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Wes Moore
AGE: 30
JOB: Investment banker/former army captain
the only thing better than one black president is two
Now, it’s
funny. Almost everyone we know seems to know someone they thought was going to
be the first black president. The green-eyed congressman from Memphis, TN. The
well-connected mayor of Newark, NJ. The super-smart, liked-by-all black guy you
went to college with. The founder/publisher of this site. So it’s with healthy
appreciation for his stiff competition that we give you. . .Captain Westley
If “Wes,” as he’s known to friends, does not become the second
black president, it’ll only be because he chose not to. His story is no less
inspiring than his credentials are impeccable. In brief: gets kicked out of
school and shipped off to military academy at 12, turns the beat around in under
a decade, graduates Phi Beta Kappa from Hopkins, snags a Rhodes Scholarship to
Oxford, does a tour of duty in Afghanistan, investment banks before winning a
White House Fellowship.
Yeah. We said tour of duty.
Last month,
Moore joined a a panel of veterans in testifying before the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee on the topic “Soldiers’ Stories From The Afghan War” (see
video below). We suspect accounts like his may have informed Gates’ decision to
remove General McKiernan yesterday — but that’s beside the point. As his Crains
40 Under 40 profile effuses: Moore served “10 months with the Army’s 82nd
Airborne Division in Afghanistan. There, he helped revise a program to win over
Taliban fighters, boosting its enrollment from 6 when he arrived to 500 by the
time he left, and earning a promotion to captain.”
Make that El Capitan.
An up-by-the-bootstraps background, a championship college football career, a
Rhodes Scholarship, a tour of duty, a People’s Hottest Bachelor nod, an Asia
Society fellowship, a White House fellowship — and, oh, did we mention the
Random House book deal? What else does a future president need? Oh, right. A
brilliant wife. Check. In summer 2007, Moore married the stunning Dawn Flythe, a
one-time senior adviser to Maryland’s lieutenant governor. From a distance, you
might mistake Mrs. Moore for a certain Mrs. Carter. From her resume, you might
mistake her for a certain Lady O.
The kicker?
The Moores
couldn’t be kinder. The day Wes won his Rhodes Scholarship, he discovered that
there was another Wes Moore living in Baltimore. This second Wes Moore, also a
black man in his 20s, was headed to prison on a life sentence as Wes Moore #1
headed to Oxford. (Second-black-president) Moore arranged to see his
doppelganger in prison, and has kept in touch with him ever since. Next spring,
Random House will publish Moore’s Elevate: American Journeys into Manhood, a
parallel account of the “two Wes Moores.”
If the first black president
heeds the counsel of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, and creates a Council for
men and boys, he’ll undoubtedly turn to Moore, no stranger to the White House
(and an Alpha himself). In the meantime, the Moores are laying plans to use
Elevate to catalyze a movement — answering BHO’s call to community service with
a nationwide campaign. Their idea is to do for youth and service what, say,
Diddy did with youth and voting in 2004.
Of course, those who doubt
Moore’s pure intentions (read: those who envy his stunning accomplishments) say
all this good-doing is merely stage-setting for a political campaign. But you
know how that goes. The Stimulist is not in the business of tearing down young
people trying to build their communities up. And Moore just effuses too much
positivity to inspire anything but good will.
So, to review. Army chops,
political chops, financial chops, a memoir, a wife as brilliant as she is
beautiful. We give you. . .Moore for 2024.
Guess what? He was raised in the dreaded black community! *shock*
Good story
They will try to tear him down like Obama.
Politics is a dirty game.
Cool Story, will look out for him in future: )
Look at that beautiful brown-skinned wife! I wonder if she's not dark enough for the SSC or if her nose isn't wide enough or if she's not "typical looking" enough.
Awesome! LOVE IT!
I wonder if she's not dark enough for the SSC or if her nose isn't wide enough or if she's not "typical looking" enough.
According to the SSC, he can't be a good man, he didn't do anything to prevent the Dunbar Village Rape.
SMH too.
Whoa! Handsome, great smile. Please let him be against abortion.
If Obama doesn't pick up his game there will not be another "black" president.
Nice looking couple, the chance of him becoming president is slim. Obama came at the right time, the U.S. was looking for anyone other than Bush or a Republican.
I don't see another black president in a good couple of decades. If anything this was our first and probably only chance to get someone in there. Obama is one in a million, they call him JFK's Prodigy, the chance of their being an Black Obama Prodigy is very slim.
He doesn't show many qualities that make him president material. The guy was in the Army, maybe he should continue to raise in that career and leave the big time politics to other people.
Even if he did run, the man doesn't have my vote.
you all sound pretty shallow, "he's black lets vote for him!". You don't know two things about the guy yet your already voting for his nonexistent election. I want to know his views on topics, what is this guy all about.
Being black and having a black wife doesn't get my vote. being in the Army doesn't get my vote, he isn't the first guy in the Army, he won't be the last. Compare him and his wife to Michelle and Barack and there is no competition. To be president you must be exceptional and to be a black one means you have to be damn near perfect.
They're not.
you all sound pretty shallow, "he's black lets vote for him!".
I don’t think that anyone posted any comment saying or implying this. Most are simply expressing being impressed with him and what he has accomplished. I don’t see a 30 year old Barack Obama being any more impressive. Moore has been a combat veteran, a military leader, a scholar, a collegiate athlete, a businessman, an author, a community activist and one of the speakers at the Democratic national convention. He has easily an entire decade to establish himself politically if he so chooses.
Good for him. I'll keep an eye on him because even if he doesn't become president, he is still an example of brothas who are doing it!
I'm a former military Captain like him and support his efforts.
I still think Barack credentials are far more greater than Wes, he might be Senator, maybe a motivational speakers but never a president. I don't see it, people are talking about him as if he has a great resume, subtract the veteran status and he doesn't have much. His school, internships and other things don't compare to Barack's.
The book is nothing, many people write books. Barack has two books, Mrs. Bush plans to write a book.
His wife is nowhere near Michelle. I don't see them as some power presidential couple.
it's good to be optimistic but I won't fool myself. Black Presidents come once in a blue moon. We would probably never see another in our life time.
Wes Moore is a good person and I wish him luck but people shouldn't put in his head he's the next Barack Obama. There is only one and i promise you there won't be another for decades to come.
"I wonder if she's not dark enough for the SSC or if her nose isn't wide enough or if she's not "typical looking" enough."
Interesting question. Do you think these women live vicariously through their mix raced daughters?
I am done with Democrats and Republicans. I think more blacks should be independent.
I find it disgusting that the same women that claim that the BC needs to uplift darker BW will go and advocate BW marrying WM to "spare" their daughters the pain they felt. I think Evia actually once said that BW need to "stop having dark black daughters if they are not willing to protect them from the wolves".
I almost vomited at my desk. How dare she.
I think that many of these women WILL live vicariously through their biracial daughters. In reality they want their daughters to be the "fairest one of all" since they didn't get to be.
Sick stuff.
"I think that many of these women WILL live vicariously through their biracial daughters. In reality they want their daughters to be the "fairest one of all" since they didn't get to be.
Sick stuff."
It may be "sick stuff" to you but it's no sicker than the BLACK PEOPLE who rejected DARK SKINNED BLACK WOMEN, degraded them, called them names, laughed at them, cast them aside and made them pariahs in their own so-called "black community". The obsession that MOST slave descended black Americans have with skin color (the dark skins vs. the light skins) and "good hair vs. bad hair" has led to this situation. What's wrong with wanting your daughter to have things you didn't have?
I know a highly educated upper middle-class black Lesbian who decided she wanted a child. She went the artificial insemination route. She specifically requested sperm from a WHITE donor. She got her pretty little biracial daughter. She's happy. What is wrong with that? She absolutely DID NOT want to be impregnated with a black man's sperm. I don't blame her. It was her choice.
BTW, I know for a fact that some white men who "like" black women like dark skinned black women in particular. In fact, the darker they are, the more these white men like them. I have actually heard more then one of these white men say "I want a 'jet black woman'". Have you ever heard a black American man say that? I think it's wonderful that dark skinned black women, who most slave descended black American males don't want, can find a place in the sun - with a white man by her side.
anon is plain crazy 'bout black dudes methinks! Why else continue to harass rocky and co?
She'll just hound you dudes til ya drop lol
Stay strong, people!
The OLD face of domestic violence was a black man named Ike Turner. The NEW face of domestic violence is a black man: Chris Brown.
You black men are surely digging your own graves as far as your "reputations" are concerned. The entire world is finding out what a lot of black women already knew: that black men treat "their" women like sh!t.
Oh yea
White men don't treat their women like shit.
Like that dumb white man in PA that gunned down helpless white women in a PA fitness center.
Let's talk about white men killing their baby mothers for life insurance money. Maybe if you read the news instead of being a mammy then you would see it.
Shut up dumbass and go back to worshiping anything that is white!
"Shut up dumbass and go back to worshiping anything that is white!"
A black monster murdered 11 (that's right ELEVEN) black women in Cleveland, Ohio and buried them in his house. I'm sure Andrew will blame it all on the women for whatever reason.
"I think it's wonderful that dark skinned black women, who most slave descended black American males don't want, can find a place in the sun - with a white man by her side."
Surely she doesnt want to be in the sun?
"Surely she doesnt want to be in the sun?"
You never know. Maybe she does want to be in the sun. Some white men who "like" black women like them VERY dark.
@ Those who seek to debate, discuss & explore issues of interest & concern to African-Americans & others.
Anon is here to merely BAIT not debate, discuss or explore. I think maybe we have gone beyond the point of assuming we can debate with her.
She NEVER answers questions but always responds to such with slander and sling shots. She is without empathy or mercy. Thus she allies herself to hate because this is what resides within her...daddy's girl she aint!
Perhaps we should take the bold step of simply ignoring her. Can't we give it a try?
Menelik Charles
London England
just ignore this self-hating, race-baiting monster...please! She is undatable, unlovable and quite possibly unfuckable too!
Give the nutcase a wide-birth since baiting and hating is all she has to offer the world.
Menelik Charles
London England
The OLD face of domestic violence was a black man named Ike Turner. The NEW face of domestic violence is a black man: Chris Brown.
I thought that the new face is Tom Sizemore.
"I thought that the new face is Tom Sizemore."
Who is Tom Sizemore? EVERYONE knows who Chris Brown is. Before Chris Brown beat Rihanna to a pulp he was on the verge of superstardom if not megastardom. Now it won't happen.
Rihanna has recently decided to break her silence on the incident and she is all over the media. Chris Brown is officially the new face of domestic violence.
@ Bro Rocky,
this anon has gotten out of hand. I think it maybe time for you to start vetting your mail.
Please consider doing so otherwise the nonsense above will become a regular tactic to distrupt the flow of debate on this blog.
Menelik Charles
London England
Members of the "crew" boost their self esteem by denigrating men. They must be an unhappy lot because their only joy is seeing the annihilation of men.
Two DU students shortlisted for Rhodes scholars - As many as 5 Rhodes scholars were ed by The Rhodes Selection Committee, India under the chairmanship of N R Narayan Murthy in a low-key event in Delhi. 3 girls and 2 boys were ed from Kirorimal College, Delhi University; St. John’s Medical College,Bangalore; Governement Law College, Mumbai; St. Stephens College, Delhi University and NLSIU, Bangalore. The final round entailed an interview for nineteen shortlisted candidates of about 30 minutes each with eight key panelists including Narayan Murthy and others including previous Rhodes scholars.
I enjoy Wes Moore and wish him the best. Don't we all need to measure one's heart and not the color hue or one's nose shape? This is a silly argument that just bogs down the conversation.
To say any person is not qualified to excel and realize their dreams based on their skin color, just gives oxygen to the haters.
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