Of course, this is to be expected. If the so called “black woman empowerment/IR bloggers” (also known as the “Something Screwed Crew” (SSC) are geared toward promoting black woman victimism, one would not expect them to mention when black women are the victimizers. Yes, we can criticize them for not mentioning when black women are the victims of non-black men, but it is reasonable to not expect them to mention the reverse. Yet, we can criticize the hypocrisy.
These women constantly preach the notion of the angelic black woman as well as the noble white man. They hide the truth of just how much the pathologies prevalent in black America are prevalent among black women. They also are deceptive when it comes to the actual direction of media bias. Take a look at the following incident from about 8 months ago.
These women constantly preach the notion of the angelic black woman as well as the noble white man. They hide the truth of just how much the pathologies prevalent in black America are prevalent among black women. They also are deceptive when it comes to the actual direction of media bias. Take a look at the following incident from about 8 months ago.

Three women charged in connection with SF man's murder
Bay City
NewsNovember 25, 2009
Ben Merrill (Courtesy photo)
Three women were charged with murder and robbery today in connection with the
shooting death of a San Francisco man in a park near the Pittsburg Marina
earlier this month, Pittsburg police Lt. Brian Addington said. The victim,
22-year-old San Francisco resident Benjamin Merrill, had a date with a woman in
San Francisco on the evening of Nov. 2, but she didn't show up, Addington said.
As Merrill was walking home through the city's Mission District at about
1:30 a.m. on Nov. 3, two women pulled up to him in a car. They asked for
directions and engaged him in conversation, Addington said.
Investigators believe those women were Pittsburg resident Kiarra Price and
Richmond resident Teareney Brown, both 20 years old.
After talking with the two women, Merrill allegedly willingly got into
their car, possibly to go have a drink with them, Addington said.
The group ended up in Pittsburg, where they stopped at the house of the
third suspect, 21-year-old Pittsburg resident Kendra Fells.
Fells lives about half a mile from Marina Park where Merrill was shot,
Addington said.
The group drove to the park and got out of the car, at which
point the women allegedly robbed Merrill and Price allegedly shot him.
Price, who also had an outstanding drug warrant, was arrested Friday after
investigators saw her leave her house in the 200 block of Kingsberry Place in
Pittsburg, Addington said.
Brown, who also had a warrant out of Alameda
County for vehicle theft, was arrested Monday at a relative's house in Oakland,
authorities said.
Fells has not yet been arrested, but police have a warrant for her
arrest, Addington said.
All three women have been charged with murder and
robbery, Addington said. Police have recovered the vehicle they believe was used
in the shooting along with Merrill's iPhone, Addington said. When police first
found Merrill, they were unable to identify him for two days. He did not have a
driver's license on him and had no criminal record, so his fingerprints were not
in any law enforcement database. Shortly after the shooting, however,
investigators issued a flyer to law enforcement agencies with a photograph of
the victim. Coincidentally, Merrill's cousin, who was watching a trial in San
Mateo County Superior Court, happened to look over and see a police officer
holding a copy of the flyer, Addington said.
When Merrill's family contacted Pittsburg police and gave them
Merrill's name, police were able to look up his fingerprints in the Department
of Motor Vehicles database and confirm his identity, Addington said.
Investigators have since talked to the woman who stood Merrill up the
night before the shooting and do not believe she was in any way involved in his
murder, Addington said.
"She ended up having a rock-solid alibi," Addington
Now, of course, this isn’t posted to imply that white men or any men are in danger when fraternizing with black women (most of woman of any group are decent human beings), but similar incidents involving non-black women are practically unheard of. The tendency toward street crime among black women relative to other women is similar to that of black men relative to other men. Black women make up half of the female prison population.
Also, if the young man had been robbed and killed by three black men, their faces would have been pasted all over the media. It took some reading and research to find out that these were black women. Any images that had been posted of these women have been removed. The white man/black woman relationship is routinely protected while the media is more than happy to warn white women of the ‘dreaded’ black man.
Let’s face it. This young man had Jungle Fever and saw an opportunity to take part in a ménage à trois swirl with the possibility of a 4th addition to the fun. A dream come true. They took advantage of his naivety and the understandable attraction to black women. This is a young man with no criminal record who had his entire life ahead of him. It is sad on so many levels. May he rest in peace.

Teareney Brown
Bro Rocky wrote:
this isn't to imply white men or any men are in danger when fraternizing with black women (most of woman of any group are decent human beings), but similar incidents involving non-black women are practically unheard of. The tendency toward street crime among black women relative to other women is similar to that of black men relative to other men. Black women make up half of the female prison population.
Menelik replies:
I note that whenever you attempt to bring some balance (successfully, I might add) to this intra-racial battle with these Black male obsessives (idealising white men is merely another tactic to fixate further on Black men) either they pretend you haven't entered the room or one of their number breaks cover and spews forth such anti-Black male hostility that one might just as well point them in the direction of the nearest chapter of the KKK!
Debate is debate but one can hardly debate hate. One can march against it; flee from it; preach against it or confront it head on but a debate is out of the question! This is why each of those poster girls for the SSC will end up alienating all those to whom they attach themselves in real life. There is simply too much hatred in their lives for this not to happen.
Menelik Charles
London England
Bro Rocky wrote:
if the young man had been robbed and killed by three black men, their faces would have been pasted all over the media. It took some reading and research to find out these were black women. Any images that had been posted of these women have been removed.
The white man/black woman relationship is routinely protected while the media is more than happy to warn white women of the ‘dreaded’ black man.
Menelik replied:
Bro Rocky, I'm not sure such relationships are "protected". I think it's more a case of Black women being widely perceived as masculine, and so when they do get involved in crimes in which white men are victims, it further reinforces this notion.
However,when such incidences do occur, and are widely reported, another narrative is up for promotion: that white men are weaker than Black women (not true, of course). But for Black women to see white men as 'easy targets' suggests that Black women perceive white men in much the same way as Black men do.
Believe, Bro., white men simply do not want to be spreading this assumption around via a mass media they control! It's bad enough they have alpha male, and penis issues with Black males lol
Menelik Charles
London England
"(idealising white men is merely another tactic to fixate further on Black men) "
I kick myself every time this issues come up because a while ago I was reading an article about child abuse in the black community and how much of the violence is directed against black girls from their single black mothers.
None of these sites would touch that topic with a mile long pole.
Anytime you want to discuss the lethality of women you never talk about it vis-a-vis men but women vis-a-vis children or the elderly. There are a lot of black women who work with the elderly.
Wow, that's so sad. To hell with those bitches! They should kill them honestly, why would they do that to such a nice guy? He was really handsome too, a total cutie in my books.
@Menelik Charles
I think bw do see wm as weaker targets because of the simple fact that many people view the white skin as weaker. I don't think black men are alpha males but rather more animalistic than white men and most "kings" are jungle animals, ex: the lion. They are more aggressive and have animal like tendencies. I mean Jesus is an alpha male but he isn’t angry and aggressive about it. White men are more capable of being gentle and humane but also leading correctly.That whole penis thing is kind of stupid. I think as females we value larger things over smaller things and therefore connect larger penises with better sexually but I believe in quality over quantity.
I do think that white men are a littler insecure but thats why I think that us as women need to redefine the penis thing. I think that on average bm have sex more than wm because they have nothing else to do and practice makes perfect and that’s what people see. That’s why more experienced white guys are said to be better in bed because they do it more.
We should stop worshipping bigger , I think white guys are yummy just the way they are. Any bigger and they will be uncomfortable.
Natalie said...
Wow, that's so sad. To hell with those bitches! They should kill them honestly, why would they do that to such a nice guy?
Menelik replies:
"Natalie", stop trying to be 'balanced' in your condemnation, we know where you stand on racial issues. You're fooling no one.
Menelik Charles
London England
Natalie. Do you believe that black women are more "animalistic" than white women?
"Natalie" said:
I don't think black men are alpha males but rather more animalistic than white men and most "kings" are jungle animals, ex: the lion.
Menelik replies:
white men see Black men as alpha males in the same way they see Asian men as less masculine and geeky. Perception is key here.
"Natalie" said:
I think Black women do see wm as weaker targets because many people view the white skin as weaker.
Menelik replies:
remember what I said about perception being the key here?
"Natalie" said:
that whole penis thing is kind of stupid. I think females value larger things over smaller things, and, therefore, connect larger penises with being better sexually
Menelik replies:
perception again! I might also add, to paraphrase James Baldwin, that no man has suffered more for what he carries between his legs than a Black man.
"Natalie" said:
I do think that white men are a littler insecure but thats why I think that us as women need to redefine the penis thing.
Menelik replies:
"a little insecure"? Now how might they have expressed that insecurity against Black men historically, "Natalie"?
"Natalie" said:
Black men have sex more than white men because they have nothing else to do, and practice makes perfect.
Menelik replies:
I think you're alluding to sexual technique rather than to penis size! Anyway, I don't suppose Black men possessing "natural rhythm" has anything to do with it, does it?
"Natalie" said:
we should stop worshipping bigger , I think white guys are yummy just the way they are.
Menelik replies:
you sound like a big sister coming to her little brother's assistance in a playground spat lol
"Natalie" said:
Any bigger and the penis will be uncomfortable.
Menelik replies:
if you recall, I only mentioned the penis issue in passing; you appear to be fixated over it!
Menelik Charles
London England
For one I think that women are a little different than men. Our female make up will only allow us to get so animalistic but for the small degree that we can get like that I think that black women (minus multiracial/ones with more white genetic make up) are on top. They might share that spot with latino women, so you they would be tied.
But they are both higher than ww .
@Menelik Charles
Wm do? I think that most people connect dark skin to being masculine and people connect blacks “alpha male” to that. Though Jesus is white and he is an Alpha male, the top. And I'm sure god is white also.Which is why most light skinned men are seen as sissies and pretty boys, despite that they are black. Some of them aren’t even mixed like me but just light people.
Light is more pure and holy and anything dark is wild and animalistic.
I don’t know who James Baldwin is, I’m sure he is black so I don’t really trust his logic.
I don’t know how they did in history, it doesn't matter though. I'm sure they had good reason.
I don’t have a brother. I just honestly think white guys are really great men who don’t get enough credit for the things they do. I commented on this post because I hate that he lost his life. He is worth a lot more than them and he could have had a nicer, more classier girl.
Why did you put my name is “ “?
Anyways, heres a blog I was reading recently. It goes to show you that I’m not the only person who feels this way.
mixed white.blogspot.com
You should read it, he’s really good but I would have like to seen a female do it more than a mixed male. I agree with the guy though, I feel more like a mixed white than a mixed black.
Wow Natalie. Is your last name Ruckus? And James Baldwin is a white actor. Also, when black people are light, it is almost always due to being mixed. Do you feel that mixed blacks are more animalistic than pure whites?
@ Rocky
Ruckus? No, My maiden name nor married name is Ruckus. Why do you ask?
I’m sure they have white ancestors but they are probably have less than 50% white blood in them right now, so they aren’t really mixed like me who has for sure 50% white blood. It might be more since I don’t know my real fathers history but I can testify to 50%.
No I don’t, I think that it matter where you grew up at. I am mixed and I grew up around all white people, which means I was raised and groomed like every white girl there. So to me that makes me less “Black like” and more “white like”. I do think that mixed girls who grew up around black people are probably more animalistic than white people because the behavior rubs on them.
Also if you had that one black parent around you will attach to their culture, compared to me who lacked that black parent and was separated from the black culture/community so I attached and grew up in the white community.
I doubt James Baldwin, A white guy, would have said that. Than again he is an actor in hollywood? (right?)and they tend to be more liberal, so it’s a shock but not really. I find it hard to believe since I’m sure he is an oldie and not a current one.
@ "Natalie",
you know, if the exchanges you have on here were to have taken place on any talk show in America (i.e. in the full glare of the public gaze), you'd be dismissed by Black, white and Bi-racial people alike as mentally unstable. And whether you're actually a white male posing as a Bi or multi-cultural female matter not one jot next to the fact that you simply require psychological intervention.
I guess it's too late now, right?
Menelik Charles
London England
Not sure if it is completely dark skin either. Menelik should know, Indians and other South Asians, can be very dark but no one associates the same level of masculinity to Indian men as they do to black men. In my area there are a lot of Fijians. Not only are they dark but they are big in stature. From far away some look black to me but they arent viewed as being any more masculine than the next man despite their dark skin, height and girth.
p.s. Why oh why do you guys humor Natalie?
@Menelik Charles
I could care less what black people think of me honestly. They're more than likely jealous, other Bi-Racial / Multiracial feel connected to the black race and will not side with me because of that.
I would be shocked if whites disagree with me, White Women would probably be haters so their opinion won’t matter and I doubt white men would dismiss me, if they did I would probably be hurt but I do doubt that would happen.
I have no reason to lie, I am a multiracial woman, I don’t need to pretend. It is who am I and despite the misfortunes, I’m kind of proud of that. The fact that you constantly try to write me off as a white male, which I’m not, only goes to show me that black men can’t accept the idea that people outside of white men aren’t there biggest fans. If your against them you must be a white man and that’ stupid since there are plenty of non-white male individuals who feel the way I do.
Mental help? Why ? Honestly what I says makes perfect sense to me and no one , other than black people, seem to have a problem with this. My family all feels this way and a lot of my friends, both male and female, agree I’m sure you can’t and won’t agree since you are a black male and that would go against everything you are if you did but I’m not a male or even full black so I’m basically free from attachment and loyalty. With that said, you can feel what you want but as I said before this is truly how I live my life and I want my girls and possible son (I want to adopt) to live their lives this way too.
@ "Natalie",
if you are who and what you claim to be then my earlier assessment stands. This was that in seeking out Black men with whom to engage in endless battles, you are, in fact, seeking to displace, disparage, and symbolically 'kill' your own father. This is a quite magical reversal since you have never met him, and he, indeed, abandoned and/or rejected you!
Moreover, by coming over to this blog you would be ensured of encountering Black men who are attached to Black or Bi-racial women (thereby having a captive audience) and who would, thus, vigorously defend the very thing you seek to attack, undermine or erase i.e. their very identities.
You sought to achieve this symbolically by adopting a very apparent neo-Nazi doctrine with all of its trimmings; along with sentiments so foul and hostile to African blood (be it attached to a male or female) that one has cause to doubt you are who and what you claim to be.
And all of this because your Black father abandoned you as a child? You are a helluva cautionary, "Natalie"; really, you are!
Menelik Charles
London England
@Menelik Charles
My mother told me that he abandoned me, as did my grandparents, so I figure that is what happen. He’s never bother to make contact so after a couple of years I figured it was true. I came here on the blog about the white guy killing the black woman. We kind of digressed into other stuff after this. I wanted to comment on this one about the white guy getting killed because I think it’s sad that such an handsome guy lost his life for something stupid.
Adopting? This is what I grew up thinking. This honestly isn’t something new I learned yesterday. My mother ,grandfather and mother all taught me this stuff. I don’t see how it’s neo-Nazi or being foul to African Blood, it’ the way I feel and I think it’s alright to feel that way.
Why would it cause doubt? Honestly you’ve lost me, what’s wrong with feeling this way? I don’t see how that takes away from me being a multiracial woman? I know a few white girls and white guys who feel this way also, I don’t see whats the difference between me and them. Why am I excluded or questionable for feeling this way?
My grandparents and mom raised me to be a really good person and I learned everything I know about life and people from them. I trust them and everything they say and I’m 100% sure that it’s the truth. They have no reason to lie to me, I know they are looking out for me and my best interest in life.
So whats wrong with that?
I like the post good work. There is a serious double standard going on. They will never promote a white woman being a black man.
The media sometimes promote a white man with a black women. ONLY, if those white women don't want him. I doubt it would cause an uproar if Larry King was with a black woman.
Justin Beiber puts a black girl in his video all "hell broke loose". The white teeny boppers were pissed.
As for the penis thing, you get what you get concerning the penis department.
The penis controls women period. They can say "oh that is not true". Na, it plays a big factor. You think white women just mess with black men "for no reason".
After ALL THE NEGATIVE press we get. You still got white women GETTING INVOLVED WITH BLACK MEN.
My theory on why black women 'downplay' the sex part. They think black men are egoistical and male chauvinistic.
Sexually they will give certain black men their credit. ONLY, if he knocks it down and make them shake sexually.
Oh Charles darling. You ole silly sausage you. Your wasting your breath on Natalie and I'll tell you why.
think bw do see wm as weaker targets because of the simple fact that many people view the white skin as weaker. I don't think black men are alpha males but rather more animalistic than white men and most "kings" are jungle animals, ex: the lion.
this person is without a doubt in my mind, a troll you followed the link from obsidan's blog on over to this blog. Troll is an HBDer.
I love Justin! I think he such a handsome kid and he really is breaking hearts. Plus he is from Canada like me so that’s just a plus. My daughters LOVE him and I think he’s really a prince charming and I don’t mind buying his albums for them.
I guess there are but I think that these women end up like my mother. I do think people get caught up in jungle fever. But theres more to things than just sex, sex can be great (god knows I know it) but sex can always bring heart ache if it isn’t with the right person and people think about getting off but end up with babies and stds after it. I think sex is awesome but I’m selective in who I sleep with. Money and power control people, not penis. Good Dick comes all colors and I can find it anywhere but a man with money and power is hard to find and that’s something that will keep women with you.. That and love, lmao.
I never heard of that blog, honestly I don’t know who that is. i will comment if you give the link and he can compared IP's.But let me guess, the guy is white probably? You people crack me up, like really is everyone who doesn't agree a wm?!Like I said, write me off as an internet person or wm but I’m alive and kicking and I speak no lies. But if that helps you sleep at night, so be it.
The Ruckas thing was bothering me so I looked it up and came up with an Uncle Ruckas, character from some little show. I didn't read his whole Wiki page but he seems to be a Pro-White guy.He sounds cool honestly, I wonder if there is really a bm like that. Idk,but I'll read the rest tonight.
He does look kind of crazy. Not really clean cut, than again he might be older hence the gray hair.
Goodbye, "Natalie", I will no longer entertain you in conversation.
I agree with Menelik's assertion that most whites view BW as masculine and therefore a crime like this just reinforces their belief that black women are really just black men with wombs to birth more blacks. And the media would never report this because it also reinforces that white men have yet another group higher than them on the "masculinity" scale. I mean, a guy being killed by three women? What is he some kind punk? He couldn't see this coming/overpower them/etc? So it benefits white males in NO WAY to have this story on heavy rotation.
However, having a story about a black male criminal DOES benefit white men because it is designed to keep "his" women away from "them."
As far as the penis issue goes, any honest grown person knows the deal. The key to good sex is rhythm and control which black men have more of. Period, end of story. I think it's funny that the SSC accuse black men of being "animalistic" when it comes to sex when in reality they are just being penalized for being better at something than men of other races on average. Anything black men are naturally better at (sex, athletics, music, etc) is automatically put into the "bullshit" category. "That stuff does NOT build nations and communities" is what I believe Khadijah has said. Funny because SEX is the driving vehicle for the furtherance of humanity and I would think that being good at it would make you highly coveted. But what do I know.
So you see, the only things that matter in life are things that you negroes haven't conquered which is proof that you are inferior to white men! But that's not racist, it's just keeping it real.
Someone needs to tell Khadija that bitter black women dont build nation builders either. That reminds of an episode of People's Court when a black woman was talking about how she mortgage her house for her son's budding football career. She would bail him out of jail, buy him some cleats, but nothing more and nothing less. For the rest of the black men, they are herding into Special Education classes which puts on him a track to drug dependence and prison.
Why do black men get the most reward for things that dont build nations or communities? What man gets the most ass and the most access to black women? Not the national builders or the community healers. Run for the hills black men.
Sister can you please tell me what is wrong with "animalistic" sex? Its just a style, no better or worse. I guess if this myth aided a white man's attraction to black women than it wouldnt be such a bad thing.
But who is holding on tightest to the myths? How many black men accuse white men of trying to be or look black when they get penis enhancements? But let a white woman get a tan or do some squats for a firmer ass and she is trying to be black because black women are defined by their skin and dunk. Why do you think black women are so mad at Kim K? Kim K makes them feel obsolete.
Black men dont feel as replaceable as black women do because with regard to the things black men are "good at", they have no competition.
Speaking about what builds nations, can you tell me why, if Evia has such a low opinion of black men, she says she wants them to go off to white women? (I actually doubt this because as a woman, even if you dont want the man, his attention is still desired.) Arent these women supposed to be their future mother and sisters in law? Arent these the same women who birthed and raised the white men that they so desire, and this is how the sell out black women repays them by pointing them in the direction of men who they view as damaged if not dangerous? These women are angry.
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