psychological defences in an attempt to repress these ‘memories’ e.g. by sub-consciously transforming white men from symbolic rapists into romantic saviours. Some Black women simply ‘choose’ quiet, ‘feminine’ white men (in contrast to ‘loud, masculine’ Black women) whom they can keep under ‘manners’.
Black women who grew up in predominantly ‘white’ regions take a different route to white men in that they had no ‘Black’ identity to begin with. Instead, they identified with the white females in their immediate environments e.g. in terms of their demeanour, accents, clothes music, food, white-male sex symbols etc. Consequently, their intimate relations with white men although literally multi-raced, are, to all intents and purposes, same-racial relationships.
This last group of Black women often make angst-ridden dramas’ (or blogs) out of preferring white men to Black men, and almost appear to be ‘apologising’ for their racial preference. But this is not really the point. The point is that they are UNABLE to fully identify as a Black women beyond mere skin colour. Keep in mind that at school they were considered ‘white’ girls, and at work, they are considered ‘white’ women. Their ‘rejection’ then is not of Black men (for white men) but of a Black female identity…and by extension, of Black women! Not many Black women who post on their blogs know this…least of all, the bloggers themselves!
So there you have it, MrsRony, my analysis rests on psychological reasoning NOT racial slurs and put-downs. Curiously, you’ve taken exception to my ‘analysis’ from the outset…I cannot, for the life of me, think why!
MrsRony said:
“Do you believe that "conscious" black people will only want to mate and procreate with their own race?”
Menelik replies:
Aside from presenting straw men, and asking questions, implying that I’m an anti-white racist, you have yet to answer THIS question: how was it possible for you to evade both the vicious racial indoctrination of your obsessively anti-Black family, and the even more insidious racism of white-supremacist society, and to forge a positive Black identity as a result?
Menelik asked:
For how long do I have to keep repeating what you wrote, MrsRony before you finally realise that any questionable link between Black-white intimate relationships, and Black self-loathing, is being made by YOU!
MrsRony replies:
“How other than the fact that…my family is self-loathing, and that marrying a white man is a direct result of that? I’m not saying it can’t be true...i.e. of Sara and co and some Black men who date white women. I’m saying that I don’t believe that to be true of me, and most people who date outside of their race”.
MrsRony said:
“It is black women who perpetuate this color war… Mothers are the ones who shape our youth. We have learned what is beautiful and acceptable before we hit puberty from momma. I don’t know a black family where this has not been the case”.
Menelik says:
I’m saying again: it is YOU who linked the mass of African-Americans inter-racially dating and/or marrying out to racial self-loathing. Moreover, you’ve suggested that such unions are linked to a Parental Commandment to ‘improve’ one’s colour, hair texture and facial features. Certainly this was the case in your home…and you “don’t know a black family where this has not been the case”!
Honestly, MrsRony, I’m British, and I’m chivalrous, but I’m really struggling (1) to retain a stiff upper and (2) the will to live! Do you ever properly read the words you write, and consider their implications? You’re effectively lobbying AGAINST a case you yourself had put forward!
Your case was as follows: Black inter-racial dating is as a result of learned racial self-loathing within the confines of the African-American family, and of a Parental Commandment to ‘improve’ the race by seeking out mates with less-African hair texture, facial features and skin colouring. You now actively contest this case (by implying it was I who made it) because you don’t like its implications. Well, I can’t say I’m surprised!
MrsRony said:
My father is not ‘shuck ‘n’ jive’ friendly man. He wasn’t nice to white or black people. He didn’t let us play inside white folk’s houses or with their kids (or anyone’s)…lest we pick up their nasty habits. He didn’t like white people in general!! I don’t think he likes anyone”.
Menelik replies:
…if you’d began the above comments with “I don’t think he likes anyone” and ended with “including himself” that would have rang more true than saying “he didn’t like white people”!
MrsRony replies:
”You might have a point there Mr London. My husband has said that very same thing”.
Menelik asks:
Well, I guess if Mr Rony says the “same thing” then I must have a point! That said, you’re most reluctant to concede points aren’t you, my dear?
Menelik said:
African-Americans will never again regain economic control over the goods and services within their communities, have strong families or achieve academically on par with other minorities until (and this is but a start) a single African language is made compulsory in all infant schools. Moreover, parole for long-term Black prisoners should be dependent on them learning this (as yet to be decided on) African language for a minimum of 3 years.
Slavery will begin to end where it counts (in the mind) when millions of African-Americans are able to communicate, do business with, and speak privately to each other in an exclusive African language. It will also signal…the rebirth of a genuine Black culture and communities contributing en mass to America’s greatness.
“Ok Baby wow...allrighty then... please tell me you have a Plan B!
I…hope that while you are working on it, Black people can take start taking responsibility for themselves again; stop being victims of each other; "the man", and find love wherever they can”.
Menelik replies:
I’d never put forwards plans for African-Americans that did not involve at least six letters of the alphabet! Plan B would involve putting the case to the likes of conscious Africans, educated whites, youth justice officials, psychologists, prison officials, and Richard Gere-type celebrities (the sort to shame Black celebrities into climbing aboard!), and then setting up longitudinal pilot studies in infant schools, youth institutions and prisons.
Reclaiming a single West-African language would be another hugely positive step in the ‘Liberation Struggle’ since it will finally permit slave-descended Africans to become a genuine ethnic group again whose racial and emotional loyalties will naturally mutate into cultural and emotional loyalties instead. Of course, there’ll be vigorous resistance, and mockery, from many African-Americans but mostly for reasons you and I have already stated…
Menelik Charles
London England
Menelik said:
They’re also have a Motherland, Africa, and it’s time they reclaimed their ‘mother’s tongue’!
Anonymous asked:
And which one of the thousands of different African tongues would that be?
Menelik replies:
As I said above, an as yet to be decided (West) African language. I’ve answered you question anon but I can’t help much with your cynicism lol
Menelik Charles
Truth B. Told said:
"Agreeing with some people on some things and agreeing with others on other things is not fence sitting; it is having an open and critical mind.
The thought of having someone agreeing with you all the time is downright eviaesque".
Menelik replied:
Oh come on Bro Truth lol... my point is that you haven’t stated what you agree or disagree on except in a single instance:
"I agree a little with Menelik and more with Mrs Rony. I do believe in "subconcious memories", but I also believe that we are powerful enough to overcome them if we want to. Or we should be".
March 29, 2009 5:50 PM
Menelik says:
But the debate has moved on and so I'd be interested to know what your opinions are since. that was all Bro. No facsist Eviaesque nonesense from me!
Menelik Charles
Very interesting! As a BW in an IR with a WM, I don't see why people (not here just in general) care that much. BW dating IR to anger BM irritates me because they tend to create these stereotypes and foment them.
I find that I am attracted and will date anyone who is sexy. Period. If you are attractive, and you've got it going for yourself, I will find you and see what's up. I'm not single right now, but I just don't care enough about race. If I can find someone who has chemistry with me (because I'm very quirky and eccentric and eclectic) then you're good. lol Very interesting break down.
Hi Slim,
welome, siata friend! I hope you enjoy the full-on debates we have over here and on the other Black Unity blogs like "Something Screwed" which are really free-spirited and humane.
Mr Laurelton Queen is a real tough cookie but he means well despite his over use of terms like
"sellout Black women" - which are actually a reference to people like Sara and Evia whose blogs bash Black men!
Just keep calm and you'll begin to read between the lines and realise that, if anything, he's really most amusing and harmless.
Menelik Charles
London England
ps of Trinidadian descent btw
Wow. I guess I am a freak of nature. I've only dated two black men in my life, the majority of men who approach me are white and the majority of men I grew up around were white. I didn't have to settle for a white man, I wanted one. My preference was and is for tall white men with dark hair and blue or green eyes. That is what I married. I must be some freak to not prefer black men and instead date white men out of desperation.
What exactly are you responding to, Siddity? It's all very well making angst-ridden and aimless assertions BUT WHAT IS YOUR POINT? AND WHY THE HELL SHOULD WHAT I@VE WRITTEN CONCERN YOU IF IT DOES NOT ACTUALLY PERTAIN TO YOUR SITUATION?
Menelik Charles
London England
Can we truly understand the female beast? The praying mantis eats the male DURING mating.
The "strong black woman" is an extension of Alice Walker's black womanism, a version of white feminist supremacy that bashes males.
This site is much more rational and tolerant than the deranged women's blogs. Those women lust for power and domination of mankind!
Hi, i only recently came across this blog, and I am glad it exists to provide another point of view about IR dating, the online black women IR movement to me is a bit convuluted and strange. On one hand i can certainly see how black women have the right to expand their dating options, but on the other hand i don't think that needs to be done at the expense of belittling black men.
in my opinion love needs no "movement" i am a black woman and i have dated all sorts of men, and my current bf is a Jewish white guy. Now, i don't subscribe to any movement, and I think it may tarnish the image of women who don't.
Although i can honestly say i am one of those many Black women raised by a single woman, so my experience with BM was somewhat limited, and as a young woman the BM i met could have led me to believe that many BM are not good mates, but i realize that is the circumstances of where i was and not of ALL BM.
That being said, there is alot of dirty laundry to air about things in our community, i do believe that the BC caters to males in particular and doesn't ask or require as much of them as it does women. I do believe that Black people as a whole are inherently racist towards themselves on some issues, colorism, etc.
We do have astronomical out of wedlock child birth rates that need to be addressed, we do have many BM and BW who go interracial just because they don't want to deal with the issues of the BC.
Why can't we admit these things and start working on them instead of pointing fingers at each other.
Also, as a black woman i can say that many BM are not cool with BW dating white men, for whatever reason, it is still ok for BM to date out as much as they want but we can't do the same. This is more of a cultural issue than a Black issue though i assume, because males of any ethnicity, race seem to give the woman of their respective races a hard time about this.
So readers i hope you can know and distinguish that not all BW in IR relationships hate themselves or BM or otherwise, the online IR movement is a warped twisted paradigm of the issues in the BC.
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