As we know, there is a common theme among the so called “Black Women Empowerment Bloggers” and black female interracial bloggers; that theme being the alleged lack of care by the black community for black women and black girls. While this theme is repeated constantly by them, it is quite noticeable how this claim is practically never substantiated. It is something that they simply perceive or pretend to perceive.
What is also interesting is that they are the only ones with this perception. Not only do black men generally not perceive this alleged lack of care for black women, but most of the members of other races and ethnicities as well as black women not involved in their ‘movement’ don’t share this perception. The writer of the article below is an example of this. Note the part in bold:
Tuesday, 30 June 2009 15:15
We all remember the infamous Duke University rape frame-up case, in which three white lacrosse players were falsely accused of raping a black female stripper. It was front-page news coast to coast, as it had all the elements of a mainstream-media cause célèbre: the perfect victim and the perfect villains, a “downtrodden” black woman of modest means and three “privileged” white college boys. Thus did the hard-left alliance of media, academia, and a Democrat prosecutor try its best to lynch the three, and if the stripper’s story hadn’t changed with the wind, the students could very well be sitting in prison currently.
But now we have a real Duke rape case, and one that largely conforms to the above narrative. Frank Lombard, Duke’s associate director of the Center for Health Policy, faces federal criminal charges for offering his adopted five-year-old son for sex. Where are the parallels? Lombard is white and well-to-do while his victim, the son, is black (Lombard also has a second adopted son, who is black as well).
Yet there are also differences. One is that, unlike the tenuous lacrosse-player case, authorities have Lombard dead to rights. Writes the blog Self Evident Truths:
The arrest warrant states that a person, later identified as Lombard, used video chat on the internet to perfom [sic] sex acts on a child under the age of ten.... The complaint says Lombard's chat room ID lists him as "perv dad for fun.
There are also other differences between the cases. One is that there is no reason to expect the media to do anything but bury this story posthaste. Why? Because, despite the aforementioned parallels, it doesn’t completely accord with today’s favored victimizer/victim narrative, as Lombard is a homosexual, making the victim a child who was adopted by a homosexual. Thus, while Lombard’s sexual inclination alone is enough to make the mainstream media treat this case with the “utmost discretion,” there is an additional factor: disseminate the facts of the crime enough, and people just may get the crazy notion that it’s lunacy to let homosexuals adopt children, especially little boys. So you’ve just got to watch the information you put in the yahoos’ heads.
Not surprisingly, this double standard is already apparent in the reportage. In the Duke lacrosse case, not only was the story front page, but an accuser of the easiest virtue was painted in the best light. For example, the stripper was often called an “exotic dancer,” which is much like calling a prostitute an exotic blind date. In contrast, now the mainstream media seem most reluctant to reveal Lombard’s homosexuality or the adopted victim’s race.
Next, at risk of being redundant, don’t hold your breath waiting for the mainstream stream media to get on board; like the National Organization for Women, with its deafening silence regarding the savaging of Sarah Palin and women’s plight in Moslem nations, they care not about little victims but leftist agendas.
Lastly, the News & Observer tells us that Lombard is “a licensed clinical social worker with a master's degree in social work, [and] is a health-disparities researcher who studies HIV/AIDS in the rural South” (read: professional victimologist). So, not that any more evidence of his ideological persuasion was necessary, but it’s obvious that the man is thoroughly liberal in his professional life — and libertine in his personal life. Yet don’t expect the purveyors of pablum to be point this out, either.
Speaking of the race card, the hierarchy of victim groups is much like a deck of cards: black is a good hand, but it’s trumped by female. And, it appears, homosexual trumps everything._____________________________________________
So as we can see, an adult black woman of highly questionable scruples can get enormous media attention by a simple allegation (later to be proven untrue) and while the proven sexual molestation of innocent black male children in the same area is practically ignored by the media and black activists. It seems that the notion that everyone comes to the defense of black men and boys as opposed to black women and girls is more perception than fact when you actually look at the evidence.
What is also interesting is that they are the only ones with this perception. Not only do black men generally not perceive this alleged lack of care for black women, but most of the members of other races and ethnicities as well as black women not involved in their ‘movement’ don’t share this perception. The writer of the article below is an example of this. Note the part in bold:
Tuesday, 30 June 2009 15:15
We all remember the infamous Duke University rape frame-up case, in which three white lacrosse players were falsely accused of raping a black female stripper. It was front-page news coast to coast, as it had all the elements of a mainstream-media cause célèbre: the perfect victim and the perfect villains, a “downtrodden” black woman of modest means and three “privileged” white college boys. Thus did the hard-left alliance of media, academia, and a Democrat prosecutor try its best to lynch the three, and if the stripper’s story hadn’t changed with the wind, the students could very well be sitting in prison currently.
But now we have a real Duke rape case, and one that largely conforms to the above narrative. Frank Lombard, Duke’s associate director of the Center for Health Policy, faces federal criminal charges for offering his adopted five-year-old son for sex. Where are the parallels? Lombard is white and well-to-do while his victim, the son, is black (Lombard also has a second adopted son, who is black as well).
Yet there are also differences. One is that, unlike the tenuous lacrosse-player case, authorities have Lombard dead to rights. Writes the blog Self Evident Truths:
The arrest warrant states that a person, later identified as Lombard, used video chat on the internet to perfom [sic] sex acts on a child under the age of ten.... The complaint says Lombard's chat room ID lists him as "perv dad for fun.
"The warrant states that an astute police detective contacted Lombard through Yahoo! Instant Messenger. Lombard admitted performing sexual acts on his adopted five year old son. He wrote that he would drug the boy with Benadryl before molesting him. He admitted that he waited to molest the boy until his partner was out of town.
The warrant continues describing the next day, when Lombard offered his five year old to the detective to perform sex acts on him. The detective said he lived out of state, making the solicitation a federal offense.
There are also other differences between the cases. One is that there is no reason to expect the media to do anything but bury this story posthaste. Why? Because, despite the aforementioned parallels, it doesn’t completely accord with today’s favored victimizer/victim narrative, as Lombard is a homosexual, making the victim a child who was adopted by a homosexual. Thus, while Lombard’s sexual inclination alone is enough to make the mainstream media treat this case with the “utmost discretion,” there is an additional factor: disseminate the facts of the crime enough, and people just may get the crazy notion that it’s lunacy to let homosexuals adopt children, especially little boys. So you’ve just got to watch the information you put in the yahoos’ heads.
Not surprisingly, this double standard is already apparent in the reportage. In the Duke lacrosse case, not only was the story front page, but an accuser of the easiest virtue was painted in the best light. For example, the stripper was often called an “exotic dancer,” which is much like calling a prostitute an exotic blind date. In contrast, now the mainstream media seem most reluctant to reveal Lombard’s homosexuality or the adopted victim’s race.
So, as far as how this story will most likely unfold, there are four things I cannot envision happening. First, I don’t foresee Duke’s administration and faculty coming out as a lynch mob and convicting Lombard in the court of public opinion.
Second, don’t expect Jesse Jackson et al. to venture to Durham County and play the race card like a Vegas high roller, even though this case lends itself perfectly to it. A white man who adopts a black boy to keep as a sex slave, anyone?
Next, at risk of being redundant, don’t hold your breath waiting for the mainstream stream media to get on board; like the National Organization for Women, with its deafening silence regarding the savaging of Sarah Palin and women’s plight in Moslem nations, they care not about little victims but leftist agendas.
Lastly, the News & Observer tells us that Lombard is “a licensed clinical social worker with a master's degree in social work, [and] is a health-disparities researcher who studies HIV/AIDS in the rural South” (read: professional victimologist). So, not that any more evidence of his ideological persuasion was necessary, but it’s obvious that the man is thoroughly liberal in his professional life — and libertine in his personal life. Yet don’t expect the purveyors of pablum to be point this out, either.
Speaking of the race card, the hierarchy of victim groups is much like a deck of cards: black is a good hand, but it’s trumped by female. And, it appears, homosexual trumps everything.
So as we can see, an adult black woman of highly questionable scruples can get enormous media attention by a simple allegation (later to be proven untrue) and while the proven sexual molestation of innocent black male children in the same area is practically ignored by the media and black activists. It seems that the notion that everyone comes to the defense of black men and boys as opposed to black women and girls is more perception than fact when you actually look at the evidence.
Since you have a blog, you can make it your business to defend this case IN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION if that's what you want.
I heard about this case some time ago, BTW. I am quite sure that the LEGAL SYSTEM is going to make sure this guy gets what's coming to him.
Not long ago, a 27 black male murdered his own 19 month old black son here in my city because he cried too much.
The autosy found that EVERY rib in his dead body was broken except six. This was reported in the news a few days ago. The mother of this child left him with the father when he was 4 months old and disappeared. The boy endured unimaginable abuse for the better part of 15 months until he finally died.
Black men murdering black children left in their care by irresponsible mothers is the order of the day in my city. I'm sure this is happening all across the USA.
But THAT doesn't interest you at all, does it?
Since you have a blog, you can make it your business to defend this case IN THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION if that's what you want.
The above statement makes no sense.
Here is the problem with the rest of your comment. First, it has no relevance to the topic. This incident is an example of how a black woman who is perceived as a victim of sexual assault at the hands of white men gets national recognition and her college education paid for despite the revelation of having lied. On the other hand, innocent black male children are sexually abused by a white male, and we practically hear nothing of it. The double standard is actually the reverse of what the IR bloggers claim.
Regarding your comment, you failed to acknowledge that you practically have an equal number of black women who kill their own children as you have black men who do the same (while having MORE black women than black men who abuse their kids). You failed to state that black women are 4 times more likely to murder their children than white women are.
Lastly, you have roughly 400 children murdered by parent/parents each year. Less than half of those are black children and around half of those black children are murdered by their fathers. That’s less than 100 black children NATIONWIDE that are murdered by their black fathers each year. If we break that down by states, we have an average of 2 black children murdered by their fathers annually in each U.S. state. Break that down by cities and you have LESS than one black child murdered by his or her father on average per U.S city. When I say “LESS”, that means that some cities would have zero fathers murdering their own children in a year in many cities, counties parishes and towns.
Thus, your statement that "Black men murdering black children left in their care by irresponsible mothers is the order of the day in my city" doesn't jibe with statistics and shows that you are just saying something that you can't honestly justify.
Thus, your statement that "Black men murdering black children left in their care by irresponsible mothers is the order of the day in my city" doesn't jibe with statistics and shows that you are just saying something that you can't honestly justify.
I wrote about this story on my blog a few months ago. Crickets from the clucking hens about this poor boy's story. But wait until he grows up and becomes a criminal then it will be all "DBR this, DBR that".
with all due respect, i think you are missing a very important point.
i don't think you will find very many bw that will not admit that there is GREAT concern feigned when bw are victimized by non bm. if the perp is white, for sure, it makes the news--solid case or no.
the fact that bw are choosing to address, at long last as far as i am concerned, is the TOTAL lack of concern for their well being when the perp is black. you are a stat man, check them and see that in more violent cases than not, the.perp.is.black.
you will see if you look, that little bboys are sacrificed ALL the time in crimes committed against them by bm. dunbar village? there was a young bm victim in that case. sharpton didn't care about HIM either in his quest to support the bmale predators.
maybe just maybe, bm may well consider stepping in and providing for/protecting the children they help create?
you know as much as folks like to talk about "black" babies in foster care and then go on their bw are unworthy rants, please remember that ww, aw, hw, and other women's children with bm are considered "black". all the "black babies" in foster care do not belong to bw. one thing is for sure, they belong to bm.
had this child's father been something other than mia, he would not have been in harm's way.
ps. if bm don't value their children, NO ONE else will. if bm don't protect bw NO ONE else will. if bm don't value their lives and kill one another without shame, NO ONE IS GOING TO TRY TO STOP IT.
but alas i know, it is not bm's fault they don't do right by their children. i know. it is someone ELSE'S fault and bm are just being demonized and victimized.
men as provider/protectors seems to be lost notion within the so-called black community.
so, in this instance, you are rightly so, highlighting the lack of value assigned to black lives.
the whole competition with bw to see who is less valued...waste of time...as quiet as it is kept, bm will need to rise and demand that he, bw and children are respected. other folks have value in this world because their men have declared it so. THIS is why bm have to apologize to other women, when they disrespect THEM as they routinely do bw, whether they are comedians, joking, or not. look. see. understand.
thanks for allowing me to share.
ps. when i speak to provision and protection, i don't mean teleparenting, sending checks voluntarily or by garnishment, and spending as little time as possible with the children.
i mean clocking in and going to work daily, doing the heavy lifting involved in parenting.
THIS may explain why more bw than bm and ww kill their children. understand me, it in no way justifies killing your child/ren. bm aren't around enough quite frankly.
our world accomodates overwhelmed ww. bw are not allowed to be overwhelmed. that would make us too human which is not the american way. if the #s are correct for single parent households in the so called bcommunity, that's A LOT of overwhelmed women trying to do alone what God intended for two folks to do.
this is ALL the more reason for bw to take control of their reproductive choices. STOP having babies with men that are not their husband and have not demonstrated that they understand that manhood is about provision and protection for said man's women and children.
we routinely hear about, rally, and support bm that sustain damage at the hands of wfolks. we do all this even when they demonstrate total lack of wisdom and invite the damage based on their behavior. not quite sure why you are acting like you don't see this all day long, most days.
maybe you don't. i don't know, it just seems rather hard to miss to me.
btw, i had heard of this case. it is not any different to me than the many other horror stories i have read, heard, and listened to in person from children that have survived the foster care system. it is the damage that is sustained when men and women don't make sound choices for their mates...the babies suffer THE MOST and are destroyed.
I agree with Focused Purpose.
This black boy obviously was abused/neglected/abandoned by BOTH his black mother and his black FATHER in order for him to end up in a foster care system where he could be adopted by this pervert. In other words, crimes of abuse/neglect/abandonment were committed against this boy by BLACK people long before he ended up being adopted by this individual.
PS: I called this man a pervert not because he's gay but because he allegedly was pimping a child. I happen to know gay men who are raising children and they are NOTHING like this man.
Dear Rocky
What's good. I totally agree with you. They are doing straw arguments as usual. Number 1 black fathers murdering their children. Yea sure it is an epidemic. Then they turn around and say black fathers are not even in their child's life. So how are you murdering your child if you are not around?
I do agree that black fathers should protect their children. That is the major underlying problem. Since I work with young boys now (My second job), I see it from both angles, opposed from "arm chair quarterbacking".
Let me make this perfectly clear. The black men that have been INCARCERATED and then released in PA. They want to be with their CHILDREN. I don't give a fuck what a black woman says. I don't care if the child is close to adulthood. You don't think black men that have been incarcerated are remorseful for their mistakes. Most of them were locked up in their youth or young adulthood.
Many black women have no clue what black men are thinking. Because we don't tell them how we feel. They jump to conclusions about us not wanting our kids. I have yet to meet a black man that didn't want to see his child unless he felt it wasn't his children.
That happens 30 percent of the time. National statistics show (I saw this a long time ago). That women carry children that don't even belong to the father. Some men are unaware the child is his in 30 percent of cases.
The reason I mention this because their are men that are taking care of children that does not even belong to them.
Another thing, the black children that get abused or allowed to be abused is not totally the black mother's fault.
I have sympathy for black women in poverty and that suffer from mental illness. There is a lot of black women that are depressed, insecure, and burdened. I haven't met a black woman that wasn't depressed at some point after having children including my own mother.
Let me touch on the media. A white girl goes missing. The media is all over it. Black girl missing=nobody give a shit.
Black boy molested= no media attention.
White boy molested= media attention.
You can do a content analysis of the news shows and see how many times black people are mentioned positively.
Good day
The most important question, therefore, is why aren't BLACK MEN taking a more active role in the lives of black boys? If black boys are of "lesser value" it's because black male neglect/abandonment has made it so. Black men have failed black boys. It's on you black men regardless.
A story like this shows that black men should stay involved in their child's life whether they get along with the child's mother or not. Even if the mother is a "bitch", he should still stay involved in that child's life. It's the price he has to pay for having unprotected sex with the "monster". I mention that because so many punk black men say that they walked away from an innocent child because he couldn't get along with the child's mother. That is not an excuse. That's a coward's way out.
Any person of color, including blacks, Asians, and darker indigenous people, are routinely ignored by the media. This society pretends that every life is valuable, but the media suggests that people of color are not as valuable as white folks.
you know as much as folks like to talk about "black" babies in foster care and then go on their bw are unworthy rants, please remember that ww, aw, hw, and other women's children with bm are considered "black". all the "black babies" in foster care do not belong to bw. one thing is for sure, they belong to bm.
So are you saying that the children that wm, am, hm and other men's children with black woman are not considered "black"? I think that you overlooked that point. Clearly not all of the "black babies" in foster care belong to bm.
Now, Jarred Elwood, a white man, admitted to molesting a little girl for 8 years and the white judge only gave him probation. Who protected that girl?
Who protected the 13 year old girl that Roman Polanski molested and performed anal sex on (the man Whoopi Goldberg defended)?
Who protected the 6 year old boy sexually assaulted and murdered by David, Peggy and George Edenfield?
Who protected 9 year old Jessica Lunsford from her rapist and murderer, John Couey?
If Michael Jackson did what he is accused of, who protected those children?
We can go on.
You ladies can NEVER substantiate your claims that black men are less protective of black children or women. When I have asked, folks cite the straw man out-of-wedlock birth rate. Thus, any black man who is not married is a non-child protector or non-woman protector. That's silly. There are more opportunities for predators to prey on women and children when they don't live with a man, but that is simply a bi-product of the lack of committed relationships in the black community, not because of a non-desire of black men to protect women and children. Even in prisons, child molesters have to live in fear of the mostly black population.
I have repeatedly cited a study that shows that given similar economic conditions, black men who are not living with their children's mothers are actually more likely to be in their children's lives than white men who are not living with their children's mothers. Thus, the differences that we see are the results of the failed relationships between black men and black women and economic conditions, NOT because of some desire of black men to not be fathers to their children.
I have also cited examples of white men watching and doing nothing as their women are abused. So please give concrete evidence behind you reasoning.
And instead of strictly DEMANDING that black men be more involved in their children's lives, black woman should equally strive to win men's hearts so that they want to commit and black women should also cease the willingness to allow themselves to be impregnated by men who have not committed to them and men of questionable ethics.
For all the "Black men don't do this", or "Black men don't protect that" or "Black men are the only race of men that don't _______" that angry Black women toss at Black men, how many different groups of women do you think these angry Black women would be willing to trade places with. Native Americans? Arabs? Russians?
Black women would probably trade places with only the western White women, and mostly their desire to trade with White women is based on their idealized obsession with what they perceive all White women have. Sure life is easy if you are a White woman and you look like Taylor Swift or Paris Hilton. However, ask a fat or ugly or poor White woman how much she is enjoying her life or how protected she feels.
Sure life is easy if you are a White woman and you look like Taylor Swift or Paris Hilton.
And I should say that life is easier, not easy. Everyone will meet some hardship at some point.
You keep citing exceptions among white people and others. I don't CARE about white children. Your essay was about the "lesser value" of BLACK BOYS.
The only thing that matters here, as far as I am concerned, is this: "If black boys are of "lesser value" it's because black male neglect/abandonment has made it so. Black men have failed black boys. It's on you black men regardless."
Don't you guys get it? Who cares about your statistics? The hell with what happens to white children. White people are going to take care of their business one way or another.
The question I have is when are you and other black men going to do something about this alleged "lesser value" of black boys? And, please, no more statistics. I really do not care about stats. What are you going to do about it? If the answer is nothing then stop whining about it.
Good post. Unfortunately logic is wasted on some people.
Anonymous said...
You keep citing exceptions among white people and others. I don't CARE about white children. Your essay was about the "lesser value" of BLACK BOYS.
So black men who molest and/or kill children are not the exception? This is a prime example of how folks like yourself try to pin the label of “most” on black men when you refer bad behavior. This is why I cite STATISTICS, because it exposes such lies. Pedophilia is more prevalent among white men. The vast majority of black men will never molest or murder a child. You promoting the notion that they will does not change the truth.
The only thing that matters here, as far as I am concerned, is this: "If black boys are of "lesser value" it's because black male neglect/abandonment has made it so. Black men have failed black boys. It's on you black men regardless."
Your statement makes no sense. Little girls tend to be more valued than little boys in today’s society. That is why missing white girls get much attention as opposed to missing white boys. Similarly, black girls are more valued than black boys, contrary to what your cohorts routinely spew. Whites tend to value other whites more than they value blacks. Thus, black boys/men are on the bottom of the totem. This has nothing to do with your so called “black male neglect/abandonment”. Thus, you have injected another of your numerous straw men.
Don't you guys get it? Who cares about your statistics? The hell with what happens to white children. White people are going to take care of their business one way or another.
Your premise is clearly how black men compare to other men. You probably frequent those blogs that constantly spew how much better white men are than black men. So how white men behave is a part of the topic. If you simply discussed black pathology without the specific black male bashing and the white male worship, then references to whites would not be necessary. But the so called BWE Bloggers/IR bloggers constantly embrace white men, dog white women and black men and act like black women are angels victimized by the demonic black man.
The question I have is when are you and other black men going to do something about this alleged "lesser value" of black boys? And, please, no more statistics. I really do not care about stats. What are you going to do about it? If the answer is nothing then stop whining about it.
I will always use statistics, because without statistics, all we have is personal perception. Personal perception is fine, but it is greatly flawed.
And I should be asking you this question because it is the BWE bloggers and the white media that value black boys the least. So what are YOU going to do about how YOU value black boys so little? Nothing of course because the lesser valuing is your desire due to your animosity toward black men and boys.
"So what are YOU going to do about how YOU value black boys so little? Nothing of course because the lesser valuing is your desire due to your animosity toward black men and boys."
I am not going to do ANYTHING about the so-called "lesser value" of black boys. That's YOUR issue: you brought it up.
Black men should make up for what you call the "lesser valuing" of black boys.
As a woman I feel that I can be of better service to black women and girls. IF I CHOOSE TO BE. Actually, I don't owe black women and girls anything but if I decide to share my resources I will share what resources I have with women and girls. Not boys and definitely not men.
MEN are supposed to be strong and independent, not weak little sissies who need women to show them the way. They are supposed to show boys how to be men instead of punking out and blaming "the evil white man" and black women?
I will not take responsiblity for any black man. Ever.
Let me jump in
When have black men asked you to do ANYTHING?
Black men pay for the dates a majority of the time. When times get tough black women run to black men in the relationship.
I don't care how much education a black woman has. My father always said you always "bear the burden in the relationship".
I accept my role but some black women seem to think disrespecting the black man and degrading them is the only outlet for them to get their point across.
Currently, there are many black women on the borderline of poverty or 'in poverty". So this whole myth of the independent black woman has actually hurt them.
If black women were sissies we wouldn't put our ass on the line to make money to support women like you.
That is what capitalism breeds. It breeds competition. So if black men are not "allowed" to compete fairly. They will find "other ways" to make money.
White immigrants have done the same thing. They are praised when they are covertly break the law to make money and start these big venture companies.
Nobody gets rich without breaking the law. I don't care if they are Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. Just research the antitrust laws and the monopoly these men hold onto. Show me a black man with a "monopoly" on ANYTHING. I will show you "war" and "propaganda" to bring them down.
There is no black men in this country that are "wealthy". They are a bunch of "rich" black men. Watch out when black men start attaining "wealth".
I see Tiger Woods, Lebron James heading in that direction and maybe Michael Jordan. Michael is getting comfortable. I also put 50 cents the rapper in that category.
There are some South Africans that are becoming billionaires too but once they get to much money. You will see China and the USA come down on them.
In conclusion
This white worship of white males always disturbs me about black women.
Black people are the most creative people on the planet. They just need to stop selling out their ideas to the highest bidders.
Their needs to be more George Foremans in the black community. Less Bill Cosby's running their mouth about outdated ideas for the black children out here.
Most black men that have been successful have something in common. They all suffered extreme adversity.
Most rich white men they inherited their money.
How many black men or women inherited wealth?
Enough said
Mr. Laurelton Queens said:
"When have black men asked you to do ANYTHING?"
My response:
Rocky just said "So what are YOU going to do about how YOU value black boys so little? Nothing of course because the lesser valuing is your desire due to your animosity toward black men and boys."
"I will always use statistics, because without statistics, all we have is personal perception. Personal perception is fine, but it is greatly flawed."
Throw your statistics around all you want. They do not take the place of a "solution" to the problem of black boys being of "lesser value" (according to you).
PS: BTW, statistics can be manipulated to support whatever position you want them to support. Stats don't mean a whole lot to most people. I'll take my personal perceptions and the personal perceptions of people I respect over stats ANY day.
I am not going to do ANYTHING about the so-called "lesser value" of black boys. That's YOUR issue: you brought it up.
Didn't ask you that. Read more carefully. I asked you what you are going to do about YOUR lesser valuing of black boys and men. In other words, what are you going to do about this particular character flaw that you possess? The only people we have total control over are ourselves. I don't devalue black boys/men nor black girls/women. Same for most black men. Most black women don’t devalue black boys and men. The devaluing comes from the “Something New Crew” and other “Black Female Empowerment Bloggers” as well as many whites. I care little of how white people view us. I’m simply showing your hypocrisy and how much you make things up.
What you are confused about is the notion that anyone here is whining. You tend to interpret or pretend to interpret people’s statements to fit your clichés. I addressed the lesser valuing of black boys for the sake of dispelling the notion put out by you and yours that black boys are valued more than black girls. You put this falsehood out for the sake of promoting black female victimism. If you didn’t promote such falsehoods, I would have never brought up the subject.
Also, I want to address your inconsistencies. You proclaim that black men are not independent and depend on black women, yet on the other hand, you stress how black men don’t want to marry or commit. If 65% of black men are single, doesn’t that indicate a desire for black men to be independent and not dependent on women for anything? Single men don’t have women cooking for them, washing and ironing their clothes, cleaning their houses, helping them pay their bills, etc. The truth is that black men are not asking black women for anything and actually ask for less from black women than our grandfathers did. All we ask is that if you want us to commit and you desire to start families with us, stop being so loud, sour, irrational, self-centered, truculent, cynical, negative, sedentary and non-vetting. This would be a big step toward a "solution".
And regarding statistics. I will take statistics over your perceptions any day.
Rocky said:
"I asked you what you are going to do about YOUR lesser valuing of black boys and men. In other words, what are you going to do about this particular character flaw that you possess?"
You don't know ME personally. I will dismiss this question as you being silly.
Rocky said:
"I don't devalue black boys/men nor black girls/women. Same for most black men. Most black women don’t devalue black boys and men."
My Response:
So what's the problem. If what you said is true, why are you concerned about a few black women bloggers.
Rocky said:
"The devaluing comes from the “Something New Crew” and other “Black Female Empowerment Bloggers” as well as many whites. I care little of how white people view us."
My Response:
Why is the idea of black women empowering themselves so theatening to some (many?) black men? Why did you even mention whites if you "care" so "little" about how they "view us".
Rocky said:
"If 65% of black men are single, doesn’t that indicate a desire for black men to be independent and not dependent on women for anything? Single men don’t have women cooking for them, washing and ironing their clothes, cleaning their houses, helping them pay their bills, etc."
My Response:
Just because a black man is single doesn't mean that he's not dependent on women in some way. Many adult black men live with their mothers. Some black men are living with women they are not married to.
Question. Where do you think incarcerated black men go when they get out of prison? They go to: 1) momma or 2) "girlfriends" and/or f*ck buddies. Momma lets them freeload in various ways (she complains to anyone who will listen but she still allows it). Single men are often VERY dependent on female family members. Male relatives are much less likely to put up with this sh!t from loser males.
Let me respond to her question.
I work with young boys so I am PERSONALLY doing something.
Black men have nothing against black women and their "empowerment" blogs. For you to be empowered means you must tear down black men?
I disagree with that. You can empower yourself different ways instead of tearing down black men.
You mentioned black men are dependent on black women. Black women "let men become dependent on them" from an EARLY AGE. I will even go deeper than that. Young black girls see "their mommy" doing this. So they end up doing the same thing in their adult relationships with black men. The cycle continues on.
That is why you have the "baby boy syndrome". You act like black men force black women to "take them in". Some black women "put up" with those characteristics of black men just so they won't be alone.
That is what bothers me about some sellout black women. It is never their fault for anything. Nobody says you must take in "wayward" black men. There are more black women in poverty than black men.
Some low income black women feel it's better to have a black man doing "a little bit of something" than doing nothing at all.
Some black women have these black men watch their kids. Pick their kids up from school while they work. It may not be a perfect relationship but it is HELL OF A LOT better than being alone and struggling.
Many of you sellout black women look at life from a middle class perspective. Some people just never grew up in a middle class lifestyle. Some come from dysfunctional families. You can't compare your family life to their family life. It took me a long time to realize that. I grew up middle class. After working in the "hood" I realized people grew up in some "fucked up" situations.
You look at the world as black and white. I look at the world as "gray". You can't judge all black women on their arrangements with "black men who may not have reached their potential due to whatever personal issues they have.
I certainly haven't met a black woman that was perfect.
How the hell can black men devalue black boys when were BLACK BOYS OURSELVES!
Your statement does not even make any sense.
Rocky said:
The devaluing comes from the “Something New Crew” and other “Black Female Empowerment Bloggers” as well as many whites. I care little of how white people view us."
Anon said:
Why is the idea of black women empowering themselves so threatening to some (many?) black men? Why did you even mention whites if you "care" so "little" about how they "view us".
Menelik replies:
The titled of Rocky’s blog is “Black men Confronting the Lies & Distortions”…this the Brother does on a regular enough basis. With statistics, reason and rhyme. Does the idea of this one Black man so doing threaten you?
Are you not confidant enough in your own personal perceptions of the multitude of black male “failings” (around which a whole Black-male obsessed internet-based movement has been founded) to not just simply ignore Rocky?
Why bother to post here if you care so little about how he views “Black female Empowerment Bloggers”?
Oh, and Rocky mentions whites, I suspect, because 1) not only do “Black Female Empowerment Bloggers” hold white men up as the very epitome of civilised masculinity, they also 2) draw heavily on traditional white-male constructed racist depictions of Black male criminality, savagery and wanton sexual activity. All behaviours, as it happens, white men historically most frequently inflicted upon Black women!
Rocky said:
All we ask, if you want us to commit, and you desire to start families with us, is to stop being so loud, sour, irrational, self-centered, truculent, cynical, negative, sedentary and non-vetting. This would be a big step toward a "solution".
Menelik says:
And one of the most “irrational” aspects of the “Something New Crew’s” so-called “empowerment” ideology is that this emphasis on Black men’s alleged failure to take up the reins of family and community leadership (i.e. to “protect and to serve” women and children) against white men’s alleged willingness to do so, actually exposes these women as nothing less than embittered advocates of male patriarchy!
You don’t believe me? Then do please read carefully the comments of anon below.
Anon said:
As a woman I feel that I can be of better service to black women and girls… if I decide to share my resources I will share what resources I have with women and girls. Not boys and definitely not men.
Menelik replies:
Now how mean-spirited and “irrational” were those remarks above? And how ironic that her words should lend support to 1) Rocky’s assertion of her explicit “animosity toward black men and boys”, and 2) to the wider "hypothesis of “the lesser value of Black boys” in relation to Black females.
Clearly, these “sour, irrational, self-centered, truculent, cynical, and negative” comments are so deeply rooted in anger towards Black adult males (i.e. failed patriarchs) that she’s even willing to deprived Black boys of any resource she may have which might conceivably save their lives.
If this woman is not, therefore, the very embodiment of the stereotypical “evil” Black woman then I don’t know what is!
One can only hope she is unable to have children since her lack of emotional intelligence, and moral compass, can only lead to all her children becoming “damaged beyond repair”. Just like her.
Menelik Charles
London England
Well said Brotha Menelik.
@Menelick Charles
Anon said:
"As a woman I feel that I can be of better service to black women and girls… if I decide to share my resources I will share what resources I have with women and girls. Not boys and definitely not men."
Menelick replied, in part:
"Clearly, these “sour, irrational, self-centered, truculent, cynical, and negative” comments are so deeply rooted in anger towards Black adult males (i.e. failed patriarchs) that she’s even willing to deprived Black boys of any resource she may have which might conceivably save their lives."
My response:
I am responsible for MY OWN children and NO ONE else's. As a individual with limited resources I am NOT inclined to share those resources with ANYONE (male or female) who is not a member of my IMMEDIATE family. If I decide to share MY resources with SOMEONE ELSE'S children, I will do so at MY discretion and on MY terms. If you don't like it, too bad.
Talk show hostess, "Ophra", built an ALL-GIRLS school (go Ophra!) in South Africa several years ago. That was her perogative. Was Ophra a bad lady (lol) for making her school a girls only school?
There are plenty of black male millionaires (athletes, entertainers and others) who COULD start schools for black boys but they don't care about starting schools for black boys. They spend their money on fast women, fancy homes, cars, parties, hanging out in low-life bars, you name it. These rich black men don't care about your poor little black boys. Why don't you blame them for "depriving" black boys of whatever? They have far more in the way of resources then I do.
If black men were better "providers and protectors" of black women and CHILDREN, black boys (and girls) would be in a much better position. But I guess that hasn't occurred to the so-called black men that comment on this blog.
@Menelick Charles & Rocky
Since you are so horrified that a black woman has dared to make a conscious decision to put black women and girls FIRST (as if that was a crime, smh), have you shared any of YOUR resources with black boys who are not your biological or adopted children?
Perhaps anon decided to put black women and girls FIRST because they are the victims of street harassment and mass rape in black constructs. And this sexual defilment of black women AND girls is carried out mostly by black men and boys THESE DAYS. And, of course, no one cares: the so-called "good" black men of the so-called "black community" do NOTHING about ANY of this. Because they DON'T care.
Don't tell me or any black woman what we "owe" some random black men or BOY - a black boy who might grow up and become one of the aforementioned sexual harassers/rapers of black women AND girls!
If black boys are "valued less", my question is when are BLACK MEN going to do something about it? Besides blaming "white racism" and black women. Oh, I forgot. Black women are not "women", we are "loud, sour, irrational, self-centered, truculent, cynical, negative, sedentary and non-vetting". In other words, fat BITCHES and HOES.
Except for immediate family members, an individual's resources are shared with "unrelated others" at that person's own discretion. Which means that if they choose NOT to share said resources with unrelated others, for ANY reason, THEY HAVE NO MORAL OR LEGAL REASON TO DO SO.
@Menelick Charles said:
"If this woman is not, therefore, the very embodiment of the stereotypical “evil” Black woman then I don’t know what is!
One can only hope she is unable to have children since her lack of emotional intelligence, and moral compass, can only lead to all her children becoming “damaged beyond repair”. Just like her."
My response:
The really "evil" ones are those BLACK MEN who don't "provide for and protect" their OWN black sons. The "evil" ones are those black men who REFUSE to pay child support for their OWN children. These "evil" MEN, who don't provide for and protect THEIR OWN children, are the ones who should not have children.
You are a depraved, weak excuse for a man for daring to suggest that a black woman is supposed to spend her limited resources/time on some RANDOM black boy. Are YOU spending YOUR resources on RANDOM black boys? Why aren't the biological FATHERS of these black boys spending THEIR resources (and time!) on their OWN sons? Answer that!
The molested black boy who is the subject of this thread was failed long before he ended up being adopted by this particular monster. He was failed by his own black biological "daddy" who didn't provide for and protect him. If this boy's black biological daddy had been providing for and protecting him, he would never have ended up being adopted in the first place because he would have been WITH his biological father.
American black so-called men don't get it. In this patriarchal world, EVERYTHING begins and ends with the man. If the man is "providing and protecting" the way a HETEROSEXUAL MAN is supposed to, society works as it is supposed to. If the MAN is not doing what a MAN is supposed to do, society/communities fall apart. Period. Every other race of MAN sees it this way EXCEPT American black men.
Anon said:
Black men murdering black children left in their care by irresponsible mothers IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY in my city. I'm sure this is happening all across the USA. But THAT doesn't interest you at all, does it?
Rocky said:
If we break it down by states, we have an average of 2 black children murdered by their fathers annually in each U.S. state. Break that down by cities and you have LESS than one black child murdered by his or her father on average per U.S city.
When I say “LESS”, that means that some cities would have zero fathers murdering their own children in a year in many cities, counties parishes and towns.
Thus…your statement doesn't jibe with statistics and shows that you are just saying something that you can't honestly justify.
Anon said:
1) Don't you guys get it? Who cares about YOUR statistics?
Please, no more statistics. I really do not care about stats.
2) Throw your statistics around all you want. They do not take the place of a "solution…"
3) Statistics can be manipulated to support whatever position you want them to support. Stats don't mean a whole lot to most people.
4) I'll take my personal perceptions and the personal perceptions of people I respect over stats ANY day
Menelik says:
1) Don’t you get it? These are not Bro Rocky’s statistics. They are national statistics!
2) Statistics don’t provide solutions, you silly sausage lol they are merely a means of measuring trends.
3) Rocky has shown statistically that Black men murdering Black children is NOT “the order of the day” as you claimed.
4) Your personal perceptions, and those of your friends, are skewed by a collective animosity towards Black men and defenceless little Black boys.
How is it anon can say “Black men murdering black children is the order of the day…” thereby suggesting it is the statistical NORM - but as soon as this assertion/perception is statistically challenged, she suddenly has no time for statistics?
She is consumed with a deep contempt towards Black males from defenceless infants to feeble old men, and it is this Pharaoh-like hatred of members of Africa’s lost tribe which has determined her death-wish sentiments towards Black males in her responses here.
But there are sub-conscious distress signals in her posts which portray her true predicament and the temporary role the moderator, Rocky, is currently playing in it. Consider the example below.
Anon said:
MEN are supposed to be strong and independent, not weak little sissies who need women to show them the way. They are supposed to show boys how to be men instead of punking out…
Menelik said:
Aside from sounding like one of those macho, homophobic, Black males in the hood, are we to gather from her remarks that only females can be “sissies” i.e. “weak” and dependent? If so, dependent on who? Men perhaps?
Moreover, is Rocky one of these “weak little sissies” she speaks of? I suspect she senses he is not which makes him an ideal target for her bitters barbs. If he didn’t communicate a strong, tolerant, masculine spirit, she couldn’t muster the necessary motivation to engage him here.
Rocky, I suspect, is merely a scapegoat upon whom she heaps the sins of her father, and possibly other Black males who apparently failed to make up for her father’s parental deficiencies.
Anon said:
I will not take responsibility for any black man. Ever. If I decide to share my resources I will share what resources I have with women and girls. Not boys and definitely not men.
Menelik said:
Anon’s distress, anger and childish desire for revenge at having been scorned as a child is apparent for all to see. She will not take responsibility i.e. care about the welfare of Black men because significant Black men had not taken care of her welfare as a child (doubtless she will claim otherwise).
Menelik Charles
London England
@ The two anons,
do please give yourself an identity of sorts (though I can guess by the use of certain terminology who one of you is)it makes 'engaging' with you less complicated.
Anyway, I shall get back to both of you in due course.
Menelik Charles
London England
It seems this Anonymous person doesn't realize the many factors that can render a person absent. Whatever happened to black fathers who perhaps die of a terminal illness, die in a car crash, accidental death at the work place, realize that they were gay all along, killed in action or other line of duty, imprisoned justly or injustly, murdered by a complete stranger or murdered by the wife/baby momma. Read the newspaper, those little slips in your mailbox, or the side of a milk carton. Black men do come up missing just like anyone else.
You have no idea what happened to that little boy's parents which, in turn, landed him in an orphanage. Nevermind how the foster care system failed him.
Anonymous spewed:
"I called this man a pervert not because he's gay but because he allegedly was pimping a child. I happen to know gay men who are raising children and they are NOTHING like this man."
First off, you don't know this Frank Lombard character. He may be exactly like the gay men you know that just haven't been caught yet. This is a perfect example of how flawed personal perception can be.
By the way, the bitch's name is OPRAH, NOT OPHRA! And even her school, run by women, came under fire and garnered media attention for the abuse of many girls there as well as sexual misconduct amongst students. It appears this is what happens when you sequester a bunch of girls in a school and subject young damaged boys to grown gay men, who just may have been highly regarded as good people, by someone such as yourself. A bunch of young lesbians and NAMBLA rejects having a field day.
Where is your dad? Was he the sissy responsible for your ignorance? It's funny how you, and many other black women don't like statistics, especially when then shed a negative light on black women. So just where do you even get the notion that so many black men neglect or abandon their families? Statistics perhaps?
Speaking of statistics, one statistic we can ALL agree on is that 65% of black American men are single.
Of course, according to Rocky, the reason that 65% of black American men are not married is because black women are "loud, sour, irrational, self-centered, truculent, cynical, negative, sedentary and non-vetting".
So why don't these same black men marry white, Latino or Asian women? The answer is because most black American men don't want to be married to ANYBODY.
@Ichibod said:
"Where is your dad? Was he the sissy responsible for your ignorance?"
My response:
My dad was old school. He was an EXCELLENT provider.
Where is/was YOUR dad? Did he teach you to call black women bitches? If he did, he's a piece of black male garbage JUST LIKE YOU. OPRAH has more than likely helped more people than you have or will.
@Icabod said:
"First off, you don't know this Frank Lombard character. He may be exactly like the gay men you know that just haven't been caught yet. ..."
My response:
Is Mr. Silly Sausage, I mean Menelik Charles, going to call Icabod a "homophobe" for suggesting that all gay men are boy molesters?
@ Ichibod,
hi Bro. Nice to see you over here!
Menelik Charles
London England
I guess this site is THE gathering place for black American men (and their overseas cohorts) who think that black women are "loud, sour, irrational, self-centered, truculent, cynical, negative, sedentary and non-vetting".
This is the site to be if you are a 'black woman hating' black man from anywhere. I get it.
A brilliant black woman empowerment blogger just said the following in the comment section on her blog about black men:
"... So many black men love to delude themselves into thinking that they are more of a threat to white patriarchy than black women are! Puhleease. Black men will be virtually extinct in the U.S. in twenty years and white men are finishing up stage three of a four stage annihilation process.
Black men don't even see that - which proves to white men that they aren't a real threat to white patriarchal systems of power.
As my friend said the other day, "a dog on a tight leash isn't threatening to anybody but it barks loudly to create an illusion.
No one is threatened by those who are blind to their fate - and who have no plan in place to alter the timing of their demise... ."
My response to what this black woman blogger said:
You black men are on your way to being wiped out in this country and the only thing you have on your tiny, stupid little minds is finding fault with black women. It's beyond creepy.
"The purpose of this blog is to address and expose the the exaggerations, fabrications, distortions and misrepresentations of black men by a MINORITY of black women who frequent the World Wide Web. While these women FAR FROM REPRESENT THE AVERAGE SISTA, the web does give them a voice for their demagoguery. Lets show the world just how absurd THEY are."
Happy to be here, Brother Menelik.
My comment regarding your gay friends was not one of homophia, but the fact that people who knew Lombard could possibly have said the same thing about him as you said about the gay parents you know. Example of flawed perception.
My comments regarding Oprah was in regard to issues in an environment that men were never even meant to be present and the lack of control that even women have with other women and young girls.
My dad is still with my mother and they are celebrating 35 years together TODAY. And no he did not teach me to call women that. However, I used it to imply how much I don't care for that woman. I even called my friend who wouldn't stop crying over his ex-girlfriend a bitch the other night... if that's any consolation to you.
"OPRAH has more than likely helped more people than you have or will."
I applaud Oprah for the roles she has played in films regarding post slavery times and events. They painted clear and vivid pictures of the origins of some of the problems with the men and women in the black community. What do you say about her merely being nominated for her positive roles and Halle Berry actually winning for her "Monster" role?
Halle said:
"And it's for every nameless, faceless woman of color that now has a chance because this door tonight has been opened."
Opened to do what? Were you proud or insulted? As a black man, I was insulted.
"most black American men don't want to be married to ANYBODY."
Do you know how many black men have been cheated on by black women? How many black wives could not be trusted financially with joint accounts? How many black wives/girlfriends could not be trusted with the children? Or could not control their substance abuse issues? Any man of any race would have his apprehensions, but who's to say that women want to be married given the situations that many of them put themselves in and allow themselves to be used? Many men of any race are afraid of THAT woman. I remember an episode of Maury Povich, when this white girl's 3rd or 4th paternity test reveled that "[He] was not the father". She began to cry, "Who's going to want me now". Now that's a woman who recognizes her role in her own problems and the potential impact it could have on her life and future relationships. By the way, most of the girls on Maury's show who don't know who there children's fathers are or want to prove that the deadbeat really is, are white.
Statistics don't account for circustances and not every circumstance has a corresponding statistic leaving flawed perception to mislead your thoughts and prolong your ignorance and hatred toward your brothers.
Anoymous, just how did you find this site and why are you here anyway? Please don't say Google or Yahoo. That question was rhetorical.
Anoymous said:
"You black men are on your way to being wiped out in this country and the only thing you have on your tiny, stupid little minds is finding fault with black women. It's beyond creepy."
We many of us already know this. It a shame that you and this "brilliant black woman empowerment blogger" are just finding that out. Have you been living under a rock? That's why we have site's such as these. To confront the lies and deceptions to our credibility. Do you know the four stages of the white man's anihilation process? Could one of those stages happen to involve black women? Unless you're actively apart of their plan, how would you know if you were passively being used a weapon? We're not stupid. We fight the best way we can.
"THE gathering place for black American men (and their overseas cohorts)..."
It's nice to see you can at least recognize unity when you see it.
The last thing we need is black women turning against us. And don't try that, "Black men turned on black women first" crap. Could that deception have been the 1st or 2nd stage perhaps?
"Do you know the four stages of the white man's anihilation process? Could one of those stages happen to involve black women? Unless you're actively apart of their plan, how would you know if you were passively being used a weapon? We're not stupid. We fight the best way we can."
I happen to disagree somewhat with the brilliant black woman blogger. I agree with her to the extent that white men do not care if black men live or die. I disagree with her that black men have no control over the outcome.
Black men, in fact, are the ones who are carrying out the annihilation IN MOST CASES. The overwhelming majority of black men murdered in America ARE MURDERED BY OTHER BLACK MEN. Not white men (i.e., law enforcement) and certainly not black women. Black males are being disproportionately incarcerated (by the way, almost all of them probably belong in jail) but my point is why do so many black males engage in criminal activities in the first place? Black males have the highest HIV/AIDS rates in the United States. Perhaps most tragically, black males have the highest school drop out rates. I could go on but you already know the drill.
The fact is that you black men have more to fear FROM EACH OTHER than white men or black women. As I visit black male oriented blogs, I find NONE of them offering solutions to the aforementioned problems.
Say what you will about the black women empowerment bloggers, they offer solutions to black women. You may not agree with their solutions (leave black constructs, date/marry "out") but they DO offer solutions.
After you've exposed the "lies and distortions", then what? What should black boys and men DO to put their lives on a different track? In other words, where are the black men empowerment bloggers? Or do you black men not see a need for this type of "consciousness raising"?
Anon’s distress, anger and childish desire for revenge at having been scorned as a child is apparent for all to see. She will not take responsibility i.e. care about the welfare of Black men because significant Black men had not taken care of her welfare as a child (doubtless she will claim otherwise).
Anon said:
My dad was old school. He was an EXCELLENT provider.
Menelik said:
You can claim anything you like on the www. It's a place of smoke and mirrors, and scorned women to whom harassing men such as Rocky is a natural impulse.
I'm over with the two anons on this thread. They can get their psycho-sexual foreplay elsewhere!
Menelik Charles
London England
PS Ichibod, you'll soon tire of these two anons, believe me. They are not here to see sense or even to challenge what's being said(since they typically disgard evidence not to their liking), they are here to harass 'good' Black men since they are patently incapable of engaging them in real life!
Go away, please and allow us Black men to self-destruct as you claim is happening. Save yourself! Your daughters! Sisters! Mothers!
Stop trying to provoke endless responses to matters you have no genuine interest in resolvimishng!
Just leave us alone with our statistics lol
@Menelik Charles
This is NOT your blog. You don't decide who can come here and make comments. Why don't you start your own blog and then you can decide who gets banned and who gets to stay?
So why don't these same black men marry white, Latino or Asian women? The answer is because most black American men don't want to be married to ANYBODY.
Realize that a significant portion of single black men are divorced, thus they did marry someone. 68% of black men will marry by the age of 35. That 32% who have not married by then would not be "most".
As far as why the single men have not married other races, the reason would probably be that most black men would prefer to be single if they can't find a good black woman. Along with this, whites are not readily available to blacks for marriage. The vast majority of whites seek to marry other whites while white males who seek non-white women overwhelmingly seek Asian woman. So there you go.
This is NOT your blog. You don't decide who can come here and make comments. Why don't you start your own blog and then you can decide who gets banned and who gets to stay?
Brotha Menelik made a suggestion to you. He didn't give you a directive. We tend to not stoop to the level of censorship that your cowardly cohorts do.
@Menelik Charles
I started not to respond to you because I figured it was a waste of my time (and yours) but something about your comment bothered me so against my better judgment I left the following response:
"Menelik said:
My response:
Read my words again: "My dad was old school. He was an EXCELLENT provider."
You read into that statement what you wanted to. The truth is that my father was a HARD worker and, I believe, a good man. But I would not describe him as "loving". He was "in the home" but emotionally distant.
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