Sheriff says man killed woman with hammer, dragged her about a quarter mile
Orange County Sheriff's office says a 35-year-old Kountze man has confessed to killing a 26-year-old Beaumont woman over the weekend and later dragging her body behind his pickup truck.
Authorities say William Baker Bibb is charged with murder and is being held in the Orange County Jail on a $1 million bond. Authorities say preliminary autopsy results show the woman died of blunt force trauma to the head.
The Orange County Sheriff's Office says they received a call at 11 a.m. Saturday morning of a dead body near the Rose City Sand Pit in Rose City. According to the Sheriff's office, the man called 911 claiming he and the deceased woman were victims of a crime.
But authorities now say Bibb confessed to killing Theresa Adell Ardoin sometime Saturday morning after a "fight." Orange County Sheriff's Department say Bibb picked up Ardoin from Magnolia Avenue in Beaumont and drove her to a sandpit north of Rose City.
The sheriff says Bibb and Ardoin were acquaintances and allegedly got together to "possibly do some drugs, have sex" at a sand pit, but they argued. Bibb allegedly struck her with a hammer.
Authorities say after killing her, Bibb attached her body to his pickup truck and dragged about a quarter-mile to the canal.
Authorities say there is no evidence that the crime was that of a hate crime. Bibb is Caucasian, while Ardoin was African American.
The Orange County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigations Division is investigating the case as murder.
The Orange County Sheriff's Office is being assisted by detectives from the Orange Police Department, Pinehurst Police Department, Vidor Police Department, and the Orange County District Attorney's Office.
The Orange County Sheriff's Office is calling this one of the worst murder investigations they've ever had. Workers and business owners at the sand pit property said it's hard to believe the gruesome story of what happened over the weekend.
Jason Miles has driven through the gates at the Rose City Sand Pit as a freelance truck driver for several years.
He said he can't believe he now shares his workplace with crime-scene investigators.
"Such a horrendous crime - and just knowing that it happened nearby where you work is even more of a shock" said Miles.
Investigators said William Bibb confessed to killing an acquaintance Theresa Ardoin Friday night near a clearing in the sand pit. Investigators said Bibb beat Ardoin to death with a hammer, then tied her body with a rope to his truck, and dragged her a quarter mile dumping the vehicle and Ardoin's body in a ditch.
In a press conference Monday, the Sheriff's office said though Ardoin is black, they won't investigate the murder as a hate crime, citing the evidence doesn't point to her death being about race or religion.
"At first he had given us a set of facts and then whenever he was really questioned by the investigators about his facts that didn't make any sense- then he realized he needed to tell the truth" said Chief Deputy Rodney Harrison with the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
But the truth is, some businesses in the area are upset.
Nearby business owners said some of the gates leading to the clearing are never locked - leaving the property exposed to anyone coming in and out whenever they please.
For Miles, he said that knowing someone took advantage of the isolated dirt roads he works on every day, is upsetting.
"It's very sad to hear that anyone loses their life to a violent crime and just knowing that it happened here makes it that much more close to home" said Miles.
Leaving Miles with a new perspective as he works within the yellow tape, a haunting reminder of the weekend's events.
God rest this young lady's soul. She paid the ultimate price for "opening up her options" and the IR and Black Woman Empowerment bloggers don't care.
Last time I checked, "black women empowerment/interracial bloggers" tend to be hypocrites who use "logic" which is more often than not, rife with contradictions.
Sad what happened to the woman, she probably got into a fight with him and he snapped and killed her.
I do notice how YOU fail to report/comment on killings involving bm and bw, bm and ww. Two kinds of killings that occur more often than Wm and BW. I think we would have to count on one hand the number of stories that have come out like this. you speak of them but Rocky your full of shit also.
Where are the stories of the ww getting killed by their black boyfriends. Where was the marine and his wife getting kill? Where was the story of the black boyfriend losing it and killing some members of his white girlfriends family? Where is the story of the black men throwing kids in the river? Where is the story of the black man killing his kids over child support and X-box systems?
Of bettet yet where was the story of the black boyfriend raping and killing his white girlfriend white baby boy? Where is the recent story of the black male beating a baby to death?? or how about the rape and killing of that white couple by those black men? Or the one of the black man killing his white girlfriend and cooking her? Or what about the 3 black guys that killed the pregnant white girl?
Where the hell are those stories? You can't seem to find them right? but you seem to find the FEW stories of wmbw killings but fail to report any other stories.
Your site is no better than Evia, you uplift aka pacify black men and skip over stories that make them/you look bad but find all the stories that make wm and bw look bad.
So yeah Rocky, I do notice the silence. YOUR SILENCE!! Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.
Dear Natalie,
stories of Black men killing, murdering, raping and/or maiming Black women, each other or whoever else, are all over the white-male dominated mass media, and are used in evidence against the masses of Black men who do not kill, murder, rape or maim anybody.
So, yeah, that's where all those stories you asked about are...in the mainstream mass media, and ultimately on the "Black Women Empowerment" and lets-all-get-a-white-boy blogs! It's hardly a secret, therefore, that Black men are "inherently evil" now, is it?
The point of Bro Rocky's present post (not that you'd care) is to simply address an issue people like you (I am assuming here) refuse to address since nothing must subtract from the value of white men since to do so would stall the fantasised exodus of Black women to white (notice how Black women have to do the pursuing).
The white man has to be given a makeover and to do this anything alluding to their historical oppression of Black women has to be ignored and/or projected onto Black men; and by so doing, justifying Black men's historical oppression by said white men.
The extent of self-loathing, and race betrayal involved in this psychological activity is almost impossible to measure accurately, and equally as difficult to eradicate since racial self-loathing, and female entitlement issues are too potent a mix of madness, mayhem, and self-degradation, for any sane man to want to grapple with.
Anyway, Rocky and Evia are bed fellows, yes? Nice how you use a Black woman to further bash a Black man! How very creative of you lol
Menelik Charles
London England
Well said bro Menelik. I'll add some points.
Notice how Natalie seems to give the murderer the excuse of having "snapped". Not that he is an evil murderous man-child monster. Not that he is a brutal and immoral killer. No, he is someone who snapped during an argument.
It almost puts the blame on her. She raised enough hell with him that he snapped and did something outside of his character. That is what Natalie implies. The whole notion of having "snapped" would not even be entertained by the bw empowerment/IR bloggers. One can argue that Chris Brown "snapped", yet over at Gina's blog, he is demonized to a point of no return.
Same for the man who punched the teenage girl at McDonalds. Same for the Dumbar Village gang rapists. No one argues that they "snapped". Yet if a white man beats a black woman to death with a hammer, chains her body to a truck, drags her body a quarter of a mile and dumps it into a canal, he is defended as merely "snapping".
Natalie, I could spend hours writing about the numerous white men who murder their wives and children as did professional wrestler, Chris Benoit. I could discuss the numerous black women who kill their own children as did China Arnold who microwaved hers.
Or I could discuss the 350 pound black woman who sat on her 120 pound boyfriend after they argued, killing him. That got little sympathy, yet received many laughs. There is also the white man who killed his biracial daughter that he had by a black woman.
I don't go around finding incidents like those in order to flaunt them as showing how screwed up one group or another is. I post about ideas, observations and research. It is the empowerment bloggers who do this and my simple point is to show how inconsistent they are. If you are going to respond to situations where black women are victimized, do so no matter who is victimizing them. Don't do so only when black men are doing the victimizing.
Rocky said:
if a white man beats a black woman to death with a hammer, chains her body to a truck, drags her body a quarter of a mile and dumps it into a canal, he is defended as merely "snapping".
Menelik replied:
over you, Natalie; good luck!
Menelik Charles
London England
Just to let you know,black websites also post these stories. they're actually the place where I see the articles.
No, the point of Rockys blog was to use the ONE incident to show some bullshit slience these women supposdely have, all while being mute on other topics. I've never seen him address any of those stories and Evia has yet to touch on many that weren't in the main media.
As I said, he is no better than them because his ass is mute on those things but the moment a story comes up with BW and WM, he's ready to jump on it? Not for the goodness of blogging but for the simple reason of finding something to say about those two groups of people.
BTW,Why are you replying for Rocky? Like what the fuck is this? A chain of command? Go through Menelik, than get to rocky.Is he incapable of responding to people? but wait, I'll see the little "stamp of approval" after this right?
I still stand by my point of Rocky being incapable to post things that might make black men look bad. He post these stories for the sole reason of getting back/attacking Evia and her crew.
Where was the Shaniya Davis story? or where was the Marine killing Story? or the boy that got beat up in new York? They all involve White men and Black Women. But wait...they make Black Men look bad so therefore he can't post it or even comment on it right?
But when a black woman is mudered by a white man, we're suppose to believe "they" are silent when you've stayed silent through a couple of small time and main stage media stories.
I'm not saying it's okay , I just think he snapped and killed her. Doesn't mean the crime is okay or excused. I think he's a fucking sicko who needs to be thrown into jail to rot forever.
BTW, Chris brown is a two sided story but the Dunbar Villiage story is not, There is no excuse or even snapped reason to torture a mother and son for hours. It's sick and those boys should die by a firing squad. im pissed off that these kids are actually living still, they should be put to death. The young age of them only shows me what they would have been 5 years from now. Probably serial rapist and murderes! Its absoultey sick that someone brought these low life bastards into this world?
I have no heart for them and the parents that breeded them should be shot in the ass. Them and the sickos that killed and tourtud Jennifer Daughtry and Dorthy Dixon but I'm sure you never heard of them. I mean 2 black guys and 3 white girls killing a bw isn't they type of things you would want to write about.
Interesting Natalie. You criticize because Menelik posted before me? Evia and crew don't even let opposing points of view like yours in through moderation. You 'yes' people get through.
So you believe that a white man who murders a young black woman with a hammer and drags her body behind his truck with a chain and dumps the body into a canal merely snapped and deserves no more than life in prison, yet teenage black boys who brutally gang rape a woman and her son make you sick and you want them dead and you declare hatred for their parents for giving birth to them. You're a bit biased aren't you?
It's interesting that this article doesn't make black women look bad. The black woman was the victim. You seem sensitive to a white man looking bad. You must be part of the "Something New" crew who put white men on a pedestal.
He post these stories for the sole reason of getting back/attacking Evia and her crew.
Well then, doesn't that throw a monkey wrench in your criticism of me being silent? My posts are responses for the sake of bringing balance. Evia and crew are not responding to anything. They simply seek to denigrate black men. They are not trying to counter or bring balance to anything. I'm trying to show hypocrisy. They are not.
Also, you criticize me while going around naming every instance of black men victimizing black woman and/or white men. How are you different? Why could I say that you "post these stories for the sole reason of getting back/attacking" Rocky and his crew? Can I say "hypocrisy"?
Natalie said:
I stand by my point of Rocky being incapable to post things that might make black men look bad.
Menelik replies:
why would you want Bro Rocky to post stories in which "Black men look bad"? Is this because you perceive his stories as making Black women "look bad"?
Natalie said:
He post these stories for the sole reason of getting back at and/or attacking Evia and her crew.
Menelik replies:
so thinking intuitively, I'm supposing you actually perceive Evia 'n' co as posting stories "making Black men look bad". In which case, you must surely see his stories as intentionally making Black women "look bad" in retaliation against Evia 'n' co. I get ya now!
Natalie said:
when a black woman is murdered by a white man, we're suppose to believe "they" are silent when you've stayed silent through a couple of small-time and mainstream media stories.
I'm not saying it's okay , I just think he snapped and killed her.
Rocky said:
Notice how Natalie seems to give the murderer the excuse of having "snapped". Not that he's an evil murderous monster. Not that he's a brutal and immoral killer. No, he's someone who snapped during an argument.
It almost puts the blame on the victim. She raised enough hell with him that he snapped, and did something outside of his character. That is what Natalie implies.
Menelik replies:
and she has now twice said the white man "snapped". Not a word of condemnation of this clearly deranged killer; not a word of sympathy for her Black sister. Something is wrong with this picture! Let's see if we can get some focus.
Natalie said:
There's no... reason to torture a mother and son for hours (as in the Dunbar Village case). It's sick and those boys should die by a firing squad. I'm pissed off that these kids are actually living: they should be put to death.
Their young age... only shows me what they would have been 5 years from now. Probably serial rapists and murderers! It's absolutely sick that someone brought these low-life bastards into this world?
Menelik replies:
that's a much clearer focus! Natalie is now free to condemn with the vitriol, and vigour of a bigot; and with the passion, and murderous rage of a lynch mob!
But surely, to understand the actions of mentally disturbed children is not to condone their behaviour but merely to seek ways of preventing such behaviour ever occurring again. This is not Natalie's solution.
"Die nigger, die"! appears to be her solution but a white man who brutally murders a Black woman merely "snaps" as though what followed the actual murder was not premeditated enough!
Natalie, please don't have Black children; you'll be doing us and America I huge favour if you don't!
Menelik Charles
London England
@ Rocky
I critized Menelik because he post and than you come and pat him on the back. Thats why I asked is there a chain of command, you go through Charles than Rocky?
I mentioned those stories to show how many you "skipped" over and fail to ever mention because they make black men look bad. You never talk about any other stories but the one that involves a WM killing a BW, you want to write about?
Be real with yourself, if it was a black man who would have killed her I would have never saw this post. You don't give a fuck about a woman dying, you only care about the color of her attacker and that's why you posted it. And thats why I called you the pot calling the kettle black and how I notice YOUR SILENCE.
Thats the real issue here, You don't give two fucks about this woman dying. Your using her death to somehow attack Evia and her message. You and I both know that, so don't play stupid and act like you care because you don't.
LMAO Something Screwed Crew? I just don't feel aything towards bm, like they are who they are but thats just it.So maybe my views are biased but They never did anything for me! If anything I have a wm/ww to thank for making me who i am today. At least I can admit that!
Yea, That's exactly how I see.
I don't support or justify the murder of someone. I think the man did snap and it's not okay and he deserves to be thrown under the jail. I never said that excuses what was done, she sadly is dead and my heart goes out to the family for losing a member that way. She wasnt my sister, I don't have a sister. I an only child.
I actually do have kids, two girls. They're not full black though, I'm Canadian and Black (lol I'm a drake )and their father is white.So there 1/4. Lucky for you, I don't want anymore, I got the girls I wanted. That's it for me.
I mentioned those stories to show how many you "skipped" over and fail to ever mention because they make black men look bad. You never talk about any other stories but the one that involves a WM killing a BW, you want to write about?
And? I'm sure that you can find quite a bit more blogs talking about the stories you mention so why do you worry about one story mentioned solely by my one little blog? I'm quite sure that you don't go to Sarah's blog asking her why she doesn't mention the story I mention.
Be real with yourself, if it was a black man who would have killed her I would have never saw this post.
You would have because it would have appeared on the IR blogs that we know you read.
You don't give a fuck about a woman dying, you only care about the color of her attacker and that's why you posted it.
Thats the real issue here, You don't give two fucks about this woman dying. Your using her death to somehow attack Evia and her message. You and I both know that, so don't play stupid and act like you care because you don't.
You don't give two fucks about the women dying or being raped in your examples. You're using their tragedies to somehow attack me and my message. You and I both know that, so don't play stuid and act like you care because you don't. You couldn't care less about that woman and her son being raped/molested.
LMAO Something Screwed Crew? I just don't feel aything towards bm, like they are who they are but thats just it.So maybe my views are biased but They never did anything for me! If anything I have a wm/ww to thank for making me who i am today. At least I can admit that!
And I'm married to a black woman. So actually have feelings toward black women that you clearly don't have toward black men. So the bias is on you.
Yea, That's exactly how I see.
I don't support or justify the murder of someone. I think the man did snap and it's not okay and he deserves to be thrown under the jail. I never said that excuses what was done, she sadly is dead and my heart goes out to the family for losing a member that way. She wasnt my sister, I don't have a sister. I an only child.
So basically, you really don't give a damn that she died, especially since a white man killed her.
I actually do have kids, two girls. They're not full black though, I'm Canadian and Black (lol I'm a drake )and their father is white.So there 1/4. Lucky for you, I don't want anymore, I got the girls I wanted. That's it for me.
So you are among those who, when they marry a white man (are you two married), they feel the need to bash black men? That's a bit coonish don't you think?
@ Rocky,
I just don’t like bullshit. If you’re a retaliation to Evia, than say so. If you don't care don't try to act like you do. it doesn't matter either way.
I feel bad what happen to her but I don't feel a connection to her. Her attackers belong in jail and their fate is in the law and gods hands. Not mine. I do feel for the child and unborn baby (that’s if were talking about the same lady) but other than that I don’t feel very much towards her. It’s a sad way to die and I’m sure she is in a better place right now
I don’t call it bashing, but reading the stories and hearing what I heard, makes me think that black men down here are kind of barbaric. For a population so small and the number of crimes and prison inmates just seems uneven. Reading some of these stories makes you want to cry honesty.You would think it's a damn zoo.I know it happens in the white community but it's like every time I turn around some bm is killing his kid or gf. Like what in the hell is this?
I am married, my husband and I are both from Canada but moved to the United States a couple of years ago with our kids.
Natalie said:
Yea, Menelik, that's exactly how I see. I don't support or justify the murder of someone.
Menelik replies:
are you quite sure about this, Natalie? Perhaps you'd like to re-read what you wrote earlier (see below).
Natalie wrote:
There's no... reason to torture a mother and son for hours (as in the Dunbar Village case). It's sick and those boys should die by a firing squad. I'm pissed off that these kids are actually living: they should be put to death.
Menelik replies:
did those (Black) boys/kids kill anyone, Natalie? Apparently not; and yet you want them dead? Not in a secure unit where they may receive treatment for their problems but "put to death by firing squad", Natalie?
Why is it OK for you to advocate, and justify, the murder of emotionally disturbed Black boys? Would you feel the same way if a white man had actually murdered a Black woman? Let's see.
Natalie said:
I think the (white) man did snap and it's not okay, and he deserves to be thrown under the jail.
Menelik replies:
again,there's no condemnation; no mobilising of lynch mobs; and no calls for "death by firing squad". The white man just "snapped" and should be given the benefit of the doubt, and do some jail time! And this despite "the Orange County Sheriff's Office calling this one of the worst murder investigations they've ever had"?
Clearly, you have race loyalties, Natalie, but where, I wonder, do they lie.
Natalie said:
I just don't feel anything towards Black men... Maybe my views are biased but They never did anything for me!
Menelik replies:
OK. But you don't appear to feel very much for Black women either. Why so?
Natalie says:
I have white men and white women to thank for making me who I am today.
Menelik asks:
and they've trained you well, my dear! However, it does appear as though you're unable to leave Black men alone. How very odd. When last did you see your (Black?) father, my dear?
Menelik Charles
London England
So are you trying to say every time a black woman dates outside her race she's going to get murdered? You really don't make sense. Seems like this case had to do with drugs and sex not race. We all know when you mix drugs with any race violence follows.
Not at all Unityoak. Similarly, everytime a black woman dates within her race, she is not going to be murdered. Chances are very, very slim for any woman to be murdered by an intimate partner.
What you have to understand is that my blog is mostly responsive. There are numerous blogs and sites out there that search out and spotlight the very few homicides against black women by individual black men and use those instances to strongly imply that black women risk their lives by dating black men. When white men kill women of any race, they ignore it.
So I spotlighted this recent incident and called them out on how they turn such a blind eye to it. They are supposed to be advocates for the safety of black women and are supposed to rally to condemn acts of violence against black women. But they end up doing so only when black men are the ones committing the violence. My goal was to expose this.
I don't think that this guy in any way shape or form represents white men as a whole, yet neither do those murderous black men represent black men as a whole. But this incident, in my opinion, shows that dating out does not eliminate the possibility of hooking up with a psycho, yet certain women who are supposed to be advocates for black women (yet are more so anti-black male) would have us to think otherwise.
LMAO Something Screwed Crew? I just don't feel aything towards bm, like they are who they are but thats just it.
Notice that no one else in this thread during this conversation used the term "something screwed crew", but Natalie was thinking it without anyone here mentioning it.
@ Truth Be Told,Rocky said something new/screwed crew. I don’t see the difference between the two honestly. Than again I don’t know the definition of either so I guessed that they were the same since people tend to use them in the same sentence. Some said them both to me before.
@Menelik Charles
I would rather die a quick death than be tortured for hours and escape death since they did plan on killing them but someone went wrong. A whole group of minors killing and torturing someone is a scary picture.
I don’t have loyalties to any race. Only to my country, and family. I just feel bad for white men, I think people blame them for everything and it’s unfair. If the sun is isn’t shinning it’s a white mans fault.
That’s how I got here. I think its unfair to try to use this ONE incident when there are more black males killing white girls than wm killing bw. Actually black on white crimes are a lot higher than the reverse.
Again, I feel bad for white guys. They really don’t win in any case, I personally feel that they should continue on with Marcus Garverys idea and send all blacks back to Africa. Unless you can prove yourself to be a productive citizen, you should leave and go back.
Minus the Bi-Racial and Multiracial “Blacks” of course. I think we aren’t born with the “white men are evil” mentality and actually come to see that white men are sometimes the victims of racism, white people overall.
I’ve never meet my dad. My mom ran into him about 10 years ago and she said he had lung cancer. I’m sure he’s dead by now, If he isn’t I would be surprised, I won’t look to find out though.
Unityoak, the purpose of Rocky bringing up this story is to serve up a much needed "dose of reality" (about 50 CC's) to many anti-black male/pro-empowerment/sell-out black women who put their white male "saviors" up on a marble pedestal.
One that they deem to be overwhelmingly infallible when in comparison to the rickety balsa wood stool that they're quick to put black men on. Which in reality that marble pedestal is really just sand, is crumbling just as much, and is just as unstable.
Natalie said:
Menelik, I don’t have loyalties to any race... I just feel bad for white men, I think people blame them for everything and it’s unfair. If the sun is isn’t shinning it’s a white mans fault.
Menelik replied:
and they blame Black men and boys for absolutely nothing, right? Who are you on here blaming, and castigating, sweetie? And who do you feel most empathy for? A slaughtered, hog-tied, Black woman or a murdering white man?
The answers are obvious, especially since you've not once held that white man even morally responsible for his murderous actions ("he just snapped")!
Natalie said:
they should continue on with Marcus Garvey's idea and send all Blacks back to Africa...minus the Bi-Racial and Multi-racial “Blacks”, of course. I think we aren’t born with the “white men are evil” mentality and actually come to see that white men are sometimes the victims of racism...
Menelik replies:
and you have no racial loyalties, eh? I guess you have no ideological or sentimental links to the KKK either lol
Natalie said:
I’ve never meet my (Black) dad.
Menelik replies:
this explains an awful lot, and answers a good few questions, too! So, in the words of Jerry Springer, I say: "may you find peace in your life"!
Menelik Charles
London England
Minus the Bi-Racial and Multiracial “Blacks” of course. I think we aren’t born with the “white men are evil” mentality and actually come to see that white men are sometimes the victims of racism, white people overall."
Amazing. No one is born with any ideology. And note that some of the most radical “anti-white” blacks were/are of mixed race. Look at Huey P. Newton, Harry Belafonte, Malcolm X, Lois Farrakhan, Elijah Mohammed, Wallace Dean Fard, etc. And in reality, it is estimated that 90% of African Americans have some percentage of white blood. You want to send all of those dark skinned IR bloggers to Africa? Also, Marcus Garvey did not endeavor to send blacks to Africa. He tried to convince blacks to voluntarily go to Africa. Neo-Nazis are the ones who want to send blacks to Africa and they plan to send ALL of those who are not pure white away. So that includes your mixed blacks. That would include YO
@Menelik Charles
Call it loyal if you want but I just sympathize with white men faster than I do other males. I think that people are unfair and don’t give them credit where it is due. Reading American History showed me that they built this country up from nothing and yet people don’t appreciate that but focus on the smaller things that happened instead of looking at the whole picture.
@ Rocky
Voluntarily or Involuntarily, it doesn’t matter. I do think he was right.
It has nothing to do with dark skin or light skin. I’m just pointing our bi-racial and multiracial people are more diverse and tend to not see white as the enemy. I think that some bi-racial individuals still grow up with this due to their environment.
I think they felt loyalties to the black community and sided with them because of it. I can also name a few who have white wives/mates and that’s a contradiction. So clearly they did it for image but probably didn’t really feel that way since they had no problem taking ww. It seems to me that a lot of black men hate the white male but would die/fight for a chance to love his daughter or white women. They also clearly worship anything that does look white. Thus why I want to protect my kids from that and my mom wanted to protect me from that. No one wants to be prey because they are light.
I agree with Neo-Nazi but I disagreed about all people going. I personally consider myself to be Multiracial and so on my census, I circled white. A lot of people think I have to circle black but I shouldn’t deny my heritage by succumbing to the standard of mixed automatically being black.
So if they were to send away blacks, I wouldn’t be apart of that since 9/10 times I do write white down as my race but multiracial as my ethnicity. Only some people in the US has given me a hard time about that but I am what I feel and what I feel is white. There is nothing wrong with that.
My daughters though don’t get a hard time because they do indeed look pure white so people don’t argue with me putting their race down as white. I get some turned heads since I’m slightly tanned but I just say I’m Canadian and they accept my tanned look. I maybe the same shade as Nahla Aubry, though.
he snapped
What else can you say about someone doing somehting like this? that's not normal human behavior.
I will add if the races were reversed, some news people would have added animal, uncivilized etc to the mix.
Natalie said:
Menelik, I don’t have loyalties to any race... I just feel bad for white men, I think people blame them for everything and it’s unfair. If the sun is isn’t shinning it’s a white mans fault.
It's really a war of men against men. Most of us women have no idea how the male mind works.
Everything is a war or competition just for the hell of it. If you were a tomboy as a kid, you should have an idea of how men think and act.
Natalie said:
Call it race loyalty if you want but I just sympathize with white men faster than I do other males.
Menelik replied:
but the 'elephant in the room', dear, is that you don't even sympathise with Black females...
not even one murdered by a deranged white male!
Moreover, in having unresolved issues with your Black father, your attachment to Black men is a negative, and one in which unresolvable battles must ensue until such time you find peace.
Natalie said:
Reading American History showed me that white men built this country from nothing, and yet people don’t appreciate that but focus on the smaller things that happened instead...
Menelik replied:
"smaller things" like the taking of other people's land; the murder of millions of Native Indians; the enslavement of millions of Africans, and from which was launched centuries of racial oppression. Yes?
Natalie said:
I agree with Neo-Nazis but I disagree about all people being sent back to Africa. I consider myself Multi-racial, and say so on my census: I circled "white". A lot of people think I have to circle "Black"...
Menelik replied:
I cannot think of a more convoluted way of raging at one's rejection by one's own Black father, Natalie, really, I can't!
Natalie said:
it seems to me that a lot of black men hate the white male but would die/fight for a chance to love his daughter or white women. They also clearly worship anything that looks white.
Menelik replies:
so hell bent are you on bashing Black men that you fail to spot another 'elephant in the room': your own self-loathing and hypocrisy! Consider: you openly confess to being a neo-Nazi, white-identifying, Black-male despising, "white"-woman-with-a-Black-father who minimises the murder of a Black woman by a white man but who rabidly calls for the killing (by "firing squad") of emotionally disturbed Black boys!
Natalie, it's easy to score points against you. What is not so easy is to actually help you since it may not be possible to do so. With this in mind, I can but pray once again that you find some peace in your daily existence. Good luck.
Menelik Charles
London England
Perhaps you should read World history and realize that women havent contributed anything to our standard of living so perhaps we should shipped your useless ass to some other planet? Thats your logic or lack there of.
I think you need to read the above post and stop attributing super human behaviors to all white men. Most of them are just regular people like you and me. Get off their dick ok.
That blog is by a black man, I won’t expect it to be fair or even speak the truth. It’s biased towards whites, just like every other black blog out there.
Women did contribute to history, behind every great man, there was a woman. Reading history from the US I think that ww were partners with wm and helped them a lot. Of course feminist came in when they got greedy and didn’t accept all the great benefit they were getting. Also who groomed these men? I think every great man is groomed to be great by his mother. The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world and that’s ww.
@ Menelik Charles
I do sympathize with crimes but this isn‘t one.
Small sacrifices need to be taken in order to build this country. I personally never felt that Africans were programmed to live normal lives so white people kind of did you a favor by brining you over here and humanizing you and allowing you to grow and become more civilized. Than you got your freedom, which sounds fine to me. I mean look at Africa now, they are barbaric animals.
Those who are good should try to help the others. I don’t feel obligated to do so but the black mothers and fathers who birth these people and are good should try to help their kids and family members. That’s why I like Bill Cosby.
I don’t feel I need help actually, I’ve grown up to go to be a productive citizen in both Canada and the US. I don’t like the US too much but I want to move to France since my husband and I both speak the language and he’s French Canadian. I’m sure I will be a productive citizen there also. Plus we both want to expose our kids to different cultures. Italy, England, Ireland, Scotland and a couple of others are places I plan on taking them too. I would also love to visit Japan and maybe head to Russia and Spain.
If that is the case that you can blame black women for not grooming better men. So that means that black women are among the most useless people in all of human history because they have contributed so little.
"it seems to me that a lot of black men hate the white male but would die/fight for a chance to love his daughter or white women. They also clearly worship anything that looks white. "
Physician heal thyself.
Give her enough rope to hang herself.
let me put it like this: you'd make a much better patient than you do an enemy. This is why, and for the final time, I wish that you find some peace in your life because you appear to be at war with an absent and neglectful Black father. Lots of battles lay ahead, Natalie, so let's call an end to this particular spat, shall we?
Menelik Charles
London England
Natalie, it's easy to score points against you. What is not so easy is to actually help you since it may not be possible to do so. With this in mind, I can but pray once again that you find some peace in your daily existence. Good luck.
She won't ever find peace. Because like most of the SSC, they'll never achieve what they truly desire: they will never, ever be White women.
That is problem the most painful thing anyone could ever tell them.
That is problem the most painful thing anyone could ever tell them.
probably not problem
@ Bro Truth B Told,
I think her emotional issues aside that Natalie relationship with her white partner is actually a racial alliance against Black males (this would include boys) rather than a romantic alliance against racial bigotry.
At the core of this hostile alliance (in which, as I've said before, the white male is a silent partner) is Natalie's abandonment and rejection by her Black father (whom she has never seen).
Her childhood rage now finds articulation in Nazi ideology (e.g. 'send em back to Africa, America is a white man's country!') and a KKK-like desire to murder emotionally disturbed Black boys!
Meanwhile, a white man who brutally murders and hog ties a Black woman (because he "snapped") is treated by her as though committing a 'crime passionnel', and merely sent to prison for a spell of rehabilitation !
Yes, her relationship with her white man is but a 'racist' alliance against Black males (and by extension, all Black people minus Bi-racial folk e.g. herself!) and all because one Black male failed to fulfil his functions as a father. For this, Natalie wishes we be deported to Africa en mass or sent to the gallows for no other reason that we are Black!
Marcus Garvey warned us of mixed bloods like her. Let's hope God can save her from the evil sentiments which presently occupies her soul.
Menelik Charles
London England
Natalie said:
I think every great man is groomed by his mother. "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world": and that’s white women.
Menelik replies:
and who grooms the not-so-great males, Natalie? Like those boys from the Dunbar Village incident? Who 'rocked' their 'cradle'?
Menelik Charles
London England
@Truth B. Told
The closest to being a white woman for them is being with a white man. That is just so sad. Well if you convince yourself that the only way to get a black man, a rich black man, is being a white woman than it all makes sense than doesnt it?
@ Truth Be Told
I don’t want to be pure white. I actually don’t have a problem being multiracial because I feel I look more exotic than your average white girl and if I had 5 daughters that looked like me(and their father) I won’t have a problem but for their sake, I feel the need to thin out the black blood line. I luckily never produced a boy and I refuse to have anymore kids because I don’t want to push my luck and end up with one. I personally don’t want to raise a ¼ boy, I want a full white boy. Not one with black blood because I feel I would have to work twice as hard with him to fight that bad blood.
Thus why my husband and I are looking into adopting this cute baby boy. He’s full white and I prefer that when it comes to my sons. I don’t want a ¼ boy like Kendra Wilkinson who honestly doesn’t look white boy enough for me. If anything I think the black traits are strong in him and it makes her son look unattractive.
@ Kigali
You’re a black woman right? Well I think there biggest mistake is reproducing. They make babies that are full breed black and genetically I think they are at an disadvantage and have to work twice as hard to be smart and successful in life. The only kids who are exceptions are the Obama Girls and they are technically ¼ white so I’m sure that has something to do with them and how successful they will be when they grow up. Of course their parents are good “black folk” so I doubt they will low life citizens.
@Menelik Charles
I’m sure my dad is dead by now. I’ve yet to find out if his lung cancer ate him alive or not, I honestly don’t care. I think my peace when come when I feel successful in breeding out the black blood line. All my life I felt it was holding me back educationally and etc. and it’s truly genetic to me and I want to breed that out for the sake of my future grands and so on.
I wish you all “luck”, I think you should stick by your race and fix it since it clearly is in need of a stimulus, red cross and everything else package. The white race and this one little story should be irrelevant and the least of your worries. When a killing spree of bw by wm start coming, your point is valid but until than, I think it’s just a way to cover up everything else.
Au Revoir! (French for goodbye,in case you didn’t know)
First of all weren't they using drugs when all that happened. They were not in a relationship so she was not using her options, she was a prostitute and most black women are killed by black men so please stop blowing smoke up our asses.
Do you post a story everytime a black man murders a black woman or black child which they see to do every week now it seems. No you do not.
@ bro Menelik
I don't think her relationship with her father explains it all. Her postings seem to reflect a disdain for the poor almost as much as they do for Blacks (and specifically Black men). Not a surprise seeing how Blacks are the face of poverty in the media.
What is the fastest way for a talentless, ignorant woman to escape the pitfalls of poverty? To marry. Like Kigali said
Well if you convince yourself that the only way to get a black man, a rich black man, is being a white woman than it all makes sense than doesnt it?
It does make sense. What is the best way to get married to a "rich" man (black or otherwise), according to the same media that taught her most Black people are poor and worthless? Really, what is the best way to get married at all according to the media?
I think Natalie has seen the covers of one too many bridal magazines featuring a White woman on the cover wearing a white wedding dress. Combine that with the endless "why can't Black women find mates" articles and essays and TV programs and you see the main motivation for the SSC.
I'll give Natalie some credit. Unlike most of her SSC sisters, she is not as foolish as to think she can completely replace White women in White men's minds and hearts. She understands her place as an exotic alternative.
However her anger will never subside since she knows that she will never, ever become a 100% white woman. Her desire to kill us and/or send us all back to Africa is only a reflection of her desire to erase all reminders of what she is a part of and will never be able escape no matter how hard she tries.
@ Everyone,
I'm begining to suspect either that "Natalie" is straight-out crazy or is actually a bored 'n' lonely white boy thinking it a real wizz posing as a bi-racial woman.
Perhaps, thus, the apparent displays of self-hatred are, in fact, simply a means by which to smuggle in racist eugenics along with racial slurs and death wishes. Whatever the case, I think we should treat this individual with caution.
Menelik Charles
London England
Natalie's drivel just gave me another helpful post to use against black female, interracial "empowerment", bloggers. A woman who subconsciously (but obviously) directs her hurt feelings towards the collective of black men because she harbors a serious case of "daddy abandonment issues".
"Projection" is the tactic of the mentally feeble and spiritually weak.
A perfect example of the spineless and pathetically self-loathing mentality housed in in the nutshell of these types of black women! Or at the very least, a perfect example of the mentality that could develop from having a poor self image and by putting a white on a pedestal.
And btw, there are MANY nice areas in Africa (non-Arab controlled) that aren't poverty stricken and are developed/developing. These types of places are intentionally kept hidden by the West due to their love of negative black sensationalism. Your parroted and hilariously sheep-like opinion of the continent (a few posts up), is a testament to your overall lack of education and your shameful inability to generate objective thought patterns.
Thank the gods that you're "leaving us"...
Yes, I dont think Natalie is who she says she is. I think she is just having some fun.
@Truth B. Told,
I dont get some of these so-called BWE bloggers. I understand the older ones. Those black women who are past their shelf life and have no value in the sexual market throwing black men under the bus because they have no future romantic prospects (Gina of WAOD and Khadija over at Sojouners) makes sense. These women are too old, fat, ugly, bitter etc. to even envision any future with black men. Their willingness to bash black men has little consequence to them.
Instead they will live vicariously through younger black women and what little options they have. Its sad.
Still how do you explain the younger ones? Its like they are competing with black men for white men. Does that make sense? Its like they believe that if they stay just one bit above black men, white men will reward them with marriage and a private estate in the Hamptons. Its crazy.
Its no longer about black men are negative x,y,z therefore I am going to get me a white man. Its that black women arent black men therefore white men will/should want us.
Thats why they continue to talk about black men. If they stop comparing themselves to black men in order to market themselves to white men, they will have to start comparing themselves to other women. How will that work in their favor?
It will not.
p.s. Do you guys remember that blog WhiteWomenSuck? Ok what is the connection between that blog and Halima's DateAWhiteGuy blog? Is the author of http://www.sangraneth.blogspot.com/ the same "white guy" from WhiteWomenSuck?
"First of all weren't they using drugs when all that happened. They were not in a relationship so she was not using her options, she was a prostitute and most black women are killed by black men so please stop blowing smoke up our asses.
Do you post a story everytime a black man murders a black woman or black child which they see to do every week now it seems. No you do not."
How often is drug use a factor when black women are murdered? Quite often I am sure. Pretty much this black woman that was murdered by this white man had a relationship with him similar to the types of relationships drug addled black women commonly have with drug addled black men. Just say NO!
It always tickles me when black women talk about domestic violence and child abuse. Most women killed are killed by men who they share beds with. Women, by and large, share beds with men who are of their same race. Secondly, abuse thrives when there is an absence of a nuclear family. Black mothers, without husband, have children who have the highest risk of physical and sexual abuse.
Black children especially, in single parent homes, are over represented in foster care and child protective services. If the mother isnt the more likely abuser, like she is an Atlanta,Ga. than its the mothers visiting lover, who is either abusing her or her children. Here is another instance where black women open the doors to their and their children's demise.
To blame black men doesnt tell the whole picture. Black women and children are safest when there are black husbands around not mommy's "friends" from out of town staying over.
So here is yet another situation where black men, ironically are the answers to these problems.
"They call me 'nothing but a black man.' I call myself nothing but the truth."
Bellydancer said:
"First of all weren't they using drugs when all that happened."
And that excuses it? It is certainly not a legal defense, so why do you use it as a defense? I'm quite certain that if a black man murders anyone, you won't justify his actions by citing his use of drugs.
"They were not in a relationship so she was not using her options, she was a prostitute and most black women are killed by black men so please stop blowing smoke up our asses."
Most white women are killed by white men, so what's your point? And apparently they were considering being intimate with each other. You "Something Screwed" IR fanatics cheer any type of intimacy with white men even if it is purely physical and on the level of Ghetto Gaggers.
And do post where the victim is described as a "prostitute".
"Do you post a story everytime a black man murders a black woman or black child which they see to do every week now it seems. No you do not."
Does your cowardly lying idol, Halima Anderson, post stories of white men murdering white women and children or black women murdering black children or even black women murding black men (which is 4 times the rate white women murder white men)? No she doesn't.
And note that roughly half of black children under the age of 12 who are murdered are murdered by black women. Most black children under 6 who are murdered are murdered by black women. Children over the age of 12 are generally murdered by peers, often in gang violence, or by young adults not much older than them.
If you want facts suppressed, go back and rant on Halima's and Sarah's blogs. If you want the truth, stick around. You may learn something. I moderate my blog. I don't censor. Unlike you, most of the posters here don't have to fabricate stories about what happens in their lives or the lives of others in order to foward an agenda.
@ Truth B Told
I take your point.
Kigali said:
do you guys remember that blog "White Women Suck"? What is the connection between that blog and Halima's "Date A White Guy" blog? Is the author of http://www.sangraneth.blogspot.com/ the same "white guy" from "White Women Suck!"?
Menelik replies:
there is no physical connection between Halima's blog and the "White Women Suck!" blog. To begin with, the "white guy" from the latter blog is none other than "Sara" from the "Inter-Racial Love 'n' Spice" blog. Yes, it's true! And since I exposed her a year or so ago, "Sara" now restricts her literary aliases to, thankfully, just the one blog.
Menelik Charles
London England
@Menelik Charles
Lmao, I had to say something. A white man? I am a mixed woman, I have no reason to lie about it. People are afraid to hear the truth and will write it off as a joke rather than actually realizing people feel this way. All in all, you can see this as a joke but life still goes on for me and I will continue to feel the way I do and live my life based on that.
This only prove my point of the racism white men face. People want to write you off as a wm instead of realizing that other people who aren‘t pure white feel this way. I’ve gotten the “raised by a KKK member” and all of this other crap because I feel the way I do and in person you can’t accuse me of being a white man but most people don’t believe when I say I was raised by my single mother and grandparents, neither of them were KKK members and I don’t think there are chapters in Canada anyway but my grandmother watched me most of the and she really taught me a lot of stuff along with my granddad on occasions. Which is why I named my first daughter after her. And I plan on naming my adoptive son after my granddad.
Like I said think of it as a joke or having fun but I’m serious in everything I say and I truly believe I’m right and I will raise my kids to think the same way.
I agree with you, this is why I'm glad i wasn't around people like them. They are biased and don't see what's happening everyday but only see what happens every oncce in a while.
First of all Rocky you implied the black woman was killed while exercising her options to date white men as if that will happen to all black women who have relationships with white men, sort of like when some bw say no they wouldn't date a white guy cuz they don't want to end up dead as if all white men were deranged.
Drugs are not an excuse however if you are taking them then crazy things can happen your perception of emotions are off anger can be amplified, your sense of morality can be off etc...
I don't sit around cheering on fake drug induced levels of intimacy with anybody nor should you be posting silly shit like what you posted about how exercising her options got her killed. White men don't normally go around black neighborhoods killing and beating on black women, that's usually black men who terrorize their own neighborhoods
Nobody is saying go be a gold digger and take somebody's money should women marry well and expect men to be caretakers yes every other women in the world knows this and they do not settle, your problem is you expect black women to settle for less and when we don't you start throwing out the golddigger taunts.
Now I will let you have your lil blog back so you and the rest of the lil black boys can go back to bitching about women who exercise their options you know like black men do and you don't complain about them. The only person fabricating anything is you and your weak ass attempts at an agenda to scare off bw from dating out.
"there is no physical connection between Halima's blog and the "White Women Suck!" blog. To begin with, the "white guy" from the latter blog is none other than "Sara" from the "Inter-Racial Love 'n' Spice" blog. Yes, it's true! And since I exposed her a year or so ago, "Sara" now restricts her literary aliases to, thankfully, just the one blog."
Thats socio-pathology right there. To come online to pretend to be a white man who hates black men and white women? I went to that blog "sangraneth.blogspot" which hasnt been updated in ages and the comments were reminiscent of the comments made at WhiteWomenSuck. According to some, the evil white woman and black man are keeping black women at the media forefront.
"...every other women in the world knows this and they do not settle, your problem is you expect black women to settle for less..."
And every other woman in the world DOESNT come with the same social liabilities as black American women. You will accept that right?
Youre going to become like Gina and Khadijah if you dont get real. Living vicariously through women who have a little more market value than you do. Pinning all your hopes, dreams, and most importantly vendettas, on them.
"Now I will let you have your lil blog back so you and the rest of the lil black boys can go back to bitching about women who exercise their options you know like black men do and you don't complain about them."
I cant imagine any man who wouldnt want to spend the rest of his life with you. Youre a gem.
p.s. The next time you are accosted by some feral black man who should otherwise be put down, tell him that just because his antics have appealled to countless other black women, it isnt going to work on you because you are an exception to a long established rule.
Parse this guy...
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