Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Black Unconscious Thought"

Here is an excerpt from the the black female blogger known as "Von", who basically is a profanity spewer whose blog quite commonly includes black female victimism and black male bashing.

What about them? Where the hell are they when the “bad” black men are fucking up
the community? Where the hell are they when shit is popping off and black women
and children are dodging bullets in the neighborhood or trying to protect
themselves from rape or some other bullshit? Where the hell are these so-called
good black men when their female counterparts are seeking marriage? I’ll tell
you where MOST of the so-called good black men are: They are off somewhere
taking advantage of their position sexing up every damn woman (and possibly man)
they come in contact with ( here
and here).

Most of the so-called good black men are wolves in sheep’s clothing. On paper
they look real nice/appealing, but once you dig a little deeper you realize just
how whorish and trifling they are. They are no better than the Pookies and
Ray-Rays they try to pull rank over. More often than not these so-called good
black men have a little money, a decent job, and some education. This is the
MAIN reason they walk around feeling special. However, instead of being stand up
men (or REAL good men) and seeking a wife, they take advantage of their low
numbers and the high number of single black women. So, I say FUCK THEM. I can’t
see myself being allies with these so-called good black men because I don’t
respect or trust them.

Finding a true stand up black man is like finding a needle in a haystack. Great
if you find one (I count my blessing daily) not the end of the world if you
don’t find one (my life will keep moving with or without a man...I love my soon
to be husband dearly but I'm not going to lay down and die if things go south).
I got nothing but love for the REAL "good" black men who are handling their
business (that includes actually being faithful, loving ONE woman, and making
her your wife), but let’s not act like those individuals are the majority or
even half of the African American male population. There aren’t enough of these
men to go around. These individuals cannot take up the slack for all the other
fucked up black men. Black folks need to concede to this reality (which helps my

Now what this is a prime case of is the enormous difficulty women like her have in giving black men any credit. She can’t comfortably claim that all or most black men are uneducated street thugs, so she must find a way to degrade those who are productive. Thus, she eliminates any sense of them being of quality by declaring them to be worthless simply because they are not “seeking a wife”. Of course, not “seeking a wife” as she puts it is actually a case of these men not marrying the first black woman each of them encounters.

The reality is that the vast majority of black men do plan to marry at some point and are always open to it when and if they meet the right women. What fails to do and what those of her type fail to do is to acknowledge that most black women today are not very appealing from the standpoint of marriage. Yes, there are plenty of very sexy black women with desirable bodies and faces; more than other groups in my opinion. There are many who are very fun to be around. The problem is that it takes far more than that to be considered marriage material. Many of our women lack the sweetness men like and instead exude course personalities that border on masculine while readily obtaining masculine tattoos and discarding any sense of ladylike behavior. Many take pride in being loud and using profanity. Many black women are very pugnacious and give off the impression that a life with them would be life lacking in harmony. Men don’t mind a challenge when chasing tail, yet we don’t want to have to be challenged daily by our wives. We don’t want to constantly be pressured to please a woman who cannot be pleased. We don’t want a woman who can see no other use for a dollar other than to spend it (which is why the average single black woman has a medium net worth of $5.00). When a man marries a woman, what belongs to him tends to belong to her while what belongs to her remains hers. Thus, a man is expected to contribute to the spending habits of his wife and women who are irresponsible with money will be irresponsible with their husbands’ money.

And let’s face it. Studies have shown that a woman’s marriage possibilities decline as her weight goes up and one can easily see a direct relationship between black women’s general weight problems and their inability to get husbands.

Yet, women such as Von treat being educated and having a profession as all a black woman should need to get a husband (and most are actually not highly educated nor professionals). This is a prime example of black women trying to place their points of view into the heads of men. Women desire professional men because women place priority on men who have money. Men don’t place nearly that amount of priority on women’s earning potential. Thus, being educated and professional is low on the list on what men seek in a wife. We want good looks, a sweet personality, common sense and a positive attitude. We don’t want the cynicism and truculence so many black women are socialized to have.


As far as what the “good” black men are doing about the “bad” black men, I would challenge her to tell us exactly what good men are supposed to do. A man’s ultimate responsibility is to his family. His responsibility is to protect and provide for his wife and children and to use his influence to guide them. How exactly does putting them and himself in jeopardy by confronting thugs and drug dealers fit in with protecting his family? Would it not be stupid to start a war against drug dealers and gang members so that they can vengefully break into your house and rape your wife because you were “snitching” to the police or trying to mess up their business? A good man tries to build up his finances so that he can move his family out of that situation. Otherwise, he does what he can to protect them and this involves not drawing the attention of thugs to himself so as to endanger his life and the well being of his family. She even contradicts herself when she says:

“These individuals cannot take up the slack for all the other fucked up black men.”

She can’t even remain consistent. According to her earlier statement, not being able to “take up the slack for all the other fucked up black men” would eliminate them from the category of “good black men”. How can they not be confronting the bad black men while at the same time trying to “pull rank” on the “Pookies” and “Ray-Rays” ? One should at least try to remain consistent within their one post.

In reality, community activists fill practically every black community. It is not hard to find black men volunteering time to try and help steer youth in the right direction. There are many black men voluntarily coaching youth sports leagues. There are plenty of black men working in community centers. But since they are not confronting drug dealers in suicidal fashion, they are not good men. Amazing.

The greatest way to get rid of bad black men is to stop rewarding them sexually. The worst street thugs and players routinely attract the attention of some of the most desirable women in the community. Much of what men do is for the purpose of attracting women so if a community is filled with drug dealers, hoodlums, gang members, etc., one can attribute this greatly to the number of women who find them appealing. What should be doing is telling the Latifahs and Kameishas of the world to stop their thug-love.

Check this out:

To get to the root of male-on-male violence, we need to take a closer look at
human sexuality and human sexual selection. We all know that women are the
ultimate selectors in the sexual game (and if you don’t know that, then go ask
ten different married women who made the ultimate selection). The facts are
pretty straightforward: Women ovulate once a month, and a pregnancy takes nine
months during which you become increasingly immobilized. Men, on the other hand,
produce millions of sperms each hour, and are not physically affected at all
while they are waiting to become fathers. Who has more reason to choose their
sexual partner carefully, men or women? Who is the buyer and who is the seller
in the sexual market?
What this means is that men have always had to work
hard in order to prove their worth to women. In fact, the competition between
men has been so fierce that only half as many men as women have passed on their
genes throughout history, according to a research report from
. This kind of competition to get access to sex and to have the ability
to pass on your genes has never been a situation that women have needed to face,
and for the most part women simply fail to understand this aspect of being a
Men will compete in whatever ways are available to reach the top of the
food chain, and be able to provide for women. In a civilized society that will
usually mean constructive behaviors such as working hard and becoming a well
respected person. In an uncivilized society, which has been the case through
most of history, men will instead resort to violence towards other men, to fend
off the competition. Why are so many women attracted to bad boys and even
prisoners? Well, during most of human history that kind of behavior from men was
an effective way to be respected by other men and therefore rise to the top of
the food chain.
Male violence is therefore the end result of a dance in
which both women and men participate. Women select the most suitable men, men
compete to be chosen (using violence if needed), women again select the most
suitable men (regardless of whether they used violence or not to become
suitable), men compete to be chosen… On and on it goes.
Here is more:

“The more men have to offer, the more valuable they become to women as a
reproductive resource,” Geary says. “For this reason, men in all cultures are
highly motivated to attain social status and control of culturally significant
resources. Male-male competition is about making themselves attractive to women
but the competition also can lead men to compete in lethal ways to gain control
of social resources.”


Anonymous said...

Read her blog and your response. She's on target in my opinion. The excerpt you posted isn't about productive black men seeking marriage. It is about those self-proclaiming themselves as "good black men" being anything but good. I agree with her.

I know many a black man that self-proclaims himself as a good black man but they are usually promiscuous. I know how brothers use the "good black man" player card to get women. I've been around enough black men to see it in action. "Von" is correct about that.

Dudes like this have a job and are considered productive but they are also dogs. I don't know how you can deny that brother. She hit the nail on the head with that one. I didn't pay much attention to this behavior until I had a daughter.

Seems to me you took a small piece of her argument and tried to twist it for your own argument. She did acknowledge black men she called "Real good black men," which I took to mean those not engaging in dangerous {promiscuous} behavior---

Anonymous said...


"The reality is that the vast majority of black men do plan to marry at some point and are always open to it when and if they meet the right women."

No offense but you don't know the vast majority of black men to speak for all of us. 60% of black men aren't married and some 44% have never married. I mentor young brothers and they aren't hip to getting married. Alot of them don't even see the purpose of marriage. Making careless statements like this while ignoring the current of "black" culture is a bad move. Black culture today is anti-marriage, anti-education, anti-responsibility. I see it everyday.

"Yet, women such as Von treat being educated and having a profession as all a black woman should need to get a husband (and most are actually not highly educated nor professionals)."

Where did you get this idea from the blog you linked? I read through her whole blog two days ago and I never picked up on this argument. In most of her blogs she's stern about personal accountability. Even in the blog you linked she seems to hold this idea of black women being personally accountable for themselves and their children. Not once in reading any of her articles did I read anything about black women being entitled to a man based on her education or income. You're putting words in her writing with no evidence of such ideas.

Personal accountability is the theme of a many of her blogs including the one you linked. There is nothing there about women being victims. She even repeats this in several of the comments under the linked blog. I think you're out of line with this one man. I don't agree with her "solution" but nothing about it read victim to me. I took the blog as her solution. She wants black women to form a union and look out for each other. Nothing about being a victim there---

Anonymous said...



This contradicts what you wrote about the vast majority planning to marry at some point.

"I would challenge her to tell us exactly what good men are supposed to do.How exactly does putting them and himself in jeopardy by confronting thugs and drug dealers fit in with protecting his family?"

I hate to say it but today's black men are punks. I remember when Jim Brown and a few other black men came together with the crips and blood in California in an effort to get them to stop the violence. They were successful. I don't know what's more disappointing; sisters losing faith in brothers or brothers loosing faith in themselves and each other.

I agree a man's duty is to protect his family. However in every other society a man also takes pride in protecting his community. If a black man cannot successfully do that then he cannot call himself a man, protector, or demand the respect of his race of women.

"She can’t even remain consistent. According to her earlier statement, not being able to “take up the slack for all the other fucked up black men” would eliminate them from the category of “good black men”."

Actually she is consistent. She referred to those individuals not able to take up the slack for "fucked up black men" as "needles in the haystack." In her mind they differ from the individuals who self-proclaim themselves as "good black men" and look good on paper.

I took her statement to mean the "needles in the haystack" are outnumbered by the "bad black men" which includes those self-proclaiming themselves as "good black men." I see her point. I know several self-proclaimed "good black man" that are in fact dogs. They can't correct Pookie's behavior because they're too busy using it to their benefit to score with women {by coming off as different from Pookie} and doing their own dirt.

A man can be productive and be a shameless soul. Just because he is productive doesn't make him a "good black man." I don't know why you would think productive black men are beyond immorality brother. I know several productive black men who engage in destructive behavior---

Anonymous said...


"How can they not be confronting the bad black men while at the same time trying to “pull rank” on the “Pookies” and “Ray-Rays” ? One should at least try to remain consistent within their one post."

I agree with her again. I have brothers in my mentor program that believe they're better than less educated brothers that are brainwashed by the thug culture of the day. The young brothers that consider themselves "good" or "better" than the thugs don't have much to say about the thugs' behavior, but they do try to stand over them and use their differences to seduce young sisters {who don't want the thugs, but instead want "good black men"} for some condomless sex. This is what she meant by "pull rank" over pookie. Anti-thugs think of themselves as "better" or pull rank of Pookie, do nothing to correct Pookie's behavior because it benefits them, and use their difference to take advantage of sisters looking for a dream man. I've seen it happen time and time again.

"Much of what men do is for the purpose of attracting women so if a community is filled with drug dealers, hoodlums, gang members, etc., one can attribute this greatly to the number of women who find them appealing."

I don't agree with this line of thinking because it takes away responsibility from black men to be productive in their own right. I have been mentoring young brothers for the last twelve years. Not once have I seen or heard anything that ties their behavior to women. Most of the thugs are selling drugs because that's all they've seen from older black men and because they want fast money to escape their conditions in poverty. Blaming their behavior on women is a move for cowards. Black women don't have anything to do with young brothers killing each and dealing drugs. There are various factors involved. The number one reason is poverty followed by lack of black male role models, racism, and ignorance.

I dig your blog brother but this one is off base. I read through that sister's blog and her blog isn't at all like you portrayed it. She doesn't hold black women as victims. She believes in personal accountability. She has a few blogs that seem to bash black women as well as black men. She comes across a smart sister. Her blogs are well written and thought out even with the profanity.

I can't agree with you on this one.

Anonymous said...


"How can they not be confronting the bad black men while at the same time trying to “pull rank” on the “Pookies” and “Ray-Rays” ? One should at least try to remain consistent within their one post."

I agree with her again. I have brothers in my mentor program that believe they're better than less educated brothers that are brainwashed by the thug culture of the day. The young brothers that consider themselves "good" or "better" than the thugs don't have much to say about the thugs' behavior, but they do try to stand over them and use their differences to seduce young sisters {who don't want the thugs, but instead want "good black men"} for some condomless sex. This is what she meant by "pull rank" over pookie. Anti-thugs think of themselves as "better" or pull rank of Pookie, do nothing to correct Pookie's behavior because it benefits them, and use their difference to take advantage of sisters looking for a dream man. I've seen it happen time and time again.

"Much of what men do is for the purpose of attracting women so if a community is filled with drug dealers, hoodlums, gang members, etc., one can attribute this greatly to the number of women who find them appealing."

I don't agree with this line of thinking because it takes away responsibility from black men to be productive in their own right. I have been mentoring young brothers for the last twelve years. Not once have I seen or heard anything that ties their behavior to women. Most of the thugs are selling drugs because that's all they've seen from older black men and because they want fast money to escape their conditions in poverty. Blaming their behavior on women is a move for cowards. Black women don't have anything to do with young brothers killing each and dealing drugs. There are various factors involved. The number one reason is poverty followed by lack of black male role models, racism, and ignorance.

I dig your blog brother but this one is off base. I read through that sister's blog and her blog isn't at all like you portrayed it. She doesn't hold black women as victims. She believes in personal accountability. She has a few blogs that seem to bash black women as well as black men. She comes across a smart sister. Her blogs are well written and thought out even with the profanity.

I can't agree with you on this one.

Anonymous said...


"How can they not be confronting the bad black men while at the same time trying to “pull rank” on the “Pookies” and “Ray-Rays” ? One should at least try to remain consistent within their one post."

I agree with her again. I have brothers in my mentor program that believe they're better than less educated brothers that are brainwashed by the thug culture of the day. The young brothers that consider themselves "good" or "better" than the thugs don't have much to say about the thugs' behavior, but they do try to stand over them and use their differences to seduce young sisters {who don't want the thugs, but instead want "good black men"} for some condomless sex. This is what she meant by "pull rank" over pookie. Anti-thugs think of themselves as "better" or pull rank of Pookie, do nothing to correct Pookie's behavior because it benefits them, and use their difference to take advantage of sisters looking for a dream man. I've seen it happen time and time again--

Anonymous said...


"Much of what men do is for the purpose of attracting women so if a community is filled with drug dealers, hoodlums, gang members, etc., one can attribute this greatly to the number of women who find them appealing."

I don't agree with this line of thinking because it takes away responsibility from black men to be productive in their own right. I have been mentoring young brothers for the last twelve years. Not once have I seen or heard anything that ties their behavior to women. Most of the thugs are selling drugs because that's all they've seen from older black men and because they want fast money to escape their conditions in poverty. Blaming their behavior on women is a move for cowards. Black women don't have anything to do with young brothers killing each and dealing drugs. There are various factors involved. The number one reason is poverty followed by lack of black male role models, racism, and ignorance.

I dig your blog brother but this one is off base. I read through that sister's blog and her blog isn't at all like you portrayed it. She doesn't hold black women as victims. She believes in personal accountability. She has a few blogs that seem to bash black women as well as black men. She comes across a smart sister. Her blogs are well written and thought out even with the profanity.

I can't agree with you on this one.

Anonymous said...


Your argument, it is black women's job to police black men's behavior, plays right into her argument that black men serve no purpose to black women and have "checked out."

We are the only race of men that have shifted the burden of changing our ways unto our women. It gives validity to her entire blog.

Are brothers so defective that it would take sisters closing off their legs for us to change? You are giving her words creditability with this thought. She said brothers can't think beyond sex. According to you she is correct and it's on black women to change it. If you truly believe this brothers have to admit that we have "checked out" as she put it and can't be counted on for anything in regards to black women.

I can't see why any woman would want or respect a man that can't police his own behavior or who wait for his woman to change him. That is not a man. Women can't respect someone like that. Like I said in my other comments, this blog is an epic fail. You basically confirmed much of her argument.

Notes from the Classroom said...

Black Conscious Thought?

The author is immature and she feels she is somehow better than other people. Morally, I think that she is worse. Sadly her downfall is bound to come. Hopefully she will grow out of her condescending ways. Humbling herself is most definitely a must since she is extremely arrogant.
I agree with you on the notion of an education being all black women need. Women without an education are probably better wives because they focus their attention on other things such as housework and cooking. You can have it both but it is hard to manage and you have to be a woman who really wants to cater to the man you are serious about. Of course, he has to be serious about you also.

I think that a lot of these women are insecure. They don't trust men. It's like so many are waiting for black males to mess up because that's what they see and hear from other women and men. The level of trust and faith is really low and that can burden a relationship. I listen to some of my girlfriends and they doubt their men as soon as they come into the relationship.

The minute I question it, I'm told that I'm naive and too docile but I don't believe in doubting a man who gives you no reason to do so.

Masculine tattoos! That was funny. I hate to see a woman with a tattoo. I think it's one of the most un-lady like things on this planet. Your body is your temple and putting a tattoo on it is like put graffiti on a Greek Statue. You just don't do it!

I do have to disagree with you about the weight thing because Americans as a whole are overweight and that hasn't stopped any other woman from getting married. One of the fattest women in America(Donna Simpson) is married to a man who is 150lbs and she is 600!

Your link was a good read. Gerard Butler is extremely masculine to me and despite his virile appearance and alpha vibe, he doesn't seem to be overly aggressive and can come off as a very soft man.

For black males, I don't think that is possible. Not because they can't do it but because the black community has always pushed for them to be overly aggressive and maintain this kind of image. It's like if you aren't that or a thug, you are a punk or something. I know guys who called my brother a punk and said my husband is whipped because they are both attentive men who are willing to fight in combat but also know how to be affectionate and not have an aggressive statue 24/7. It's like you can sense the alpha male behavior but there is no need for it to be worn on a sleeve and demonstrated constantly.

Well, Sorry for ranting.

I liked this post though. Von is really a hand full and I wish her luck. This young girl knows nothing yet and she is going to find out when she is 35 and single, wondering what happen.

-Julia McDaniels

Notes from the Classroom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Notes from the Classroom said...

Just to add on...

Her use of profanity shows me that she is not as classy and educated as she thinks. Most educated blacks and women who have class ,don't resort to profanity to get their point across. She sounds no different than a woman from a public housing development.

My father always said that profanity is the sign of a weak mind trying to express itself.

Notes from the Classroom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It seems like the fingers are being pointed all around. Her blog was interesting. This idea that "good" black men are supposed to form some type of A-Team is fucking pathetic.

All these BWE and IR black female bloggers dont know what is going on in other communities. They actually think that the reason why White, Asian and other communities are safe is because the men protect their community. Thats such shit. The reason why these communities are safe because on agregate women have STABLE men protecting them and their communities. There arent a bunch of young single men running around.

Black women are manless. They have a revolving door of men in their life and they are dealing with the consequences of their personal choices. They dont have one consistent man to protect them but instead they have baby daddies and boy friends and not husbands who are willing and have VOWED to honor and protect her and their children. Youre a strong independent black women until things get a little difficult. Now you want the men to come back and play Capt. Save-a-Ho.

Von needs to sit her ass down. I wish she would try to shame my cousins, my brother to come rescue her and the rest of the Sisterhood of Traveling Dirty Draws. All those men they have in their life, that they reward with sex, you ask them to protect you. My cousin and my brother dont know your stinking ass from Adam.

This is the same community that considers persona non grata the same men she and the rest of the Bitter Bitch Book Club want to use as human shields. Bitch please. Keep your dam hands off my flesh and blood. They arent for you.

The same community that doesnt recognize you exist as a black man unless you are an aspiring athlete or are running from or just got shot by the police.


Anonymous said...


"I know many a black man that self-proclaims himself as a good black man but they are usually promiscuous."

For every black man with a dick, there is a black hole to put it in. This same black hole got ran through by the Kappas, by the basketball team, and the thugs who used to chill around the dorms.

Black women want to get choose by these high value black men, they think they are going to be living off of his check if she manages to get pregnant. You saw them 22s and went nuts. You lose. He just wanted to have sex.

Thats your dam problem.

Your mother didnt teach you the art of being a lady. You use sex, as most women raised without a father in the home do, to keep men. Didnt work out did it. This also explains why girls raised by single mothers have the fewest orgasms. Dam, your sex lives are ruled by anxiety, loss, and abandonment you cant even enjoy. Geez!!

"I hate to say it but today's black men are punks. I remember when Jim Brown and a few other black men came together with the crips and blood in California in an effort to get them to stop the violence. They were successful."

No asshole. More cops and prisons are what was successful. Please, I am from California. California has a huge prison industrial complex. We have stringent gang laws. In fact if you are a young black or Latino man you can be arrested if you are walking down to street in groups three or more in some areas.

Three strikes laws keep a lot of repeat offenders off the streets. The fact that so many black females crack addicts had abortions and didnt contribute to another generation of neglected black children also decreased crime. Jim Brown didnt do shit.

The audacity of you black women always asking people to come clean up your mess. Jim Brown didnt have a baby with you. Why he need to come around and make sure your son aint shooting up the hood? You want "good" black men to play the same role in your life welfare has been playing. Welfare allows you to get knocked up by some fool then the government can come and step in and be the responsible man you should have been fucking in the first place. Go sit down.

Oh and these Mexican and Central American gangs got this shit on lock out here. Black men probably cant even sell drugs anywhere in the hood.

More bullshit from black women wanting black men to play step daddy to their wild ass kids.

No matter what social strata a black female occupies her hand STAY OUT.

All that government cheese yall eating is giving your diarhea of the mouth.


Anonymous said...


"I know many a black man that self-proclaims himself as a good black man but they are usually promiscuous."

For every black man with a dick, there is a black hole to put it in. This same black hole got ran through by the Kappas, by the basketball team, and the thugs who used to chill around the dorms.

Black women want to get choose by these high value black men, they think they are going to be living off of his check if she manages to get pregnant. You saw them 22s and went nuts. You lose. He just wanted to have sex.

Thats your dam problem.

Your mother didnt teach you the art of being a lady. You use sex, as most women raised without a father in the home do, to keep men. Didnt work out did it. This also explains why girls raised by single mothers have the fewest orgasms. Dam, your sex lives are ruled by anxiety, loss, and abandonment you cant even enjoy. Geez!!

"I hate to say it but today's black men are punks. I remember when Jim Brown and a few other black men came together with the crips and blood in California in an effort to get them to stop the violence. They were successful."

No asshole. More cops and prisons are what was successful. Please, I am from California. California has a huge prison industrial complex. We have stringent gang laws. In fact if you are a young black or Latino man you can be arrested if you are walking down to street in groups three or more in some areas.

Three strikes laws keep a lot of repeat offenders off the streets. The fact that so many black females crack addicts had abortions and didnt contribute to another generation of neglected black children also decreased crime. Jim Brown didnt do shit.


Anonymous said...


The audacity of you black women always asking people to come clean up your mess. Jim Brown didnt have a baby with you. Why he need to come around and make sure your son aint shooting up the hood? You want "good" black men to play the same role in your life welfare has been playing. Welfare allows you to get knocked up by some fool then the government can come and step in and be the responsible man you should have been fucking in the first place. Go sit down.

Oh and these Mexican and Central American gangs got this shit on lock out here. Black men probably cant even sell drugs anywhere in the hood.

More bullshit from black women wanting black men to play step daddy to their wild ass kids.

No matter what social strata a black female occupies her hand STAY OUT.

All that government cheese yall eating is giving your diarhea of the mouth.


Anonymous said...


This Anonymous asshole doesnt like you not holding black men and their insatiable appetites to task. Yet this Government cheese eater will tell you that black women have to have babies by thugs because there arent any other kind of black man that exist. Black women are led by their vagina tingles.

Ok, before you send your Legion of Upstanding Black Gentlemen to defend these hoodrats and their neglected non-breast fed children you make some demands of your own:

1. Black women CANNOT hide drugs or guns or weapons in her home, between her legs, or under her weave.

2. She cannot use her government subsidized home as a safe house for her criminal boyfriend, baby daddy, son, or relative

3. She CANNOT have a child unless she is over 25 and makes over $45,000 a year

4. She has to be on birth control as soon as she turns 15 until which time she is making over $45,000 a years

5. She CANNOT get any tattoos of anyone or anything on any visible part of her body and that is larger than a silver dollar.

6. Her BMI cannot be over the healthy average according to the Center of Disease Control

7. She CANNOT have sex by any man who has spent ANYTIME in prison.

Until those demands are met,Rocky, you and the Legion of Upstanding Black Gentlemen dont have to do shit for them.

I wish one of these fools would come at my brother or cousins with this shit. I would spit in their face.


Anonymous said...


You need to check yourself because I am a BLACK MAN not a woman. You are a mentally disturbed woman. I have read your comments before all over the internet. You have some serious hangups.

I suggest you do your research on Jim Brown and his meeting with gang members. I'm from Cali too. Compton to be exact. I know exactly what went down because I was in the thick of it.

Seek help woman. Your profanity filled rant was no better than the woman that wrote the blog. The pot calling the kettle black in your case.

Rocky said...

Well Anonymous who claims to be a black man (you give the strong impression that you are actually a black woman but whatever), if being promiscuous makes you not "good", what does it say about black women who studies have shown to have on average more sex partners than any other group of women? Specifically, 50% more black women have had 15 or more sex parterners than women in general while 60% more black men have had 15 or more sex partners than men in general. THAT'S A NEARLY IDENTICAL DIFFERENCE. So that means that there are apparently more self proclaimed "good black women" who are "anything but good" than is the case with other groups of women.

See how you shoot yourself in the foot? You can see the information here:

Rocky said...

No offense but you don't know the vast majority of black men to speak for all of us.

Would that statement not apply to you as well? At least I have survey data. This survey had only 6% of black men say that they will never get married:

Also, 32% of non-Hispanic black men have not married by age 35. That means that by age 35, 68% of black men have married. You can read about that here:

Where did you get this idea from the blog you linked? I read through her whole blog two days ago and I never picked up on this argument.

I never said that this argument was in the blog I linked. Yet, that argument is a common one among those like her.

Menelik Charles said...

Anonymous said:

The young brothers that consider themselves "good" or "better" than thugs DON'T have much to say about the thugs' behavior, but they do try to stand over them and use their differences to seduce young sisters {who don't want the thugs, but instead want "good black men"} for some condom-less sex.

Menelik asks:

so what you're saying (correct me if I'm wrong) is that "good young brothers" neither condemn NOR condone but simply go about the business of heterosexual men of seeking out the company of the opposite sex in all off its saucy dimensions.


Not exactly "standing over" thugs (or even having "much to say about thugs' behaviour") but simply minding their own damned business and seeking out the Black women you deem "good" by the sole reason of them being Black women!

Anonymous said:

this is what Von meant by "pull rank" over pookie. Anti-thugs think of themselves as "better" or pull rank of Pookie, do nothing to correct Pookie's behavior because it benefits them, and use their difference to take advantage of sisters looking for a dream man. I've seen it happen time and time again.

Menelik asks:

how can "good young Black men" be said to be "pulling rank" over another group of men when in your own words you strongly suggest that such men are not even on the radar of these "good Black young men"?

The phrase to 'pull rank' can mean several things including this:

"to call someone out; to aggressively dictate the momentum of a conversation or interaction".

Here's the link:

Menelik says:

no evidence whatsoever in what you ASSERT that "good young Black men" are calling out the behaviour of "thugs" to "good" Black women so as to get inside their pants.

Is there?

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Anonymous said:

I know many a black man that self-proclaims himself as a good black man but they are usually promiscuous. I've been around enough black men to see it in action. "Von" is correct about that.

Menelik asks:

and of course, Black women of all classes do not have a reputation for promiscuous behaviour: right? And nor do "good" young, college-based, Black women have a universal reputation for shunning the company of "good" young, college-based, Black men for "no good thugs" based in the ghetto: right?

Well, woman: what say you to my straightforward, simple questions? Any chance of straightforward, simple answers?

Just asking!

Menelik Charles
London UK

Rocky said...

This contradicts what you wrote about the vast majority planning to marry at some point.

Not at all. Most hold hope that the right woman will come along. But in the meantime, they avoid marriage to what is growing to be all too common today, that being black women who don't make good wives.

And lets get real. You have community activists all over every black community. Jim Brown and his crew didn't confront gang bangers. They befriended them and sweet talked them into a truce that lasted a hot minute and even during this truce, gang members still continued to commit street crimes at a rate of 6 time more than others of similar backgrounds.

You have all kinds of black men in the community mentoring, volunteering, etc. So again, what exactly is Von talking about? I doubt that either of you know.

Your argument, it is black women's job to police black men's behavior, plays right into her argument that black men serve no purpose to black women and have "checked out."

Straw Man. Nobody said anything about a woman policing men's behavior nor changing their behavior. We are talking about REWARDING bad behavior with that which men so strongly desire. Young boys and adolescents are high influenced by such and in time, a culture develops from it. This doesn't mean that anyone expects a woman to change an individual grown man who is already set in his ways. We are talking about influencing the larger culture by rewarding bad behavior.

It's funny how so many feminist minds blame black men entirely for black women who WILLINGLY shake their asses in rap videos or in strip clubs and accuse these men of "degrading women", yet holding women to at least some responsibility for sexually rewarding idiotic behavior which in time contributes to a culture based on such bad behavior is unimaginable.

Rocky said...

This contradicts what you wrote about the vast majority planning to marry at some point.

Not at all. Most hold hope that the right woman will come along. But in the meantime, they avoid marriage to what is growing to be all too common today, that being black women who don't make good wives.

And lets get real. You have community activists all over every black community. Jim Brown and his crew didn't confront gang bangers. They befriended them and sweet talked them into a truce that lasted a hot minute and even during this truce, gang members still continued to commit street crimes at a rate of 6 time more than others of similar backgrounds.

You have all kinds of black men in the community mentoring, volunteering, etc. So again, what exactly is Von talking about? I doubt that either of you know.

Your argument, it is black women's job to police black men's behavior, plays right into her argument that black men serve no purpose to black women and have "checked out."

Straw Man. Nobody said anything about a woman policing men's behavior nor changing their behavior. We are talking about REWARDING bad behavior with that which men so strongly desire. Young boys and adolescents are high influenced by such and in time, a culture develops from it. This doesn't mean that anyone expects a woman to change an individual grown man who is already set in his ways. We are talking about influencing the larger culture by rewarding bad behavior.

It's funny how so many feminist minds blame black men entirely for black women who WILLINGLY shake their asses in rap videos or in strip clubs and accuse these men of "degrading women", yet holding women to at least some responsibility for sexually rewarding idiotic behavior which in time contributes to a culture based on such bad behavior is unimaginable.

Rocky said...

Great points Menelik and Kigali.

Menelik Charles said...

Anonymous said:

personal accountability is the theme of a many of her blogs including the one you linked. There is nothing there about women being victims. She even repeats this in several of the comments under the linked blog. I think you're out of line with this one man.

Menelik says:

but Von and yourself are claiming victimhood!!!! Of whom? The "good Black men" (remember?!?!?) who you condemn for not calling out "thugs" (and thus contradict yourself by simultaneously insisting that at the same time the "good" brothers are "pulling rank" on the "thugs")

You also insist our most virginal sisterhood are victims of sexually predatory behaviour at the hands of so-called "good Black men"!

Have you any idea how far your sentiment towards "thugs" and "good Black men" (i.e. Black men in general!) poisons your logic?

Anonymous said:

Von wants black women to form a union and look out for each other. Nothing about being a victim there...

Menelik asks:

are you sure about this? I googled "why do people form unions?" and came up with this gem of an answer:

"if you want to know why people form unions, it's because a union is there voice. They fight for higher wages, and benefits. A union will try hard to protect the employee of any wrong doing".

Here's the link:

Menelik says:

in short, unions are formed for those who are victims of a range of perceived injustices. Much like why the NAACP or the Nation of Islam were formed: to unite the people to fight against their victimhood! Have you never heard of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks etc?

I ask again: must your sentiments towards "thugs" and "good Black men" (i.e. Black men in general) get in the way of your logical thinking?

Just asking.

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Anonymous said:

I dig your blog brother but this... sister's blog and her blog isn't at all like you portrayed it. She doesn't hold black women as victims. She believes in personal accountability. She has a few blogs that seem to bash black women as well as black men.

She comes across a smart sister. Her blogs are well written and thought out even with the profanity.

Menelik says:

and Brother man, my intent is not to "bash" you but to point out a difference of opinion we have, and around which there is evidence contrary to what you claim.

For example, you appear to have no problem with a woman, Von, you call a "sister", and consider her smart irrespective of her profanity. What may I ask then is your problem with sister Kigali?

Anonymous said:

Kigali, you...are a mentally disturbed woman. Your profanity filled rant was no better than the woman that wrote the blog. The pot calling the kettle black in your case.

Menelik asks:

are you perchance saying here that like Von, Kigali is mentally unstable because of her profanity filled rants ("the pot calling the kettle black" in her case)? If so then one wonders why you're on here defending Von so voraciously.

Anyway, for the record, I happen to believe it is sister Kigali who possesses the intelligence, wit vibrancy, and moral consistency absent in your pal, Von.

And what do I make of Von?

I think she is mentally unstable; intellectually insightless; lacking in any real empathy for Black people; and morally authoritarian. Whatsmore, I seriously doubt she has any man at her side as she claims. After all, what sort of man could live with much less tolerate such a toxic woman on his arm? A desperate beta male, perhaps?

No, Brother man, Kigali is everything Von is NOT...and then some!

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Bro Rocky,

check out this video by Atlanta Sistah:

"Black Women only want THUGS ... what complete BS!"

Anonymous said...


You from Compton? Great, I'm from offa Chrenshaw. The drug trade in Cali is probably now controlled from Mexico. You probably dont have anymore infighting between black gangs but a more centrally controlled one by Hispanics.

Besides, all them Blood and Crips probably took their asses to Palmdale or Lancaster. Maybe even Riverside. Probably selling meth to the white trash up there.


Anonymous said...

@Menelik Charles

"The young brothers that consider themselves "good" or "better" than thugs DON'T have much to say about the thugs' behavior, but they do try to stand over them and use their differences to seduce young sisters {who don't want the thugs, but instead want "good black men"} for some condom-less sex."

LOL. These "good" black women dont want thugs but they STILL want condom-less sex? I swear, these people make black women look bat shit crazy. I bet these same "good" black women who dont want thugs, but dont mind condom-less sex ARE NOT on birth control. Yes goes to show how "good" they are.


Notes from the Classroom said...

Dear Kigali,

Spit in their face? The act of spitting in some ones face is completely disrespectful and no one should ever stoop to such inhumane levels.

You said you were from an Urban Area, right? Naturally, you would be a little... you know, pugnacious. I guess that contributes to why you think spitting in some ones face is appropriate.

Overall, you make some good points but at the same time you pacifying black men. At the end of it, they are men and you can't coddle them like a little boy. In my eyes, all cultures are made to be patriarchal not matriarchal and if black women continue to pacify black males, that's what it will be and stay.

An example of that is when your child falls. You can't always run and soothe them. Sometimes, you have to let them fall in order to for them to grow. Some black females aren't letting black males grow and they kind of keep them dependent on excuses and other things.

Unfortunately, when you have only a mom in the household it's naturally going to happen since mothers are always more over protective of their sons. I'm a firm believer in women can't raise boys into men with a male present. An uncle, grandfather, and preferably a father is always needed.

I do believe that there are great black men who get taken advantage of by horrible women who see them as easy prey. However, I don't think this is always the case and some guys and girls just have bad taste in people. Of course, that taste is also a reflection of their parents.

It just matters where he is located and if he himself is appealing towards a good woman. No man is entitled to a good woman unless he is a good man.

If your brother and cousin are good men, they should have no problem finding a good woman. Unless they don't appeal to a decent woman and therefore, have very little room to complain about their social counterparts.
On average, Black Women give birth at lower rates. So that whole single mother thing is getting old since majority of us are without kids.

Here's a challenge. Since you were so nice enough to give us a list of demands aimed at the black female. Why not be fair and give a list of demands aimed at the black male?

I mean if a good guy wants a good girl, he himself should meet certain requirements. No offense to your list but any guy who honestly takes that seriously needs to be Barack Obama on paper.

As I said before, I think Rocky makes good points but re-reading it, I can see that Von also makes good points. I am not her biggest fan and I think that she has a lot to learn but the fact is that is Von has the room to talk. Her personality is flawed but on paper , she is pretty much as good as it can get. I don't blame her for setting standards and bypassing any man who doesn't meet them. She clearly is a firm believer of personal responsibility and I agree with her on that issue but her approach is vulgar and it makes her look immature.

-Julia McDaniels

Anonymous said...


I am not going to spit on anyone but when these issues come up the faces of my black male relatives goes through my mind. I become like an animal. I am especially close to my cousin's sons. They are like the little brothers I never had. I couldnt imagine sacrificing them on the "good black man" altar for otherwise petulant and ungrateful women. I am sorry. Call me or them WHATEVER you want but I cant do it.

Here is a story. I have a 14 your old cousin. He lives in an ok neighborhood. It isnt great but its better than most places. He is strapping. He looks older but is young at heart. He walks me to my car when I leave his house late. Once when I had to good to the hood to buy something at this liquor, I dropped him off in front of the Walmart so he didnt have to go in with me or stay in the parking lot at this liquor store that gets a lot of traffic. Even though my cousin is strong, a gentlemen, and would be willing to defend me, I dont even put him in that position.

See the difference? Von doesnt even deal with the types of situations black women get themselves and their children involved in but the good black man is supposed to come around and take a bullet. No.

I am the same with my husband. I know he is a hot head. I stay out of trouble so he doesnt have to even go there. Its having respect for myself and having respect for him and his safety.


p.s. You had a baby? Girl, you should have told me, Congrats. Our blogging family has a new addition. So when will the baby start blogging? Cant wait. XOXOXOXOX

p.s.s. Truly I did become belligerent thinking about my cousins.

Anonymous said...


Yes no man is entitled to a good woman unless he himself is a decent person. I get that. However I am a little puzzled how what constitutes "good" for a black man or a black woman depends entirely on who you are talking to. What exactly makes Von as good as it gets? This is the disconnect between black men and women. We have our ideas on what is good and what is expected of each other and we are NEVER on the same page.

Why should productive yet promiscuous black men marry these women that they are able to run through, and as the Anonymous Black man above stated, have condomless sex with? He just told on black women with that piece of information. Do you want your son marrying that woman he can run through and have condomless sex with?

See black women, many of them, give off these signals that let men know that they are just going to be the jump off. For instance, as Anonymous Black man stated above, having easy condomless sex with a man is a jump off designation trigger.

Because so many black women are raised without residential fathers, they, and this isnt a black woman thing but a woman raised without a residential father in the home thing, give off these jump off designation triggers (JODT)

You didnt give off those triggers. Your daughter, if you should have one, who will be raised with father in the home will likewise not give off those triggers.

Now let me start abbreviating every theory that I have like that trilobite Khadijah.


Menelik Charles said...

Bro Rocky,

check out this video if you've got time:

"I dont Care what Black Men Want Anymore"

Notes from the Classroom said...

Dear Kigali,
" I am not going to spit on anyone but when these issues come up the faces of my black male relatives goes through my mind. I become like an animal. I am especially close to my cousin's sons."
I understand your feelings. I'm especially close to my brother and contrary to popular belief, I don't hate black males and at times it hurts me when people say negative things about them, especially those who do things right but still catch it hard from bitter men and women.

I have a nephew also. But my god-son is my heart ! I love my little chocolate thunder!

" I couldnt imagine sacrificing them on the "good black man" altar for otherwise petulant and ungrateful women."
I agree but I have faith in my male family members and their taste in women. I don't hesitate to give my opinion on a woman but on average, they pick pretty decent ladies.

" Von doesnt even deal with the types of situations black women get themselves and their children involved in but the good black man is supposed to come around and take a bullet. No."
As I said, Von is flawed. She doesn't address a lot of things but I won't deny that SOME points she makes are good ones.

" I know he is a hot head. I stay out of trouble so he doesnt have to even go there. Its having respect for myself and having respect for him and his safety. "
What a coincidence, my husband is the same way. He's a great man with a big heart who honestly would give his last to anyone but he hates liars and people who cross him. He can also be over protective of the ones he loves but his Irish Temper doesn't help many cases. It has gotten better since our daughter was born. Mike seems more conscious of his decisions and how they effect her life.

Yeah, I gave birth in February. I don't know, she might be coming here pretty soon!(laugh out loud) Right now we are tackling the whole walking thing .

-Julia McDaniels

Notes from the Classroom said...

Dear Kigali,
" However I am a little puzzled how what constitutes "good" for a black man or a black woman depends entirely on who you are talking to. What exactly makes Von as good as it gets?"
I stated on paper, which mean financial and social standing. Von would probably be ideal because she is from a middle class area and financially stable. Her personality would her biggest down fall . I don't think she is marriage material quite yet because she comes off as very self-centered. Everyone has their own criteria of what's a good man or woman but I think that social class and financial status is definitely something taken into consideration.

" This is the disconnect between black men and women. We have our ideas on what is good and what is expected of each other and we are NEVER on the same page."
In a way there is but I tend to go based on the universal criteria of what is a good man or woman. Each individual might emphasize on certain traits to fit their own personal needs but I assume that most go based on the universal one.

" Why should productive yet promiscuous black men marry these women that they are able to run through, and as the Anonymous Black man above stated, have condomless sex with?"
You said promiscuous, correct? Now, why should a woman who is not promiscuous and practices safe sex (the opposite of the woman described), marry a man who is promiscuous and engages in un -protective sex? In other words, he's the male counterpart to that female, right?

Sounds like a contradiction.

" He just told on black women with that piece of information. Do you want your son marrying that woman he can run through and have condomless sex with? "
I don't have a son but If I did, I would never want him to do that. At the same, I can teach him and set an example but once he is a man, I can't control him. At least that's what I hope I will do. I would probably jump in to protect him but I can guarantee that my husband stops me.

" Because so many black women are raised without residential fathers, they, and this isnt a black woman thing but a woman raised without a residential father in the home thing, give off these jump off designation triggers (JODT)"
I don't really know what a jump off is so I'm still kind of lost. However, I do believe that women who grow up without fathers are at a disadvantage because they never had a healthy non-sexual relationship with a man. Having that relationship not only teaches you about men but what to look for in one. So I don't know if it's that they give these triggers but instead, they honestly don't know how to have a productive relationship that isn't revolved around sex.

-Julia McDaniels

Mr Laurelton Queens said...

I like this post.

Now isn't Von just so upset at good black men now.

She must "punish" them for the bad decisions of her "fellow sisters" being unable to distinguish a good black man from a black one.

I guess everybody 'got to suffer".

I wonder if she will punish the "good white boy" for "the racist whites on that don't want black women for a serious relationships".

I figure those punishments won't "be that harsh" since they don't got a "pot to piss in".

Who else will they punish for their bad decisions in life? Once they don't got black men to kick around anymore.

It seems like misery loves company.

Mr Laurelton Queens

Menelik Charles said...

Notes to youtube video whose link will follow below:

"16 and Pregnant: Christinna deals With "Black Grandmama From Hell" _1

Notice the Generational Cycle of fatherlessness PROMOTED By black women in America. Isiah's Grandmama "ain't got no man/husband," His Mama "ain't got no man/husband" and his sister "ain't got no man/husband!" YET... when Isiah STANDS UP TO BE A MAN by marrying the young woman HE IMPREGNANTED to be A TRADITIONAL HUSBAND AND FATHER TO HIS CHILD, these black women have MAJOR PROBLEMS WITH IT! Isiah Brother IF YOU READ THIS, remember.. your reward is here on earth in being a responsible father and husband... and in heaven for dealing with such triflin assed females in your family. Sorry Brother, but that's just what they are!"

Menelik Charles said...

Bro Rocky,

are you aware of this attack on you by our erstwhile 'sista friend, Von, posted on 2nd December? You even get to be called a "stalker"...again lol

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Von said:

This blog is a response to the moron running the blog Black Men Confronting Lies and Distortions (the irony here is this individual doesn't mind telling lies and slandering others).

Rocky is apart of a sad group of misfits that stalk the blogs of individuals they claim to dislike instead of taking the common sense approach and ignoring what they don't like.

Menelik says:

Bro Rocky,

clearly the lady doesn't like you but still refuses to exercise the "common-sense approach" by simply "ignoring" you lol

And since she's been over here perusing your blog might we also be entitled to label actions as "stalking"?

Just a thought!

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Bros Andrew, Truth, Sista Kigali etc,

you guys, along with myself, also get a dishonourable mention so don't be thinking you get off scot free lol

Menelik Charles said...

parting message from Von:

To the misfits,

you can diss me until you turn blue in the face. This will be my first and last time addressing you lames. My life is beautiful and I am so blessed right now. There is nothing any of you losers can say to bring me off my high.


Menelik says:

Von, girl; you are one of the nastiest; most unhappy, vitriolic; immature; matriarchal monsters that I have ever had the misfortune to encounter on the net!

And my point?

Don't be wishing us "peace", sweety, when wishing it upon yourself may go some way to bringing stability a unstable and rabid mind.


Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Von said:

I respect people's freedom of speech even if I don't agree with it. If you notice I have never blasted anyone on this blog for their opinion unless they have come at me first.

Menelik says:

you are a bare-faced liar! You believe in no such thing: you ban those such as myself who politely disagree with you, and then subject them to vile abuse as a parting shot!

Bully! Coward!

You talk about Kigali needing psychotherapeutic help (what do you know about diagnosing who needs such help?) when you give a near text-book display of borderline psychotic behaviour!

Oh yes you do!

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Von said:

I don't bother anyone in the blogosphere. I stay over here and mind my own damn business.

Menelik asks:

which effectively means you don't read others blogs, right? I guess it couldn't really mean anything else.

Von said:

I read alot of blogs but rarely do I comment. I read every blog on my blogroll. Believe it or not I don't usually comment when people are dissing me.

Menelik says:

so you do read an awful lot of blogs, and so, therefore, do get involved in "other people's business" but choose not to comment...unless attacking other blog owners on your own blog lol

I noticed Rocky made no personal attack against you so I was wondering why you resorted to personally attacking him.

Because he merely disagreed with you?


Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

For those wishing for an historical context to Von's wayward logic, do please read sista Rashida lengthy response to Von's stance in which she very carefully, and politely, takes her apart.

Menelik Charles said...

Bro Rocky,

this why I say this woman is a power-crazed, matriarchal monster with lurking mental health issues. You gotta read this nonsense:

This lady's logic is such that she doesn't even acknowledge that both the family and community is matriarchal...which is partly why it is in such a mess! Adding more feminism will only exacerbate the present problems and result in many millions more Black women complaining of being alone, independent etc.

This woman is a Black female supremacist whose roots do lay in some pernicious ideology but in some dysfunction within her own family.

"The personal is political remember" so I am hardly off-limits for entertaining this possibility, am I?

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...

Von said:

1) I see no reason why African American women shouldn’t separate from African American men (other than procreation, which thanks to science doesn’t call for intimacy).

2) There are various reasons why the new black feminist movement won’t appeal to all African American women. The main reason is because it’s calling for a complete break from African American men and a failed dream.

3) This is not done as a means of punishment but instead as a means of survival.

Menelik says:

and some of you here actually believe this woman has a Black man as a long-term partner (or any race of man)? Her matriarchal, feminist delusions of power would indicate most strongly she does not have a partner of any description!

Menelik Charles
London UK

Menelik Charles said...


isn't it amazing that a feminist Republican like Von doesn't even indicate within the matriarchy essay that the government which provides free food, housing etc to women is the main reason why Black fathers have been displaced within the family!

The only context she provides is her own resentment and contempt for Black men. Anyway, take a peep at this video:

Menelik Charles
London UK

Anonymous said...


The women in his family are upset that he didnt pursue his football career. Their marriage still is doomed as are most marriages under those circumstances. I wish that man and his wife all the hope in this world. Big ups to the baby too.


Anonymous said...


Congrats on the baby girl. Considering that, I understand how I raised the hairs on the back of your neck with my visit to Haiti. I dont think those UN Peacekeepers are stupid enough to display their "relationships" in public with underage girls. But their were Haitian girls, probably older teens, 17,18, 19 etc. on the beach with these guys who were young themselves. I am not sure how old you have to be to be a UN Peacekeeper but these guys were certainly no older than 25.

I agree that a promiscuous man should not be entitled to a good girl but understand this... women dont use that against men. It may not be fair but there is a double standard on who can get away with what sexually. Its been like that before the "DBRs." So the idea that Von is going to use that as a criteria against men is ridiculous. She is a feminist through and through.

Youre absolutely right about women especially black women have poor relationship skills with men who arent related to them. Black men also suffer because your mother doesnt teach you how to respect women, your father does.

Boys and girls who dont have residential fathers in the home are more sexually risky and promiscuous than others. I think a lot of black women lie to each other about their sexuality because of how it would make them look. Than we have this article on Madame Noir that states among the ten reasons to date a white man is that he is more forgiving of a woman's sexual past.

Jesus be an excuse we aint too ashamed to use.

I would love to read some research on why boys who grow up with a single mother are more promiscuous. Single motherhood is toxic on the soul. It is interesting however the girls who lost their fathers through death (as opposed to divorce or abandonment) are actually sexually inhibited. Basically it is better for your father to leave your through death than it is through divorce or abandonment.
