I have always said that black women are simply female versions of black men. I receive a lot of negative reactions from black women who are anti-black male when I state this, but I will contend that the differences between black women and black men are differences related mostly to gender as opposed to different socialization (which does play some role, but not as much as they would like it to play). Give a black woman higher levels of testosterone and switch her sexual orientation toward other women, and she will show many of the same characteristics of black men, good or bad. Look at Felicia "Snoop" Pearson; a former drug dealer who served 8 years for second degree murder of a black woman. Look and Shawntee "Da Brat" Harris who was sentenced to three years in prison for aggravated assault of a black woman. The former is openly homosexual while the latter is rumored to be the same. Missy Elliot has had such rumors and much of the way that she presents herself is similar to the stereotypical thuggish ways associated with black men.
This brings me to the point of this post.
As revealed in Divided Sisters: Bridging The Gap Between Black Women and White Women, there is a greater tendency for black lesbians to be in interracial relationships than is the case with heterosexuals. As with black men, they often are criticized for their high tendencies to have relationships with white women. From chapter four of Divided Sisters:
Many African American lesbians are quick to assign ulterior motives to others in their community who love White women. "Black lesbians who date White women are suffering from self-hate," says one Black lesbian named Rhonda. "They think some White woman is going to lift them up." African American scholar Brenda Verner similarly claims, "Like Black men who have become obsessed with white women, many black lesbian feminists are caught in the net of "jungle fever."
I love the irony. "Suffering from self-hate" and "they think some White woman is going to lift them up". These words sound awfully familiar. Here is more:
I was at a party with my White girlfriend, and this Black woman started hitting on me. When my White lover saw what was going on, she came over and sat next to me, kind of making it clear that the two of us were together. Well, this other woman, who was being so nice and friendly, all of sudden turned vindictive. Then, after finding out that I was president of NOW, she very snootily commented, "Oh, that's why you've got a White girlfriend."
My Black girlfriend once dropped my hand when a group of radical Black lesbians walked in the room. It really made me mad, and I think her attitude about me being White was something that ultimately led to us breaking up. It is very hard on Black lesbians to have other Black lesbians accuse them of being politically incorrect, or betraying Black sisterhood.
The parallels are amazing and the point I am trying to make is that these black lesbians are black females, they are socialized from childhood the same as any other black female, yet when they develop a sexual orientation toward women and/or tend to be more masculine than normal, they seem to mimic many of the characteristics commonly associated with black men.
I guess one can now argue that when black women are homosexual, they "adhere to a European standard of beauty". I guess it is now correct to say that "white lesbians appreciate the beauty of black women more than black lesbians". We can go on. This just goes to show the repeated hypocrisy of the anti-black male crowd.