You know, I really have to point this out because I got a good laugh out of it. I was lurking around Sarah’s blog and noticed her most recent picture of a celebrity black woman with her new white boyfriend. What she showed was Ciara with her “new boyfriend Amar’e”. I stared at this picture of Ciara on the beach, in a bikini walking by an apparent white man a few feet away from her. I thought that I had gone crazy. Ciara is dating “Amar’e”, yet “Amar’e” is Amar’e Stoudemire, an NBA basketball player who is without a doubt BLACK. The problem is that there are several pictures of Ciara and Amar’e on the beach with a few of her walking without him. If you scroll down, you will see that on one, she is shown walking past a somewhat chunky white guy with a hairy back. This is the guy that Sarah has given Amar’e Stoudemire’s identity to. What Sarah did was take one look on this website and jump to conclusions without scrolling down. Did she even think to wonder if there could actually be a white man named "Amar'e" or whether the guy on the picture looked remotely like he could be playing for the Knicks?
So I began to question whether Sarah is just that absent minded, that overanxious for such pictures, or just that dishonest. Then I recalled that she posted a picture of Holly Robinson Peete with her “new love”; a white man whom she had taken a picture with.

Now most of us know that Holly has been married to Rodney Peete for years and they have a family. I looked for any news on a divorce or break-up and found nothing. Then I went to Holly’s Twitter page and read tweets from mere hours before whereas she discussed the current happy goings on between her and her husband Rodney.
I later read posts on Sarah’s comments section informing her that Holly and Rodney were still together, yet she REFUSES to take the picture down.
So what it comes down to is this. If you are a black female celebrity and you take a picture with a fan, friend, etc. who is a white man or if there is a white man close by you in a picture, that is YOUR MAN in Sarah's mind. The desperation of IR bloggers is incredible. Sarah would take joy in the break-up of a wholesome black marriage to satisfy her agenda, even if such a break-up is only in her imagination.
Im starting to see a pattern here, with these women in their behavior, offline and online. Its freaky. Its a similar pattern I have seen with messed up brothas from all walks of life,except with feminine deviations. First they idealize the potential nonblack mate and do everything except worship them. They do for their mate what they would not do if he or she was a few shades darker with nappy hair. They work to keep the illusion of the "great nonblack man/woman" in their minds and ignore evidence to the contrary via comparisons along the racial hierarchy.
After a while, they either completely isolate themselves from their black counterparts, or walk away bitter from that IR relationship hoping to land on a black man/woman by acting a similar way with them. Usually the black man/woman will not expect it because it will seem "out of character for a sister/brotha" and may take the bait. Other times its a no go.
Women like sara remind me of low self esteem having teenage girls who post pictures of celebrity women they hope to match in terms of admiration and attention. Its sad how they internalize negative shit from the media, thinking it will only focus on black men if black women focus on black men.
We are pretty much left to our own devices, on the other hand, because outside of sports or entertainment they dont give a fuck what black men think, which leaves the void open for whatever projections the person (black,white,asian,indian,mixed,etc) has and makes it hard on us. Its an uphill battle and we are only human so it is what it is. I just see women like Sara in real life and think that they have alot of potential to be great women and could get the black men they want. I say black men b/c if they did not want black men or fixated on messed up brothas they would not have to use the racial heirarchy as a reference point for what is better. The same goes for some brothas,albeit a nice body,smile and common sense will do it for the healthy ones.shit is so fucked up out here...
I believe a while ago Sarah explained that the reason why she left the picture of Holle and her mysterious beau up was because it sent a positive message to black women. Now this one photo of Ciara and some dude is just desperate.
I think that Psychology Today study is having a very negative effect on them. They are desperate to show that despite what their eyes tell them, the men with the most value (white men) do in fact love them and want to be with them. See, Ciara is "posing" with her new boyfriend on the beach. I saw this similar phenomena on Bossip many years ago when Leonardo Dicaprio was in a photo with a black girl. Not sure if he had his arm around her or what but you should have seen the way those black women at Bossip were carrying on.
Black women are desperate for validation because despite what they say and think of themselves, I believe deep down inside they dont feel as beautiful or as desired as other women. More tellingly, since they place little next to no value on what black men say, it isnt enough for just black men to like them.
LOL Epic fail on that one.
Ciara with a white boy named Amare.
Did that really happen?
(Jesus face palm)
I actually facepalm'd in real life while reading this.
@ Kigali
Spot on, as frighteningly usual.
That Sarah is a feminist gender separatist aka black bride of the ku klux klan. She hates the black man, hates black families and hate black nationhood. Her life goal is to separate black woman from black man and encourage race-mixing as a tactic of war against the black man. I can't wait for she and her ilk to be invited over by the white guys running those ghetto gagging 'porn' sites. One hate monger deserves another.
I remember way back when while doing BW/WM "love stories", Sarah plagiarized the script from "Save the Last Dance" down to even using the same name "Derek", but only making him the antagonist in her version.
She got made when I tried to point that out to her readers.
Anonymous said:
Sarah is a feminist gender separatist. She hates black men, hates black families and hates black nationhood.
Her life goal is to separate black woman from black man and encourage race-mixing as a tactic of war against the black man.
Menelik says:
anyone so focused on causing harm to Black men must have had a serious problem in relationships with Black men, no?
Unrequited love, anyone?
@Truth B. Told
So "Sarah" is a pathological liar than? These black girls need to be careful and vet these leaders that they are following. Sarah seems like a charlatan and a con artist.
Desperate black women are such easy prey.
I have a question unrelated to this post but LorMarie just gave birth to her second, presumably mixed race child. It is a girl. As is the other one. She says she is single by choice and doesnt talk about having a man. Did she use artificial insemination? Does she go to a sperm bank to get her biracial designer children?
I wouldnt be surprised if she does. These women are just too bizarre. They are so unnatural.
This is the unequivocal truth of kigali's 1st comment:
"the men with the most value (white men)"
To reiterate kigali's point--White men are the superior/alpha men. Agreed!
Thanks kigali.
The silly responses are destined to come in. Tymetravelife, Kigali was referencing the PERCEIVED value of white men. She never made ANY assertion about superiority nor of white men being "alpha men", so you should stop trying to put your words in the mouths of others.
And folks like yourself routinely reference the notion of black men perceiving white women as having most value, thus I could equally call white women "superior" or "alpha women", if I use your logic.
LOL. Why do these women always forget white women when they talk about the supposed superiority of white men as if white women arent the beneficiary of that as well. If you live in a predominately white society, if you live in the Western world which men..and women would be perceived as having the most social value/status?
In fact I would venture to say white women have even more status and value in this society than white men do.
You're welcome to. It's definitely better than using your own logic as your writing indicates.
Do you not believe white woman have the most status in this society? If you are allowed to pursue white men because of their percieved status in this society it stands to reason (for the reasonable) that black men are as logical for pursuing the women in society with the most status.
Admit that white women have more status so you no longer have to ask why black men are always chasing them.
Why are white woman so conspicuously absent from these women hamster brains when they talk about white men? They bash white women to black men but never to white men. Cowards the whole lot of 'em.
So, she is adding to the statistics of black women having kids out of wedlock. The guy is white from my understanding.
I bet the sellout black women will say that is "okay". While railing on black men being dead beat dads.
There all pathetic.
"Admit that white women have more status so you no longer have to ask why black men are always chasing them."
Uhmmm. . . it was you who made the assertion that: "the men with the most value (white men)."
Oh, and here's the humongous crack in your ass, kigali: I have zero interest in who others of any race, male or female, chase. You continually make a pathetic fool of yourself with your hate-filled diatribes & passive-aggressive cock blocking.
Bit of advice for you: Get thee to a therapist AND get thee some cock -- of any color.
Admit that white women have more status so you no longer have to ask why black men are always chasing them.
She won't admit that. All she will do is respond with profane personal insults and no clear point of view (as she has attempted).
I know the "father" is white but I just wanted to know if he was a sperm donor. I think it was artificial insemination.
Awe... You should have let them through. It would have been fun to watch her self-destruct. I swear the only people in these women's world are them, white men and black men. I said a long time ago that they compete with black men for white men. Sound crazy? Just think about it. When they want to market themselves to white men what do they do? COmpare themselves to black men. When they want to market themselves to mainstream society what do they do? COmpare themselves to black men. You think they would win by comparing themselves to white women, asian women, or Latinas? Hell no. They need the black man so they can look better by comparison. If the black man didnt exist, they would invent him because in NO way are they competing with non black women for white men.
Ok Kigali. It's posted at June 2, 2011 9:09 PM.
heads up rocky! alley oop for ya!!!
Census Says Black Women Divorce More Than Any Other Race
Myth Debunked: Not All Black Men Are A Lost Cause
Was that supposed to be a rebuttal? dear lord. Im disappointed. Her answer to me was to get some cock? Of any color?
thanks to share
All statistics I've seen on divorce rates and IR marriage say the complete opposite, that black women are the LEAST likely to divorce.
Actually your statement would only make sense if you were talking about black women competing for a job (and still it doesn't make much sense). When it comes to dating, heterosexual men of any color would NEVER be interested in another man so a black woman trying to get a white man by comparing herself to a black man to get his affections would be stupid, pointless, and having no effect. I've never heard of a black woman going up to a white man saying "well if you date me I'll be better than a black man". That makes absolutly NO sense since any straight white man would have NO interest in a black man so there is no logical reason to use them as a comparison point. Also, you seem to have forgotten that most MEN actually like to do the chasing so the men will appraoch who they want to. There ARE white men who do like black women regardless of PERCEIVED status and THEY will make the attempt to talk to them. I do agree with you that some black women see snagging a white man as a validation of their worth and there are PLENTY of black men who do the same. However, this is not unique to blacks and I actually think Asians and Latinos have it worse (have you seen the incredibly high rates of interracial marriage among Asian American women and white men).
This 52yr old white boy would jump at the chance just to hang out with Ciara. I became infatuated with her when she was on "I can do that!". The chance is slim to none, but a guy can dream!
As for your issue with the Black women out there... I have about 15 Black friends and co-workers, 3 of which are close friends since childhood and when asked, not a one of them would even consider dating a Black woman, they all either date Latino or white women. In fact one is engaged to my sister. The reasons they give is in order is as follows: #1 that they are all "FUCKING PSYCHO CRAZY!" #2 They won't shut up even during a movie #3 That they are rude and obnoxious #4 At the first sign of an issue, they all go "Gheto", waving their hands and bobbing their heads as if they are supposed to do that because they saw it on a Tyler Perry sitcom. #5 All they want is a payday and for them to spend money on them.
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