When girls' civilizing influence turns brutal
By Betsy Hart
Remember the great Lesley Gore tune, "It's my Party"?
In the song, the birthday girl's boyfriend, Johnny, and a party guest, Judy, leave the party at the same time, and Judy comes back wearing Johnny's ring. And so, sings Gore, "I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to. ...you would cry too if it happened to you."
Well, tears were not how one 13-year-old Baltimore girl handled such a "betrayal" at her recent birthday party.
According to the Associated Press, when the birthday girl's "boyfriend" kissed a 12-year-old guest on the cheek at the party, the birthday girl's mother was furious, and ordered her daughter to "handle your business." At which point the unfortunate guest, Nicole Ashley Townes, was savagely beaten by six women and girls, including the mother, and sent into a coma.
It's tough imagining a Lesley Gore tune coming out of that story.
But, it does seem to fit with the "girls gone wild" phenomenon spreading across American culture. According to AP, "Around the country school police and teachers are seeing a growing tendency for girls to settle disputes with their fists ..." It's still true that violence among boys is a much bigger problem than violence among girls, as measured by arrest statistics. But, AP reports, while it used to be the ratio was 10 to 1, now it's 4 to 1.
While the surge of violence among girls has been seen primarily at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale, it's by no means exclusively there. Just flash back to the news about the violent "powder puff" girls football game in an affluent Chicago suburb where one group of girls brutalized another group of girls huddled helplessly on the ground, even to the point of breaking bones.
So, what's going on? There are about 100 different theories, everything from a more coarse and violent culture in general, to violent women portrayed in movies — think "Terminator 3" — to less religious influence, to more broken homes and fewer moms at home most of the day.
Who knows for sure? No one.
What we can know is this: When the virtue of women as a group degenerates in a culture, it weakens the culture as a whole and it's a dangerous thing.
In every successful society, women are the ultimate keepers of virtue. They are the civilizing influence on the men and the culture around them. They tame the worst appetites of men, whether it be toward violence, sexual aggressiveness and promiscuity, or even just things like laziness or coarseness.
The extent to which women degenerate, whatever the reason, is the extent to which a powerful and wholesome check on the culture at large is lost.
We've seen this with the sexual revolution, where women have been encouraged to behave as sexually aggressive as men do, even if they lack the same sexual appetite. But, it's the woman who is then left hurting and wondering why she is not married, or at least why some man could have sex with her without loving her or being committed to her (duh).
Throughout our culture, as sex has been belittled and cheapened instead of rightly honored, it's coarsened our culture as a whole, and hurt countless hearts of both sexes.
Is this all the fault of women? Of course not. And many women do maintain their virtue. But there are enough women no longer meeting their role of being a civilizing influence on the culture that the culture is suffering for it.
We may be seeing a similar trend when it comes to violence and young women. If they are truly becoming more "like men" in this area, the culture is being weakened along with becoming even more dangerous.
Of course, arguing that women are traditionally the keepers of virtue makes feminists wince. But, they actually argue something vaguely similar, yet wholly wrong. They maintain that if men were more like women, our culture would be a better place.
If more men shared their feelings and changed diapers, that would be the answer to our problems, they say.
Look, I'm into my husband sharing feelings and changing diapers. But, ironically, it seems instead of men becoming more like women in a sort of feminist panacea, we've seen women becoming more like men to the detriment of all.
At any rate, we as women don't need to feminize men. We do need to civilize men.
To walk away from that mission is, in fact, to deny our nature. And our culture, including little girls like Nicole Ashley Townes, will suffer for it.
Now one thing of note, that is not stressed in the article, is the fact that Nicole Ashley Townes and her assailants are all black girls and women. The article makes a strong point in saying that "the extent to which women degenerate, whatever the reason, is the extent to which a powerful and wholesome check on the culture at large is lost", and as we see all in our daily lives as well as in several highly publicized events, there seems to be marked reduction of such a wholesome check on African American culture.
In stating this, I and others will inevitably be accused of putting societies burden on women, yet what some wont acknowledge is that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link and while one link does not bear the entire burden placed on the chain, the chain depends totally on that one link to play its part.
Placing an important responsibility on women for holding society up does not take away their femininity, but rather enhances it. Women have always controlled the direction of relationships and sexuality. Women have, throughout history, been the choosers while men have been the pursuers an it is women's choices that have shaped men's pursuits. Taking this responsibility from women actually makes them more male-like and is why we are seeing so much more male-like behavior from our women, notably black women. It is why we see women fist fighting more, having more sex partners, tattooing their bodies with masculine tattoos, cursing more, going to prison more, etc.
It is such common behavior that reduces the pool of women who men view as marriage material and is why so many men today hold such a negative outlook on marriage. The sweet, nurturing and emotionally supportive woman of the past is becoming a rarity and such women are becoming the purple unicorn in the black community. What we are seeing more of is this:
They are the civilizing influence on the men and the culture around them. They tame the worst appetites of men, whether it be toward violence, sexual aggressiveness and promiscuity, or even just things like laziness or coarseness.
The extent to which women degenerate, whatever the reason, is the extent to which a powerful and wholesome check on the culture at large is lost.
If this author's theory has any validity, then white, asian, arab, and black women have all failed because women have not been able to restrain men anywhere from killing, raping and destroying. Just look at all the barbarism going on in the world now and look at history. So before you get on your soapbox blaming black women for not civilizing black men, explain why you're not also blaming these other women for failing to civilize their men. Why do you expect for black women to be better at civilizing men than these other women? Or why not just admit that you have a double standard and hatred for black women since you use every opportunity to blame them for something. I doubt whether you'll show this comment though.
Patricia Holland has said, “If I wanted to destroy society, I would launch an all-out blitz on women.” What did she mean? Men and women share all of the common traits of human nature and often perform the same tasks. But some of their strengths are gender-specific. And we are losing what women have traditionally contributed to cultural cohesiveness. Like the mortar that keeps a brick wall from toppling over, women have held together our most precious relationships–our marriages and child-parent ties. But now we’re seeing cracks in that mortar, which reveals some things we have too long taken for granted.
On a broader scale, studies of third world development show that of all the variables that affect social, economic, and political development, perhaps the most significant factor is the literacy of women. Women have always impacted entire cultures. Their influence begins in each society’s very core--the home, where women have always taught and modeled what Tocqueville called “the habits of the heart”--the mores, or civilizing habits, that create a sense of personal and civic virtue, without which free and open societies can’t exist.
So studies have shown this on a broader worldwide scale, but the author was clearly looking at American society and modern trends. It is widely being shown that men today are less motivated than before and the family unit is breaking down. I pointed out how we see this trend to a greater degree in the black community.
And I don't censor this blog. I moderate out profanity laced insults. I let in opposing points of view even when I'm accused of "hating black women".
Hey Rocky nice post
I will add this to my new blog album with the link to your blog.
I also did the 59 percent of black women have kids with different daddies article.
Yea you are right about girls just being violent and quick tempered.
They are getting worse media attention than black boys.
Now compare what you have just written to a comment made on Halima Sal Anderson's blog in response to her post entitled "The Sickness That is Black Male Culture and Other Things..."
This comment was written by Bea Mae:
"Everytime we consider what black American men want we loose either our femininity or our virtue in the process and internalize their negativity.
Black men have horrible attitudes so Black Women have attitudes. Black men don't exercise sexual responsibility so Black women don't exercise sexual responsibility. Black men don't find black features attractive on women so Black Women.....
Black women eventually end up being pseudo-black men."
At least she is admitting that black women dont exercise sexual responsibility. Also, black men arent exactly known for having a bad attitude.
Hey Kigali. Bea Mae asserts the reverse of what I say. Her problem is that her assertion is something that she pulled out of her rear end as opposed to having a basis in research. The control women have over the sex act has been observed by science as well as anyone with common sense. It is explained by a noted evolutionary psychologist in this article.
And you are right. Black men are not stereotyped as having "bad attitudes". Again, Ms. Mae does what so many of her cohorts do, which is pulling notions out of their butts in attempts to support their agenda.
“If I wanted to destroy society, I would launch an all-out blitz on women.”
Maybe most women worldwide feel that an all-out blitz has been launched on them.
However, this Holland woman is just one person with her views.
And you are right. Black men are not stereotyped as having "bad attitudes".
Black men ARE stereotyped as angry or having a chip on their shoulder which is the same as having a bad attitude.
This is why most people view black men as dangerous and violent. Dangerous, violent people don't walk around with good attitudes. Even other black people are scared of black men because of their bad attitude about just about everything. If black men are not angry and violent, then why are so many black people like Juan Williams and Jesse Jackson afraid of black men?
Again, Ms. Mae does what so many of her cohorts do, which is pulling notions out of their butts in attempts to support their agenda.
Whereas you pull "selective" research out of your biased butthole of research to support any biased, hateful view you have about black women. "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" which means that you try to use research to bolster your weak arguments. Any of us can always find statistics to prove any lie we want to tell. I'll bet you would make it a point to find research saying that dog poop tastes good if you thought it would somehow make black women look bad.
”Maybe most women worldwide feel that an all-out blitz has been launched on them.”
Yet, American women can hardly say this especially with the loads of anti-male bias prevalent in Western culture today.
Black men ARE stereotyped as angry or having a chip on their shoulder which is the same as having a bad attitude.
It’s not the same. Black people in general are stereotyped as being highly impulsive and oversensitive, yet it is black women who are noted for daily cynicism and negativity. It is black women who are stereotyped as being rude and unfriendly in service occupations and arrogantly making people wait while they complete personal telephone calls at work.
This is why most people view black men as dangerous and violent. Dangerous, violent people don't walk around with good attitudes. Even other black people are scared of black men because of their bad attitude about just about everything. If black men are not angry and violent, then why are so many black people like Juan Williams and Jesse Jackson afraid of black men?
Being dangerous and violent differs from having a “bad attitude”. You have many who are far from dangerous and violent, yet have bad attitudes. You are trying to link two separate things for your own purpose. Now let’s look at the following study. Notice the bold part in all caps:
“This study investigated the role of personality traits and sex differences in emotion recognition. In several studies using samples with mostly young Caucasian and Asian students, Matsumoto et al.1 found strong evidence that recognition of emotional expression in faces was related to Openness to Experience and, to a lesser extent, Conscientiousness. Openness is one of the major dimensions of the five-factor model2 (FFM) of personality that might play an important role in the recognition of emotion. Open individuals tend to be intellectually curious, imaginative, and sensitive to aesthetics and inner feelings. The present study seeks to replicate Matsumoto et al. and extend the findings to an older African American and an older Caucasian sample. Furthermore, this study tests whether the relation between personality traits and emotion recognition can be replicated with a purely verbal task. Finally, the hypothesis that women tend to be better than men in decoding facial expressions of emotion will be tested.
(Conclusion) This study showed evidences for the role of individual and cultural factors in emotion recognition. At the individual level, this study lends support to the notion that Openness to Experience is important for affective processing. The consistency of results using verbal and non-verbal stimuli suggests that Openness to Experience is related to basic processing, possibly universal. This interpretation is also supported by the fact that the Matsumoto et al. and the present study use judges from different races, cultural backgrounds, and age groups. The advantage in emotion recognition of individuals with higher scores on Openness is consistent with a study7 that found Openness to be inversely related to a measure of Alexithymia, a cognitive-affective construct that includes difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings. Openness has also been related to variation in the structure of self-rated affect.8 Finally, women performed better than men in the Caucasian sample, BUT NO IN THE AFRICAN AMERICAN SAMPLE. This contrast in the pattern of sex differences highlights the importance of cultural factors.”
Whereas you pull "selective" research out of your biased butthole of research to support any biased, hateful view you have about black women. "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" which means that you try to use research to bolster your weak arguments. Any of us can always find statistics to prove any lie we want to tell. I'll bet you would make it a point to find research saying that dog poop tastes good if you thought it would somehow make black women look bad.
If I pull “selective” research, then where is the counter “selective” research? I practically never see it. “Statistics” don’t equate to “research”. Research uses statistics along with random sampling, etc. and is judged by its ability to account for various factors. That is why such research is peer reviewed. I will take research over someone’s biased personal perceptions any day.
If I pull “selective” research, then where is the counter “selective” research? I practically never see it.
You're a bw hater and even if you're married to a bw, that doesn't change anything. You try to smear bw in every post you do, so you're motivated to hunt research that supports only your biased views, which you feed to lame-brains who want to believe the worst about bw. Other people are not motivated to "counter" with their own selective research because they are not motivated. They don't have a dog in this fight.
“Statistics” don’t equate to “research”.
That saying lumps them together.
That is why such research is peer reviewed.
Much research is not valid and is refuted everyday by peers and reputable research bodies. Anybody can do research and post it on the internet.
I will take research over someone’s biased personal perceptions any day.
Just because you're lame-brained enough to believe research doesn't mean it's valid.
Lots of "premier" research by racist researchers like Shockley and Jensen (Ivy League researchers who researched I.Q.s of blacks and whites) believed in eugenics and believed that blacks were mentally defective. They provided the scientific "research" for the continuation of racism.
Just like you, Shockley said he was using "the application of scientific ingenuity to the solution of human problems."
Nice response Rocky
Now they call it "selective research". Sort of like Evia using a very small ass sample showing black women married to white men having longer marriages. Which is true but not many black women are married to white men. LOL They got the nerve to question our statistics. Nice "slight of hand" move Evia.
However, they want to do it. I don't questions statistics too much. Numbers don't lie and most of the time the statics are actually "higher" than what is said.
The baby daddy article is "biased". LOL How can that be flawed? What incentive do black women have to "hide" the fact they got kids by different men.
It does not even make sense.
The median net worth of black women might be 5 dollars. Okay, black women can get money through the underground economy, from "simps, sugar daddies, indirect prostitution, boyfriends and husbands".
However, on "paper" you are worth 5 dollars. I have been seeing this for years in the black community.
This "independent" attitude is actually false. Black women have pretty much depended on men. It is just hard to get "data" on the sexual lives and various men black women are with.
They don't exactly volunteer the information. The 59 percent article gives you some insight.
Anyway, good post Rocky.
Just because you're lame-brained enough to believe research doesn't mean it's valid.
Oh, but it is wise to believe Evia? Your statement is laughable. How is believing research "lame-brained"? The purpose of research is to get to the truth and peer reviewing makes sure that the research is valid. Beyond that, what are we supposed to believe? You feel that we should believe that which Evia, Halima, Sarah, Gina, etc. pull out of their butts?
What is telling is the fact that when they actually do have statistics, they run with them. How often do we hear the "70%" percent number thrown around so many ways?
Lots of "premier" research by racist researchers like Shockley and Jensen (Ivy League researchers who researched I.Q.s of blacks and whites) believed in eugenics and believed that blacks were mentally defective. They provided the scientific "research" for the continuation of racism.
Just like you, Shockley said he was using "the application of scientific ingenuity to the solution of human problems."
The problem is that I can pull up a multitude of researchers countering his findings. Now what do you have? More "you hate black women" statements?
I think the problem that "Anonymous" is having and that a lot of black women have when they are comparing and contrasting how black men and women are viewed is that black men arent punished socially the the extent black women are for their "attitude" problems. An angry black man with a chip on his shoulder doesnt detract from his masculinity. He doesnt diminish, with those flaws, his manliness. This isnt to be confused with manhood.
The black woman on the other hand completely and totally, detracts from her femininity when she behaves in that way. The bad attitude of a black woman is far more pervasive and wide spread than the dangers of black men. It crosses every socio- economic strata for black women and even age. It is a foregone conclusion. Imagine if there were as many criminally inclined black men as there are black women with bad attitudes.
That is really the crux of the problem. While you can proscribe the violence of black men, black women are allowed and oftentimes encouraged to be the sassy black bitch.
"Even other black people are scared of black men because of their bad attitude about just about everything."
Employees at Burger King are probably afraid of black women.
I think you make EXCELLENT points Kigali. I guess I define having an "attitude" as being "bitchie" (never satisfied and always complaining), which tends to be seen as feminine. I don't see black men as being particularly bitchie.
On the other hand, if we are referring to being over aggressive and confrontational, then yes, this is a trait overrepresented in a black men and I guess this trait would be more of a masculine trait and therefore a less undesirable trait for a man than for a woman.
I think with black women, you commonly get a combination of the two and this often results in the stereotype of black women loving drama. You get often get very aggressive responses to the smallest slight.
At best a black woman has a bitchy attitude. At worse she is in your face, cussing you out and rolling her neck. Believe or not this is EXTREMELY threatening behavior and is a precursor to a violent act.
The problem is that I can pull up a multitude of researchers countering his findings.
I'm glad that you said this because it PROVES that you realize that NO research is the final word on anything. ALL of it can be countered. Only lame-brains like you and biased haters like you would accept your "selective" research findings as the TRUTH and nothing but the truth. You're so desperate to smear black women.
So you just wiped your own credibility out. You've just proven my point that you use "selective" research to smear bw when you know good and well that ALL research findings can be countered and overturned.
Why not just admit that you don't like bw and get it over with. Just like those racists, you're trying to hide your hatred behind your selective "scientific" research? Man up!
black men arent punished socially the the extent black women are for their "attitude" problems.
You're kidding! You're a typical lame-brained groupie for black males. Black men get shot to death by other black men mostly and white men for their known bad attitudes, for their known violence rate. Black men are considered DANGEROUS. They don't get hired and they don't get promoted because of their bad attitudes and that chip on their shoulder. Black women get hired and have careers no matter what.
Even in elementary school, black boys end up getting put out of class, suspended, and in special ed for their bad attitudes at high rates. You're in denial.
The bad attitude of a black woman is far more pervasive and wide spread than the dangers of black men.
The next time a black man gets shot to death for his perceived bad attitude, I'm sure you'll bring him back to life.
Imagine if there were as many criminally inclined black men as there are black women with bad attitudes.
We don't have to imagine. Just look at the jails and count the bm heads there and then go to the cemetery and count the bm graves. Your hatred for bw makes you sound stupid.
Anonymous said:
@ Rocky,
why not just admit you have a double standard and hatred for black women since you use every opportunity to blame them for something.
Menelik says:
and why not admit that you come on here to provoke conflict (also known as 'drama) not discussion and as such you're not in the slightest bit interested in inquiry, or conflict resolution. But don't go, darling, stick around; you keep Brothers like Rocky honing his uppercut and stiffening his jab!
Ding! Ding! Round 3!
Menelik Charles
London UK
and why not admit that you come on here to provoke conflict (also known as 'drama) not discussion
This site is not about discussion. It's about smearing black women. If you want to have a discussion with someone, you don't start the conversation with a smear of them.
When a black woman objects to your smears based on your "selective" research findings and speaks out about it, she's then accused by black men like you of causing 'drama.' This is so typical. You consider a quiet, meek black woman who takes the crap and smears to be feminine. If other groups of women were smeared and attacked all the time by men in their groups, they would be fighting back too. At this rate, the only black woman who will want a black man is a desperate one who can't get any other kind of man. We're almost at that point now.
You guys and your groupies are black female misogynists! It is so embarrassing that black men and black women fight all the time. I have a question for you misogynists. If black women are so bad, then why not just put up sites about other women that you think are good? Leave us black women alone! We have a black woman in the white house and black girls there too, yet this site is devoted to smearing the whole group of black women. I have to go to class. Bye!
I think what Rocky failed to mention is that this is popular among lower class people and teenage girls of all races are going through this fighting phase.
Just recently they had a segment talking about that girl Janelle from teen mom fighting with two other girls over an unemployed bi-racial guy who does not all day but party and drink. Just like Janelle.
The recent craze and internet videos show that teenage girls are getting into more fights over boys and these same boys are there cheering them and the fight on.
I saw a video of grown women fighting in Dennys over syrup. white females acting a fool over syrup!
However, these women are obviously of a lower class and people never mistake to use them as a "norm" for white women or any woman at that.
Rocky however, picks the worse apples of the bunch and wants to turn this into a all black woman thing that needs to be fixed because " men view as marriage material and is why so many men today hold such a negative outlook on marriage" due to these women.
When in fact, WOMEN, not little girls like Rocky posted, aren't doing this and young boys are doing the same and always more than likely in the middle of these fights. Fights many entertain and cheer on.
For everyone immature girl like this, there is a immature guy. I guess we're supposed to believe that every black man/boy is a great guy looking for a woman but only has hoodrats left!
Rocky is just like the media, if not worse.
He gets high off the idea of "black females behaving badly" to push his agenda of whatever but has to literally dig and pick out situations with lower class people to try to represent a whole segment of black women.
Yet young ladies like Katie Washington don't get a post or the recognition they deserve. A bunch of immature teenagers get a 500-word essay!
If anyone didn't know, Katie Washington is a young lady who became the first black valedictorian of Notre Dame in 2010.
Blaine said:
what Rocky failed to mention is that this is popular among lower class people, and teenage girls, of all races are going through this fighting phase.
Rocky however, picks the worse apples of the bunch and wants to turn this into a all black woman thing that needs to be fixed because " men view as marriage material and is why so many men today hold such a negative outlook on marriage" due to these women.
When in fact, WOMEN, not little girls... aren't doing this...
Menelik says:
look, whichever way you cut it - be it women or girls behaving in this manner, the outcome is the same. For example, if it's women then they are likely to have children; if it's the girls then they most certainly have mothers (and fathers, of course).
Blaine said:
Rocky is just like the media, if not worse. He gets high off the idea of "black females behaving badly" to push his agenda... and picks out situations with lower class people to try to represent a whole segment of black women.
Menelik says:
but they do "represent a whole segment of Black women", remember? You said so yourself: you referred to them as "lower class people".
Just saying.
Menelik Charles
London UK
I think what Rocky failed to mention is that this is popular among lower class people and teenage girls of all races are going through this fighting phase.
Isn’t posting an article stating this very thing equivalent to “mentioning” this? Did you not read this portion of the article?:
But, it does seem to fit with the "girls gone wild" phenomenon spreading across American culture. According to AP, "Around the country school police and teachers are seeing a growing tendency for girls to settle disputes with their fists ..." It's still true that violence among boys is a much bigger problem than violence among girls, as measured by arrest statistics. But, AP reports, while it used to be the ratio was 10 to 1, now it's 4 to 1.
While the surge of violence among girls has been seen primarily at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale, it's by no means exclusively there. Just flash back to the news about the violent "powder puff" girls football game in an affluent Chicago suburb where one group of girls brutalized another group of girls huddled helplessly on the ground, even to the point of breaking bones.
The article is not race specific and states that it is primarily at the “lower end of the socioeconomic scale”, YET NOT EXCLUSICELY THERE.
And we all know that kids fight far more than adults. What you have to understand is that there is nothing that happens in the black community that doesn’t happen in other communities. There are very few if any increasing trends in the black community that are not increasing in other communities. Whites are getting married less than they ever had in the past. There are more white men in prison today than ever before. The percentage of out-of-wedlock births for white women is higher than ever before. We can go on.
But the issue is one of comparative magnitude. Read the article:
”Six percent of young black women have been injured in school fights, compared with 4 percent of Hispanic and 2 percent of white girls.”
When in fact, WOMEN, not little girls like Rocky posted, aren't doing this and young boys are doing the same and always more than likely in the middle of these fights. Fights many entertain and cheer on.
Did you not read in the article where one of the girl’s mother and another adult woman participated in beating the 12 year old right? We all know that kids and younger folks fight more than adults and older folks, but the volatile mentality that causes black girls to fight quicker than other girls remains in them after adulthood will cause them to fight quicker than other women similarly aged women after adulthood and even if a volatile mentality doesn’t result in physical fighting, it will result in a lot of hell raising and profanity.
For everyone immature girl like this, there is a immature guy. I guess we're supposed to believe that every black man/boy is a great guy looking for a woman but only has hoodrats left!
I’ve never asserted this. My assertion is one of who has the most influence over the other. The prevalence of such immature girls/women and hoodrats is a strong contributors to the existence of similar type men because a great deal of how men as a whole develop is related to what makes them most appealing to the women around them. Research supports this and I have posted numerous links on the subject.
He gets high off the idea of "black females behaving badly" to push his agenda of whatever but has to literally dig and pick out situations with lower class people to try to represent a whole segment of black women.
I rarely rely on individual situations to make a point. I rely on stats and research along with common sense and honest observation. Do you ever address the BWE bloggers about this? They squawk at any black man asserting that other races do similar bad things as black men. But you are now asserting the same idea with relation to black women. The BWE bloggers ALWAYS use specific instances to argue their points. Understand that the ONLY reason I blog is to counter their assertions and growing influence. They are the accumulation of the “there are no good black men” mantra that has been spewed for decades.
Yet young ladies like Katie Washington don't get a post or the recognition they deserve. A bunch of immature teenagers get a 500-word essay!
If anyone didn't know, Katie Washington is a young lady who became the first black valedictorian of Notre Dame in 2010.
Actually, things like this get thrown in our faces often to show how much better black women are than black men. We need to link you to the anti-black male crusades of Evia, Halima, Khadija, Sarah, Lormarie, Christelyn, CW, Gina and many more.
My assertion is one of who has the most influence over the other. The prevalence of such immature girls/women and hoodrats is a strong contributors to the existence of similar type men because a great deal of how men as a whole develop is related to what makes them most appealing to the women around them. Research supports this and I have posted numerous links on the subject.
You are still trying to blame black women MORE instead of just saying that BOTH genders have done a great deal to cause the problems. Since men are supposed to be the leaders, where are black men leading black women? Men EARN the right to be leaders. It's not given to them.
Don't start complaining that black women won't do what black men tell them to do either because some black women do what black men like and that adds to their problems.
Black women wear long straight weaves because they know that black men like long, straight hair. Black women try to show off the "junk in their trunk" because they know that black men love it. Black women wear blue and green contact lens because they see that black men like women who have blue and green eyes. Some black women bleach their skin because they know that black men act a fool over light women.
Black women get involved in crime more and go to jail more now because of their criminal boyfriends. Certain young black women do sex more these days because black men expect the sex in a hurry. Talk with some of these young women at a clinic and ask them why they keep having sex. They will tell you it's because their boyfriend will go to another girl for it. Have you noticed how many black men online talk about sex related things and women all of the time. Black men don't talk much about business, politics, education, and solving community problems like most other men talk about. Black men talk about SEX and women.
As a man, you're supposed to be earning the right to be a leader. You could be using your site to build. Yet ALL of your posts blame black women for being the main cause of the problems.
" Black men are considered DANGEROUS. They don't get hired and they don't get promoted because of their bad attitudes and that chip on their shoulder. Black women get hired and have careers no matter what."
Yes men are considered more dangerous than women and black men are considered the most dangerous. However black women are the most dangerous women. The increase in incarceration for black women and girls attest to that.
Anecdote... I worked at a pancake house in Philly once and the black male manager said that I would be the last black woman he hired because of the problems he was having with his black female employees.
Now what extent does affirmative action play in black women being hired and promoted? Also, Government hires most black women. We know what kinds of standards they have and how it is nearly impossible to fire someone who works in the public sector.
"Even in elementary school, black boys end up getting put out of class, suspended, and in special ed for their bad attitudes at high rates."
Black mothers are making a killing from SSI wealth transfers for having their boys deemed problematic. There has been in increase in the indifference to males in the educational school system. Much has been written about it.
"The next time a black man gets shot to death for his perceived bad attitude, I'm sure you'll bring him back to life."
The next time a black woman goes ape shit in a Burger King I am sure you will say, "Not all not all of us are like that."
You said this comment...
"As a man, you're supposed to be earning the right to be a leader. You could be using your site to build. Yet ALL of your posts blame black women for being the main cause of the problems."
Sellout BWE bloggers do not do the same? As a woman why don't you talk to other black girls about fighting on the train with spaghetti in their mouth!
That is like the pot calling the kettle black!
You can tell other black girls stop acting out in Burger King in bikinis and to talk about topics that have substance too.
I get tired of hearing black girls talk about "which bitches they don't like". "When they are going to the mall". "How their clothes make their booty big". "Constant reference to their ex boyfriends".
Let's not even talk about serious topics that black women seem to ignore. I could talk about Business, politics, and education all day.
It will fly over the average black woman's head.
So don't give us your "selective outrage" over our blogs.
Good day.
One thing I've noticed is that you bw haters always look at low income black people to get your "research" data and you then generalize your "findings" to ALL bw. Sounds like a nest of white racists here. Didn't Rocky say that most black people are middle class? Even if they're working class, why not get your data from those classes? Why pick on low income people?
The increase in incarceration for black women and girls attest to that.
Case in point. Middle class black women and girls have an extremely low incarceration rate. Prove otherwise with at least 10 VALID sources. Even low income black women go to jail from hanging around criminal black men most of the time. Everybody knows that. ALL groups of low income people everywhere have more social problems. This is not news, but you're so desperate to make black women look bad until you reach anywhere.
The solution is simple. Since you don't like black women, leave them alone! If the only black women that black men here can get are ghetto black women, then work harder or get women.
I thought Rocky said that anecdotes don't count.
Now what extent does affirmative action play in black women being hired and promoted?
White women mostly get hired and promoted by affirmative action too and are the biggest beneficiaries of it. Most women do. So, what else is new?
Also, Government hires most black women. We know what kinds of standards they have and how it is nearly impossible to fire someone who works in the public sector.
Most and I mean most of ALL women don't have line positions in corporations due to sexism. Most POC don't have line positions either because of racism. Kigali, you're going to be fired as Rocky's black woman attack dog at this rate. They want us to have a cat fight. One woman against another. You're suppose to rip me to pieces with your claws so that the men can get off. Not happening.I know you can do better than this. Lots of people get hired by the government in every country. I'll bet you would be clapping if the government hired bm or if bm could get hired in big numbers by anybody. Double standard penalty.
Black mothers are making a killing from SSI wealth transfers for having their boys deemed problematic. There has been in increase in the indifference to males in the educational school system. Much has been written about it.
Tsk! Tsk! You forgot to mention where the FATHERS are of these black boys. You must consider black fathers as nothing since you didn't even mention them.
"The next time a black man gets shot to death"
The next time a black woman goes ape shit in a Burger King "
Are you comparing a black woman acting silly with a black man getting shot to death by another black man because the first one looked at the other one too long or for stepping on his new sneakers? You're boring. Bye!
@ Rocky,
you're still trying to blame black women MORE instead of just saying that BOTH genders have done a great deal to cause the problems. Since men are supposed to be the leaders, where are black men leading black women?
Menelik says:
the name of this blog is 'Black Men Confronting The Lies And Distortions'. Recognise this very obvious fact and then all else will make sense to you lol
Why do black women like you pick and chose when you want to compare and compete with black men? Men are more violent than women but black women are the most violent of the women in this country. There is certainly a culture in the black community where violence is a legitimate expression for not getting BBQ sauce with your fries at Burger King.
Please dont detract from the violent nature of too many black women because she rolls with criminally inclined black men. There are a lot of young black men who are under the influence of older black men but I dont see you using that to excuse their behavior. Bare in mind that many of these black women are in fact older than these criminally inclined black men. They are the ones who are given the housing in these housing projects and have their names on the check written to them by the government. Therefore they have been given a responsibility by the society that feeds her to not allow her government subsidized home to become a drug den.
Also dont talk to any of us about our hatred of black women. Why not check your hatred of black men at the door before you come in here spouting your crap about hatred. Why is your hatred so much more justified than ours?
Leaving black women a lone isnt a response to the problems. What were those employees at Burger King doing? Should they not have served black women in order to avoid their ire?
Dont come in here talking shit than tell us to leave you a lone. Leave US alone. Us being those black men and women who are tired of the hypocrisy and double standards.
Lastly a lot of black women are represented in the lower classes. Therefore low class behavior is quite common among black women.
I read the article and I read your comment/examples on it. You attempted to turn this into a black girl thing by isolating cases involving only black girls and not mentioning the fact that this is clearly a problem across the board. No more occurring in the black community compared to the white and Hispanic. If you are to attack a topic, and use an article, approach without a racial lens, the same way the author did.
It states primarily being more than not, majority of the time, etc. No one states that middle class girls don't do this but it's not very common and its primarily in lower class structures, as stated by your article.
Your link doesn't work.
Yes, I did. Again, were they not lower class females? This is no different than that mother who drove a teenager to suicide. It happens but it's not common. An overwhelming fights occurs between teens and their parents don't get involved but I can't deny that it happens on occasions.
But I thought you said you don't use individuals situations? Sounds like one to me. Where did it say black girls are quicker to fight than other girls?
Other studies have stated that blacks as a whole are more likely to resort to violence due to our "savage" ways but I don't think this is true and I will apply that opinion to both black boys and girls who supposedly are violent and like to fight a lot.
I quoted you blabbering about how men are unable to find suitable mates and want to marry due to these females that reduce the number of marriage material women. As if they are the only one walking around and are in the majority!
Lower class people are in the minority. Neither group is marriage material, so therefore they should naturally cross each other out in the dating pool.
Any black males who is marriage material and looking for a wife, can find one if he is of a middle class background or at least have a decent job and moral structure.
I'm not sure your point since I always address BWE bloggers. Does my comment go through..never.
They annoy me most of the time. However, Two wrongs don't make a right Rocky. You defeat your own purpose because it becomes a "pot calling the kettle black" situation between the two of you.
I think Rocky's main point is that Black Women must change the black community.
He seems to lack responsibility regarding men who are supposed to be the leaders of the community but instead aim all of these problems on black women , who-in his opinion- caused them and ultimately must fix them.
At the same time, Rocky wants to have the cake and eat it too because he expects black women to respect black men and bow down to them without black males ever having to take responsibility for what has happen to their community but would jump at the chance to take credit if things were running smoothly.
Its kind of a "you do all the work but I take all the credit and praise" situation.
That's the vibe I get from all of this. I can accept Rockys arguments -at times- but if he does expect black women to basically fix the black community, he should not expect us to be submissive and obeying towards them.
It's like a husband who wants you to work; cook ; clean ; take care of the kids; support the family financially ; maintain the house and solve any problem that comes up in the house but yet, expects you to obey him as the "man of the house".
Correct me if I'm wrong Rocky but thats basically what you're saying in more sophisticated words.
" Lastly a lot of black women are represented in the lower classes. Therefore low class behavior is quite common among black women."
That made no complete sense. You said a lot of black women are represented in the lower class.
Do you mean the lower class presents a lot of black women?
and therefore low class behavior is quite common.
No, it's not. The percentage of low class blacks is like 25 percent. Leaving over 75 percent that aren't low class and more than likely dont resort to lower class behaviors.
Unfortunately the likes of people like yourself constantly rely on the lower class population to represent black women and give these coincidental "blacks are bad but I'm the good kind" story about hiring and etc and yet after all this you grew up in a lower class area , South Central is it? and swears like a sailor; a act that is of a lower class woman.
Thus in reality, you are no better than the supposed woman you talk about!
Who was the one that called you ghetto on here? or Aggressive or something?
Men are more violent than women but black women are the most violent of the women in this country.
Well, you just admitted that black men are the most violent, savage men everywhere they are. But get this. They're only flaming savage and brave when they're beating down and raping girls and women. How MANLY of them! They get their azzes killed when they fight each other though. They know their butts will be pushed into a pit and burned alive if they bother non-black men. So they smile and kiss butt around non-black men.
Selfish and greedy too. We all saw those scenes in Haiti in living color. Those Haitian men didn't give a crap about the women and children. They were like animals let out of cages. Raping girls and women. Same as here. Black men are the same everywhere. Some of those Haitian women and children got violent too just like american black women. Violence produces violence.
There is certainly a culture in the black community .
Sounds like a scene out of your Haiti when those Haitian men were beating down the women and children. Go back to Haiti and talk pretty there.
Please dont detract from the violent nature of too many black women
Don't you detract from those scenes from Haiti. We all saw you Haitian angels there. Go back to Haiti and clean up YOUR own backyard. Haiti's always been like that. That's why you got out of there.
Bare in mind that many of these black women are in fact older than these criminally inclined black men.
And so? Some black men want older women. Take your complaint to those men. You and other members of the bw smear team here keep talking about low income and ghetto people and you then smear that on ALL black women in America. Housing projects? Rocky said most black people are middle class. Only a tiny amount of black people in America live in housing projects. You and the other bw haters here keep talking about low income, ghetto behavior because you deliberately look for dirt to smear on ALL bw.Leaving black women a lone isnt a response to the problems.
But conflating issues and smearing ALL bw is? These bm here hate bw because the bw they want don't want them. In your case, the bw you wanted to be friends with rejected you and hurt your tender feelings. So you hate all bw and now have a vendetta against bw. ALL of you are a bunch of losers here whining. Rejection is a part of life. Get help and get over it!
Lastly a lot of black women are represented in the lower classes. Therefore low class behavior is quite common among black women.
Lastly, a lot of black men, including your fellow Haitian men are violent and greedy, raping savages. Therefore, greedy, savage, violent behavior is quite common among black men.
You said this...
"It's like a husband who wants you to work; cook ; clean ; take care of the kids; support the family financially ; maintain the house and solve any problem that comes up in the house but yet, expects you to obey him as the "man of the house".
When the WHITE MAN ask a black woman to do this. He is a quality lovable man. The black man ask you to DO AT LEAST HALF OF THIS IN A RELATIONSHIP. He is a beast and etc.
Child please, stop that nonsense already.
You also said this..
"But conflating issues and smearing ALL bw is? These bm here hate bw because the bw they want don't want them. In your case, the bw you wanted to be friends with rejected you and hurt your tender feelings. So you hate all bw and now have a vendetta against bw. ALL of you are a bunch of losers here whining. Rejection is a part of life. Get help and get over it!"
The white man rejects you and picks you last. You still do blogs about him! WHO DOES THAT??? Take your own damn advice nappy head. I am just listening to the nonsense you are saying and I am saying to you "CHILD PLEASE".
OH wait, when the white man rejects h YOU he is "racisis"!!! "O Girl he racisis can you believe him uh huh".
Let's see what else you said
"Well, you just admitted that black men are the most violent, savage men everywhere they are. But get this. They're only flaming savage and brave when they're beating down and raping girls and women. How MANLY of them! They get their azzes killed when they fight each other though. They know their butts will be pushed into a pit and burned alive if they bother non-black men. So they smile and kiss butt around non-black men."
I guess when Stormfront post pictures of white boys murdered by black men that is just for "show". Yeah black men are really scared now. Go take a trip to Africa as a white person and see if black men are allegedly "scared and quivering". Ask them white farmers in South Africa if they got African men trembling.
Once again CHILD PLEASE!
Child please, are you smoking your white man's cocaine?
I won't even address the garbage you just said about Haiti. The white man brutalizes white women in Eastern Europe and traffic their own white women to Asia and Arab countries to be prostituted.
Go read a fucking book or something. You white washed nappy headed loser.
Licking the white man's ass and he does NOT even acknowledge you.
Mr Laurelton Queens
I think we have been here before. Now you see that black women werent able to commandeer the "black ship" now you are screaming "where are the black male leaders?" Firstly communities dont have leaders per se. They have families. An aggregate of complete families create functional communities. We need to start from the foundation and black women play an ESSENTIAL role in determining if the family will be complete or not. Women choose men, men marry women. Women get pregnant, families are created, men lead those families.
This is how it works. Dont get caught with your ass out then demand a brother lead you into righteousness after youre whore shit backfires.
Black women are full of shit. Stop confusing your faux desire for male leadership when what you truly want is male responsibility. Youre rhetoric about male leadership is nothing but code for black men taking the blame for problems black women largely create for themselves based on their own sexual habits.
I've got a question, why do you interchangeably use black women and the black community when talking about the problems of black women? Dont hide behind the black community when we are talking about the problems of black women. If you can specifically target black men for their behavior without the black community slight of hang than you have to do the same for the black community.
...Next up on todays episode... she will admit that black women had to take control of the community because black men refused their responsibility. Ok, I am fine with this proposition so long as you admit that you were in the lead of the community and you failed epically.
That Anonymous doesnt have a white man. She postures to feel closer to white men. It makes her feel apart of them. She thinks black men feel around non black men the way she routinely feels around non black women.
Firstly communities dont have leaders
Oh, yes they do, dumbass. You're saying that because you know black men don't know the first thing about good leadership. Just look at any black country like your Haiti and we can the cesspool they're in because of black MALE leadership. That's why you got out of Haiti and got yourself a NON-black man or so you SAY. Black men and women like you run like wet rats to white men's countries.
We need to start from the foundation
Who is "we?" You need to go back to Haiti and stop those Haitian men from raping and stomping on the women and children there. Stop your "leaders" there from stealing from and killing YOUR people. Go clean up your own backyard.
Dont get caught with your ass out then demand a brother lead you into righteousness after youre whore shit backfires.
I hope those low income, ghetto black women who all of you ass clowns are always smearing and picking on here are reading this. Any woman who has her head up a black man's butt is going to end up in the shit pool.
So, I agree with you here. Any woman who waits on a "brother" to lead her anywhere good is done for. The proof is all around us. Any black woman is stupid for even wanting to be with a "brother."
Black women are full of shit.
Stop talking about yourself. But those that are must have had their head up a "brother's" butt.
she will admit that black women had to take control of the community
Oh no, not me! Never! That was stupid in the first place for black women to try to carry the whole faux community? Black women should walk away and let EVERYTHING DIE. That's the answer. Smart black women are going to walk.
Keep smearing black women. The word is getting out.
No they don't anon. Communities don't have leaders. You go to the white community, and there are no "community leaders". That is a black community embraced idea and those who are "community leaders" in any community are really just community ACTIVISTS. The black community has more of those than any community and most are men.
Organizations and movements have leaders, not communities. A community in America is not a tribe with a chief. We have political leaders that represent multiple communities and the black community is full of political leaders, but they are politicians and politics is not a solution for black America.
As Kigali states, male leadership predominantly belongs in each individual home. An abundance of homes with male leadership creates a healthy community, not some "community leaders". Kigali is so right when she says that the community leadership notion is simply a way of dishing responsibility onto someone else.
And black women are more than half of the black community. How can black women walk away from that which they are most of? That's stupid, yet popular rhetoric. You can't walk away from yourselves. Black women are the black community and no other community is going to take you in en masse. Those communities have their own women.
And personal attacks don't help your argument but instead make you appear unintelligent. Debate with logic, not emotion. Too many sistas are governed by their emotions.
So now that the topic is on Haiti and not black women, I guess "Anonymous" has accomplished what she came in here to do.
"Oh, yes they do, dumbass. You're saying that because you know black men don't know the first thing about good leadership."
As much as black women know about hormonal birth control.
So now that the topic is on Haiti and not black women, I guess "Anonymous" has accomplished what she came in here to do.
I would say that she has accomplished showing everyone that she doesn't have an intelligent response.
But that will be as far as the Haiti topic will go.
You go to the white community, and there are no "community leaders".
You apparently have not lived in the inner circle of the white community. White men may not be called "COMMUNITY LEADERS," but they're in charge of the community and the MEN "lead" through their organizations, clubs, and other civic and social affiliations. Let anything arise in any area where whites live and you'll see white MEN come together quickly and they'll be out front PROBLEM-SOLVING. Those white men don't have to be married or have children to be involved in this coming together of men to protect and problem solve for their community.
ACTIVISTS. The black community has more of those than any community and most are men.
If the black community has all of those ACTIVISTS and most are men, as you say, then those men obviously don't know what they're doing. Admit it! Just look at the chaos. The first step is for black men to admit that they don't know which end is up. Black men won't do that because they're too arrogant. That's an attitude problem.
Nah! I say let the faux black community completely die.
An abundance of homes with male leadership creates a healthy community, not some "community leaders".
Male leadership alone doesn't create a healthy community. It has to be the RIGHT kind of males in those homes and the RIGHT kind of male leadership. You black men and black women misogynists keep blaming black women for choosing rotten men. You all know good and well that 8 -9 out of 10 black american men are low quality when it comes to being husband and father material.
How can black women walk away from that which they are most of?
Black women CAN easily walk away from the faux black community areas and they won't be missing much because it's not a real community anyway. There are no prison gates or bars on the faux black community. They can easily walk away. They can move across town or to another state. People move all of the time and migrate to different parts of the country.
I agree that the low income, ghetto black women are not going to move, but the smart black women are walking. A smart black woman is not going to take up with any of you black man losers, no matter how much you smear and complain. If she does, she's just wiped herself out. What's in it for her to do that? She might as well stay alone if she can't meet somebody better.
That's stupid, yet popular rhetoric. You can't walk away from yourselves.
Says who? That's what YOU want black women to think. Black women don't have to cling together in those holes. We can spread out and be where we want. We can always call each other on the phone or get together and socialize whenever we want.
ALL black women don't have to move to the SAME area, town, state, or country. It's rather simple to do.
So now that the topic is on Haiti and not black women, I guess "Anonymous" has accomplished what she came in here to do.
Kigali, you're just pissed because you don't feel you can manipulate here as easy as you do black men on certain other sites. Go and save Haiti. That's YOUR country. Why do YOU, a Haitian, consider black American women to be your priority to correct or save? I smell a rat.
Excerpt from an article concerning "cleaning up backyards".
"Flourishing sex trade
Olga is one small cog in a huge transnational industry, and Macedonia is merely a way station on a path to bondage that begins in impoverished Eastern Europe and the chaotic states that emerged from the collapse of the Soviet Union, and stretches to Western Europe, the Middle East and beyond.
Map of Velesta, Macedonia, Moldova, Albania, Netherlands
In Europe alone, officials estimate that more than 200,000 women and girls — one-quarter of all women trafficked globally — are smuggled out of Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics each year, the bulk of whom end up working as enslaved prostitutes. Almost half are transported to Western Europe. Roughly a quarter end up in the United States. Human rights activists say the numbers do not tell the full story, because most women remain silent rather than turn to frequently corrupt authorities for help."
Apparently, this sellout won't tell the white man to clean up his own backyard. Where is her outrage over white men pimping white women to Arabs, Asians and Jews.
The sellout girl is retarded. She can implore us to go to Haiti to govern. But will "implore" the American white man to stop this.
Then she says this comment, quite comical...
"I hope those low income, ghetto black women who all of you ass clowns are always smearing and picking on here are reading this. Any woman who has her head up a black man's butt is going to end up in the shit pool.
So, I agree with you here. Any woman who waits on a "brother" to lead her anywhere good is done for. The proof is all around us. Any black woman is stupid for even wanting to be with a "brother." "
LOL How do you respond to this comment. Now you are making threats on behalf of low income ghetto black women. CHILD PLEASE!
I will be sure to deliver the message to them. LOL
She also said this...
"Oh no, not me! Never! That was stupid in the first place for black women to try to carry the whole faux community? Black women should walk away and let EVERYTHING DIE. That's the answer. Smart black women are going to walk.
Keep smearing black women. The word is getting out."
Walk away and go where? They need to sprinkle "abilify" in your cereal or give you some depression pills.
Where are exactly are you going to go with your kids by different daddies?
(Ugh my head hurts).
(Waving to you and god bless). Hopefully, you can take your whining and complaints to white men. I am personally sick your negative ass. LOL
Good day
Yall are confusing what the term community means when speaking about blacks.
When most say community, they mean the people within it such as children, women and men. They don't literally mean a community or designated location such as a city or town.
If I say the black community lacking a leader, I mean that black families lack fathers and black women lack husband.
No one is saying that there literally is a geographical community.
When most say the white community has leaders, they mean that whites have fathers in their homes, husbands in the homes, men supporting their families and continuing on building their community by maintaining a family and help raise their kids to be productive.
Also Rocky , they are no more than people who pacify us.
Most are married to white women.
And the others only speak out on things that affect black men. Cases that involve black on black crime or other serious and disturbing crimes committed black males , most are mute but let a white cop breath hard on a black male and we want a march up to the White House.
The Jena Six was a confirmation of that. Black boys nearly beat a white boy to death and we are supposed to march for their freedom! Black boys torture black mother and son and Al Sharpton is worried about their bail money!
Btw, black women are the black
community? how can we walk out?
Black men have been bailing on the black community/their families for decades now but when black women want to leave it's a guilt trip and we can't go because no one will take us ext.
Why do you think black women want to leave and assimilate into other cultures/races? Because the men there are actually men and they take care of their homes and families. What woman doesn't want that for herself and her kids/future kids? If most could rely on black men to actually marry them, then have kids and be a good father and provider, I highly doubt we would be saying a word.
Women are governed by emotions. Biological fact.
Yall are confusing what the term community means when speaking about blacks.
When most say community, they mean the people within it such as children, women and men. They don't literally mean a community or designated location such as a city or town.
If I say the black community lacking a leader, I mean that black families lack fathers and black women lack husband.
No one is saying that there literally is a geographical community.
When most say the white community has leaders, they mean that whites have fathers in their homes, husbands in the homes, men supporting their families and continuing on building their community by maintaining a family and help raise their kids to be productive.
Nope. First of all, I know the meaning of “community” in this context. They are actually saying “black society” and when they say “leaders”, they are referencing constructive black men going out and confronting drug dealer and gang members (in other words, risking their lives), mentoring boys not related to them, setting up community policing, etc. I have read references to this for all too long. These things are no more prevalent in white communities and are actually less prevalent. What is more prevalent are intact families in part because their women are more marriage oriented.
Also Rocky , they are no more than people who pacify us.
Most are married to white women.
Most are NOT married to white women.
And the others only speak out on things that affect black men. Cases that involve black on black crime or other serious and disturbing crimes committed black males , most are mute but let a white cop breath hard on a black male and we want a march up to the White House.
The Jena Six was a confirmation of that. Black boys nearly beat a white boy to death and we are supposed to march for their freedom! Black boys torture black mother and son and Al Sharpton is worried about their bail money!
Black woman falsely accuses white Duke students of rape and she gets her education paid for. Black girl falsely accuses white cops of rape in New York and Sharpton marches for her. Black woman kills and burns body of white boy in Houston and local activist defends her.
Black men have been bailing on the black community/their families for decades now but when black women want to leave it's a guilt trip and we can't go because no one will take us ext.
The vast, overwhelming majority of black men live in black communities. What are you talking about?
Why do you think black women want to leave and assimilate into other cultures/races? Because the men there are actually men and they take care of their homes and families. What woman doesn't want that for herself and her kids/future kids? If most could rely on black men to actually marry them, then have kids and be a good father and provider, I highly doubt we would be saying a word.
Black women are the least likely of all women to try and assimilate into other cultures and races. What are you talking about. They shaped black culture to their liking and most are perfectly content to live in the very environment they helped created.
Women are governed by emotions. Biological fact.
Right. And the resulting absence of logic is why so many make such bad dating decisions. Black women seem more governed by their emotions than other women.
LOL How do you respond to this comment. Now you are making threats on behalf of low income ghetto black women. CHILD PLEASE!
It has become somewhat comical hasn't it.
Says who? That's what YOU want black women to think. Black women don't have to cling together in those holes. We can spread out and be where we want. We can always call each other on the phone or get together and socialize whenever we want.
ALL black women don't have to move to the SAME area, town, state, or country. It's rather simple to do.
Interesting that it isn't being done.
I guess the "Anonymous" hasnt read "Bowling Alone."
I guess she hasnt read Robert Putnam's theories on "diverse communities." You know the ones black women think will embrace them and their children. Those types of communities have the lowest community involvement, low voter turnout, and political activism. The fact of the matter is the more diverse a community gets the more likely people will just stay in their homes, watch TV and now the internet.
What are these women talking about when they say white men go out and, "Let anything arise in any area where whites live and you'll see white MEN come together quickly and they'll be out front PROBLEM-SOLVING."
She has never seen this happen but has only heard about it. Its a bit like the stories the slaves used to each other about life in the North. Never will she mention that if and when these things do happen, it is far more likely to happen to and for another white person. People generally DO NOT do these types of things for people they DO NOT identify with.
"Those white men don't have to be married or have children to be involved in this coming together of men to protect and problem solve for their community."
Its obvious this chick hasnt studied sociology or psychology. A single man would NEVER extend himself that much for any community. This is why marriage is considered a bedrock of any society because single men are generally transient and unstable. Poor girl.
Now these girls are talking about moving to Europe. Ok, I live in Europe. Europe has got to be one of the MOST parochial places in the world and exceptionally hostile to immigrants. When European politicians arent trying to deny that you even exist in their country as an immigrant, they are trying to kick you out.
Grant me serenity.
"You all know good and well that 8 -9 out of 10 black american men are low quality when it comes to being husband and father material."
But they are made fathers 8-9 out of 10 times.
Personally, if black women actually believed what they were talking about, they would have been gone a long time ago. Yet there are still here, talking, not in Europe living in some Gothic castle in France or a village in Italy. Still blogging to you Rocky, and Andrew, about what you owe them.
I am in Europe, with my husband, working, living, chilling, traveling, like they keep telling you that they are going to do. If they were doing it, they wouldnt need to talk about it so much.
Its funny how many people from France, Italy, Spain I meet living in the UK ask me why the hell would I come to the UK from the US. These girls are living in fantasy land. All the people from those countries come to the UK to find work because of the economic situation in their own countries. But good luck to them.
"Why do you think black women want to leave and assimilate into other cultures/races? Because the men there are actually men and they take care of their homes and families."
Why dont you talk about the women of these cultures and races? Forget about what you expect to get from the men of these cultures, talk about what you as a woman have to offer to get those mens loyalty. I notice how when you talk about men of other cultures you constantly ignore the women of these cultures. Who are they, what do they do, and can you replace them or be a good enough substitute? Of course not.
Very interesting reference Kigali.
I read the commentary.
The girl might have sprinkled cocaine in her cereal.
The black community is really black women and children. So let's say even a group of sellout black women move to "another place" with their kids by different daddies (black or white). Guess what, that is considered a "black community".
If anything, black men could totally be nomadic and not be considered in the black community.
For example, when a black man moves to an all white neighborhood or even a "black family". There can be hostility or discouragement to move there.
I remember when me and my brother was younger. The real estate broke tried to encourage my father not to move into a white part of New York. Long story short, he couldn't bother with the hassle.
The same neighborhood went "Hispanic". Those whites practice "white flight". I won't bother explaining what "white flight is". Surely it does not make a white man "tough" to run away from his own community that he established.
But this white washed nappy headed girl said this....
"What are these women talking about when they say white men go out and, "Let anything arise in any area where whites live and you'll see white MEN come together quickly and they'll be out front PROBLEM-SOLVING."
Sure right out front with bag packs moving to Iowa or Montana to live away from minorities. LOL
Child please!
Let me address the other comments.
Kigali said this
"Now these girls are talking about moving to Europe. Ok, I live in Europe. Europe has got to be one of the MOST parochial places in the world and exceptionally hostile to immigrants. When European politicians arent trying to deny that you even exist in their country as an immigrant, they are trying to kick you out."
My father use to work for the United Nations and visited many place. He went to Italy and said the people treated him pretty good. He has visited other parts of the UK. He made a remark about seeing some fine white women. For the record, my father continues be married for 32 years. I don't want the black women to say "here he go".
Long story short, my father said "The United States is the best place for the black man". He just didn't believe all that hype about the UK.
However, I have many cousins in London. My aunts and family members live in London from Jamaica. I do have very fair skin cousins, some even pass off as "white".
I think the difference between the United States and the UK. The United States is a laughingstock because "white trash" seems to control our politics.
I mean even some sellout BWE bloggers and Evia have said "maybe an American white man" is not the best choice.
That is why is many of them is promoting UK white men. There is still a certain "class system" in the UK. For them to say, that UK white men will put them "above" other women. That is simply not true.
I know UK white men very well. There are many white men who will go with black women but I would say that many of them are apart of the working class. They have pretty much the same values as the working class black folks in this country. They have baby mamas, tats on their neck, they hang out on the block or at the better shop drinking Cider and smoking a "tab" (cigarette) and are pretty low class. Obviously there are some upper class white boys who will get with black women but again, its a crap shoot. Dont come to the UK thinking you are going to get Prince William. There are legions of working class down right screwed up white people in this country. Its actually sad when you think about it.
Thank you for bringing up white flight Andrew. Thats the white man solving the problems in his community. Moving his woman and children away from ethnic minorities. Even when these ethnic minorities have higher incomes than he does. It that problem solving?
They see these white boys taking care of his white woman and for some reason that will translate into taking care of black women and her children by different men. Its the worst kind of transference.
These sellout black women never want to talk about the women of these other communities. If the white man or other races of men are taking care of his woman and children he must like his women and children so why is he going to the hood to rescue you and your children?
Asian women are uber women in that they exceed EVERY expectation of a woman. Super feminine, educated, intelligent, self controlled, docile, from a good family with values that would make the average white man and woman look like hood boogers. They are exceptions.
I dont want to condemn black women who want to "escape" the hood to a life of hood rat shit. However she is trying to put lip stick on a pig.
But then again, I am a regular ol' black girl. How I did it, I dont know. I didnt plan on it, I didnt take lessons on how to eat using different forks, I didnt learn another language, I didnt bash black men on the blogs, I didnt sign up for $3,000 dating sites, I didnt renounce the black community, I didnt have to do ANY of the things these chicks keep telling black women to do, to "Sojourn" out the black community. As a result I have little advice to give black women on how to do it because I didnt put in much effort. It just happened. It must pain a lot of these black women spending dough doing all this shit and end up still on the blogs complaining. I didnt spend a dam dime.
Dear Kigali
I would have to agree. What type of white man "sellout black women" want is hard for to get because of increased competition.
Therefore, you got sellout black women competing with non black women that are perceived as being on top of their game.
Sellout Black women seem to think the way to succeed in dating is to wear tight clothing, brag about their degree, and pretend they never dated or even associated with black men.
Most white men don't believe it. But they try their best to convince them.
I have always said that relationships are about "leverage". If "other men want you", than other men will compete to be with you.
Instead sellout black women do the opposite. They say I don't want black men, trailer park trash white men (working class white men). Asian and Latina men stay within their race. So they are crossed off the list most of the time.
Now your pool of white men is far smaller than you thought.
PLUS, that pool of white men have SUPER HIGH STANDARDS. Unless you are Halle Berry or Thandie Newton. You more than likely won't get his attention. The sellout BWE bloggers tell them to lose weight, get plastic surgery, and etc. Having them jump through all these hoops for a white man. Even if they do all that there is no guarantee they will get a white man "doggy bag".
Basically, what happens is sellout black women get the divorced, washed up white man. He spent all his money on his previous white wife and now you just stuck with the leftovers.
For many sellout black women a semi washed up white man is better "than nothing". Providing he is not trailer park trash or really old or "racisis" as they like to cry out.
Essentially, sellout black women have lowered their standards the way they accuse "other black women" of doing when it comes to white men. The bar seems to get "lower". You can read the blogs for yourself. Now they are resorting to saying they love nerds.
You loved nerds so why wasn't you with one! Since you love them so much. Oh I know why, the nerd treated like a prostitute. You ain't think that was going to happen.
But see they won't lash out at a white nerd on "Wallstreet or other industries". They pull their panties up and go through the same thing again with another white guy.
All, while venting at black men.
Hey Bro Rocky,
you gotta read this link:
Menelik Charles
London UK
Bro Rocky,
see what you make of this:
This Jewish woman dressed as a black man...complete with dark make-up, corn row wig and baggy pants then gunned down her black male fukk buddy's pregnant jumpoff. Shaun Gayle is a former football player for the Chicago Bears and kept 19 women in his rotation...and thank God none of them are black.
Marni Yang shot this poor woman twice in the belly and told her friend how she plugged her one last time for good measure as she lay dying on the floor. If you are too weak, brainwashed, uneducated, ignorant and downtrodden to pit yourselves against 'real' men don't make yourselves look even worse attacking women every time you get. Go to the NYDailynews.com and watch the video of a black man hunting down a teen and blowing him away before your very eyes.
Marni Yang guilty in murder of ex-Bear Shaun Gayle’s girlfriend
BY DAN ROZEK Staff Reporter/drozek@suntimes.com Apr 17, 2011
“Gayle acknowledged he and Rhoni Reuter hadn’t planned to have a child and said their relationship was not “in the best condition” when they learned in the summer of 2007 that she was pregnant.
“We were excited about raising our daughter,” Gayle said. “We hadn’t discussed where our relationship was going.
Gayle acknowledged during the trial that he had a sporadic sexual relationship with Yang, including engaging in sex with her at his home the night before Rhoni Reuter was murdered.
Gayle said he never had any “indication of a plot or plan” by Yang to harm Reuter. “
Please check out this article from Racismreview:
La Reyna
Bro Rocky,
Bro Andrew's blog has been shut down!
Dear Everybody,
My blog has been shut down unfortunately. I will be coming back though. I am taking some time off to see where I am going to "sign" too.
I will have more control over my content and less bullshit to deal with concerning what I write about on blogger.
Apparently, what I was saying was too controversial that they took my blog down.
I will be relaunching my blog later on. It is going to be going into a "different direction".
I really should have done this a long time ago. It was a blessing in a disguise.
Thanks for the update. Are you able to find out who took down the blog? probably not. Good luck.
Rocky's blog will be shut down soon, too :)
Rocky's blog will be what?
Stupid monkey you don't even know what you just started!
If it wasn't for us you wouldn't even get half the attention you are getting. White men ignore your dumb ass blogs.
You need to thank blackmenvent.com, Rocky, London and Black men like ME!
For even giving you the attention you so desperately needed.
But guess what! People learn from their mistakes. Blogger has always been rather a small audience. I thank them for getting my name out there. I wasn't going to stay on blogger forever. They said I could do another blog too.
I was thinking of moving on a long time ago.
Anyway, thanks for all the emails and encouragement from my friends here.
I plan to work a little bit on the blog soon.
You don't worry you sellouts. The material you give me. I can write 14 books!
niggers are animals
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